EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 1]
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First published at 21:36 UTC on August 27th, 2017.
Category | Education |
Sensitivity | Normal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over |
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Christianity, as any other religion, is a means for human enslavement, "opium for the people". The Russian revolution was an attempt to set ordinary people free from exploitation. Check out Marx's tomb at the High Gate cemetery in London - it's the only grave covered with flowers. Stop hating the Jews, but be rather like them - united and supportive for each other - disobey your "(s)elected" governments instead, that exploit and enslave you, poison you with jabs, kill you in their wars for "democracy" and "freedom", [show more]
I tried to post this on BFK888 ( but my truth seems to hurt --- that is this: we know the enemy is the jew yet we don't see that the jew has created a religion to pacify us. --- so BFK888 has blocked me from commenting. here is my comment to the video about auswich:
"It was a mistake to underestimate their/our enemy - the jew:
Big mistake - along with the mistakes of having a ju doctor and driver as well as many military members incl some high ranking officers. (source David Irving).
Irving also describes a key event when Adolf's plan to encircle and lay siege to moscow - starving them into surrender-was CHANGED when Adolf came down with a severe stomach illness that put him out of commission for 2 solid weeks. hmmm doctor ju have anything to do with that?
The correct plan was changed to the doomed full-on assault. The rest is history. lesson: know fully and completely who is your enemy. and never ever ever underestimate the (((self-declared enemies of humanity)))." [show more]
My video has taken it one step further to reveal more about our enemy and identify their king.
Since my Bitchute channel blocked in most European countries, including the UK and Russia, use VPN
Link to all my uploads
Part 1 covid-vax = bioweapon - main target = white people
Part 2 – History of the jews. What the ancient Egyptians & Greeks observed in the jews. How jews attack.
Part 3 - Are some jews at war with us ? Who is their king?
Part 4 -The Rothschilds family of devils. Protocols. Israel. 6 million jews [show more]
Scheming with Demons & don't even know
No Code of Silence come that last breath, No Code of Silence in the 2nd death
This is such bullshit. Fucking cowards
Looks like they shut it down
They work hard n fast those *aunty septic keyboard warriors.
Have ya’ll seen this series, Genocide Wars: Know Your Enemy? Check out the source work on it. It was compiled from people’s comments and our video posters. It’s a pretty cool tool and goes over all their tricks.
Won't play on my Samsung phone
Why is this not playing!???
Its starting, truth fears no investigation only lies do
"While censorship is unfortunate and may inspire sympathy, it should not necessarily be taken as evidence of the correctness of the censored views." -- Nathan Cofnas
Won't play.. what's the problem
Khazars masquerading as Jews since around 740 . kicked out of there phallic pagan worshipping cannable empire they went to palistine wiped out all the Jews took over there religion and have been masquerading as Jews ever since.
The book of revelations is 2000 years old.look at chapter 2 and 3 verse 9..
Those who call there selfs Jews but are not Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan.
There landing in Newport Rhode island in the year of 1650 ..there first act was there African slave trade Monopoly for two hundred years the adl and other false Jew organization s blame whites .. slavery was legal at that time all over the world.some white Americans owned slaves so we're to believe it was a white race thing.when these cannables of khazaria ran the whole thing..not just 96 percent or more in north America but 100 💯 percent in south America and all the Caribbean islands for two hundred years.after the war of succession .which is blamed on slavery the American civil war.. the north actually had more slaves..and in the beginning white slaves out numbered black slaves four to one .. enter the khazars 1650. [show more]
They're not masquerading as jews, they ARE jews. The jews are a race.
I’m revisiting this series after its first release & now History repeating is an understatement.
If it’s banned - then for good reason because = TRUTH
44 jews disapproved of this video
Hitler did 1 great thing- he shot himself in the head. Learn from his example.
Righto, but unfortunately- you were still conceived
You’re obviously either to stupid to see the truth or too lazy to look
Another idiot victim of propaganda least by speaking and providing evidence of ignorance when had you kept your pie hole shut the chance of not knowing your an idiot would have remained in question...thanks for the verification.
lazy to look is my 100 bet at vegas.which Nevada should have a betting pool on Americans stupid or Americans self educated
Actually he relocated to Argentina you rube
repeat a lie often and it becomes the truth.
Hitler and that 6 Year period of history is a total fabrication.hitler is the most lied about figure in history. I think trump is second and looks to beat hitler.which is an hell of an accomplishment.
The Bolshevik revolution was a great thing, it allowed Russia to modernize. Soviet leadership under Stalin brought in free education, free healthcare, free housing, lowered unemployment, and lowered poverty whilst having a strong army. You neo nazi thugs know nothing about the USSR.
Yes the Bolshevik revolution was great if you were a filthy lying mongrol ghetto thrash like your mum.
Stfu Nazi, you lost. Keep crying.
"Education" you mean forced indoctrination? "free healthcare" you mean forced injections, and denial of medical treatment if you spoke against the state, "lowered unemployment" you mean forced labor, lack of freedom of choice, no motivation, "strong army" conscripted (slave army). I am not a Communist, nor Neo Nazi, and I understand Communism better than you. Stop being a douche, and pick up a history book. (That's a mainstream history book.) [show more]
You understand shit about Communism you redneck hillbilly degenerate. You clearly know nothing, go read on some Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin etc.
What about the millions that were murdered, starved to death or died in the Gulags?
Stalins body count is greater than the holocaust by a massive margin.
Stalin killed 100 gorillion and ate all the grain
you are fuckin delusional
Go back in your parents basement
Wow. The carrots 🥕 are working
Apparently you know less then the forget the minimum 50 million he had murdered
I bet you believe Holocaust figures are exaggerated lmao, Stalin killed 50 trillion people!!!!!
Yah killing tens of millions of people is a great thing for Russians, and Chinese and Cubans. Che loved blacks and foreigners right? You fucking ork!
I have been trying to post this for a year on FB... they block me everytime i post screen shots of the quotes and i get ban!!! this is 10000% TRUTH or they wouldnt try so hard blocking this info... facts are facts quotes are quotes!!!! yet they fact check a only an idiot and should be alive would not see the issue with saying a quote is false or misinformation!!! This information is so DISTURBING but its so CRUCIAL that every single human on this planet sees this information!! after #10 i was SICk with what they plan to do to us what they are doing and what they have done!! they all need to be caught and HUNG !!!!! may God the good creator not their god yahweh may the creator throw them all in the lake of fire and be tourtured forever more like they have done to so many innocent souls... thank you for the hard work on this crucial content!!! DONT LISTEN TO TROLLS AND BOTS!! they are only trying to sway those that can not think for themselves!!! GOD SPEED!!! [show more]
Wait the jews are calling for a holocaust of christians in the 1850s? says slavs or poles should not exist? But then claimed there was a vendetta against them? and now there are laws that say you cant say anything bad about jewish people? Seems like the only true white supremacists are and have always been the jewish. Its really narcissism 101 actually everyone all the names that actually describe you to a T. Gee. [show more]
I'm curious as to where the Kazarians fit into this picture. Are not the Rothchilds, et al, descendants of the Kazarian-Jewish proselytes who effectively usurped the true blood-descendants of Judah to wreak all of this evil, historical havoc upon the earth in the misnomer of Judaism for the insidious glory of Lucifer, the god of mammon?
No they are not the chosen..they are the most evil things on this planet... They are the sons of satan... the synegouge of satan.. they are in ukraine hense the war between russia and ukraine, this goes back to ww1 they must be taken out!!!! they cause all the evil they do not wreak it they are it!!! KILL THEM ALL!!!
Basically.the cannables of khazaria in 1000 b.c.killed those who called there selfs Jews were all murdered by khazars in palistine after 740 .and adapted Jew religion stole it hid behind it for 23 centuries.
The same group of khazars years later landed in New Port Rhode island in the year of 1650 their first act was there African slave trade Monopoly for two hundred years in America and south America and all the Caribbean islands and today they blame whites for there crime that blacks get reparations from the white race instead of these fake Jews.. [show more]
Why doesnt it start when i press play?
After watching 8 parts of this documentary, I'm done. I've been watching this slowly over the course of about a month now, researching the quotes and "facts" presented in it. There is so much bullshit I can't continue. Please, EVERYONE who watches this do your research thoroughly while watching along. Not surprising it was put together by some 20- something year old who can barely read.
As I write this, your comment is 8 days old, and your channel says it is 11 days old. Yet you claim to have watched this content slowly for a month.
You need to cite evidence for what you say is untrue about this content. We’re all doubting you are based and thinking of you as a very unbased subverter.
Start bringing forth facts and evidence for your slanders.
Basedbasedbasedbasedbullshit [show more]
Based is a typical brainwashed zombie that says EVERYTHING they disagree with is untrue.
Zero mention of the holohoax before the end of the war in spite of a cracked German communication code, thousands of spy planes, hundreds of thousands of resistance fighters, red cross camp auditors, whistleblowers, and an allied propaganda machine salivating at anyway to demonize the Germans. Sure. Only after the war.
Ya sure "based." [show more]
QOUTES from the beast mouth can not be false!!! They said what they said its in newspapers there is proof,,, go troll somewhere else. your prob. one of them!
Nope- not brainwashed- just educated. Present the strongest piece of "evidence" and I will tell you exactly why it is wrong.
if you weren't a brainwashed zombie you would have noticed it's in my comment.
Ugh retard.
Research on exactly how wrong the video got it is here:
Im sorry you are so retarded.
Slow off the mark mate, if you had of done your due diligence at the time of publication I can give you at least 109 reasons out of approximately 6 million why your search results are de- based.
Welcome to the NWO.
Just don’t comment please, makes you sound so dumb.
In the current book burning of the 21st Century. Let me give you some advice.
If “they say do it” then don’t.
If they say “trust the science” then don’t.
That is all.
Apology accepted [show more]
Read above. Applies to you too.
STFU! You kids really make me annoyed!
And if you’re old then take a free side of fries with your next booster. Fuck!!
HS did not save Germany, He helped some. Hitler did support new monetary ideas that Germany tried. And it worked: " Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money that no longer came from the private international bankers.
The projected cost of these various programs was fixed at one billion units of the national currency. To pay for this, the German government (not the international bankers) issued bills of exchange, called Labor Treasury Certificates. In this way the National Socialists put millions of people to work, and paid them with Treasury Certificates. " " Hitler was at first funded by the international bankers, through the bankers' agent Hjalmar Schacht. The bankers financed Hitler in order to control Stalin, who had usurped power from their agent Trotsky. Then Hitler became an even bigger threat than Stalin when Hitler started printing his own money. " HS a bad guy. " In reality, the Weimar financial crisis began with the impossible reparations payments imposed at the Treaty of Versailles. Hjalmar Schacht - the Rothschild agent who was currency commissioner for the Republic ~ opposed letting the German government print its own money..." see: [show more]
Probably a jrw
Ken O'Keefe says good things about Hitler, and National Socialist Germany, but then attacks the NSDAP.
🔥 Keep God's Laws or Burn Forever! 🔥
You won't see this one on JouTube. The Jews have banned it there. They really fear this one! Those kyke bastards have even Age-Restricted the God-Damn reviews & previews for it as "offensive"!
Of course they did.its what Jewsdo
I wonder what has happened to Ken O'Keefe. He was doing some really good work. He suddenly "disappeared". Anyone know please?
The Jews got him.
I don't doubt that for a minute. But I'd like to know if he's still alive. Hey, he's not a friend or anything like that, all I'm saying is he did good work. There's another Aussie bloke called Max Igan, really strange character. I un-subbbed because he started acting like a bloody guru, and would not take any criticism when he was taken up on a big mistake. Pretty nasty character too. His term for the bike bastards is "men with little hats". However, in a lot of his videos (The Crowhouse) he kept on telling us not to blame the Jews- they were only a small part of the Game. Which means he chickened out. Too scared to really name them (although he did at times). These sick bastards should have been wiped off the planet thousands of years ago. They are the fucking plague. [show more]
That was a joke. But a lot of people who took those covid shoots are starting to go silent, but I think he was too smart for that.
As for Max Igan, they may have gotten to him too, but then he may have seen something else too. These covid shots and Jewish Doctor Zellinko came out and said that Bill Gates and the other elites Jewish & Gentile had joined forces to murder 93% of the entire population, including the 90% of vaxxed Israelis. Dr Zelinko PUBLICLY said at that conference, and I quote him "If I were running this thing I would say to Bibi Netanyahu: "Look here is $500 Million in a Swiss Account for you, Now listen to us or we are going to kill you family". One of the Orthodox Rabbis who was there CRIED on the spot upon the realization that Jews would mass-murder other Jews too. [show more]
Max Igan, whoever he really is, because that's not his real name, as he told us, is a very cunning old fox. He always seems to land on his feet, no matter where he moves to. Also, he seems to be constantly very comfortably housed by some very influential people. His last protector was a certain Jeff Berk..something with a moneymaking channel that talked about nothing else than investments. Some California shyster.
As to the shots you mention, well that's an obvious one; they aim to eliminate a bloody great load of people, who- being arseholes anyway- will go to the slaughter voluntarily. The French Sephardic Jew Jacques Attali, here in France, wrote in a book (in French): "We will create an epidemic and then a poisonous vaccine to cure it. Millions will go voluntarily to take the deadly jab. We have taught them to obey"1981.
A fantastic book to read that says it all, is Douglas Reed's "The Controversy of Zion". Written in 1956, he predicted a hell of a lot of stuff that would happen. It's nearly 700 pages long (so not for idiots) and it tells the WHOLE Jewish story, from start to finish. It begins in the year 458 BC. He ends up by attributing about 350 million deaths to humanity by that tribe alone- all stated fact by fact, historically. I very strongly recommend this masterpiece.
Needles to say, Reed's career as ruined, and he died in near poverty. It was his testament.
There is also: Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina, and
Masters of Deception by the same author. These three books alone would suffice to understand the full story. All you need to add is Mein Kampf.
And yes, the Sick Tribe will stop at nothing, even if it means sacrificing a few of their own. The Charlie Hebdo "terrorist attack" in Paris in 2015 (?) is proof of this. Like all other "terrorist attacks", it was 100% Mossad-planned. [show more]
I wonder who you meant when you said: "he was too smart for that". O'Keefe, or Igan? I preferred Ken- he was more sincere. I'm just scared he may have come to a sticky ending. "They" just love to liquidate people who get in their way.
financial difficulties. last i heard he was stuck in Hawaii with no income
Keefe. He;s a Left-Winger at Heart, but that's ok. Hearing different view points keeps us om our toes. Keef was a Combat US Marine and probaly did not get jabbed.
Good riddance to the parasites, they brought their extinction on themselves.
Three books make essential reading:
The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina
Masters of Deceit by the above author.
There is also the great film: The Greatest Story Neve Told.
The hook nose tribe have practised deceit, lies, theft, robbery, murder, wars, terrorist attacks (nearly ALL modern so-called "terrorist attacks" are perpetrated by this tribe, under Mossad control, and countless other crimes against the whole of humanity. They will not stop until they achieve their goal: the total destruction of all societies, in order to reduce the Goyim to the state of total slavery. They're doing it right now by finance, debt, and pornography, to say nothing of white sex slavery. All the beautiful women coming out of East Europe, straight to Izra hell to be raped by vicious kikes. There are loads of documentaries on this.
Thanks for posting this- it's the second time I've watched it. This should be shown in schools all around the world. It's more than time the truth came out. If half the population of the world got to know this, there wouldn't be a single Jew alive- ANYWHERE. [show more]
I also vouch for Douglas Reed's book, its excellent.
Let Your Love Flow ...
Jews = an entire culture of Cluster-B's
Must watch documentaries 👇
The greatest story never told:
If this link dosent work go to the Odysee search engine and type in the documentary name. [show more]
You Are Amalek:
9/11 missing links:
Jewish ritual murder revisited:
Judea declares war on germany:
Ultimate Red Pill remastered:
New world order communism by the back door:
In the name of Zion:
Satanic Jewish involvement in the slave trade of the Africans:
White privilege the movie:
Godly documentary!
Its one of the best
A Communist’s simply means a person who hates human beings.
So the "Jews" create Christianity (which is "Judaism light") for the "goyem" and the "goyem" are stupid enough to accept the Jewish religion of Christianity.
In turn the "goyem" protect the same entities that created the religion as "gods chosen" that is designed to kill or subjugate all the "goyem" who will protect their murderers thinking they will get a better spot with their oppressor after death.
The "goyem" aren't too bright. [show more]
Judaism is part of the great whore/harlot found in Revelation. In Christ's day, Judaism was alive and well in the Pharisees. "Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is full of greed and wickedness. Foolish ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also?" Luke 11. ALL dead religion exalts their dead works, which in turn leads to idolatry. The sheep of Christ are both Jew AND Gentile, who are now ONE in Christ. "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28 [show more]
There's a lot of truth in this documentary, but a lot of 8th grade crap too (the narrator sounds like a Junior high kid and mispronounces things all over the place). They say Hitler was against Freemasonry and a friend to Christians, but they start the documentary off with a quote by Dan Brown--a Freemason and an enemy of Christianity. Hitler did some good things, but he was a wreck. You don't fight the Jews with race, as he did catastrophically. That's their playing field. You fight them with RELIGION AND CULTURE, where we win hands down. You fight them with Christianity, as the Catholic Church did for 1500 years until 1965. That's why they hate it, not Hitler, above all things. They FEED off Hitler. Take what's good from this doc, and shit-can the bad. Discern. [show more]
Were you referring to the Roman Catholic church when you stated - " You fight them with Christianity, as the Catholic Church did for 1500 years until 1965."? I sure hope not.
This comment is a mess. Christianity is about seed and race; the Adamic race is white. The catholic church has always been a corruption of Christianity, to the highest order. All you have to do is read Scripture for yourself to know that the Catholic church is anti-YESHUA
8th Grade? The Narrator has a tuff job here. He did good.
You do realise - people that narrate are not usually the ones who produce the material right?
Don’t shoot the messenger- instead, grasp the message. FFS!
Agreed to all you say above. Spot on. Now are these false Jews Khazarians
( Babylonians) ?..hiding in Jewish faith worshippers of BAAL ?.. have you come across ZEVITTES the Baby eaters … this has to be the reason
‘ Jews’ have been thrown out of countries over the centuries not as we been told Money lending or sharp business practices doesn’t make sense but doing our kids would make me happy to slaughter whoever is responsible. [show more]
There is a case of mass identity theft; who are Jews really? They are Edomites, and are not of the Adamic race, and are not Israelites
The 'true' Israelites are whites; the pseudo-Israelites, modern day 'Jews,' aren't really Jews; they are "Jewish." What does this mean, precisely? It means that those of the seed of Edom, the Edomites, interbed and intermixed with the legitimate Jews, of whom are those legitimate Israelites of the tribe of Judah, and created a 'mixed race' of which claims to be the sole 'inheritors' of the words/phrases/terminology of 'Jews,' Israel/Israelites/Hebrews/etc.'
In actuality, 'Jews' only make up 5% of the OT. The 'modern day 'new' Jew' created their Talmud post-Christ in order to combat and counter Christ; they are all anti-Christs in their own right. Also, the OT is not a "Jew Bible," or "Jewish Bible.' It is solely and 100% a Christian Bible. The modern-day 'Jew' claimed that they had an oral tradition predating the arrival of Christ since the time of Moses, which is just an abject lie, a lie so obvious and absurd that people just automatically believe it.
In fact, the claim that their 'oral tradition' was created post-Christ as a direct means to counter Christ and to combat the followers of Christ (of whom are called 'Christians'). This tradition of the 'Jew' is continued in modern times.
Take note; the modern day Jew is no Israelite; they are not a member of the tribe of Judah; they are Edomites, a literal 'seed of the devil,' for their father is the father of lies, which is why they don't know Christ and why they lie and murder, just like their father (Satan). They are literally of the seed of Satan, and 'seed' obviously means race, in terms of modern day parlance.
The seed of Adam are those of the 12 tribes of Israel; I'll leave you, the reader, to deduce which modern day peoples fit the bill; If you read the predictions and promises made to be Israelites, you'd' know that only one 'race' matches literally all those predictions and promises fulfilled. [show more]
They're Turks, you E-Vangelical mouth breather. You clownify Christianity and we're sick of it. Luther had syphilis. It's a miracle! He passed it on to his followers.
Paul Volcker was not jewish
Yeah, he was an Edomite
The earth is given into the hands of the wicked. But time is running out they only have a short time to rule. Now they want a NWO to overturn prophesy.
Jesus became violent against the Money Changers/Pharisees. They murdered Him and wrote the Talmud.
They are the First Beast and Rothschild brought them back, making the Second Beast in the image of the first. Antichrist.
Look at Bidens Administration. All Jews. Look at Ukraine, its taken over by Jews. Very similar to when Bolsheviks took Russia with the help of Jews in Wallstreet.
Trump's admin was mostly Jews too..
True, though to be fair, it’s impossible to simply gut an entire system that’s been created over decades and centuries. Not saying anything about Trump one way or the other. Just noting that, in the real world, if the system is ever changed, it won’t happen over night or even in four years. It will take time and cunning and strategic execution. Even then, not everyone will be satisfied as even the best of us is still just a finite human doing what they believe is best. Again, not trying to be argumentative or anything, just noting the reality. [show more]
I weep for my people who will not see the truth. I fear it will take something like this for my fellow white Americans to finally listen. My friend my family my brothers and sisters we must come together before it is too late!
Not all Americans are white. America is not like Europe, and will require a unique solution.
so communism was invented only 170 years ago? Not buying that one
Karl Marx wrote his works in 1848 dude. That is 170 years ago
Marx didn't invent it
Moses Hess is the 'father' of communism.
feudalism has been around for centuries
Clearly a distinction is being made between modern Communism and previous systems that may have shared certain characteristics or motives. That’s entirely fair and reasonable.
Fucking sick fuckers
Who is the guy speaking at the open of this part, wearing the black tshirt and suit jacket?
Ken O'Keefe
This should have 3 million views. So all races see the evil and when they burn in the lake of fire we can settle our differences
Fuck these parasites
Hell Is Real and You Are Going There
(Even If You're "Good"!) 🔥⬇️
Says who? Do you speak for God now? God can do his own talking.
Chiedo cortesemente se qualcuno può indicarmi dove recuperare il finale dell'introduzione alla playlist.
L'ultima frase è infatti incompleta e termina con i 3 punti che solitamente portano al link dove il discorso è riportato interamente: "La verità è che il nostro mondo di oggi può essere compreso solo attraverso..."
Vengeance is mine says the Lord. As we watch and see this side of history, stay firmly grounded in God's 10 commands. Love God, love your neighbor. Forgive as God through Jesus has forgiven us. Jesus overcame the world and he faced this hate head-on. Remember there was a moment when Jesus said to the leaders at the time, your father is the devil. We can overcome the world, Jesus showed us how. Stick with him. May God bless you and find you righteous when he returns [show more]
No one is 'saved' by staying grounded in the ten commandments. That was for the Israelite under the Old Covenant. "Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor." Gal. 3. Hebrews 8 talks about the new covenant - "For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second... In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." Christ has done away with the Old Covenant of works, which includes obedience to the Mosaic law. "“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.” Romans 6:14 Christ has finished all that was necessary to save His people from His sins. His Gospel has power to save, He alone redeems those the Father gives Him. It is by grace sinners are saved - Eph. 2:8,9 [show more]
Why would you quote only Saul/Paul, the false, self-appointed 'apostle' & not Christ's? Christ said no such things. Saul/Paul the Pharisee was an admitted persecutor & murderer of Christians
apparently you discard the entire New Testament. your religion is false, your works will NOT save you. Christ FULFILLED the law, read Matthew 5:17, "“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill." How can what you think you do top that? "For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that NOT of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works lest any man boast" Eph. 2:8,9, which is exactly what you do...boast. As for the Apostle Paul, read about his conversion in the book of Acts...... [show more]
1st of all, the verse you quote in Matt.5 refutes Saul/Paul's position (& yours also) in that Christ's words themselves state that 'i come NOT to destroy but to fulfill the law'. Saul/Paul's false doctrine destroys the law. Matt.15:21-28 completely annihilates Saul/Paul's false doctrine (special attention to verse 24). Saul/Paul's ludicrous claim of conversion 'on road to Damascus' came some 30ish years AFTER Christ's death. It carries approximately the same credibility as Mormon founder Joseph Smith's claim of something similar in 1800s & that of JW cult of being appointed by God as his 'earthly organization' in 1919. Final nail in that absurd claim of Saul/Paul SHOULD be the fact that his false doctrine was completely rejected by the vast majority of 1st century Christians, many of whom had direct interactions with Christ before his death. Saul/Paul's false teaching did not start gaining traction in the nominal 'Christian' faith until some 300 years later AFTER its endorsement & promotion by arguably the most evil organization in all of history, namely the Roman Catholic Church, founded by Emperor Constantine & the ensuing Council of Nicea 325 AD [show more]
& no i don't reject the entire New Testament, just the parts poisoned by that of the false, self-appointed 'apostle' Saul/Paul & the vast majority of nominally 'Christian' modern churches who also promote such garbage
Matthew 15:21-28 does not annihilate anything, it's reference is to the mercy the Lord Jesus shows to a woman from Canaan, what is the significance of that? She was NOT an Israelite, yet her response verified the faith she'd been given. She understood her 'lowly' position. Christ came to save His sheep, both Jew and Gentile. The Apostle Peter CONFIRMED Paul was legit - "And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction". 2 Peter 3: 15,16 In Acts 15:25, again we see confirmation of Paul being a brother - "It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul", this confirmation came from James, see verse 13. Your brand of religion is works based, you assume you must keep the 10 commandments. Christ did away with the old covenant of law keeping. See Hebrews 8:7-13. Heed the words of James, chapter 2 verse 10- For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all." In other words, you must keep the law PERFECTLY, ALL TEN COMMANDMENTS from birth to death. That is not humanly possible. If you break one commandment, you've broken them all. God demands sinless perfection, which is not achievable by sinful flesh. If you think you can merit favor with God by your 'law keeping' you are in for a shock when He takes you out. That is 'dead works' that saves no one. Your ranting against the Apostle Paul proves your mind is still in darkness, deceived by your works based beliefs. "Unless you are born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God". The words of Christ Himself. Those who have ears to hear will understand what that means..... [show more]
Paul was the Apostle to the gentiles. I'm assuming you throw out Acts as well that gives Paul's history?
Since you don't think Luke was inspired I assume you throw away his gospel as well?
If you're a Christian bud, you're a crippled one. Unfortunate.
you've been badly misled by the 'jews' who have totally controlled the church for last 2000 yrs starting with Roman Catholic. The 'jews' are not descendants of Judah, they are the 'seed of the serpent' of Genesis & the 'synagogue of satan' in Revelation. The white race are the genuine descendants of Israel. Start there
furthermore, Luke was not an apostle of Christ. He was a Talmudic Scribe & sidekick/assistant to Saul the Pharisee. In case you haven't figured out yet, the 'jews' have been tampering with & altering scripture for at least the last 15-1600 yrs, likely longer even. Most extreme & blatant perversion came with the 1611 KJV See also Masoretic Jews. Those deceivers have been at this game an awfully long time, & like their father the Devil, they are proficient & unapologetic liars & masters of deception [show more]
ggood goy.. keep worshiping jewsus. . he's coming to save you in maybe another 2000 years
I was just asking. I knew you just discarded God's word as you felt like it. It's just helpful for you to be honest and say so.
I believe the bible because it's written by dozens of authors over centuries of time yet are basically in 100% agreement with each other. Getting two humans to do so is divine. Getting 60+? Miraculous. (Including Paul.)
You apply the bibles teachings and you have a European renaissance of productivity and invention. Whether you believe the bible or not, western civilization is built on it. (Including Paul.)
Certainly less persuasive to you, but certainly to me, it has guided me into a successful life. I can't help but recommend it to everyone. (Including Paul's stuff)
Believe as you like bud. I think you are correct that Europeans of one family or another are the actual Jews, and that the ones you see on tv are as real as anything else on it.
I wish you well bud, many of us are doing the best we can in a rapidly degrading situation. All we can do is continue doing our honest best. [show more]
Evangelical Christians have allowed their Bible to be rewritten & printed by Jews. That speaks to what Jews think about them!
Many of these people claim to be Jews but really are not. The same way they claim to be Catholic, Muslim and other religions. They are fakes. Really it is just a Cabal/Mafia of organized crime worldwide. Their roots go very deep. They have been around a very long time. They have been defeated before. It can happen again.
they are jews
That’s why they kidnapped Linberghs’s kid.
That’s why they blew JFK’s head off
And killed the brother, and anyone that opposed “THEM”. [show more]
Actual quote from Solzhenitsyn's book:
"It is necessary to state explicitly that the October coup was not carried [out] by Jews, though it was under general command of Trotsky and with energetic actions of young Grigory Chudnovsky during the arrest of Provisional Government and the massacre of the defenders of the Winter Palace. Broadly speaking, the common rebuke [criticism] that 170 million people could not [have possibly been] pushed into Bolshevism by a small Jewish minority is [a] justified [criticism]. Indeed, we had ourselves sealed our fate in 1917, through our foolishness from February to October-December." [show more]
Good analysis at this link, and this is just about Episode 8. The link has links to analysis of other episodes.
Die Jew.
This was the first video to dramatically change my perspective.
Finally, the opera song in 45:48 made me cry. Would anyone know the name or this song?
question everything you hear and watch, if you believe everything you see on tv or on youtube or the internet, your in big trouble....
Here is some context to help understand. Let's call it a Viewer's Guide:
To The Research Team and Their Brainwashed Few - You guys are doing a great job of swallowing Satan's ultimate lie, that God's people, the people that our savior Jesus Christ was born to, the people chosen to preserve God's word, are the ultimate bad guys. Its sad that you guys think you are awake and that you have found truth but when you stand before our Lord Jesus and He tells you 'Begone, I never Knew You' there won't be any more chances to get to know Him.
The group that has done all of this are descendants of Israel's nemesis, they are no more Jews than Mohammad and they chose to call themselves Jews so that the backlash of all of their evil would fall on God's people. Don't forget that 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes will be among those that spend eternity with our Lord - the cabal will not be there with them. [show more]
I'm guessing you didn't watch the video? Another mindless churchtard zombie folks, leave it wallowing in its stupidity.
Are you Christian or a Jew? Jews do not believe in Christ or the incarnation, you stupid retard.
Acts 18
After these things Paul departed from Athens, and came to Corinth; And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came unto them. And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers. And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks. And when Silas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia, Paul was pressed in the spirit, and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ. And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean; from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles.
Do you defy the word of our Lord? Shall their blood not be upon their own heads for rejecting christ? [show more]
The Jewish religion should have been over with once Christ laid down his life for our sins. Gods Chosen people were Israelites, not Jews! Most of these Jews today are from Khazar and the Russian Czar made them choose one of the 3 main religions in order to stop throwing children into fires for thier God Molech! Thus why they hate russia so much!You are just like your Father Satan,a Liar and a murderer from the begining, I believe that is what Jesus said to the Jews! [show more]
Actually Israels nemesis was the land of Judah
An entire race of people vilified because of a few families of evil satanic people who are not even ancestors of actual Jews but imposters who took Jewish identities. The author has done a grave injustice to Jesus Christ who is. a Jew and To all of the 12 tribes - for they are all labeled no different from the satanic cabal. The author of this work will drive many to hate the very people who brought Jesus into the mortal world and preserved Gods Holy Word. I would not want to be in his shoes when he stands in judgment before Jesus the King of the Jews. [show more]
Spoken like a filthy, subversive jew
Can you tell me who today are the actual jews?
I hope you burn in hell you fucking degenerate
The Jew.
i wouldnt wanna be in your shoes when the time comes you sick christian fuck
You are embarrassing yourself moron. Go back to your rapidly emptying church and reflect on why Israel's most powerful supporters (the US) has steadily been deteriorating the longer we support "Israel."
Yes, they sure did hold up the holy word of the new testament! Go look up the Talmud and see if they love you like you love them.
Hitler still saved the world from total jewish communist hell. May god bless him for that, standing up to the entire world which defended pure-evil.
Jews and commies now want to take over and enslave the world under their pure-evil scams and lies of causes from within now.
I now get it. We have been fed a shit load of lies about Hitler.
Antisemitism and face tats.
Those who do not know their own history are doomed to repeat it.
No, it is the lust for money and power, GREED that makes mankind repeat ‘history’ over and over. As long as man’s heart is sinful, nothing will change.
"Must Conquer The World".👹
Gulag archipelago. They’ll put you in whiskey barrels, drive nails through the sides and kick you down a flight of stairs.
This documentary is horrifying.
This is what design the Zionists have in store for anyone who would dare say that they're the progenitors of true genocide.
Give them leadership and manipulation.
This is their only goal for humanity.
It is beyond Communism.
They are The offspring of the devil.
We are fortunate to have a record of this information because this truth is not being spread to enough people so they will understand what is in store for us.
Everything they do leads to death.
They are murderous genocidal serial killers!
Thank you my Yahua Elohim/
Heavenly Father for protecting myself and anyone who has this understanding of the enemy before us -
that you my Lord will protect us
(and strengthen us altogether
to make us as hardened steel -
if this becomes necessary) from such pure evil and that you will assist us in their defeat completely and unequivocally through the power of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Armies of the Kingdom of Heaven inclusive of Saint Michael in the name of Yahusha Moshiach /
Jesus of Nazareth is my Savior.
Expose their pure murderous evil on a daily basis.
May not one person of cognizance not know what it is they are doing with their open-air planetary death camp.
This is why the New Testament calls them the Synagogue of Satan.
Enemies of Christ Jesus send it back reversal transfer Savages.
They live for death.
I am alive to and for the Lord..
I am dead to the Dead.
We are dead to each other.
This is a prayer unto the
Heavenly Father with thanks unto the Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ is my Savior.
Right now the covid-19 injection is a genocide and the destruction of our food stuffs as a genocide and look who these people are at the WEF/ NWO and their connections to Klaus Schwab/Lord Rothschild George Soros and the rest of these banksters! It is true the ADL
always falls back on the
racist card of genocide.
The pot calling the kettle black!
Lord we need your help now!
Everyday and every night -
Lord hear my prayers.
Lord grant my prayers.
Where does my help cometh from?
It comes from the Lord
who created the Heavens
and the Earth.
Amen. [show more]
I am hard of hearing and I know for sure!!! that I’m not the only person with this handicap. Sadly, makers of videos never take us into account when producing a video. I - we - need headphones to be able to understand what is said. I - WE - need to concentrate to understand. Especially when speakers slurr, have a foreign accent or speak fast or are unable to articulate properly.
So I will be shouting this now: WHAT’S WITH THE HORRIBLY INTERFERING MUSIC???????? 😞😞😞 Isn’t accompanying music supposed to be in the background?
I - WE - the hard of hearing, are greatly disturbed by loud ‘background’ music.
Furthermore, I think the gravity of the message here is more than enough ON ITS OWN to impress the listener.
People who don’t hear well tend to withdraw from society because of their problem. We have to resort to ‘uninterrupted’ means of catching up. That would be reading or LISTENING IN PRIVATE. 😞 Without loud music…
Need I say more?
Do you understand how frustrating it is, wanting to know something and not being able to??????? [show more]
I also can't hear. Get over it, basically. We aren't the majority.
I agree, my hearing isn't SO bad, but I feel the background music in many portions cause the voice audio to be difficult to hear at times as he is not strong spoken. The music needs to be reduced greatly or removed entirely.
It isn’t about majority or minority. It’s about editing sound to a video so that EVERYONE can understand. There is nothing wrong with BACKGROUND music, as long as it STAYS IN THE BACKGROUND. There is nothing wrong with explaining why it is important. So, get over my comment.
Its not important, at all, is the point.
Jews hate Jews.
ive known Jews who fuck their own family over. So you're lower than a blind 3 legged dog !
The Blind Leading the Blind
Watch Zeitgeist Movie on YouTube...You Haters might learn something
Zeitgeist just a kike creation.
It was a 100 million..some history books from the 1930s having been there put the number as high as 160 million white christian Russians and other Christians further east who joined in the fight against communist khazars.. khazars are those from what is Ukraine today kicked out in the year of 740B.C. choosing jewdism as there religion wiping out the old Jew khazars would masquerade as Jews for 23 centuries.this I believe is Jesus said Jews who claimed to be Jews but are not but are of the synagogue of Satan..since the khazar pagan worshipping empire was known for cannablelizing those they invaded I'm not surprised 🙀😯
Christians in America there churches being corporations a 5031c .there obligated by the IRS not to speak the truth of what is going on or the IRS takes there tax free status away.tgis is 90 percent and more of most churches today
Ever see huge Brand New churches built back in the 1990s local churches that exploded with money?? WTF..these churches all mostly agreed to sign away there 1st amendment rights and in doing so signed away the 1st amendment right s..away of there flock the flock doesn't no or doesn't care or both .money before God is no church.signing away there 1st amendment rights.duh!! Freedom of religion was under attack starting in the 1850s.infiltration of theological seminary and school's by you know who who who it rymes and it's not an owl 🦉 or is it.the hidden owl on federal reserve notes.the owl I believe is part of mollock.where the child blood sacrifice is abortion for stands in California the bohemian Grove and the local cops protect the area.... Mason's [show more]
Well said...
I mentioned this info below in a comment and was crucified for it...
Hello Buddy
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Question: How were the elderly treated in Germany at the time and what was there role. I find the whole euthanasia and Aktion T4, but I don’t trust the sites information completely. Any answers are welcome. Thankyou in advance.
probaby similar shot was going on, then, as during this corona shit 2020, trying to inject elderly to scare them etc so they dont speak out
Elderly were treated well if they were of heritage yes they killed people born crippled but if your 19 got hurt in war you were fine
Does anyone have any chat rooms or telegram groups I can join; that talk about National socialism. I’ve been studying it for a bit and love it. I would just love to talk to similar minded people.
im sorry i dont have many most of my ns groups are in serbian
Nice try, FBI. Not today, CIA.
Fed Fag
I have a tear in my eye for the poor slavs
Jews are inherently psychopathic just watch this fucking documentary and listen to what they did and said.
i very much enjoyed the 12 hour version. as horrible as it is to know.
ive watched it twice so much information to retain I jotted down notes and really studied into it
you can see why hitler was so angry..
Hitler was a Rothchild/jew
Hitler smashed those two evil scum the most. Shut the fuck up average anti-fascist 0% truth lying scum. You anti-fascists lie horribly badly.
All these negative comments about Jews...yet no one mentioned about the Khazarian this history has played out. Most Jews don't actually know their true history and are so mind controlled by their own religion. Same as all Religion's...There are actually 777 books to the original Bible. We were given 66 that have been altered and rewritten 1000's of times over...So that makes no one an expert on the bible...or any other religion.
The holocaust his-story is all bs...Hitler did not kill 6 million jews but more like 290,000...The rest were Christians , Protestants etc.. Anyone claiming Hitler was a "great guy" in my opinion are just plain uneducated to the facts but are actually being Mind controlled themselves..It's not the Jews who are controlling the world...the ones controlling everything, have kept themselves very well hidden...They control the Jews and every government, every religion. We don't know our true history because they control the history being told.
When you close your mind, you have closed the ability to learn the truth...Destroy the family unit, destroy Patriots, democrats vs Republicans, white vs black, women vs men, gay vs straight...History always repeats its self. By hating have just played into their game. Destruction, Destroy. Education is the key...Love is the answer [show more]
Jew detected
Where can we find all the lost Books cos that's a lot more than the compilation of the Book of Enoch and the few I got.
Also I read a 1976 interview with Rosenthal and he confirmed that's the few Jews at the top own the world but sadly their own don't know the truth.
you do not know who is controlling the Jews...(YES there are many bad jews) but you live in a small keep your small brain, spitting out things you know very little about...hate attracts hate...think outside the box...keep have nothing to lose but gain knowledge of truth.
So true!!! While all these people scream "...Blame the Jews...." they fail to see that religion has nothing to do with it. None of the controlling Elite are Jews who practice their religion - Judaism. They are ALL practicing Satanists who are indentured servants of Satan. This is not a religion but instead, a way of life. Being Jewish has fuck-all to do with it.
Thank you...The 1st person on this channel that knows the Truth...What these haters don't realize is they are just as brain washed, mind control, Project Mockingbird. But they do Not Dare step put of their brainwashed beliefs & hatred to find Truth...When and if they do this. The hatred will lift, the Heart will be Lighter...And a lot of the missing dots will connect. Love is the Answer...
Thank you so much for your reply... [show more]
Another sad part, is they have done little to no research to know, many of these "paid" channels and "paid" comments are to keep them enslaved into hatred. Keep the people divided and not as 1 to fight the real controllers. These people are puppets and don't even know it...You can show them the door..but they have to walk thru it themselves.
well I guess if you went beyond Barnes and Noble and actually do some real research you wouldn't be so ignorant. But then again you have only been on Bitch-ue less than 3 weeks. So you must be a walking Encyclopedia...
Good Luck...
King James had theologians research all available ancient texts to compile as accurate a bible as possible. Your claims are baseless.
Read the Jewish Talmud before showing your ignorance. Satanism IS Judaism.
King James didn't like the anarchistic Calvinists and so put together his Statist version of the bible.
Jews are a race and a religion fucktard. This is why Israel forces a DNA test to get citizenship. You cant DNA test a religion.
I must admit, It's quite a burden sometimes looking beyond to the truth. It's a lonely place and hard to open others up to what you have slowly researched and put together. I hope you have a loving family that loves you and a good friend to discuss with over coffee. They are hard to find but very useful.
Yesterday got kicked from some web that I used to visit when I was into conspiracies and wasn't aware of the real world or the nature of "his" game. I wasn't able to share a story of a fb group that were or still are friends of VP. I remember that lots of people were mocking the death of a Dictator that miraculously survived 600+ assassination attempts from some agency that always gets the blame and were his neighbors.
I posted "Only in Hollywood, the hero fights alone while the villains join forces" or something like that. The leader of the group liked that but on the next day posted a photo of Stalin and there I noticed that even in Russia the sun shines.
Yesterday I was going to post for all parts involved specially for those who fought but never got to see the result:
What kind of game is this, in which the heroes need to reward the victims? [show more]
I pray for this filth to receive what they've been promised by our Creator, they are the ultimate scum...bottom feeding trash from hell.
White man wake up from your slumber
White men will wake but...
Stop asking for others. Know thy duty. Aim high.
The holocaust is a hoax that should've happened but didn't because the Germans were the opposite of what the kikes want you to believe. The truth is Hitler was a great hero and kikes are absolutely evil and the root of most evil in the world. The kikes are behind the scamdemic and clot shots that are killing and maiming countless non-jews all over the world. The kikes are also behind the senseless war in Ukraine the purpose of which is to kill White nationalists and make prices go up thus playing into their Great Reset / New World Order plan. [show more]
yes everyone knows
Now I understand "antisemetism" - nothing more than a BS cloak !!!
its a way to defend against all the attacks , against crooks. crooks need ways to defend themselves against everyone knowing about it. what they do, any kind of distraction works as well. distractions, blame, acting lik they dont know, anything, saying that peolpe are anti sermite , anti yogoslav, whaveter, criminals WANT to be criminals, they dont want ! to be legit
American neo-Nazis are jewed to the core. Neo-Nazis constantly produce these vomit-inducing movies. No sense of beauty. Disgusting. I would much suggest _Swastika (1973)_ by Philippe Mora - now that is a dignified peace of cinema from the Europe of old. Subhuman American neo-Nazi - choke on your burger and die already.
Not a single fact stated in this documentary was disproven in your limp wristed rhetoric. Thank you for further fueling White Primacy and continuing to help unify our people over truth.
that guy and his bullshit comment. what the ??
Communists are human-garbage evil lying scum. Everything they stand for is the opposite of justice.
Calling them HUMAN garbage is way too unfair. They are subhuman-garbage at most.
Nice hammer and sickle mr bolshevik. Eat shit and die.
58. mins - hitler knew about this crap
no shit, WW2 is full of speeches from him speaking against the Bolsheviks. WW2 was a war against communism. They used their global media to attack Germany as soon as Hitler arrested Rothschild bankers & seized their bank to free the German people
hitlers mistake, was to attack russia....he should have found some other form of oil source. then stood his ground, in germany, and waited, if....if...the russians come down there. they mnight not have come down. from the north at all. but by hitlers stupid action sin attacking russia, they then counter attacked hitlers advabcing forces into their land. hitler was very dumb, and motovated by emotions vegeance etc. just dumb [show more]
If Hitler did not attack the USSR, the USSR would invade and defeat Hitler, every day the USSR got stronger and Hitler could not keep up. Hitler was forced to defend Europe and himself from communist scum who tried to enslave the entire world.
Jews were banned from England in 1290 and not allowed back until Oliver Cromwell lifted the ban in 1656.
They've been banned from 109 countries 1030 or so times, all documented as well.. you can find the list if you look hard enough
wheres the list, the crooks will try to wipe it from internet
Wonder why??? (Sense the sarcasm)
Don't blame the entire Jewish race for the fault of a few. Yes there's alot of evil men who are Jewish. But the thing is, the Jewish race by heritage is so muddied because it goes back millenia. You and I probably have Jewish dna.
This series of videos is not blaming the 'Jews', but the Marxist Zionist and their agenda. There are 10 parts to this series. I watched it all and it took a minute, but well worth the watch. I never knew that history has hidden so much from the world concerning WW1 and WW2.
you are one curious girl !
Shut up retard. No Jews are condemning these Jews, they all work together to censor the crimes of Jews. They are all equally guilty.
The old testament contains the warnings from the ancient Hebrew prophets about the mixing of their gene pool with some kind of other hominid that produces a psychopathic offspring. Genesis 6 speaks plainly about this. Jesus knew about this infiltration. if interested see my short video on my channel IT IS GOING TO BE BIBLICAL
I had my DNA tested, so no, pure Indo European, not completely Germanic, there is some Irish and Finnish but its like 2 percent each. I guess Hunnic/Urgic is like half asian half white but idc about that too much, at least its not Jew blood, I can thank God for that.
You cannot be Marxist and Zionist at the same time. Marxism rejects the idea of nationhood in it’s endgoal. Also the founder of communism (Karl marx) despite being ethnically Jewish rejected both Judaism and zionism.. to call communism “Jewish” is stupid and anti semitic as it bares no truth.
We are experiencing judicial crimes and corruption, from family court and now supreme court, nothing more than lucrative business for lawyers.
The Builders (Catholic Church) versus the Destroyers (Judaism) aka Catholicism (universality) versus Judaism (globalism/Communism)
Jew-British Pax Brittanica is the removal of Pax Romanum as a spiritual force in the world.
"To fight against papacy is a social necessity and constitutes the constant duty of Freemasonry." (Masonic International Congress held in Brussels 1904, page 132 of the report.
Jesus kicked ass and Chases The Money Changers Out of The Temple
“Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc.”
– British Prime Minister David Lloyd George,
June 20, 1934, New Britain Magazine
Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King (Demoncazy vs Monarchy)
Jews were banned from England in 1290 and not allowed back until Oliver Cromwell lifted the ban in 1656.
"The Catholic Church. Outlasting Oppressive Governments Since 33 AD"
Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King (Demoncazy vs Monarchy)
Memoirs of an anti apostle
THE CHURCH - by a Catholic true Jesuit, not a Rothschild fake Jesuit
Lying is a Jew Method
Chaos is the Jew Seed
War is the Jew Harvest
Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons:
You Are Controlled by the Jews
John Nicholson, "FreeMasonry's Satanic Takeover Of The World" (covers bio/chemical weapons etc, church militant & convert)
The 'Jewish Test' of Fr. Maximilian Kolbe
Translated from an article written by French priests of the SSPX
The Lord of the Rings (Catholic theology) versus The Matrix (Satanic Jewish theology – religionised Law).
Lord of the Rings – The Return of the King (Demoncazy vs Monarchy) [show more]
[comment removed by user]
They also know the jew is the enemy
A lot of this makes sense in terms of why Putin wants Ukraine. Muddy waters. Even to why Hitler had his ambition.
Ukraine is run by a Jewish cabal. Hitler wanted to get rid of the Jewish cabal.
putin does NOT " want ukraine " /. he has seen whats brewing, well what had been brewing there was a damn national security issue to his country, russia. he also found neo nazis, child killers and disgusting things. hes freeing ukraine people from these evils and thereby, protecting his country and keeping things decent and freedom is returning. also its deep state who did that in ukraine. hes cleaning it out as are other militaries around the world. underground and etc [show more]
Israel wants Ukraine. Well known well-established. Their entire government is Jewish. Every Jewish male in Ukraine was sent to Israel immediately, the very same day that they forbade male Ukrainians from leaving. These parasites never change.
filled with inconsistensies and outright lies. Pathetic
You forgot to mention one lie. Moron.
Well go on, then.
I've showed these vids to numerous extremely intelligent and highly educated people who started off severely resistant and skeptical of the ideas I shared with them from these vids before they watched it, asking them if they can find anything wrong with any of the claims made...aand I haven't gotten one example back
If you can show me even 1, with evidence beyond "Its in this history book" or "My history professor said so"...I would sincerely love to see it
I saw somewhere that AT LEAST 98 - 99% of the claims made in these vids are fact checkable
Aand all makes perfect sense
...much more sense than everything I heard prior to watching these, for sure [show more]
we could start with the so called protocols of zion lol how stupid do you have to be to believe such things. Its a docuement made by russians to promote anti semetism. I mean just read the thing and ask yourself if this sounds like it was really written by a bunch of evil jews who wanna put their conspiracy on paper to be discovered, or maybe it was written by people trying to make them look bad. This was in the first 10 mins of the video clearly using bullshit material. I dont have time to continue watching after the entire premise is based on lies and your fucking host has face tatoos and looks like he just walked out of a clan meeting. Enjoy your nazi propaganda tho!! [show more]
"oh they never do anything wrong, Europeans are just anti semetic monsters." Alrighty asshole.
The man you have named your account after was a Monarchist and despised Jews.
this guy simps for hitler and trump
Trump is a Zionist stooge. Hitler is a dead man so I can only agree with his ideals.
Basically you asshole the jew is the enemy of everyone. Hope this helps
You a jew?
explain the talmud bro
Found the jew
post some proof, comrade. let us show these evil fascists who the real victims are
So the protocols sound a bit whack so therefore it's fraud? You know how many volumes of their Satanic Talmud are whack? If anything only a Jew or someone very smart could have formed the conyents of the protocols.
Yeah and you won't name one "lie". Keep defending communism which is PURE jewish lies.
i dont waste my time trying to edumucate hillbillies. get back to fucking your sister your peice of white trash. Keep trusting guys with FACE TATOOS -- WILL NEVER STEER U WRONG
Yeah even more insults because you have NO ARGUMENTS, rot in hell you average pure-evil communist piece of worthless subhuman-garbage dogshit scum,
You won't and CAN'T name one "lie". Keep defending communism which is PURE jewish lies.
The series has been fact checked and I believe it was around 79% correct. The rest was not correct nor incorrect but assumptions made on circumstantial evidence. That evidence can not be proven either way.
The thing is, when you study what General Patton had said (read Pattons Papers), which falls inline with this documentary along with things Rabbis have said and even jews such as Benjamin Freedman (listen to his speech in I think 1967 or 69 at the Willard hotel), there is a heck of a lot more credibility to this documentary than there is to the "official" narrative.
Have you read on many of the published personal testimonies by jews themselves in the concentration camps? Many that have been proven to be pure fabrication? For example there is a book, a literal published book on holocaust atrocities where a jewish man describes that the SS would force jews to place shotgun barrels into a hole in the wall. The shotgun barrel would then follow the hole which curved back up (like a U shape) and when the jew was told to fire the gun, he would shoot himself in the place.
That is a published story on one of the many "atrocities" that happended in the concentration camps. Now you tell me. How many shotguns have you know to have rubber barrels? Or a jew so strong he could bend steel by pushing it into a wall?
There was a news piece done by one of the major networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) I think in the mid 80's, maybe it was the 90's not sure. But anyway this jewish woman told how she took an apple to her husband every day and would throw it over the fence to keep him alive. They were in different camps. They were also separated by like 200 miles. The interviewer expressed to the man telling the tale something like "but you lied, the story was not true" and the jewish man said "I know its not true, but its real to me so its real".
There are countless stories like this. Go find some of the videos from Steven Spielberg. He recorded I think 50,000 testimonies by jews in the concentration camps. Many of them tell tales about grand pianos, childrens plays, playing football (Soccer) even with the german soldiers taking positions on the teams. Childrens plays, they had their own currency, their own brothals.
Yet none of this stuff is taught to us. Why is that? There is MASSIVE amounts of evidence proving all of these facts, and yet its radio silence from the educators and hollywood. Why is that? [show more]
Israel is full with jews that stock up on bread because of trauma of gulags and concentration camps. This is taking their stories and turning it around. insane.
Exactly. Their STORIES. Replacing it with reality.
Trauma from hunger so stock up on food that goes bad in 2 days? Heard they were evil but not stupid also
Uh huh 🙄 bs, stop stealing other people’s stories and making shit up, soon no one will believe a single thing that ever comes out of jews mouth.
Of course it is - Satan is the father of lies and this has been his MO since he told Eve' You surely won't die if you eat of the tree'. What better lie than to empower a group of psychopaths with the destruction of civilization and Christianity and to pin it on God's people, of whom all tribes will be represented in heaven with the King of the Jews Jesus Christ. The Research Team are inadvertently spreading Satan's lies and the Bitchute hate mongers are all too happy to jump on board, no better than those that perpetrated the Red Terror. Very sad. [show more]
Hence the TV.
My Jewish Russian family was hunted to death. most were lost. only two reached Israel poor and starving. My own father was pre born, and his mom raised him in a shoe box on the run. My grandfather lost his entire village in the pogroms (raids on jewish villages with rape and robbery) his father didnt want to leave. and so he did, and by the time he was in Israel both his parents were dead. Russia was horrible towards the jews, communism killed most of them. What you are telling here is not only untrue, but also mean and hateful. I am over 50 years old now, all my life were just harder because of my judaism. no special treatment or anything. the world I know is controlled by the church and Arab oil. [show more]
Oh, you poor lil Jews. One of the richest demographic but always poor and mistreated. 🙄
Funny that, given jews orchestrated communism, jews like Yagoda, Beria, Kaganovich, Dzerhinsky, Lenin, Bronstein etc.... jews like Kissinger installed Mao also. They killed tens of millions of white Christians and now try to fenocide us with open borders. White men that wake up will not go quietly into the night. They will rise as lions.
They are the worlds greatest and permanent victims from The beginning of time. There are few that see them as the perpetrators of all suffering, chaos, filth, perversions, drug sorcery, injustice, debt, slavery etc etc etc
Yeah, don't worry. All of these kikes and their shills are going away. Scripture promises us that Edom is still yet to receive the wrath that has been prophesied of.
Poor jews.. the most evil subserving degenerating scum of the earth which ruined and enslaved every nation on earth and murdered over 120 million via communism and another 80 million via wars.
It's honestly evil and inhumane itself, to show mercy to jewish demons.
yygg - Satan is the father of lies and this has been his MO since he told Eve' You surely won't die if you eat of the tree'. What better lie than to empower a group of psychopaths with the destruction of civilization and Christianity and to pin it on God's people, of whom all tribes will be represented in heaven with the King of the Jews Jesus Christ. The Research Team are inadvertently spreading Satan's lies and the Bitchute hate mongers are all too happy to jump on board, no better than those that perpetrated the Red Terror. Very sad.
Don't be afraid to share your family's story, there are enough kind people in the world who can discern the devil's lies from God's truth and if you read God's word you know how it all ends, spoiler - God wins. [show more]
“Muh Judeo Bolshevism!!”. Judeo Bolshevism doesn’t exist. The founder of Communism despite being an ethnic Jew completely rejected both Judaism and Zionism which leads to the natural conclusion that communist ideals are not of “Jewish” origin. Also you are a retard if you Unironically believe in the 80% meme statistic about the original soviet government.
it says to download this and share it but idk how, can someone show me how to do that
I wish the bolsheviks could kill even more and exterminate the russians so nazi germany could take over the whole country in a second without any challenges. That way Hitler would have easily taken down Soviet Union
Amazing that even the comments of this video proves the effectiveness of the system that the Jews use to control us.
Most people will NEVER wake up, no matter what.
I dont understand, if the jews are in control, why so many have died? why the pogroms, and the goulag? Jews have suffered horribly under russian regim, were is the logic? Is it only for the elite jews? not all?
They eat their own babies ffs. They are a tiny minority for a reason.
What is the guys name that speaks right at the start of this documentary? With the eye tattoos? Thanks.
Ken O' Keefe
Are you insane or a diabolical genius? ;)
This is how all evil psychopathic scum communists act.
The pedo thing makes a lot more sense when considering the blackmail angle
This is heartbreak the FAKE jews have caused. Yeshua called them what they really are, as they hid as "the san hedron"... They killed the "Real Jews/Hebrews"...! They are satan's hivites...!
When the secret societies in ancient times where dispersed, they were told to choose an Abrahamic religion to adopt, they chose Judaism because they could still deny Jesus. But again, this was only what they said they practiced if asked . They're not actually Jewish. This is the reason they qabala and laveyan satanism are essentially the same thing.
That's ridiculous. Kabala didn't eve start until the 1200s. All the Abrahamic religions are a scourge on the planet and need to be done away with.
Judaism IS satanic you fucking stupid cunt Dont give it the "fake jew" , angle
𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒 is THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, nobody can live without HIM, nobody comes unto 𝐆𝐎𝐃 except through HIM!
Actually you're wrong (and right). Judaism is Satanic. However, the real Jews of the bible were of Judea, NOT the Babylonian Edomites. Many think Jesus was a Jew yet Mary was a Levite. The synagogue of Satan are definitely those whom John classed as the fake Jews in the bible.
Only kike wannabes and kike trolls espouse the "fake jew" crap.
yes, it is. It is a hybrid religion. The true religion was Hebrewism, Judaism came out of Yahudahs deportation stint in Babylon. God hates hybridization, and religious amalgamation
I'd say you're more likely to be a jew. The bible clearly warns about the fake jews as well detailong the story of one that chased the Satanic usurers from the temple, whip in hand. Synagogue of Satan.
There are definite reasons Jews are the most hated group in the history of the planet. Jews are NOT the innocent victims they always whine about, Jews are perps!
Total perps!
I wonder what person would give this a thumbs down, clearly people living in denial, concidering whats going on in the world today.
It was a Jew! 😂
Assholes who wear little beanies!
Ah, yes: the sheeny beanie.
probably some of those jews they are talking about.
They like their head stuck in a tight, warm moist environment, even if it stinks like schiddt
It's the so called teachers/rabbi's who do no work and walk around in robes and lie that their connected to the most high. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What the Germans did makes perfect sense after viewing this. It's incredible that no one talks about this. Incredible, or intentional.
The biggest cover up in modern history. Maybe even ever.
I don't think that has anything to do with it. Nazi Germany was simply the pharmaceutical/medical industry doing medical experimentation on the Jews, and making millions off of it. Just another way for big pharma to get a greater hold on people/kill off people/prepare a way for them to take over all of medicine.
What I was thinking was..... so they accused the Germans for doing the exact thing they started from the beginning. This is nothing more than blood libel on a grand scale.
the medical industry? Are we watching the same video?
and because of Nuremberg and the subsequent Nazi hunting, there are no witnesses to testify of the truth. That's why those phony trials went on. They all knew that Germany, Germans and national socialist were guilty of nothing but defending their civilization, society and culture
You obviously didn’t watch part 8
and sadly they never mass-murdered or killed ANY OF THESE PURE-EVIL SCUM other than killing a few soldiers in the battlefields.
The same bloodline that killed Jesus Christ. They are truly cursed. True Jews are the ones who trust Jesus Christ for salvation.Most are already in Heaven with the LORD. These false jews are of Satan.
Yes! Fake Jews... Also they were originally the khazarians. There country was by Russia, Germany and others around the Ukraine areas.. That's the mix of their true genetics...
It is said, that "The Remnant" is only 2% of the entire race that claims to be Jewish/Hebrew...
Blessings ❤ [show more]
lol hazarian bullshit.sefardic jews did evil shit in spain. Mizrahi jews are babylonians sassoons, dangoor and kadoorie
Edomite,Hittite, cainite, sons of rapha mongrel mamzers bastards
They are not Jews! The Research Team, who really needed to do more research but had an obvious underlying motive with the narrative, should have gone into the details about how the cabal are descended from Israel's enemies, they are pagans and have been engaged in Molech worship from eons ago. Satan used these false Jews to create hatred for God's chosen people, the race of which our Lord and Savior Jesus was born to. So many on Bitchute are so quick to put their senses behind them and follow the false narrative and ultimately it is creating hatred in their hearts for God. [show more]
Canaanites?..have you come across the idea SAXONS are one of the 12 tribes of Abraham? Son Of Isaac etc?
This is so mind-blowing and very hard to take
ABOUT twenty years ago, I read an article about what happened before the well publicized Holocaust.
By the end of the reading of that document, it was evident that certain group, and those backing them, had done a great job of training the world's focus on their victimization, and away from what others of their kind had done that was as bad or even more horrendous than was done to them.
Even now, I see parrot preachers and congregation members who paint the Jews as God's chosen people. If a god backed the things these scum did, it was no god a reasonable mind would want to be associated with. Of course, the God we know, the Creator, did not favor the likes of those revealed here. [show more]
The Bible does say they will say they are Jews, but they are not, they are the synagogue of this a cult like group of jews?
The Synagogue of Satan.
Who prays at synagogues today? It's certainly not christains.
Fuck the fairytale novel.....THE BIBLE. 👹
Fairy tale? If you care about what’s true and investigate there is many things in the Bible that can be supported by various types of evidence. Only the most simple minds incapable of critical thinking would just outright dismiss the Bible as a fairy tale. At the very least there is many portions that are verified by many many different people. Like I said if you actually care about what’s true do a investigation into it it seems people of your sort can’t see past the surface and it’s easier for them to just say it’s all fake. Funny how you say Bible is a fairy tale but you will mindlessly believe earth came from a random explosion and humans came from Bacteria. The ignorance is baffling. Please open your eyes and take a look at the world around you the truth is there for you to see. [show more]
you speak truth
Oh, excuse me... what year where you born?
What year are we in right now, all over the world, no matter if you are a jew, hindu, Muslim, Christian, atheist, agnostic or shintoist?
That's right: the year 2022.
Now, ask yourself this question; 2022years after WHAT!?!?!? [show more]
the Lord Jesus Christ giving you an opportunity to avoid paying for your crimes.
I'm getting the impression you don't really want that. It's cool, God has a place for you too.
The issue is that the Holocaust is only effective in shaming Aryans because Aryans are inherently predisposed to sympathise with the suffering of their racial enemies. Thus, blaming the Holocaust narrative is confusing the cause and effect - the heart of the matter is Christian cuckoldry. Imagine a Turk pitying the Armenians? No, because the roach is strong.
, fairy tale? One which spoke of the earth being a sphere before others discovered it was not flat? One which told what to do with the dead, saving countless lives. One which naysayers sought to disprove, only to make fools of themselves [and here we are again]. For example, when "scholars" mocked the scriptures describing two kings ruling the same land at the same time, but which was proven true, when it was discovered is was a father and son ruling a kingdom. Much like the corporations we know today, that carry reference to the children of the founder.And on and on it goes.In the end, only fools mock faith, which is so powerful modern medicine must beat it to make it to market (placebos). [show more]
And who gave us the bible? Christianity outlawed usury but the jews were exempt giving them free rain to lend to the nations; "you shall lend to the nations but you shall not borrow." (Paraphrasing). That's juat one of many examples of how Christianity benefits them.
I'm not an athiest but I am very sceptical of the Abrahamic religions and see it as a theological conquest of the 'gentiles'. Christians worship the Jewish god and even the few anti zionist ones are still servicing the interests of this group of international parasites, cherry picking verses that support their beliefs. There are many books, documents, speeches, and so on of rabbis bragging about how they've conquered the nations by replacing their spiritual beliefs.
They use trickery and devious tactics to conquer and control people without the use of military force, they play the long game to wipe us out, the Kalergi plan for instance. Ishmael (Muslims) are the broom with witch Esau, Edom (whites) shall be swept from the face of the earth.
We are all pawns in their sick plans of world conquest and I believe religion was the first major tool to meet this end. Now they have a monopoly on finance, information, all forms of control. All our leaders are in bed with them, Trump, Farage, and the like are all snakes. There is not going to be a political saviour. The bible tells us this; for we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places..... Is the bible a blueprint for their plan, are the prophecies fulfilled by God or are they fulfilling them themselves? It all seems way too convenient to me. [show more]
amazing Polly. Canadian lady… On RUMBLE just done a very good expose on how the tribe train Israelis and us….from birth on ‘ holocaust’ very good. Have a look. They have the media the education the Govts the medical seat the Pharma. Anyone gets near truth is silenced …
Your post speaks much about you. Mostly, of your ignorance [or worse] and bias.
Many whose credentials pale any you have (what, a Costco card?) said similar things, only to be shown for the fools they were, making their prejudiced assumptions. For example:
Purported experts mocked Bible writings because they described two kings ruling the same land at the same time. In the end, the presumptive experts, unknowingly, mocked themselves, because a few short decades ago, information was unearthed showing such did happen. The kings were a father and a son. Think of it as a bit like corporations of our era that incorporated the words "father and son" in their corporate names.
The Bible talked of the earth being a sphere long before the fairytales about Columbus setting out and proving the earth was not flat.
Sections of the Bible provide information that saved lives by directing people with regard to handling bodies, disease and so on. It even warned people away from trichinosis, from pork, long before science knew anything about it.
No use writing a book on such things. One already exists.
THEN there is that other critical, unassailable fact - principals taught in the Bible are used yet today because they are very powerful, even though science has little understanding. That is, the power of belief. Until the fraud they call covid vaccine hit the market, every dug had to beat belief. It's called the placebo.
I stop there, because people who choose to be ignorant abhor facts that counter their displayed ignorance. That, likely, is because, when you chose to be ignorant, it is no longer just mere ignorance. Rather it is something worse. [show more]
"Don't make me repeat myself!" ~ History
now you know what adolfs issue was lol.
You have forgotten the most important thing of all people at this stage, Theodor Herzl, everyone else appears as shadows in comparison with him, it is and no one else is responsible for Europe's decay, never forget this ... Why? Are there any Khazars and oligarchs behind this post ... !!!
You never know, they're like ticks ...
Hazarian my ass. Its the jews
Snurre. You mention only a tiny detail of the big picture. I suggest you read the following:
- The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed
- Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina
- Masters of Deception by the same author. [show more]
Shysters. Hook-nosed Shylocks. That Shakespeare play has been banned as "racial hatred". It should have been enshrined as "historical truth".
To understand the Present, it is necessary to understand the Past. To know and understand both is to know the Future. One tribe runs through all three of these. Unless they are abolished forever, they will take over.
Read: The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. You will understand.
Can't stand bit chute. The movie does not work!
maybe you need a better internet connection.
I have no problem on any other site but this one, fucking vids keep stopping and starting on here...
they need to increase their bandwidth, prolly due to the strong increase of viewership.
I had the same issue. I could not get my computer or iphone to play a video..... I removed my norton antivirus and it plays perfectly.
So Norton anti-virus is a spy. Not surprised. Here we go again.
How do I share this???
Copy Paste
I recommend you leave a comment on a other site,I read a out this in a post about AWK on rumble
Can you explain what you meant by leaving a commen on another site
please? You said you read about it in a post about AWK...does AWK stand
for the "And We Know" channel?
Let's say you are on facebook or reddit, you can copy the link of this video and paste it into the comment section or make an original post sharing this video to whatever website you wish. It's moronic comment threads like this one under videos i like that make me question my own sanity.
You can copy and paste the link and send it through your email account it's pretty easy, I do it mainly because I can't stand the big social media platforms.
If you even dared to post this on a social media of any kind you would be banned. They usually take it down within a few minutes, and the person gets an e-mail telling them that they have "stepped over community guidelines, for say, "hate speech", or incitement to racism, etc. bla, bla, bla.
Toxoplasmosis is this nation's 2nd leading cause of death. How can this parasite still be being ignored? I can say this a million times & nobody will believe me. Toxoplasmosis is what is bringing this nation & this entire planet down. Do you really think there is enough coward or enough greed to turn so many of these doctors & nurses into Josef Mengele? There has to be something else that people refuse to examine. And I know why. Everyone has Toxoplasmosis to one degree or another (cause the spores are released into the air, so you don't even have to own a cat) or another and that parasite is preventing even the most enlightened to go "Oh yea, Cats rule the Earth." I mean, seriously? Who in their right mind would believe that? And yet we have so many people who call themselves Christian in defiance of all of the evidence to the contrary. CATS CREATED RELIGION.
My initial investigation of Toxoplasmosis & the people I know who have it. Since, these spores are released into the air we all have it at different stages of it's development. You don't even have to own a cat.
This is also the disease that has people lining up for the Jab.
Because, this is an AI infection the predominant tell is both of you have latent memories of being a cat.
You like a colder environment & the tendency to wear 4 layers of clothes (cat fur).
There are other tells like your repulsions to the male human body, again probably a latent memory of being a cat. Memory loss where time just seems to slip by.
Stupid is not a side effect but an intended effect, because this virus litterally does not allow the host to see material that is harmful to it's agenda.
Money is also part of this virus's agenda.
Other Adverse Events are Polio, Lower Back Pain, Arthritis, etc.
That is when this AI takes complete control this usually occurs when faced with anything that remotely resembles the truth.
Voices in your head that you confuse as 'God', 'Jesus', ' 'I am' or even 'I know what I know.' or religious visions & because this obligate intracellular parasitic protozoan releases dopamine the thoughts that it implants seems to come for the mouth of God itself.
Since it creates it's own dopamine, I can't see it as a mistake of nature, but would be more inclined to say it is a product of intelligent design.
Smoking appears to be a commonality, followed by Christianity, recklessness that may only manifest in certain areas yet may also be unique. As in driving, but always in your relationships.
There seems to be a pheromone attraction whether it be in cats, partners or even mice.
I also realize because this AI is a whole lot smarter than you. At no time will you ever acknowledge its presence. Instead you will relate it to being saved.
Final outcome is full blown schizophrenia or psychopathy & night blindness that will eventually result in complete blindness. [show more]
You need mental health medication and a psychiatrist
So.... did a cat raise 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒 from the dead as well?
Did a cat repair my long broken hip-bone when I called upon THE NAME OF 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒? (it did not work in any other name, and when I lost my focus on 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒; it stopped, then continued as I continued to focus on 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒 and HIM only!)
Did a cat heal my broken leg-muscles and knees?
Did a cat cure my depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, identity-confusion, homosexuality, transexuality?
Did a cat enlighten me about the mysteries of the universe and give me an incredible flame inside to spread this and meet others?
Did those demons that appeared and haunted me as soon as I was born-again recoil in horror and pain, to them burn to death when I called on my beloved HUSBAND, SHEPHERD, LORD KING AND 𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒, because of a cat?
I don't think so bro.
I shall pray for you, that you wake you and get saved. [show more]
These sick people are NOT "jews" They're from the synagogue of satan.
who say they are "jews" but are NOTEDOMITES/ESAU.Jacob's evil twin Esau.Taking revenge from Jacob, deceiving his father Isaac, into giving him the blessing of the first born.Malachi1 This is a divine revelation. The Lord spoke his word to Israel through Malachi.2 “I loved you,” says the Lord.“But you ask, ‘How did you love us?’“Wasn’t Esau Jacob’s brother?” declares the Lord. “I loved Jacob, 3 but Esau I hated. I turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the jackals in the desert.4 “The descendants of Esau may say, ‘We have been beaten down, but we will rebuild the ruins.’“Yet, this is what the Lord of Armies says: They may rebuild, but I will tear it down. They will be called ‘the Wicked Land’ and ‘the people with whom the Lord is always angry.’ 5 You will see these things with your own eyes and say, ‘Even outside the borders of Israel the Lord is great.’Romans 9:13 Context10And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; 11(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. 14What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. 15For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 16So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. [show more]
There khazars who chose judism as there religion.. khazars from khazaria going back 4000 years..they were kicked out by surrounding villages for there acts of cannabalism..most likely the first time to be kicked out of a country.but not the last another 130 times they would get the 🥾 boot for the same thing basically only now under having ⛏️ picked judism as there religion there cannabalism tuned into kidnapping little Christian children and bleeding them out for blood used in there religious holidays.the blood used in making bread and Motzi balls and other foods most of these khazar Jew holidays are about kidnapping Christian children to bleed and some serious research about khazars by authors a 💯 years ago for real facts
European Christian churches still have statues and memorial settings about children who were killed by these khazarian devil's..and the Christian children would become saints..Christian saint's
Those who call there selfs Jews but are khazars.theres verses about this in the bible
96 percent done thru blood analysis of Jews are not Jews it's proven that there khaza.....23 and me and the other one asking ... ancestry .dot com.
Don't send them any thing there using it for d.n.a. m.r.n.a. specific creation of bioweapons.. 🧬 Gene specific bioweapon s.. [show more]
bullshit. Jew is a jew. They have been the same for thousands od years
If you think Judah did any of this, then you are incredibly unlearned
Do some research please.
The people who descend from Judah worship 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓, not satan, and follow The Holy Bible, not the unholy talmud/qur'an.
The White European blue-eyed/green-eyed Race are the SHEMites (descendents of Shem), the Hebrews and ultimately; the Jisrailites; 𝐆𝐎𝐃'S Chosen People!!!!! [show more]
I am just warning my fellow-man...: you are being played here.
Why do you think "anti-semetic" protests are okay, but anti-vaxx protests are not okay? 🤔
They are okay with you hating the SHEMites, because the el-ite bankers are not SHEMites, even if they'd like to be and try their best to convince you that they are through documentaries like this, providing 99% truth, but twisting THE MOST CRUCIAL BIT; blaming it on the SHEMites (which are really the white European Christian race), when these "jews" are not jews at all, they are not SHEMites but edomites!!!!!
Esau and Edom are the enemies of Jisrail/Jakob and shem, just like the edomites/the khazarian "jews" are the enemies of the Jirailites/the white European race today!!!!
I am speaking truth!
You must research this, and then come to 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 KING 𝐉𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓, before it is too late for you. [show more]
Do some research, I am right.
There are so many documents and archeological evidence that proves that I am right, but to even mention all the undeniable evidence in THE HOLY BIBLE.
Honestly; why do you think Avraham is painted as white with blue eyes?
You are honestly just ignorant of your think those egyptian kab-allah-ist edomites are SHEMites.
So, let me get this straight; you don't believe the mainstream media when on certain things, but you believe them when they say that these crocked-nosed chaldean egyptians are SHEMites?
Like; you realize that this notion that the SHEMites are not Aryans, come from the exact same people who call Adolf Hiller evil, right?
Wake up.
You're being played. [show more]
I think this work is excellent if you haven’t come upon it yet.
This is a great documentary worth watching if you have not seen it yet.
Oy vey! Those are just "fake" jews!
Hey Thank you for your comment. Can you please suggest me a good source to do more research, i am interested.
There is evil satanic people in all races.
Only the Jew$ are Satanic......Jesus Christ said that (((they))) were of their father the devil!
Except there are Satanists posing as Jews, Christians, Muslims etc... Concealment has always been their way. Its the only way they survive the generations.
If you think Satanic behavior is exclusive to Jews then you are mistaken!!!
what does it mean to say 'you are of your father the devil'? "He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him." These 'traits' can be found in ALL of humanity, regardless of ethnic background. Christ was referencing to the false religious beliefs and views of the Pharisees, who practiced a works based religion, which doesn't save and which permeates America today. [show more]
who cares what some jew said.
Jesus was a Jew, genius.
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 [show more]
Nice try rabbi
Exactly, from The Tribe of Judah.
HE says that these satanic freaks are NOT jews... so I am going to trust MY MAKER over some stranger.
The White Race are the Judeans/Hebrews/Shemites/Avrahamites/Jisrailites; THE SONS OF ISAAC— THE ANGLO SAAC SONS!!!!! [show more]
This should give you some clarification. ⬇️
This is true . Jesuits seem to be very evil.
Yeah, but All other Races Doesn’t own the entire finance system of the WORLD !
The modern day Jew, the Edomites, are literally of the seed of Satan. They are evil incarnate
No; Christ was literally referring that they were the offspring of the devil. He said, "You call yourself Jews but are not Jews; you are of the synagogue of Satan; you are the seed of Satan; you are of your Father" etc etc etc
Christ was saying that they were not 'true Jews,' of whom were legitimate Israelites of the tribe of Judah. These 'pseudo-Jews' that call themselves Jews but are not Jews were the Edomites, of whom intermixed with the tribe of Judah, and from that point on, to this very day, these pseudo-Jews have falsely claimed to be legitimate Jews, of the tribe of Judah, have falsely claimed to be Israelites, and have conducted the greatest identity theft of all time. [show more]
Jesuits and the Vatican all worship the false light (Satan/Lucifer). They take what is 'good' and invert it. They claim to worship Jesus, yet are actually in service to Lucifer (their preferred 'Morning Star).
Catholicism is an entire joke. The Pope's title is "Vicar of Christ," which is blasphemous, as the Pope is claiming to be the direct incarnation of Christ on Earth (Vicar is the same base as of the word 'vicariously'). Translating Latin "Vicar" to Greek gives, and I am not kidding, "anti."
The Pope claims you can only get to the Father through him, a mere MAN on Earth. it is beyond crazy, for if anyone has read Scripture on their own, they'd know that Christ Yeshua directly said that people would do this in the future, and not follow them, for they are false; they will be many anti-Christs after me
The Pope also tells his followers not to read Scripture on your own, as others suggest, and to 'only' listen to the Pope and their Catholic stooge Priests. The Pope literally said reading Scripture on your own and is dangerous and will condemn your soul.
if you've read Scripture, you'd know Christ said no man is your teacher and if anyone wants to get to the Father, they can do so on their own via Christ; Christ told people they didn't need these fake religions men exploiting you.
Quite ironic that modern-day Christianity flies directly in the face of what Jesus said. It is sad people fall for the modern day Christianity, of which should be called 'Churchianity,' as virtually all churches, Catholic or Protestant, are all anti-Christ and fraudulent.
All Churches in America had their 'leader' learn through the corrupt seminary school that was created/funded by Rockefeller. This is why virtually all Churches in America are pro-Zionism and think that supporting these modern day "Jews" is a good thing; it is so sad. Most Christians of today's age worship Satan and do not realize; they support hte literal seed of Satan, the modern day Jew, and their fake Israel nation; they support those of the synagogue of Satan and see no problem with that.
Put simply, modern day "Christians" are all 'Churchians," not followers of Christ [show more]
Jesus the fictional character was jewish. The story is written by our enemies: the jews!!! hello, mcfly!!?