Science and Civilisation In China, Volume 5 Chemistry And Chemical Technology, Part 7, Military Technology, The Gunpowder Epic
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Science and Civilisation In China, Volume 5 Chemistry And Chemical Technology, Part 7, Military Technology, The Gunpowder Epic
- Publication date
- 1986
- Topics
- Chinese history, History of China, History of Yuan dynasty, History of Ming dynasty, History of Qing dynasty, History of Song dynasty
- Collection
- opensource
- Language
- English
The Gunpowder Epic is one of three planned publications on military
technology within Dr Needham's immense undertaking. The discovery of
gunpowder in China by the 9th century AD was followed by its rapid
applications. It is now clear that the whole development from bombs and
grenades to the invention of the metal-barrel hand gun took place in the
Chinese culture area before Europeans had any knowledge of the mixture
itself. Uses in civil engineering and mechanical engineering were
equally important, before the knowledge of gunpowder spread to Europe in
the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Dr Needham's new work
continues to demonstrate the major importance of Chinese science and
technology to world history and maintains the tradition of one of the
great scholarly works of the twentieth century.
technology within Dr Needham's immense undertaking. The discovery of
gunpowder in China by the 9th century AD was followed by its rapid
applications. It is now clear that the whole development from bombs and
grenades to the invention of the metal-barrel hand gun took place in the
Chinese culture area before Europeans had any knowledge of the mixture
itself. Uses in civil engineering and mechanical engineering were
equally important, before the knowledge of gunpowder spread to Europe in
the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Dr Needham's new work
continues to demonstrate the major importance of Chinese science and
technology to world history and maintains the tradition of one of the
great scholarly works of the twentieth century.
- Addeddate
- 2020-10-04 15:56:26
- Identifier
- science-and-civilisation-in-china-volume-5-chemistry-and-chemical-technology-par
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t3426dx2v
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR)
- Ppi
- 300
- Scanner
- Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4
- Year
- 1986
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