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Fire Junk. Rams anything on the water and explodes.
—In-game description

The Fire Junk is a military ship in Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties that is exclusive to the Chinese and can be trained at the Dock once the Commerce Age is reached. It makes a beeline towards enemy ships or buildings close to shore and explodes to deal splash damage, similar to the Demolition Ship in Age of Empires II.

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The Fire Junk is a cheap ship with a high attack, high speed and a great line of sight, the highest in the game for a ship, even higher than a Monitor's. But it has low hit points, no range and it can be used only once. It's mainly used to quickly destroy ships, especially fragile ones and ones that transport units. It's also useful against land units and buildings directly adjacent to the water, especially when the enemy has them in tight bunches, allowing multiple kills at once. They can also prove useful in shore battles, destroying Docks quickly and preventing the enemy from training a fleet.

One of the Fire Junk's weaknesses is that against human players, if the enemy ship flees, the Fire Junk will detonate too early.

Further statistics[]

Unit strengths and weaknesses
Strong vs. Ships, buildings and units close to shore/in shallows
Weak vs. Artillery especially Culverins, defensive structures
Hit points Armor Plating.png Armor Plating (+50%)
Rawhide Covers.png Rawhide Covers (+20%, Haudenosaunee only)
Attack Carronade.png Carronade (+25%)
Flaming Arrows.png Flaming Arrows (+25%, Lakota only)
Sight Town Watch.png Town Watch (+2, Europeans only)
Train cost Mapuche Ad-mapu.png Mapuche Ad-mapu (-10% coin cost)
Penalties Coffee Trade.png Coffee Trade (-10% speed, Dutch only)

Home City Cards[]


The Asian Dynasties[]

  • Fire Junks train in 10 seconds.

Knights of the Mediterranean[]

  • Fire Junks train in 15 seconds.


  • The Fire Junk uses the same model as the War Junk.
  • When it is trained, the Fire Junk quickly begins to burn, and it can burn indefinitely.
  • Ironically, althought being a Chinese unique unit, the Fire Junk's history section does not mention any usage of fire junk by the Chinese navy, but instead mentioning the usage of a similar demolition ship by the British against the Spanish, which is unavailable in-game.


Virtually everything on a tall ship is flammable, from wooden planks and tar that seals seams to greased ropes and canvas sails, to gunpowder - especially gunpowder! Black powder ships, also called fireships, were ships set afire and allowed to drift (or were sometimes piloted by a minimal crew, who escaped before impact) into enemy fleets with the purpose of setting them afire and blowing them up. Fireships were particularly nasty when sailed into harbors to destroy immobile ships at anchor.

Fireships were used by the English Royal Navy against the larger and more powerful Spanish Armada. Unable to find a proper port or deep mooring, the Spanish fleet congregated in a defensive arc, into which the British sailed a half-dozen fireships, scattering and confusing the Spanish fleet. This allowed the smaller English fleet to engage the Spanish Armada on a more even footing.


Military units in Age of Empires III
AOE3Icon.png Age of Empires III
CommonExplorer · Militiaman · Crossbowman · Pikeman · Halberdier · Musketeer · Skirmisher · Grenadier · Hussar · Dragoon · Cavalry Archer · Falconet · Culverin · Mortar · Heavy Cannon · Caravel · Galleon · Frigate · Monitor
Flag BritishDE.png BritishLongbowman · Ranger· Rocket
Flag DutchDE.png DutchRuyter · Fluyt
Flag FrenchDE.png FrenchCuirassier
Flag GermanDE.png GermansLandwehr** · Doppelsoldner · Uhlan · War Wagon
Flag OttomanDE.png OttomansBashibozuk** · Janissary · Azap** · Nizam Fusilier· Abus Gunner · Humbaraci** · Deli** · Great Bombard · Galley · Spahi
Flag PortugueseDE.png PortugueseCassador · Organ Gun
Flag RussianDE.png RussiansStrelet · Cossack · Oprichnik
Flag SpanishDE.png SpanishRodelero · Lancer
WarchiefsIcon.png The WarChiefs
CommonWarrior · Canoe · War Canoe · Ironclad · Horse Artillery · Petard · Spy
Flag AztecDE.png AztecsAztec War Chief · Coyote Runner · Otontin Slinger · Puma Spearman · Arrow Knight · Eagle Runner Knight · Jaguar Prowl Knight · Warrior Priest · Skull Knight · Tlaloc Canoe
Flag IroquoisDE.png HaudenosauneeHaudenosaunee War Chief · Aenna · Tomahawk · Forest Prowler · Kanya Horseman · Musket Rider · Ram · Mantlet · Light Cannon
Flag SiouxDE.png LakotaLakota War Chief · Cetan Bowman · Club Warrior · Wakina Rifle · Axe Rider · Bow Rider · Rifle Rider · Tashunke Prowler · Tokala Soldier
Revolution.png RevolutionRevolutionary · Gatling Gun
DynastiesIcon.png The Asian Dynasties
Flag ChineseDE.png ChineseShaolin Master · Disciple · Sentry · Irregular · Chu Ko Nu · Qiang Pikeman · Changdao Swordsman · Arquebusier · Steppe Rider · Keshik · Iron Flail · Meteor Hammer · Flamethrower · Hand Mortar · Flying Crow · Fire Junk · War Junk · Fuchuan
Flag IndianDE.png IndiansBrahmin · Sentry · Irregular · Rajput · Sepoy · Gurkha · Urumi Swordsman · Sowar · Zamburak · Mahout Lancer · Howdah · Flail Elephant · Siege Elephant
Flag JapaneseDE.png JapaneseSohei Archer · Sentry · Irregular · Yumi Archer · Ashigaru Musketeer · Samurai · Naginata Rider · Yabusame · Flaming Arrow · Morutaru · Daimyo · Shogun Tokugawa · Yamabushi · Shinobi · Fune · Atakabune · Tekkousen
Age3DE Icon.png Definitive Edition
CommonCaptured Mortar · General · Sloop · Steamer · Battleship
Flag IncanDE.png IncaInca War Chief · Jungle Bowman · Plumed Spearman · Chimu Runner · Bolas Warrior · Huaraca · Maceman · Chincha Raft
Flag SwedishDE.png SwedesCarolean · Hakkapelit · Leather Cannon
Flag American act3 aoe3de.png United StatesMinuteman · State Militia · Regular · Sharpshooter · Carbine Cavalry · Gatling Gun · Quaker Gun · Gunslinger · Cowboy · Owlhoot
Flag MexicanDE.png MexicansPadre · Insurgente · Soldado · Salteador · Chinaco · Desperado · Cuatrero · Bandido
Revolution.png RevolutionBarbary Warrior · Californio · Cetbang Cannon · Corsair Marksman · Cowboy · Cruzob Avenger · Cruzob Infantry · Cuerudo · Filibuster · Gaucho · Jagunço · Javanese Spearman · Llanero · Morochuco · Mounted Granadero · Revolutionary Sharpshooter · Trek Wagon
The African Royals
CommonLevied Spearman · Levied Bowman · Levied Gunner · Javelin Rider · Desert Warrior · Desert Archer · Desert Raider · Battle Canoe · Cannon Boat
Flag Ethiopian aoe3de.png EthiopiansRas · Oromo Warrior · Gascenya · Shotel Warrior · Neftenya · Sebastopol Mortar · War Dhow
Flag Hausa.png HausaEmir · Fulani Archer · Raider · Lifidi Knight · Maigadi · Xebec
Knights of the Mediterranean
Flag ItalianDE.png ItaliansPavisier · Bersagliere · Schiavone · Papal Guard · Papal Lancer · Papal Zouave · Papal Bombard · Galleass · Leonardo's Tank
Flag MalteseDE.png MalteseGrand Master · Hospitaller · Sentinel · Fire Thrower · Order Galley · Fire Ship
* added in the Definitive Edition   ** in Knights of the Mediterranean