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Twisting The Hellmouth Crossing Over Awards - Results
Buffy Crossovers-r-Us
Twisting the Hellmouth is a fan fiction archive of over 20,000 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel crossover stories. TtH hosts all genres of cross over fanfic as well as non-crossover stories from both BtVS and other fandoms by writers who archive their cross-over fan fiction here. See the site rules for details.

Fan Fiction Archive - Categories

Anime [649, 27 Apr] Anita Blake [652, Sep 21] BtVS/AtS Non-Crossover [1907, 26 Apr]
Cartoons [445, 30 Apr] Charmed [302, 28 Apr] Comics [200, 30 Apr]
CSI [205, 9 Mar] DC Universe [755, 22 Apr] Dr. Who/Torchwood [671, 8 Jan]
Firefly [369, 18 Nov] Games [621, 29 Apr] Harry Potter [3133, 30 Apr]
Highlander [446, 22 Apr] Literature [1296, 15 Apr] Lord of the Rings [471, 29 Apr]
Marvel Universe [1113, 29 Apr] Miscellaneous [335, 7 Mar] Movies [1669, 27 Apr]
Multiple Crossings [2094, 30 Apr] NCIS [345, 22 Feb] Smallville [276, 30 Apr]
Star Trek [319, 27 Apr] Star Wars [352, 6 Apr] Stargate [1812, 29 Apr]
Supernatural [1591, 28 Apr] Television [3678, 28 Apr] Twilight [164, 23 Nov]

Twisting the Hellmouth - Latest News

Just a reminder that Twisting the Hellmouth is, and has been for 2+ decades (yes, we've been around that long) a Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover fan fiction archive.

As such, we have rules about what can be posted here. And we take it seriously. Before posting a story here, look at the Site Rules, especially Rule 8.

Although we do allow non-Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover stories to be posted here, they, and the author posting them must meet the few exceptions to Rule 8.

TL;DR Version

Want to post a non-Buffy crossover here at TtH?

1. It must not be your 1st story posted (that must be a Buffy crossover.)
2. You must have 50 percent or more Buffy crossover stories already posted (by story and word count)
3. Or be a donor to the site.

Note: Existing non-Buffy crossover stories can be updated even if the above doesn't apply but they must have been posted while you were in compliance with Rule 8.


The Management
Posted 4 Mar 23 • (Moderator)acs
For February, let's write some dabbles!

Up to 28 100 word short, short stories, if you can.

You know you want to!

Details here: 2023 February Drabble Challenge!
Posted 1 Feb 23 • (Moderator)acs • Comments
Apparently, some readers don't understand why stories may be quarantined or why they may not be instantly unquarantined.

Being quarantined isn't usually a bad thing. Just a simple 'Please fix this problem!'

The author of a story is told why a story is quarantined WHEN it occurs. They are then given the opportunity to fix the issue or issues.

And it is up to the moderator who quarantined a story to decide if the author has met the Rule requirements that caused the quarantine in the first place. This often happens within a few hours of the quarantine.

But what if it doesn't?

The moderators have lives. Yes, really. We do. We do not sit around and wait anxiously for an author to fix a quarantine issue. It may take hours, even days from when an author fixes a quarantine until it is removed from quarantine. (e.g. I personally, in real life, work for a living. If I quarantine a story early in the morning, I may not see an unquarantine request until late in the evening.)

Does that "suck" for the writer? Sure. If it takes them long enough to fix an issue the story may fall off the Latest page. Could it have been avoided? Sure, by checking your story before posting it.

What's the most common quarantinable offense? Forgetting to add a disclaimer. A simple thing, but not optional. And, in most cases the author DID forget to add one because they were in such a hurry to share their story with everyone. But it's still required.

Note: Only an author of a story has any standing to complain (to the Mod Team) about their story being quarantined. Or to request that a quarantine be removed. It's between them and the Mod who quarantined it, and no one else.
Posted 15 Dec 22 • (Moderator)acs
It's Halloween! An important date in Buffy canon.

So... Celebrate!

Read/review some Halloween fics (There are 88 'pages' of Halloween pics on the site, according to TtH Advanced Search -- Advanced Search!.)

Eat some Halloween candy!

Dress up in a costume!

If you live in a country that "celebrates" Halloween with sugary treats given to costumed hooligans, do that (If you don't eat it all yourself!)

Go to a local Halloween party!

Write a Halloween quick-fic!
Posted 31 Oct 22 • (Moderator)acs
Folks, we occasionally get reports of broken images or "malicious" images posted on our site when people view/read stories.

Since we don't actually host images on our site, it's the responsibility of the story author to make sure their story or art "stories" contain valid links to their art.

We don't currently have a way to mass check ALL of the links to art of the site but we will likely quarantine a story and notify the author if one of their stories (is reported and) has links to bad/missing/malicious artwork, until it is fixed.

So PLEASE - check your story art/images!

Note: There is not a specific rule that covers this issue, except the generic Rule 19 - "If the Moderators think it should be quarantined because there is something wrong with it!"

The Mods.
Posted 30 Sep 22 • (Moderator)acs
The annual Twisted Shorts August Fit-a-Day challenge begins on August 1st, 2022 and runs for 31 days, until August 31st, 2022

Pics can be posted either here, on the main site, or in the Twisted Shorts LiveJournal community.

Please check the rules there or here: 2022 August Fic-A-Day Challenge

Important: To be counted your fics must follow the challenge rules.
Posted 16 Jul 22 • (Moderator)acs • Comments
Celebrate the 25th anniversary of the 1st season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer this month with a challenge!

Write a crossover about one or more Scoobies, and what they are doing 25 years after Buffy first came to Sunnydale.

The challenge:

25 for 25!
Posted 1 Mar 22 • (Moderator)acs • Comments

A challenge from canadiangodess

The basic idea is our favorite P.I (Veronica Mars) suddenly has become a slayer because of Willow's spell.

-The pairing has to be Logan Echolls and Veronica Mars
-This has to be in the beginning of Season 1 in Veronica Mars
- Buffy,Dawn,Xander,Giles, and Willow are the only ones going to Neptune
-The rest of the slayers are in L.A resting
-Neptune is a hellmouth
-Dawn is older than Veronica
-Buffy is going to be a guidance counselor in Neptune High
-Dawn is in college
-The Scoobies are going to stay in The Camelot
-Can be any pairing you want (excep...
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