


Do you know what it feels like to have your work stolen right in front of your face? 870 Days. That's how many days I've been working with severely injured people. No days off. Evil ain't resting so neither am I. Early on we learned about MTHFr mutations and genetic susceptibility for infections. Mahalo Along the way we've learned and are learning about the depth of the bioweapon. From mRNA to Viral Vectors to Pseudouridine to Plasmids to having to explain symptom regression during recovery...aka systemic infections. I've worked with the bravest people who do the work and research with me. and many more. Along the way I've fought and am fighting for justice. I work with brave, selfless, Friends of God...I am blessed.🙏🏽 It deeply saddens me to see my team's work out there and being claimed by those who haven't done His work. It never had to be this way. I would have shared it all...and I still will anyway. My allegiance is to The Recovering. PERIOD.❤️ I love y'all so much. You deserve better than this. It saddens me to see what is being done here. Dr. Marik asks me questions about autophagocytosis , I respond, he takes credit. Rinse. Repeat. It saddens me to see FLCCC send moles into my free clinics and Art of Cellular Healing courses as if I wouldn't notice. The Recovering deserve people working together in His Name for His Children. But that's not what is happening.🥲 Once a white coat, always a white coat? No. But old habits do die hard I guess. Yes, I have the emails and the texts. Yes, I can prove all of this. It's just sad that the FLCCC & WCH operate this way. Humility is admitting that which you do not know. I thank Dr. Kory for his excellent work on Ivermectin and his advocacy. Bravo. I wish you would have come and studied nutrition with me like you said you wanted to in LA at Defeat the Mandates. #OneLove🔥
You wouldn't have this problem if your data was on the BitcoinSV blockchain 🤷🏽‍♂️ Anyone can steal information on social media but at least on a blockchain the world can see who created it first. First world problems eh.. Sorry this happened. Truth seekers will find you🙏🏽
I wouldn't have this problem if people worked from a selfless place of integrity and love for God and His children.🙂 This is about doing things the right way...what they have done isn't right...so I bring it into the light for The Recovering's consideration.🙏🏽
Why haven't you published yet Dr. H? Because the work's not finished.🙏🏽 When it is, and we can replicate bioweapon clearance consistently, I will. We are refining the sequencing, therapeutics, and amounts every week. There are many layers to recovery. Publication is… さらに表示
Have you ever heard of a 12 page paper with 342 references? Neither have I. We call that reference padding. Quick question, which one of you has a degree in Naturopathic Medicine or Holistic Nutrition? How can you advance something when you dont know what it is?💥
Everyone in this space is guilty of recognition deficits. What's unfortunate, is when the issue is brought to attention, and we're told that we should be working from a place of selfless giving, without wanting or needing recognition. 1/2
That being said, I think we both know that it's not recognition for the sake of clout that is being sought, but recognition for the sake of having a larger microphone, broader audience and the ability to reach and help more people. Like the dead sea, without flow we stagnate.
The importance of recognition is not in the eyes of people, but of God. But the real ones who have watched from the sidelines from early on, see who the true hero’s are. Regardless, YOUR work is saving lives, and that’s what counts. Thank you for the dedication and love you share
It's unfortunate & not surprising. Their ENTIRE paradigm & world would have to shift to truly adopt Natural medicine & God's design of order & healing. They would also have to admit to all the harms of their "industry" & their part in it.Tough prescription for most.Keep praying💜
I am sure that hurts in a way Dr H. I for one know the endless hrs of work that you have done. We all know and that will never change. Just saddens me what I’ve learned about truth and people over the last several yrs. Wish integrity was just that..
I love you all. Kory special. But I also notice two things. Regarding the microbiome and work of and her Borody, people are taking for granted. Dr Marik spoke about this subject but never mentioned Hazan. And I know they spoke about it. 1/
I stopped listening to FLCC and contributing as soon as I heard Simone Gold bought a huge house in Naples Florida possibly with FLCC funds and had a young male model boyfriend. Something is really wrong with that entire group.





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