The Allies intended to violate Norwegian neutrality in an effort to block Germany’s iron ore resources coming from Sweden. The Allies also intended to build a base of operations in the neutral Denmark.
Having seen the threat of Bolshevism, Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling was able to confirm the existence of Operation Wilfred and Plan R4 to Hitler. The Germans then initiated Operation Weserübung to counter the Allies ability to fight from Scandinavia.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Europa: The Last Battle (2017) Subt. Español Parte 1/10
Desde mediados del siglo XX, el mundo solo ha escuchado un lado de la guerra más horrible de la historia de la humanidad. Durante los 75 años que han pasado, solo se ha escuchado una sola narración del gran conflicto. Esta narrativa demasiado simplista ignora por completo las décadas anteriores de historia crítica que condujeron a la Segunda Guerra Mundial, ignora información vital de los años de guerra reales y fabrica mentira tras mentira tras mentira.
Hoy vivimos en el mundo de los vencedores de esa guerra y sin una visión objetiva, racional y equilibrada de nuestra historia, estamos condenados a repetir los errores. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los vencedores de la guerra no solo escribieron nuestros libros de historia, se infiltraron en nuestros medios de comunicación y en la educación pública, sino que incluso llegaron a criminalizar el mero cuestionamiento de la ortodoxia de la historia oficial. La verdad es que nuestro mundo de hoy solo puede entenderse a través de una comprensión correcta de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sus arquitectos y los conflictos entre el globalismo y el nacionalismo. Entre el viejo y el nuevo orden mundial. Lo tradicional y lo “progresivo”.
Día tras día, la propaganda de la posguerra ha sido golpeada en las mentes de tres generaciones posteriores. Cada medio de adoctrinamiento masivo ha sido aprovechado para la tarea de entrenar a las masas obedientes en cuanto a cuál debería ser la visión adecuada y "aceptable" de este evento. La academia, los medios de comunicación, la educación pública, la publicación de libros, los documentales de televisión, las películas de Hollywood y los políticos de todo tipo cantan la misma canción.
Por muy buenas razones, la mayoría de la gente ya no confía en los principales medios de comunicación. Ya has escuchado la historia oficial millones de veces.
Este nuevo documental épico ofrece una visión general de cómo se ha ido configurando Europa en la historia moderna. En él encontrarás la historia secreta, donde encontrarás las verdaderas causas de los hechos. Mire esta serie y descubra las verdaderas causas fundamentales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Te llevará por una cronología épica que te transportará al pasado y te llevará en el viaje a través de la Revolución Bolchevique, los intentos comunistas de apoderarse de Alemania; hiperinflación durante la República de Weimar, desempleo y miseria generalizados, ascenso al poder de Adolf Hitler, Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial, todo el camino hasta el mundo moderno. Presenta los verdaderos eventos históricos que condujeron a esta catástrofe mundial conocida como la Segunda Guerra Mundial, así como sus secuelas.
Sin embargo, tenga cuidado, su visión del mundo nunca será la misma.
#globalism #propaganda #Europa #EU #ArgaAndersson
Bred video, brev-texter, bråkande bilder och bra länkar:
- Adolf Hitler
Hitler offered numerous peace proposals to prevent millions of Europeans from being killed in a senseless war; however, Hitler never received responses to his proposals.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
These border conflicts were encouraged by the Jewish owned press and supported by the Polish dictator Śmigły and U.S. President Roosevelt.
Secret Polish documents obtained when Warsaw was captured by the Germans in 1939, established the link of Roosevelt bring about WWII and the Jewish forces behind Roosevelt’s decisions which pushed for war.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
AnSEHEN, aufwachen. Andere Aufklären, immer und überall!!!
- British Duke Arthur Wellesley (5th Duke of Wellington)
In October of 1939, Hitler pleaded for peace saying there can only be peace in Europe and throughout the World if Germany and Britain come to an understanding.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Der Europatag, der Befreiungstag und die erlogenen Geschichte, die jetzt noch verlogener wird…
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Weitere aktuelle Meldungen, sowie Videos zu ganzheitlichen Themen
findet Ihr auf der Lotus Studio Website:
"In der großen Drangsalszeit werden 3 Personen das Weltgeschehen in ganz besonderer Weise beeinflussen: Satan; der zukünftige Herrscher Europas und der Antichrist. Das ist die Dreieinheit des Bösen, die im großen ..()"
- Normalerweise poste ich 'predigen' eher selten bis gar nicht, diese beiden (2in1 vids) bringen es allerdings auf den Punkt. Ich sehe sie eher als (-sehr gute-) Analysen der Zeit an. Vor allen wenn man bedenkt dass sie schon etwas älter sind. - Snow_LP
vid 1 - "- Vorboten der Drangsalszeit - Der Countdown läuft! -
Große Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus. Das gilt besonders auch für die schreckliche Drangsalszeit, vor der die Bibel einiges berichtet und die unübersehbar immer näher rückt. Es wird Kriege, Hungersnöte und Seuchen geben. Die Vorboten davon, sehen wir heute schon. Auch die Rückkehr der Juden, die Gründung des Staates Israel und der Zusammenschluss der Europäischen Union sind alles Ereignisse, die das Kommend es Antichristen und anderer Schlüsselfiguren vorbereiten.
[ siehe Beschreibung original video 1 ]
48,552 views Apr 28, 2022 #endzeit #antichrist #666
-- 0:17:38
vid 2 - " - Die kommende Dreieinheit des Bösen - Satan, das Tier und der Antichrist -
In der großen Drangsalszeit werden 3 Personen das Weltgeschehen in ganz besonderer Weise beeinflussen: Satan; der zukünftige Herrscher Europas und der Antichrist. Das ist die Dreieinheit des Bösen, die im großen Kontrast zur Dreieinheit des lebendigen Gottes steht.
Die Zeit, in der diese Personen auftreten werden, rückt immer näher. Deshalb stellen sich viele Christen zunehmen Fragen wie: Wer ist der Antichrist? Was sagt die Bibel über den zukünftigen Herrscher Europas? Und wie sieht das Malzeichen des Tieres aus, ohne das bald niemand mehr kaufen oder verkaufen kann und dass mit der Zahl 666 verbunden ist?
33,680 views Jun 10, 2022 #satan #endzeit #antichrist
Pfad zu Quellen:
YT: (Kanal: )
'vid 1' - "Vorboten der Drangsalszeit - Der Countdown läuft!"
'vid 2' - "Die kommende Dreieinheit des Bösen - Satan, das Tier und der Antichrist"
Anm: Allerdings sollte man auch nicht ausser acht lassen dass es sich um eine 'künstliche Erzeugung der Apokalypse' handeln könnte!
Bedenkt, es geht nicht um das was ihr/wir glauben, sondern was dieser globale 'Cult' glaubt! (Satanismus, Astrologie, Symbolismus und Numerologie..) siehe dieses Video:
"Die künstliche Erzeugung der Apokalypse!"
In September 1939, after the Germans were able to quickly suppress the Polish atrocities against ethnic Germans and the Germans were able to regain territory invaded by the French, Hitler’s mission had been accomplished; however, Britain did not want peace, which could have saved millions of Europeans.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
After blocking any German attempts for a peaceful resolution for over 7 years, France and Britain declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939.
On September 5, 1939, the British dropped the first bomb of WW2 on German soil.
Starting on September 5, 1939, the Soviets attacked Poland from the east, slaughtering 10,000s Poles, but the Allies said nothing; Poland was only used to start the war.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
The war with Poland lasted only 29 days; with Danzig being liberated the day the war started.
However, Polish aggression toward German civilians continued with over 58,000 Germans being slaughtered; and, only stopped once German soldier reached Lowicz.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
British officials encouraged Poland to attack Germany under the commitment that Britain and France would fight with them should Germany fightback.
The Jewish owned Polish press played a major role in the persecution of the ethnic Germans with a moto of ‘slaughter them off’.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
One of many to review the most important documentary ever produced
Poland (1939):
“German blood will be spilled in a future war in such streams like it wasn’t seen since the beginning of the world.”
Poland (1939):
“Poland wants war with Germany.”
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Hitler sought to avoid conflict with Britain and France; however, Jew controlled media only fanned the flames of war.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Wetterbeobachtungen - April 2023 - Campus Breivika in Tromsø - UiT Norwegens Arktische Universität
From 1919 to 1939, Germans were repeatedly attacked by Polish terrorists working for Jewish interests.
Over 80,000 Germans in Danzig fled to refugee camps and over 12,500 Germans were murdered by Polish terrorists.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
In 1934, the Polish U.S. Ambassador explained that because of Jewish propaganda and general public ignorance, people in the US have no idea what is going on in Europe.
In 1939, a report from Washington to Polish officials noted that the pressure the Jews had on Roosevelt was becoming more powerful and that the Jews intended on using that power to plunge the world into war.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
In 1939, Roosevelt assured communist leaders that America would actively intervene on the side of Britain and France in the anticipated European war.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Structure of Alternative 3 Can you handle the truth?
Musik: DutchRevz - Indie Rock x Surf Curse x Post Punk Type Beat - "Negative"
The Pride of Wolves
Filmed at Stadt Velbert Friedhof Langenberg, Nov 2009
Es ist klar, dass Europa seine Haltung nicht über Nacht ändern wird, aber das Unbehagen ist bereits hörbar. Und das ständige Durchsickern von sensiblen Informationen trägt dazu bei.
Mein neuestes Geoengineering Video vom am Boden zerstörten Deutschland:
Ist das das Ende, Deutschland?
NATO-AKTE 11.02.2023: Größter Terrorakt der europäischen Geschichte verkommt zum Whataboutismus?
Eines der versteckten Ziele des Krieges in der Ukraine: die Zerstückelung und der Ruin Europas:
Meine Kanäle:
Mein Gruß an alle Partioten in der Welt.
Henry Morgenthau Jr., a Jew, was the United States Secretary of the Treasury during most of the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Morgenthau contacted French politicians and suggested freezing German bank accounts in an effort to push France into a war with Germany.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Artist at end, Cleon Peterson,
Cleon Peterson paints for The Rothschild family.
His work gives a glimpse of whats to come.
Credit to: Petre Nimicitul (If you didn't notice)
Cleon / thx > Cyberninja
The German-Poland non-aggression pact fell through in 1935 when new leadership in Poland (Rydz-Śmigły) was not interested in peace with Germany.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Weg van de snelweg - Europa - Oostenrijk
Presentatie: Gerard Oonk
Datum van opname: 1998
Bron: Pal vhs
In 1934, Hitler signed a peace pact with Poland. Hitler saw the pact as a defense wall against the onslaught of Bolshevism against Europe.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
wonderful frens song.
mirror from this sisters channel Syifa010
31 subscribers
from the great channel hard right turn
i really love it i hope they stand up soon they have kind nature and is taken advantage of
Hitler made several documented attempts to avoid war; however, each of these attempts was rejected by those who would gain from a war with Germany.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Europa - A Última Batalha, capítulo 2 legendado em português
Europa - A Última Batalha, capítulo 10 final legendado em português
Europa - A Última Batalha, capítulo 8 legendado em português
Documentário Europa a última batalha 1, legendado
The first to use the phrase where Zionists. The phrase ‘Final Solution’ is a direct quote from the 1897 Zionist Manifesto.
The phrase ‘Final Solution’ was used by Jews and Zionists many times long before the National Socialists existed.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
In 1942, the National Socialists held a conference in Wannsee Germany to discuss the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
The minutes of the meeting, which are publicly available, never mention anything concerning killing Jews or any type of extermination method; the minutes do say at some point the Jews will be released.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Every nation where Jews have been given full rights and privileges, the Jews have exploited and morally corrupted the host nation.
The Jews create uproars against themselves and then the Jewish supremacists blame it on antisemitism.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Frank Raymond was born in the Indian subcontinent, and spent his early life in Calcutta, Darjeeling, and Dhaka in Bangladesh. He went to college and university in England, and witnessed at first hand the Marxism and anti-white racial indoctrination that was undermining the country, and the cultural Marxism that dominated the universities. Returning to Bangladesh he spent many hard years running an industrial business and immersing himself in the mind and culture of the people of the Indian subcontinent. At 39 he moved to Canada, and has since lived in Vancouver. As he began to realize that Canada was not being built, but rather that a built civilization was being destroyed, he researched the slow slide and ruination of a once-proud Canada. He has stood mute witness as the green, rustic and charming Vancouver of the past was razed to build high-rises and replace green neighborhoods with slums and rabbit warrens of housing estates. As a person of East Indian ethnicity with broad exposure to both the colored and Caucasian races, minds and cultures, he is able to provide an outsider’s insight into the white mind, and show how it differs from the minds of other races. He stands for the principle that every race is unique and valuable, but he opposes the Cultural Marxist and Jewish tenet that the white race alone is non-existent, worthless and dispensable.
Every aspect of forced migration, abortion, vaccination and lgbtq+pz movement is jewish.
Know your enemy! It's the jews!
Never forget:
~ Revelation 2:9
~ Revelation 3:9
~ John
~ 1 Thessalonians
Jews killed the prophets and even killed the Lord Jesus. Now they have persecuted us, too. They fail to please God and work against all humanity.
1869 Rabbi Reichorn,
“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100 million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.”
— Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869
In an attempt to peacefully resolve the conflict between the Jews and Germans, German officials made a deal to allow German Jews and their assets to go to Palestine.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Europa: The Last Battle part 4 SHORTENED/CONDENSED version
This documentary has been edited from its original source to be shorter and more digestible for audiences not wanting to dive into the deeper details. For more information and historical details, please refer to the original version
Europa: The Last Battle part 2 SHORTENED/CONDENSED version
This documentary has been edited from its original source to be shorter and more digestible for audiences not wanting to dive into the deeper details. For more information and historical details, please refer to the original version
Europa: The Last Battle part 3 SHORTENED/CONDENSED version
This documentary has been edited from its original source to be shorter and more digestible for audiences not wanting to dive into the deeper details. For more information and historical details, please refer to the original version
Europa: The Last Battle part 1 SHORTENED/CONDENSED version
This documentary has been edited from its original source to be shorter and more digestible for audiences not wanting to dive into the deeper details. For more information and historical details, please refer to the original version
Statement von Patrick Poppel
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Mein neuestes Geoengineering Video vom am Boden zerstörten Deutschland:
Ist das das Ende, Deutschland?
NATO-AKTE 11.02.2023: Größter Terrorakt der europäischen Geschichte verkommt zum Whataboutismus?
Eines der versteckten Ziele des Krieges in der Ukraine: die Zerstückelung und der Ruin Europas:
Meine Kanäle:
Mein Gruß an alle Partioten in der Welt.
The most precious possession you have in the World is your own people. And for this people, and for the sake of this people, we will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith!
Adolf Hitler:
My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right!
Never forget:
~ Revelation 2:9
~ Revelation 3:9
~ John 8:44
~ 1 Thessalonians 2:15
Jews killed the prophets and even killed the Lord Jesus. Now they have persecuted us, too. They fail to please God and work against all humanity.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Parts 1, 2 and 3 . . . these would be the most important instalments. Without having seen these as foundation, the later episodes are not as clear to see the whole picture. +WARNING+ includes some Disturbing Graphic Imagery.
Source: Widely available by search, Odysee search works best.
Channel Comment: You don't know what you don't know, until you know. You know?
Catch up on what most 'truthers' don't seem to see or know:
The Truth:
More Truth:
Another way:
SC(Australia) Ruling:
Common Law:
Bill Of Rights:
Hague IV 'treaty':
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11:
Declaration (UN) regarding Teaching of History:
PM contact to join in a discussion:
Patriot Stickers
Aus Patriot Shirts
Australian Federal Red Ensign Land Flag:
One People One Destiny
LEST We Forget <3
Facing what is and fight the good fight or die! Do NOT be ignorant of the devils devices
The Jews are communists. They contrived the Russian Revolution killing 10s of millions of Russians; killing the most intelligent ones, and that is their plan for the entire world.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
- Alexander Kulisher (Jewish Professor and Zionist), 1937
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
-Emil Ludwig, 1938
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
⚠️ Gran parte de Europa sufre una sequía extrema provocada por el cambio climático. Debido a la situación de emergencia, algunos países ya están elaborando un estricto plan de restricción del uso del agua.
Conozca los detalles y los testimonios en nuestro nuevo informe.
2021 - MARZO 2023
🆘 ESPAÑA: En CATALUÑA más de 6 millones de personas en más de 200 municipios se verán afectadas por las restricciones. No llueve con normalidad desde hace al menos 30 meses.
Se anunció que los jardines privados y los lugares públicos dejarán de regarse, y las actividades agrícolas tendrán que reducir el consumo de agua en un 40%.
☀️ Los dos últimos años, 2021 y 2022, en BARCELONA, la capital de Cataluña, han sido los más secos de la historia de la ciudad.
Algunos de los alrededores de Barcelona se encuentran en niveles catastróficamente bajos. Por ejemplo, el pantano de Sau, el segundo embalse interior más grande de Cataluña, está ahora a sólo el 10% de su capacidad. Mientras, la iglesia de San Román de Sau, que emergió del agua ya el verano pasado, sigue siendo totalmente visible.
🆘 REINO UNIDO: Un comienzo de año seco amenaza con una recurrente sequía a gran escala. En febrero, cayó aquí menos de la mitad de la cantidad media de precipitaciones de un mes.
Mientras tanto, el país aún no se ha recuperado del verano seco récord de 2022. East Anglia, Devon, Cornualles y las islas Sealy siguen oficialmente en estado de sequía.
Según la oficina meteorológica, Inglaterra experimentó el febrero más seco de los últimos 30 años. La situación fue especialmente desfavorable en el este de la región.
📍 El aumento de los precios de la energía está obligando a los productores británicos a reducir la producción de alimentos, y muchos invernaderos están cerrando por completo. Los supermercados locales ya han limitado la venta de algunas verduras y hortalizas, ya que los suministros de otros países europeos también han disminuido debido a la inestabilidad de las condiciones de cultivo, incluida la sequía.
La crisis global es una realidad aterradora que se ha apoderado de nuestro mundo y pronto lo destruirá por completo. Desgraciadamente, la mayoría de la gente no es consciente de la amenaza inminente.
Incluso un solo acontecimiento climático, como la sequía, ilustra la escala global del impacto extremo del clima en la vida de las personas. Las perturbaciones climáticas pueden desestabilizar las economías incluso de los países más desarrollados. El entorno natural es cada vez más impredecible para la agricultura. Aunque todavía no están tan extendidos, los problemas alimentarios son síntomas de una crisis económica general que no hará sino agravarse.
👉 El 22 de abril de 2023, en el próximo Foro Internacional en Línea "Crisis Global. Hay una salida" aprenderás qué acontecimientos ocurrirán en nuestro planeta antes del año 2036 y por qué la destrucción del planeta no es lo peor a lo que tendrá que enfrentarse la humanidad. Quedan pocos años para cambiar el curso de los acontecimientos.
Aún tenemos una oportunidad, pero para poder aprovecharla, todas las personas deben conocerla. Hoy, el futuro depende de la elección de cada uno, y la elección es simple: preservar o no la vida en la Tierra.
Para evitar acontecimientos fatales y saber qué puedes hacer TÚ para salvar a la humanidad, únete al Foro Internacional en Línea "Crisis Global. Hay una salida" el 22 de abril de 2023 a las 15:00 GMT.
¡Participa! ¡Corre la voz sobre este Foro en todas las plataformas, en todos los medios sociales! ¡Todo el mundo debe conocer este Foro!
🌐 Nuestro canal Crisis Climática cubre los problemas globales de la humanidad: cataclismos, cataclismos de la semana, cambio climático, calentamiento global, clima, cataclismos de hoy, desastres naturales, desastres, cataclismos naturales, tormenta, inundación, ola de calor, deshielo de glaciares, cambio climático global, sequía, terremoto, calentamiento, incendios, nevadas récord, alud de lodo, tornado, ola de calor, inundación riada, tsunami,qué le está pasando al mundo
El tiempo se acaba. El mayor acontecimiento de la Historia tendrá lugar el 22 de abril de 2023, a las 15:00 GMT, en el Foro Internacional en Línea "Crisis Global. Hay una Salida"
👉 Crisis Global. Nuestra salvación está en la unión | Foro Internacional en Línea 12 de noviembre de 2022
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Europa: The Last Battle
Controversial Documentary
Chaim Weizmann, the first president of Israel, said in 1936, that 6 million Jews are sentenced to be imprisoned in Europe.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
- David A. Brown
David Abraham Brown led many international Jewish organizations such as the United Jewish Campaign and was known as an expert fund raiser for these causes. He also controlled a bank in New York (Broadway National Bank and Trust Co) and a weekly newspaper (The American Hebrew).
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
In 1933, Vladimir Jabotinsky, a Jewish Communist and Zionist terror group leader, declared that the German nation is a danger to Jews and must be destroyed.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
From the Jewish newspaper Natasha Recht (sp?), “[Germany] must be rendered harmless for all time…”
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
The new Germany under Hitler was at odds with Jewish interests; thus, the Jews, world-wide, made every effort to economically strangle Germany.
The Jews also spread lies concerning their treatment in Germany.
These Jewish attacks on Germany happened before Hitler boycotted any Jewish goods.
Even German Jews stated reports of German atrocities against Jews were untrue and exaggerated.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Meus Outros Canais:
Título Original: Husky Rescue - Sunrider
Publicado em 30 de Novembro de 2012
Créditos: Husky Rescue, Acássio dos Anjos
Publicação Original:
Descrição Original do Autor:
60,907 views Nov 30, 2012
Husky Rescue - Sunrider
From new EP - Deep Forest Green (2012)
As early as 1932, Jews had declared the German people their enemy. Before Germany had enacted any laws against the Jews, world-wide Jewish leaders issued a declaration of war against Germany with an economic boycott of German goods.
The 24 March 1933 front page of the London Daily Express, had the headline, “Judea declares war on Germany.” Jewish leaders called for a holy war against the German people.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 4)
Wherever you went, the faces of the German people had genuine smiles that could not hide their awesome love for Adolf Hitler.
Hitler took Germany out of abject poverty and put the German people in a place where their families were secure with food on the table, solid wages and a promising outlook for the children of Germany.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 3)
Hitler was a living legend to his people. Under his policies, the German people were no longer under the thumb of the Jewish bankers; as a result, the German’s self-confidence, national pride and happiness skyrocketed.
Europa: The Last Battle (Part 3)
In diesem Video sagt Andreas alles, was es zu sagen gibt.
Werden seine Worte von der Menschheit erhört?
Wenn ihr es wichtig findet, leitet es gerne weiter...
Viele Grüße,
Unsere Kanäle:
The All Spark - Steve Jablonsky
Optimus - Steve Jablonsky
Für Andreas, Deutschland, Europa und die Welt!
Danke für deine Worte!
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
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The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Credit: Unknown
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488
The TRUE HISTORY of the World. Who didn't learn from the mistakes of the past, is condamned to repeat them. And HERE we described those mistakes. We learned from them. This is how it was: Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story's orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old and new world order. The Traditional and the "Progressive". Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and "acceptable" view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song. For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times. This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler's rise to power, World War I and II - all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath. Do be forewarned though, your worldview will never be the same. THE TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION. Think for yourself, go find the truth, do your own research, inform humanity, and save the World! - Synopsis by IMDB
Follow Me:
Twitter: or @White88Raven
Telegram: or @TheWhiteRaven1488