Saturday, April 22, 2023

Weekly browser binaries (20230422)

New build of Firefox 45ESR:

Test binary:



Changes since my last build:
- [network][security] add TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 and TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 support (9f9aa2efc)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #651: M1779993 + backbugs (9197c1505)
 - #651: M1786188 M1791029 (28b4c0882)
 - #651: M1761233 M1687303 M1633019 M1797336 M1799748 M1801102 (fb91afbb4)
 - add MDN script to problematic scripts due to screen blanking after load (2488fabc4)
 - #659: initial support for per-host CSS grid whitelist (c889bc5ce)
 - #659 sidecar: better blocking means for (c51a503ed)
 - #659: tuneups and edgecases (17b23692f) (50d2e2b43)

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit SSE
32bit noSSE


source repo:

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1204983 - Allow about: pages to load remote content (r=bholley,bz,florian,dragana) (234bb3d551)
 - Bug 1201272 - add reftest for canvas shadows with destination-out op. r=jmuizelaar (2d4618d60f)
 - Bug 1224976. Recover from singular-matrix cairo errors. r=mattwoodrow (7ae2e051e9)
 - Bug 1200021 - Part 3: Add DrawTarget::IsValid and don't let Cairo version snapshot invalid surface. r=bas (069d0db780)
 - Bug 1219991 - Make RestyleManager::{Begin,End}ProcessingRestyles private. r=dholbert (29f36406bb)
 - Bug 1147692 - Remove gmp-decryptor backwards compatibility hack. r=edwin (d53204cb84)
 - Bug 1229508 - Support current and previous GMP_API_DECRYPTORs. r=gerald (887b0b8245)
 - Bug 1228215 - Expose the GMP name on each GMPParent. r=jwwang (9c5205143d)
 - Bug 1183433 - Make GMPParent's AbortWaitingForGMPAsyncShutdown class-static, to simplify upcoming work. r=cpearce (483648359e)
 - Bug 1174064 - Ensure we don't try to reuse a GMP doing async shutdown. r=edwin (fe62f2daec)
 - fix log (000dc88d7b)
 - Bug 1169129 - Make GMPService's GMP crash handlers easier to register. r=gerald (9c05cfed78)
 - Bug 1227908 - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PushService.jsm, line 281: ReferenceError: data is not defined. r=kcambridge (99cb65c1cd)
 - Bug 1225968 - Add authentication secret to push API, r=kitcambridge,smaug (60d57d206a) (6f7ba1a01e)
- import from mozilla: Bug 1229256: [MSE] P3. Prevent crash should buffered range be read while shutting down. r=gerald (b493cde48ac0) (fd7942d1ee)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1225968 - Refactoring to move some of the push crypto logic, r=kitcambridge (2dc331f810)
 - Bug 1174422 - Add system principal for UDPSocket init r=kitcambridge (57a7ed3bf4)
 - Back out bug 1100863 and bug 1152264 for causing bug 1189729 on a CLOSED TREE. a=mhenretty,RyanVM (26d91329b3)
 - add missing SSL_OBSERVED_END_ENTITY_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME telemetry bits (9f651777ef)
 - bug 1172615 - check for and return early in the case of authentication bypass in AuthCertificateHook r=mcmanus (c642e7ba02)
 - Bug 1229698 - Odin: fix memory corruption when -D passed to the shell (r=bbouvier) (257d9be84b)
 - Bug 1226027 - Use Simd128 register content type. r=bbouvier (9967eff8ae)
 - Bug 1229642 - Odin: hoist some things into Wasm.h and simplify symbolic addresses (r=bbouvier) (3c675a2af8) (2ca6778187)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1170325 - Convert js::Vector into a template alias to mozilla::Vector with a single customized default argument. Also get rid of the CRTP support in mozilla::Vector (through mozilla::VectorBase) now that template aliasing is good enough, and make mozilla::Vector final so that people will use composition and not inheritance with it. (Inheritance plays poorly with movability and a few other things, in addition to messing up template argument deduction matching.) r=Waldo, patch sort of a tag-team between him and me (1f663fc5c1)
 - Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in toolkit/. r=froydnj (7d47cd8c5f)
 - Bug 1230409: Implement dummy HeapOffset members for non-ion builds; r=luke (74158a1271)
 - Bug 1228369: Rename CodeOffset::use/used into bind/bound; r=luke (90d1b88697)
 - Bug 1228340: Remove the js_ prefix in front of IonOptimizationsLevel; r=h4writer (44b79061b3)
 - Bug 1229196 - Fix MSVC C4334 "was 64-bit shift intended" warning in js/src/asmjs. r=sunfish (debed181c9) (5602866910)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 522696571d...5602866910:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1204983 - Allow about: pages to load remote content (r=bholley,bz,florian,dragana) (234bb3d551)
 - Bug 1201272 - add reftest for canvas shadows with destination-out op. r=jmuizelaar (2d4618d60f)
 - Bug 1224976. Recover from singular-matrix cairo errors. r=mattwoodrow (7ae2e051e9)
 - Bug 1200021 - Part 3: Add DrawTarget::IsValid and don't let Cairo version snapshot invalid surface. r=bas (069d0db780)
 - Bug 1219991 - Make RestyleManager::{Begin,End}ProcessingRestyles private. r=dholbert (29f36406bb)
 - Bug 1147692 - Remove gmp-decryptor backwards compatibility hack. r=edwin (d53204cb84)
 - Bug 1229508 - Support current and previous GMP_API_DECRYPTORs. r=gerald (887b0b8245)
 - Bug 1228215 - Expose the GMP name on each GMPParent. r=jwwang (9c5205143d)
 - Bug 1183433 - Make GMPParent's AbortWaitingForGMPAsyncShutdown class-static, to simplify upcoming work. r=cpearce (483648359e)
 - Bug 1174064 - Ensure we don't try to reuse a GMP doing async shutdown. r=edwin (fe62f2daec)
 - fix log (000dc88d7b)
 - Bug 1169129 - Make GMPService's GMP crash handlers easier to register. r=gerald (9c05cfed78)
 - Bug 1227908 - JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PushService.jsm, line 281: ReferenceError: data is not defined. r=kcambridge (99cb65c1cd)
 - Bug 1225968 - Add authentication secret to push API, r=kitcambridge,smaug (60d57d206a) (6f7ba1a01e)
- import from mozilla: Bug 1229256: [MSE] P3. Prevent crash should buffered range be read while shutting down. r=gerald (b493cde48ac0) (fd7942d1ee)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1225968 - Refactoring to move some of the push crypto logic, r=kitcambridge (2dc331f810)
 - Bug 1174422 - Add system principal for UDPSocket init r=kitcambridge (57a7ed3bf4)
 - Back out bug 1100863 and bug 1152264 for causing bug 1189729 on a CLOSED TREE. a=mhenretty,RyanVM (26d91329b3)
 - add missing SSL_OBSERVED_END_ENTITY_CERTIFICATE_LIFETIME telemetry bits (9f651777ef)
 - bug 1172615 - check for and return early in the case of authentication bypass in AuthCertificateHook r=mcmanus (c642e7ba02)
 - Bug 1229698 - Odin: fix memory corruption when -D passed to the shell (r=bbouvier) (257d9be84b)
 - Bug 1226027 - Use Simd128 register content type. r=bbouvier (9967eff8ae)
 - Bug 1229642 - Odin: hoist some things into Wasm.h and simplify symbolic addresses (r=bbouvier) (3c675a2af8) (2ca6778187)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1170325 - Convert js::Vector into a template alias to mozilla::Vector with a single customized default argument. Also get rid of the CRTP support in mozilla::Vector (through mozilla::VectorBase) now that template aliasing is good enough, and make mozilla::Vector final so that people will use composition and not inheritance with it. (Inheritance plays poorly with movability and a few other things, in addition to messing up template argument deduction matching.) r=Waldo, patch sort of a tag-team between him and me (1f663fc5c1)
 - Bug 1225682 - Don't use nsAuto{,C}String as class member variables in toolkit/. r=froydnj (7d47cd8c5f)
 - Bug 1230409: Implement dummy HeapOffset members for non-ion builds; r=luke (74158a1271)
 - Bug 1228369: Rename CodeOffset::use/used into bind/bound; r=luke (90d1b88697)
 - Bug 1228340: Remove the js_ prefix in front of IonOptimizationsLevel; r=h4writer (44b79061b3)
 - Bug 1229196 - Fix MSVC C4334 "was 64-bit shift intended" warning in js/src/asmjs. r=sunfish (debed181c9) (5602866910)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here:

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Weekly browser binaries (20230415)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

IA32 Win32

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

NM28XP build:
Win32 IA32
Win32 SSE

Official UXP changes picked since my last build:
- Issue #1361 - Follow-up: Merge dom.getRootNode.enabled pref into dom.webcomponents.enabled. (8182d08b1)
- Issue #252 - Move getElementsByName from HTMLDocument to Document (b2d750411)
- Issue #252 - Follow-up: Include a null check against mDocument (7c759b2c2)
- Issue #2197 - Part 1a: postMessages should have transferable as [] by default (438cdbd91)
- Issue #2197 - Part 1b: Transferables should be arrays of objects (47147d58b)
- Issue #2197 - Part 2a: Implement StructuredSerializeOptions for MessagePort (fd982fd29)
- Issue #2197 - Part 2b: Implement StructuredSerializeOptions for Worker (158784cbe)
- Issue #2197 - Part 2c: Implement StructuredSerializeOptions for ServiceWorker (4d58139fe)
- Issue #2197 - Part 2d: Implement PostMessageOptions for Window (4174037d8)
- Issue #2197 - Part 3: Implement self.structuredClone() (ef6b8db1d)
- Issue #2197 - Part 4: Expose structuredClone in Sandbox (bbcfb6275)
- Issue #2197 - Follow-up: Remove GC debug assertion on sandbox (8e6d73046)
- Issue #595 - Implement window.event (31283d993)
- Issue #2053 - Part 1: Performance should be an EventTarget (995f3117b)
- Issue #2053 - Part 2: Update PerformanceMeasure to User Timing L3 (23519e0c2)
- Issue #2053 - Part 3: Update PerformanceMark to User Timing L3 (3b57ba141)
- Issue #2053 - Part 4a: Align IsPerformanceTimingAttribute to user-timing spec (4fc9cde7c)
- Issue #2053 - Part 4b: Fix measure name to timestamp conversion (a0d52c009)
- Issue #2053 - Part 5: Throw a DOMException instead of a JS exception for some errors (ef8e3b541)
- Issue #2053 - Follow-up: Make the default ResourceTimingBufferSize larger (7823439b1)
- Issue #2053 - Follow-up: Re-enable navigation timing now it's to-spec. (e51a63852)
- Use nsAnonymousTemporaryFile for clipboard cache (42723b163)
- Increase size of data over which we write the data to disk rather than keep it around in memory (af613ef24)
- [network] Improve checks while parsing MIME parameters. (c9d961633)
- [devtools] Don't allow sourcemap URLs to redirect (47bcca168)

No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build.

No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build.

My changes since my last build:
- Issue UXP#2053: fix deprots (5a74c0114)
- mailnews: follow-up rev c9d96163, fix build (6beccbf6c)
- Bug 1159003 - setResourceTimingBufferSize shouldn't affect user timing, but we should clean user markers if we have memory pressure, r=bz (bc3eb89de)
- Bug 1159003 - Remove Performance::GetAsISupports(), r=bz (16a1923c3)
- Bug 1378537 - Store PerformanceEntry objects in AutoTArray; r=smaug (75bef7b73)

Update Notice:
- You may delete file named icudt*.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases.

* Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32
BNavigator Win32

source repo (excluding UXP):

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.

New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP!
* Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual.
** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions.

Test binary:


Repo changes:
- ported from UXP: Issue #1361 - Follow-up: Merge dom.getRootNode.enabled pref into dom.webcomponents.enabled. (8182d08b) (6b5155154)
- ported from UXP:
 - Issue #252 - Move getElementsByName from HTMLDocument to Document (b2d75041)
 - Issue #252 - Follow-up: Include a null check against mDocument (7c759b2c) (d00db90f4)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 1a: postMessages should have transferable as [] by default (438cdbd9) (5d8b2ff9f)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 1b: Transferables should be arrays of objects (47147d58) (396a35005)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 2a: Implement StructuredSerializeOptions for MessagePort (fd982fd2) (27b36496f)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 2b: Implement StructuredSerializeOptions for Worker (158784cb) (e29e66d02)
- import from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 2c: Implement StructuredSerializeOptions for ServiceWorker (4d58139f) (b54aa0036)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 2d: Implement PostMessageOptions for Window (4174037d) (274060547)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 3: Implement self.structuredClone() (ef6b8db1+bbcfb627) (45d414fe8)
- import from UXP: Issue #2197 - Part 4: Expose structuredClone in Sandbox (bbcfb627) (82b7d2267)
- import from UXP: Issue #2197 - Follow-up: Remove GC debug assertion on sandbox (8e6d7304) (2ccfc2c72)
- ported from UXP: Issue #595 - Implement window.event (31283d99) (5763128b3)
- import from UXP: Issue #2053 - Part 1: Performance should be an EventTarget (995f3117) (150ce13f8)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2053 - Part 2: Update PerformanceMeasure to User Timing L3 (23519e0c) (feacbd219)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2053 - Part 3: Update PerformanceMark to User Timing L3 (3b57ba14) (a9df69e1b)
- import from UXP: Issue #2053 - Part 4a: Align IsPerformanceTimingAttribute to user-timing spec (4fc9cde7) (3e131e6ce)
- import from UXP: Issue #2053 - Part 4b: Fix measure name to timestamp conversion (a0d52c00) (d9f3b22d5)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2053 - Part 5: Throw a DOMException instead of a JS exception for some errors (ef8e3b54) (a0721af93)
- import from UXP: Issue #2053 - Follow-up: Make the default ResourceTimingBufferSize larger (7823439b) (b8c40da54)
- import from UXP: Issue #2053 - Follow-up: Re-enable navigation timing now it's to-spec. (e51a6385) (322366a7b)
- import from UXP: Use nsAnonymousTemporaryFile for clipboard cache (42723b16) (e77507eb7)
- import from UXP: Increase size of data over which we write the data to disk rather than keep it around in memory (af613ef2) (a8c973370)
- import from UXP: [network] Improve checks while parsing MIME parameters. (c9d96163) (96cb68196)
- import from UXP: [devtools] Don't allow sourcemap URLs to redirect (47bcca16) (3b0881b66)
- ported from `custom` branch of UXP: Bug 1159003 - setResourceTimingBufferSize shouldn't affect user timing, but we should clean user markers if we have memory pressure, r=bz (bc3eb89d) (c4462d520)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: Bug 1159003 - Remove Performance::GetAsISupports(), r=bz (16a1923c) (a8bc9ea55)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: Bug 1378537 - Store PerformanceEntry objects in AutoTArray; r=smaug (75bef7b7) (ff2541e27)

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit SSE
32bit noSSE


source repo:

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1211204 - Remove possible false-negative with D3D9 texture memory reporting. r=mattwoodrow (74adbcad19)
 - Bug 1200595 - D3D9 TextureData implementation. r=Bas (2624bd59a3)
 - Bug 1200595 - MacIOSurface TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (98130b5d6b)
 - Bug 1200595 - EGLImage TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (8b732af2da)
 - Bug 1200595 - AndroidSurface TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (79443ff5d7)
 - Bug 1200595 - SharedSurface TextureData implementation. r=jgilbert (aadc8c5601)
 - Bug 1200595 - DIB TextureData implementation. r=Bas (d7bae178ad)
 - Bug 1200595 - Merge TextureClient and ClientTexture back into TextureClient. r=mattwoodrow (890d76ff9b)
 - Bug 1200595 - Consolidate the TextureClient's destruction logic. r=mattwoodrow (fa9ac2e414)
 - Allow asynchronous D3D11 TextureClients on the main thread. (bug 1217665 part 5, r=nical) (cb77fa88cc)
 - Implement the direct bitmap drawing model for plugins. (bug 1217665 part 6, r=mattwoodrow) (82f9015e5a)
 - Implement the direct DXGI drawing model for plugins. (bug 1217665 part 7, r=mattwoodrow) (cdeeb52a91)
 - Implement the DidComposite NPAPI callback. (bug 1217665 part 8, r=mattwoodrow) (4eb2a790ae)
 - Add an NPN_GetValue query to find the browser's DXGI adapter. (bug 1217665 part 10, r=aklotz,mattwoodrow) (84af4e525a)
 - Create a D3D11 content device even if D2D is blocked. (bug 1217665 part 11, r=jrmuizel) (142441808e)
 - Bug 1229665 - Convert widget clip regions to LayoutDevicePixels. r=botond. (edf746b278)
 - Bug 1204715 - Move browser/app/profile/extensions/{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} to r=mshal (8c6b4709bc)
 - Bug 1212773 - Pass a base directory to jar maker, instead of a chrome directory. r=gps (1f644706c6)
 - Bustage fix for bug 1210687 on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (4cd7000101)
 - Bug 1212773 - Extend jar maker syntax for jar file location. r=gps (8119aa2b98)
 - Bug 1164039 - moved TelemetryTimestamps.jsm and tests to toolkit/componets/telemetry/. r=dexter (942145656e)
 - Bug 1184705 - Search A/B testing cohort identifier should be recorded in FHR, r=rnewman. (b5cf397cf0)
 - Bug 1230047 (part 2) - Make several PaintWindow() functions use LayoutDevice coordinates. r=kats. (246e1321ca)
 - Bug 1218454 - part 1 - move DialogValueHolder::Get out-of-line; r=bz (2d65438b37)
 - Bug 1218454 - part 2 - don't #include nsContentUtils.h from CallbackObject.h; r=bz (59e3b60749)
 - Bug 1205945 part.1 Remove unnecessary member of IMEInputHandler, mLastDispatchedCompositionString r=smichaud (2223df8aec)
 - Bug 1205945 part.2 Add DispatchCompositionStartEvent() and move the code of OnStartIMEComposition() into it r=smichaud (25449c2bca)
 - Bug 1205945 part.3 Move the code of OnUpdateIMEComposition() into DispatchCompositionChangeEvent() r=smichaud (e85a65f2f7)
 - Bug 1205945 part.4 Move the code of OnEndIMEComposition() into DispatchCompositionCommitEvent() r=smichaud (21e6218c06)
 - Bug 1205945 part.5 Emulate mSelectedRange at dispatching compositionchange or compositioncommit event until OnSelectionChange() is called r=smichaud (f82baaea8e)
 - Bug 1205945 part.6 IMEInputHandler::GetAttributedSubstringFromRange() should return stored composition string if the range is in the composition string r=smichaud (53eabe028b)
 - Bug 1205399 - Follow-up to fix build bustage for platforms without OS X 10.10 and -Wswitch enabled. r=mstange (c2e8eda9b5)
 - Bug 1220337 - Don't show alternate notification actions on OS X 10.8. r=MattN (5ef8449dcc)
 - Bug 1224738 - Fix alternate action index getter name on OS X. r=MattN (a6f83ce706)
 - Bug 1225908 - AsmSimdTypeToLaneType. r=bbouvier (f850c10bff)
 - Bug 1224389 - Odin: refactor types/signatures/values (r=bbouvier) (31bc615781)
 - Bug 1224389 - Odin: simplify AsmJSModule global data allocation (r=bbouvier) (3ba518183a)
 - Bug 1222684 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement callWithPatch and patchCall. r=luke (0ede7a61c3)
 - Bug 1224814 - "TraceLogger: Remove redundant checks in BaselineJIT". r=hv1989 (b3865fbdf0)
 - Bug 1228369: Rename CodeOffsetLabel into CodeOffset; r=luke (1d0aba3710)
 - Bug 1224389 - Odin: refactor stubs, func-ptrs, and masm use (r=bbouvier) (2834725644)
 - Bug 1228340: Get rid of the js_ prefix for CodeSpec, CodeName, NumCodeSpecs; r=jorendorff (8ff2b3bcd5)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 2: Preliminary adjustments. r=waldo (f9e2adca8a)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 3: VM core changes. r=waldo (cf5b24fe18)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 4: VM built-in lib changes. r=waldo (603335d2aa)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 5: Ion changes. r=h4writer (b589713e1c)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 6: Odin changes. r=luke (f1dcb025d2)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 7: Ctypes, shell, xpconnect, etc. r=waldo (bdc78e0558)
 - Bug 1199578 - test case. r=waldo (6a94fd455a)
 - Bug 1211409 - load/store exclusive for ARM-32. r=jolesen (38efc4882e)
 - Bug 1205390 - guard against asm.js compilation not being available. r=me (aeefe98cfd)
 - Make test runnable on non-Nightly (no bug) r=me (27930210ed)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 8: jit-test changes. r=bbouvier (31c4f42eea)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 9: tests changes. r=bbouvier (a245687f43)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 10: jsapi-tests changes. r=bbouvier (610e0002a2)
 - bug 1198656 remove unnecessary reinterpret_casts r=padenot (bc5a67d521)
 - bug 1198656 refactor acquiring the content into an object method r=padenot (b7b062fbf1)
 - bug 1198656 clear references in mJSChannels on successful content acquire r=padenot (65e5ee1856)
 - bug 1198656 delay AudioBuffer allocation until required r=padenot (57d0fd0d01)
 - bug 1199559 remove now unused SetRawChannelContents r=padenot (40685ef783)
 - Bug 1203616 - Properly scale the input buffer of a WaveShaperNode before processing it with the curve. r=karlt (12e9592a9e)
 - Bug 1186343: Throw an InvalidStateError when we set the curve attribute of a WaveShaperNode with a Float32Array of length less than 2; r=padenot,smaug (df83b21fd0)
 - bug 1188244 throw in SetCurve() on OOM r=padenot (17967b7b58)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 11: Changes to DOM, except for WebGL. r=bz, r=clb (c40e5c2a68)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 12: Changes to WebGL. r=bz, r=clb (228c90da3c)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 13: Changes to ipc. r=mrbkap (4b11d4e509)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 14: Changes to netwerk. r=jduell (91568c8444)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 15: Changes to xpcom. r=nfroyd (df8d080070)
 - Revert "Bug 1176214 - Part 14: Changes to netwerk. r=jduell" (d0aedbac94)
 - improved backport of PM because of newer JS_GetArrayBufferData (9d8188ff5e)
 - bug 1199559 write decodeAudioData buffer in a format suitable for direct use by AudioBuffer r=padenot (da00bab1a1)
 - bug 1225003 null-check mBuffer in SizeOfExcludingThis() r=padenot (c01d389f10)
 - Bug 1225365 - Fix assertion in the nsScriptNameSpaceManager memory reporter. r=bz. (a5605a8923)
 - Bug 1229458 - Remove SizeOfIncludingThisMustBeUnshared() from string classes. r=mccr8. (26abcea276)
 - Bug 1214506. Ensure OggReader sets proper IDs for its tracks. r=jya (a270b02301)
 - bits of Bug 1188812 - Obtain CDM can render capability and store into MediaInfo (321388180e)
 - Bug 1226450 - Report audio/video codecs used in HTMLMediaElement and WebAudio via telemetry. r=jya (e722b409b7) (f5a7b27f3d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1229395 - Part 1 - Unbreak MOZ_NATIVE_JEMALLOC after bug 1141079. r=glandium (07a1e4d8a6)
 - Bug 1229395 - Part 2 - Rely on MALLOC_H to provide function prototypes for MOZ_NATIVE_JEMALLOC. r=glandium (5b305f69db) (2d33df0acf)
- import from UXP: Issue #2184 - Increase mozjemalloc page cache size from 1 MiB to 16 MiB. (d8cd769c) (522696571d)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git f4385096ea...522696571d:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1211204 - Remove possible false-negative with D3D9 texture memory reporting. r=mattwoodrow (74adbcad19)
 - Bug 1200595 - D3D9 TextureData implementation. r=Bas (2624bd59a3)
 - Bug 1200595 - MacIOSurface TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (98130b5d6b)
 - Bug 1200595 - EGLImage TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (8b732af2da)
 - Bug 1200595 - AndroidSurface TextureData implementation. r=mattwoodrow (79443ff5d7)
 - Bug 1200595 - SharedSurface TextureData implementation. r=jgilbert (aadc8c5601)
 - Bug 1200595 - DIB TextureData implementation. r=Bas (d7bae178ad)
 - Bug 1200595 - Merge TextureClient and ClientTexture back into TextureClient. r=mattwoodrow (890d76ff9b)
 - Bug 1200595 - Consolidate the TextureClient's destruction logic. r=mattwoodrow (fa9ac2e414)
 - Allow asynchronous D3D11 TextureClients on the main thread. (bug 1217665 part 5, r=nical) (cb77fa88cc)
 - Implement the direct bitmap drawing model for plugins. (bug 1217665 part 6, r=mattwoodrow) (82f9015e5a)
 - Implement the direct DXGI drawing model for plugins. (bug 1217665 part 7, r=mattwoodrow) (cdeeb52a91)
 - Implement the DidComposite NPAPI callback. (bug 1217665 part 8, r=mattwoodrow) (4eb2a790ae)
 - Add an NPN_GetValue query to find the browser's DXGI adapter. (bug 1217665 part 10, r=aklotz,mattwoodrow) (84af4e525a)
 - Create a D3D11 content device even if D2D is blocked. (bug 1217665 part 11, r=jrmuizel) (142441808e)
 - Bug 1229665 - Convert widget clip regions to LayoutDevicePixels. r=botond. (edf746b278)
 - Bug 1204715 - Move browser/app/profile/extensions/{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd} to r=mshal (8c6b4709bc)
 - Bug 1212773 - Pass a base directory to jar maker, instead of a chrome directory. r=gps (1f644706c6)
 - Bustage fix for bug 1210687 on a CLOSED TREE. r=me (4cd7000101)
 - Bug 1212773 - Extend jar maker syntax for jar file location. r=gps (8119aa2b98)
 - Bug 1164039 - moved TelemetryTimestamps.jsm and tests to toolkit/componets/telemetry/. r=dexter (942145656e)
 - Bug 1184705 - Search A/B testing cohort identifier should be recorded in FHR, r=rnewman. (b5cf397cf0)
 - Bug 1230047 (part 2) - Make several PaintWindow() functions use LayoutDevice coordinates. r=kats. (246e1321ca)
 - Bug 1218454 - part 1 - move DialogValueHolder::Get out-of-line; r=bz (2d65438b37)
 - Bug 1218454 - part 2 - don't #include nsContentUtils.h from CallbackObject.h; r=bz (59e3b60749)
 - Bug 1205945 part.1 Remove unnecessary member of IMEInputHandler, mLastDispatchedCompositionString r=smichaud (2223df8aec)
 - Bug 1205945 part.2 Add DispatchCompositionStartEvent() and move the code of OnStartIMEComposition() into it r=smichaud (25449c2bca)
 - Bug 1205945 part.3 Move the code of OnUpdateIMEComposition() into DispatchCompositionChangeEvent() r=smichaud (e85a65f2f7)
 - Bug 1205945 part.4 Move the code of OnEndIMEComposition() into DispatchCompositionCommitEvent() r=smichaud (21e6218c06)
 - Bug 1205945 part.5 Emulate mSelectedRange at dispatching compositionchange or compositioncommit event until OnSelectionChange() is called r=smichaud (f82baaea8e)
 - Bug 1205945 part.6 IMEInputHandler::GetAttributedSubstringFromRange() should return stored composition string if the range is in the composition string r=smichaud (53eabe028b)
 - Bug 1205399 - Follow-up to fix build bustage for platforms without OS X 10.10 and -Wswitch enabled. r=mstange (c2e8eda9b5)
 - Bug 1220337 - Don't show alternate notification actions on OS X 10.8. r=MattN (5ef8449dcc)
 - Bug 1224738 - Fix alternate action index getter name on OS X. r=MattN (a6f83ce706)
 - Bug 1225908 - AsmSimdTypeToLaneType. r=bbouvier (f850c10bff)
 - Bug 1224389 - Odin: refactor types/signatures/values (r=bbouvier) (31bc615781)
 - Bug 1224389 - Odin: simplify AsmJSModule global data allocation (r=bbouvier) (3ba518183a)
 - Bug 1222684 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Implement callWithPatch and patchCall. r=luke (0ede7a61c3)
 - Bug 1224814 - "TraceLogger: Remove redundant checks in BaselineJIT". r=hv1989 (b3865fbdf0)
 - Bug 1228369: Rename CodeOffsetLabel into CodeOffset; r=luke (1d0aba3710)
 - Bug 1224389 - Odin: refactor stubs, func-ptrs, and masm use (r=bbouvier) (2834725644)
 - Bug 1228340: Get rid of the js_ prefix for CodeSpec, CodeName, NumCodeSpecs; r=jorendorff (8ff2b3bcd5)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 2: Preliminary adjustments. r=waldo (f9e2adca8a)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 3: VM core changes. r=waldo (cf5b24fe18)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 4: VM built-in lib changes. r=waldo (603335d2aa)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 5: Ion changes. r=h4writer (b589713e1c)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 6: Odin changes. r=luke (f1dcb025d2)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 7: Ctypes, shell, xpconnect, etc. r=waldo (bdc78e0558)
 - Bug 1199578 - test case. r=waldo (6a94fd455a)
 - Bug 1211409 - load/store exclusive for ARM-32. r=jolesen (38efc4882e)
 - Bug 1205390 - guard against asm.js compilation not being available. r=me (aeefe98cfd)
 - Make test runnable on non-Nightly (no bug) r=me (27930210ed)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 8: jit-test changes. r=bbouvier (31c4f42eea)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 9: tests changes. r=bbouvier (a245687f43)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 10: jsapi-tests changes. r=bbouvier (610e0002a2)
 - bug 1198656 remove unnecessary reinterpret_casts r=padenot (bc5a67d521)
 - bug 1198656 refactor acquiring the content into an object method r=padenot (b7b062fbf1)
 - bug 1198656 clear references in mJSChannels on successful content acquire r=padenot (65e5ee1856)
 - bug 1198656 delay AudioBuffer allocation until required r=padenot (57d0fd0d01)
 - bug 1199559 remove now unused SetRawChannelContents r=padenot (40685ef783)
 - Bug 1203616 - Properly scale the input buffer of a WaveShaperNode before processing it with the curve. r=karlt (12e9592a9e)
 - Bug 1186343: Throw an InvalidStateError when we set the curve attribute of a WaveShaperNode with a Float32Array of length less than 2; r=padenot,smaug (df83b21fd0)
 - bug 1188244 throw in SetCurve() on OOM r=padenot (17967b7b58)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 11: Changes to DOM, except for WebGL. r=bz, r=clb (c40e5c2a68)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 12: Changes to WebGL. r=bz, r=clb (228c90da3c)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 13: Changes to ipc. r=mrbkap (4b11d4e509)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 14: Changes to netwerk. r=jduell (91568c8444)
 - Bug 1176214 - Part 15: Changes to xpcom. r=nfroyd (df8d080070)
 - Revert "Bug 1176214 - Part 14: Changes to netwerk. r=jduell" (d0aedbac94)
 - improved backport of PM because of newer JS_GetArrayBufferData (9d8188ff5e)
 - bug 1199559 write decodeAudioData buffer in a format suitable for direct use by AudioBuffer r=padenot (da00bab1a1)
 - bug 1225003 null-check mBuffer in SizeOfExcludingThis() r=padenot (c01d389f10)
 - Bug 1225365 - Fix assertion in the nsScriptNameSpaceManager memory reporter. r=bz. (a5605a8923)
 - Bug 1229458 - Remove SizeOfIncludingThisMustBeUnshared() from string classes. r=mccr8. (26abcea276)
 - Bug 1214506. Ensure OggReader sets proper IDs for its tracks. r=jya (a270b02301)
 - bits of Bug 1188812 - Obtain CDM can render capability and store into MediaInfo (321388180e)
 - Bug 1226450 - Report audio/video codecs used in HTMLMediaElement and WebAudio via telemetry. r=jya (e722b409b7) (f5a7b27f3d)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1229395 - Part 1 - Unbreak MOZ_NATIVE_JEMALLOC after bug 1141079. r=glandium (07a1e4d8a6)
 - Bug 1229395 - Part 2 - Rely on MALLOC_H to provide function prototypes for MOZ_NATIVE_JEMALLOC. r=glandium (5b305f69db) (2d33df0acf)
- import from UXP: Issue #2184 - Increase mozjemalloc page cache size from 1 MiB to 16 MiB. (d8cd769c) (522696571d)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here:

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Weekly browser binaries (20230408)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

IA32 Win32

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

NM28XP build:
Win32 IA32
Win32 SSE

Official UXP changes picked since my last build:
- No Issue - Fix drawing in titlebar on Mac when building with the Big Sur 11.0 SDK. On Intel we build with the 10.12 SDK so this problem is avoided. Also Pale Moon no longer supports drawing in the titlebar in the front end. However Basilisk does and built for ARM the tabs were cut off by the native titlebar. This uses the new APIs introduced in SDK 10.10 and 11.0 to draw in the titlebar. (2625cb0b6)
- Issue #2181 - Add sys/auxv.h to system-headers (607df6796)
- Issue #2184 - Increase mozjemalloc page cache size from 1 MiB to 16 MiB. (d8cd769cf)
- Issue #62 - Follow-up: Fix debug build bustage with shared Spidermonkey. (af72806b3)
- No issue - FreeBSD builds should also use xz compression for packaging. (2e6362218)
- Issue #2155 - Follow-up: Reorder super-property evaluation order per latest spec change (74032644f)
- Issue #2173 - Fix exporting array and object binding patterns (0b2e8c481)
- Issue #2173 - Add a new PNK_ARGUMENTS node type for call argument lists (924140d40)
- Issue #2173 - Add a new PNK_PROPERTYNAME to hold location information about property access name (fa1193b8c)
- Issue #2173 - Store the info about the existence of the default case into the switch ParseNode (36b5a5624)
- Issue #2173 - Fix return value of MUST_MATCH_TOKEN* macros in Parser methods which returns bool (c02e109b7)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to ListNode (9c17ec053)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to TernaryNode (4726d96fd)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to BinaryNode and subclasses (662419c50)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to UnaryNode and subclasses (68a407c93)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to NameNode, CodeNode, RegExpLiteral, and add NumericLiteral (ba730c488)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to NullaryNode and change LoopControlStatement arity to PN_LOOP (a49f4d048)
- Issue #2173 - Add accessors to LexicalScopeNode (3bd300e26)
- Issue #2173 - Add TryNode (d4103253d)
- Issue #2173 - Fix remaining ParseNode* in FullParseHandler methods signature (287a2ad2e)
- Issue #2173 - Allow constant folding to see inside functions when using the module pattern (661b1c534)
- Issue #2173 - Remove unused case/code from function node ops (f21340f1a)
- Issue #2173 - Separate CodeNode into FunctionNode and ModuleNode (0dac79185)
- Issue #2173 - Introduce FunctionNode::syntaxKind instead of JSOPs (0132ae210)
- Issue #1863 - Update freetype2 to 2.13.0. (8a54b4f30)
- PR #2189 - Follow-up: Fix build bustage with GCC 9 related to checkExportedNamesForDeclaration (7c9215f95)
- No Issue - Fix FreeBSD build failure with WebRTC enabled. (3c3456cc6)
- Issue #2191 - Remove as much old fontconfig support as needed for Harfbuzz update. (b5d5963a4)
- Issue #2191 - Make ScaledFont::SetCairoScaledFont virtual so it can be accessed from outside Moz2D. (c54e2502b)
- Issue #2191 - Get rid of gfxFontconfigUtils.h since gfxFontconfigFontBase is unnecessary. (a35ce5e5e)
- Issue #2191 - Remove redundant CairoScaledFont accessor from gfxFont subclasses. (b721b6257)
- Issue #2191 - Require implementation of gfxFont::GetScaledFont and remove unnecessary gfxPlatform::GetScaledFontForFont. (0f7750cd2)
- Issue #2191 - Remove virtual from gfxFont::GetCairoScaledFont. (44b74873c)
- Issue #2191 - Follow-up: Add missing mozilla::gfx in gfxFcPlatformFontList.cpp (d9e7c07ed)

No official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build.

No official Basilisk changes picked since my last build.

My changes since my last build:
- update harfbuzz to 2.8.2 (58116e6c5)
- update harfbuzz to 3.2.0 (b5e969b8a)

Update Notice:
- You may delete file named icudt*.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases.

* Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32
BNavigator Win32

source repo (excluding UXP):

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.

New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP!
* Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual.
** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions.

Test binary:


Repo changes:
- import from UXP:  No Issue - Fix drawing in titlebar on Mac when building with the Big Sur 11.0 SDK. On Intel we build with the 10.12 SDK so this problem is avoided. Also Pale Moon no longer supports drawing in the titlebar in the front end. However Basilisk does and built for ARM the tabs were cut off by the native titlebar. This uses the new APIs introduced in SDK 10.10 and 11.0 to draw in the titlebar. (2625cb0b) (6f6086e1e)
- import from UXP: Issue #2181 - Add sys/auxv.h to system-headers (607df679) (7d88b91e3)
- import from UXP: Issue #2184 - Increase mozjemalloc page cache size from 1 MiB to 16 MiB. (d8cd769c) (15568ece6)
- import from UXP: Issue #62 - Follow-up: Fix debug build bustage with shared Spidermonkey. (af72806b) (8690b0779)
- import from UXP: Issue #2155 - Follow-up: Reorder super-property evaluation order per latest spec change (74032644) (b70cbbdf4)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Fix exporting array and object binding patterns (0b2e8c48) (883f2ebe1)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add a new PNK_ARGUMENTS node type for call argument lists (924140d4) (aa7e25184)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add a new PNK_PROPERTYNAME to hold location information about property access name (fa1193b8) (f9e429c4f)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Store the info about the existence of the default case into the switch ParseNode (36b5a562) (7e5e4918d)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Fix return value of MUST_MATCH_TOKEN* macros in Parser methods which returns bool (c02e109b) (48571aa05)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to ListNode (9c17ec05) (5f06ea872)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to TernaryNode (4726d96f) (6cd3774da)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to BinaryNode and subclasses (662419c5) (0f372d2fe)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to UnaryNode and subclasses (68a407c9) (014867919)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to NameNode, CodeNode, RegExpLiteral, and add NumericLiteral (ba730c48) (4b0f0e687)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to NullaryNode and change LoopControlStatement arity to PN_LOOP (a49f4d04) (8791207a5)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add accessors to LexicalScopeNode (3bd300e2) (f3f51ebb0)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Add TryNode (d4103253) (35c239c0d)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Fix remaining ParseNode* in FullParseHandler methods signature (287a2ad2) (6c0008690)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Remove unused case/code from function node ops (f21340f1) (cb01c6f90)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2173 - Separate CodeNode into FunctionNode and ModuleNode (0dac7918) (f98526a86)
- import from UXP: Issue #2173 - Allow constant folding to see inside functions when using the module pattern (661b1c53) (42d6d570a)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2173 - Introduce FunctionNode::syntaxKind instead of JSOPs (0132ae21) (260bbc54c)
- import from UXP: Issue #1863 - Update freetype2 to 2.13.0. (8a54b4f3) (ffb926317)
- import from UXP: PR #2189 - Follow-up: Fix build bustage with GCC 9 related to checkExportedNamesForDeclaration (7c9215f9) (bd30f5bfd)
- import from UXP: No Issue - Fix FreeBSD build failure with WebRTC enabled. (3c3456cc) (a6fbd148a)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2191 - Remove as much old fontconfig support as needed for Harfbuzz update. (b5d5963a) (170771a8a)
- import from UXP: Issue #2191 - Make ScaledFont::SetCairoScaledFont virtual so it can be accessed from outside Moz2D. (c54e2502) (7b8614d7f)
- import from UXP: Issue #2191 - Get rid of gfxFontconfigUtils.h since gfxFontconfigFontBase is unnecessary. (a35ce5e5) (644697bc7)
- import from UXP: Issue #2191 - Remove redundant CairoScaledFont accessor from gfxFont subclasses. (b721b625) (9e3bea9d8)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2191 - Require implementation of gfxFont::GetScaledFont and remove unnecessary gfxPlatform::GetScaledFontForFont. (0f7750cd) (8a5e88041)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2191 - Remove virtual from gfxFont::GetCairoScaledFont. (44b74873) (cd4c972e1)
- import from UXP: Issue #2191 - Follow-up: Add missing mozilla::gfx in gfxFcPlatformFontList.cpp (d9e7c07e) (b5e596fb7)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: update harfbuzz to 2.8.2 (58116e6c) (5d1c07c75)
- update harfbuzz to 3.2.0 (90aa2da97)

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit SSE
32bit noSSE


source repo:

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1163826 - Add remainder of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelist. r=dholbert (8ed22f2638)
 - Bug 1165834: Add (used by to the CSS Unprefixing Service whitelist. r=miketaylr (30d150c28c)
 - Bug 1166792 - Add 3rd batch of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelists. r=dholbert (e4073c1f09)
 - Bug 1170375 - Add 4th batch of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelists. r=dholbert (d741e57cb0)
 - Bug 1207850 - Temporary fix for canceling the pump used by FetchBody. r=nsm (bc85cb1500)
 - Bug 1224865: Don't set a document in FetchDriver for requests in workers. r=bkelly (7bcb0bd16b)
 - Bug 1108181 - Make Headers iterable; r=bzbarsky (da8d6f8bb2)
 - Bug 1217501 P5 Relax guard checking on Headers with existing headers. r=ehsan (75ec3b6ae5)
 - Bug 1207882 - Use a separate build target for config/buildid. r=gps (ad9f536aac)
 - Bug 1216697 - Unship Request.cache until the implementation is finished; r=bzbarsky (49264a21d8)
 - Bug 1218119 - Simplify defining worker prefs; r=baku (8987aa23c3)
 - namespace (d88c3b7fc6)
 - Bug 1179489 - Don't count service workers towards an origin's max worker quota; r=nsm (ce5e1345ba)
 - Bug 1151646 - Cleanup, r=khuey. (d119d19ea7)
 - Bug 1118778 - Write upload properties from; r=glandium (f8745ffda8)
 - Bug 1194741 - Display upload output; r=nalexander (7adaa41d11)
 - Bug 1197293 - allow for TC builds that don't use 'make upload'; r=ted (e671e7c651)
 - Bug 1137000 - Add support for SDK building to r=mshal (69b7ccb3c8)
 - Bug 1175895 - aid greppability of MOZ_AUTOMATION_*; r=ted (c9a099f168)
 - Bug 1198179 - Kill; r=ted (fa74e1930f)
 - Bug 1198179 - make write properties even if not uploading; r=ted (e7ca79b807)
 - Bug 8623031 - Move desktop build logic to a container neutral location; r=dustin (81dc866373)
 - Bug 1187139 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (7a75c73d17)
 - Bug 1187139 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (c631350ddb)
 - Bug 1187139 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (052cced2ca)
 - Bug 1225396 part 4 - Remove @@iterator workaround in r=bz (3b05ddc4f0)
 - Bug 1048695 part 1. Pass the set of globals where a member should NOT be exposed to MemberCondition. r=peterv (d5c9040323)
 - Bug 1048695 part 2. Make interface members not be exposed based on their nonExposedGlobals. r=peterv (e852319bd0)
 - Bug 1229493 - Stop shell-only modules classes being reported as standard classes r=shu (4a6457af8d)
 - Bug 1151646 - Fix static analysis bustage. (347564b4d2)
 - Bug 1231051 - Moz2Dify nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawWidgetBackground. r=mstange. (cbcbe17e30)
 - Bug 1178984 - Crashes at nsMenuBarX::RemoveMenuAtIndex. r=spohl (6e5869ae28)
 - leftovers of Bug 1151345 - Add debug logging to help decipher this bug. r=spohl (22d42fc66d) (f855ceaa31)
- Revert "Bug 1068087: Switch about:plugins to run remotely. r=mconley" (d56ba9c1f0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - more of  add WebRTC code as of Bug 1101651 - Part 2 (d2225fd9f9)
 - Bug 1163505 - PtrVector should disallow copies to prevent premature&double deletions - r=bwc (5a18fd372b)
 - Bug 1076906 - Fix license headers for some WebRTC files, and provide LICENSE file. r=rjesup (f4bd3e42cc)
 - Bug 1211602: Never timeout if timeout == UINT32_MAX r=jib,froydnj (484261a196)
 - Bug 911450: webrtc sndio audio_device backend r=jesup (c96e948c6a)
 - Bug 911450 - fix webrtc signaling tests build on OpenBSD. r=jesup r=rbarker r=glandium (fe5190f700)
 - Bug 911450: followup, fix CriticalSectionScoped scope NPOTB r=jesup (cde4fe58f9)
 - bug 1171143 - Fix iOS capture build. r=jesup (22b7c92ba6)
 - missing bit of Bug 1155923 - Removing moz prefix from RTC interfaces (a37bce5d24)
 - bits of Bug 1191872 - Move annotations to org.mozilla.gecko.annotation (7f87a64522)
 - Bug 1162251: Fix WebRTC jitter buffer ignoring partial frames if the packet holds a complete NAL r=ehugg a=prep for uplift (kwierso) (1797b21fef)
 - Bug 1158627 - WebRTC return error if GetEmptyFrame returns null r=jesup (3bb3daa998)
 - Bug 1198107 - Destroy VP8 encoder context before re-initing on resolution change to avoid leaking memory. r=jesup (58831a26a1)
 - Bug 1030324: Remove VP8 encoder resize work around. r=rjesup (b98662bbc9)
 - Bug 800564: Handle MJPEG decode errors r=abr (284ec24fb9)
 - Bug 1181265 - wallpaper over windows (driver?) returning null ptr to GetStreamCaps r=pkerr (66fc35d5bd)
 - Bug 1158372: clean up windows CreateCapabilityMap for video capture r=dmajor (7fe73c0af7)
 - Bug 1186657. r=jesup,nchen (c177026841)
 - Bug 1192203 - Extract a robust version of getSupportedPreviewFpsRange. r=jesup (5b85be96d1)
 - Bug 1176340: short-circuit self-assignment of DesktopDisplayDevice r=jib (812e0d02c2)
 - bit of Bug 1198458 (d65868624d)
 - Bug 1219566 - Add aarch64 macro to webrtc/trunk/build/build_config.h. r=rjesup (f354a17b13) (d2c557abe9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1198458: Webrtc updated to branch 43; pull made 2015-09-29 09:00AM PDT rs=jesup (c45a789c99)
 - Bug 1159489: WebRTC bitrate limits for video depend on input resolution and framerate r=pkerr (e3691a247c)
 - Bug 1132318: merge SelectSendFrameRate with SelectSendResolution r=bwc (bcc232994c)
 - Bug 1182289: Clean up dispatches in WebrtcGmpVideoEncoder/Decoder. r=jesup, a=abillings (b5e2030b07)
 - Bug 1167306: Fix preprocessor goof that disabled the load manager and some preference handling. r=jesup (0cc0dee688)
 - Bug 1198458: Rollup of changes previously applied to media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc and fixes to those rs=jesup r=froyd,jib,bwc,jesup,gcp,sotaro,pkerr,pehrsons (fe384d5e63)
 - Bug 1198458 Unbreak build on BSDs by fixing non-POSIX thread includes/usage. r=jesup (4ad8e88c17)
 - Bug 1198458: Fix typo in merges in OMX rs=bustage,kwierso on a CLOSED TREE (211b3b1a3f)
 - Bug 1226146: fix sndio audio_device backend after webrtc 43 landing in bug 1198458 r=jesup NPOTB (2b10ba3e86)
 - Bug 1231106 - Make BSDs fall-through to ASSERT as well. r=jesup (775d4fedae)
 - Bug 1231109 - Drop FreeBSD checks for unsupported versions. r=jld r=jesup (3cd55166fd)
 - Bug 1161079: Fix VideoCodecStats to allow for collecting encoder and decoder stats r=jib (1f98af8939)
 - add limits to fix gcc12 compile (d78098980f)
 - Bug 1193495 - Part 1: Test case. r=mt (add2ded009)
 - Bug 1193495 - Part 2: Maintain clones of supported codecs for each level, and do necessary checking to prevent payload-type clashes. r=mt (d45a24dba7)
 - Bug 1191301 - Re-enable the use of pref. r=bwc (d2723821d4)
 - Bug 1094447 - Use UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF for audio/video m-lines. r=drno (e8e1dafd0a)
 - Bug 1173599 - a=imageattr support. r=mt (612fc343d7)
 - Bug 1173601 - Add a=simulcast support. r=mt (7c5303bacb)
 - Bug 1203246 - Factor track negotiation stuff out of JsepSessionImpl, and other simplification. r=mt (b71c809b78)
 - Bug 1212907 - a=rid support. r=mt (7479ab6984)
 - Bug 1212908 - Update a=simulcast to match new grammar in 03 draft. r=mt (e205d3b0dd)
 - Bug 1192390 - Part 1: Lay architectural groundwork for simulcast negotiation. r=mt r=jesup (e75dda3139)
 - Bug 1223160 - added SDP parser file reader. r=bwc (6752195791)
 - Bug 1192390 - Part 2: Simulcast and RID negotiation. r=mt (51b151ef52)
 - fix some warnings stuff (fed8f513a8)
 - Bug 1161317: Fix bug where sendonly video RTCP would be treated as outgoing RTP r=jesup (e24371fbe0)
 - Bug 1226347: Import cherry-pick of AEC changes from 43->48 (delay-agnostic AEC). r=pkerr (d3a074f4d8)
 - Bug 1226347 - Part 2: Allow control of AEC via prefs. r=rjesup (58f142005b)
 - Bug 1228788 - Force QT device release to happen on the main thread. r=jesup (885e9d1236)
 - Bug 1162218 - Make worker idle thread timeouts more strict, r=baku. (a7d2106987)
 - No bug. Remove a stray debugging printf of mine. r=me. (77b84cda62)
 - minor (22564a666e)
 - Bug 1224237 - Remove the !baseURL check from ServiceWorkerContainer::Register;r=bkelly (8b13c4dc49)
 - Bug 1196157 - Marks left by performance marks should print the domain of the application and not the complete URL. r=baku (d133708d8d)
 - Bug 1211970 - "Muted errors in workers are not correctly reported to the console". r=bz (42c15275f4)
 - Bug 1208559 - Tests. r=bholley (e16a30caa5)
 - Bug 1045891 - Tests for child-src r=ckerschb (90aa832cd0)
 - Bug 1223647: CSP erroneously inherited into dedicated workers. r=ckerschb (6fd8d9bfc9)
 - Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 1, r=sicking (a7e9187e52)
 - Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 3 - WPT, r=sicking, r=Ms2ger (e5e3c69f6a)
 - Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 2 - WPT, r=sicking, r=Ms2ger (1dd2d871ec)
 - Bug 1211967 - Fix how we report errors when loading a worker from a data url, r=bz (8517368daa)
 - nsRefPtr - RefPtr (34bb404530)
 - Bug 1231055 - Fix tags usage in PluginProvider. r=dtownsend (870b0e71eb)
 - bug 1228792 - remove use of array comprehensions r=mossop (3e31f18e83)
 - bug 1228792 - use standard version of catch r=mossop (f306557ca2)
 - Bug 1228009. Geolocation code needs to handle failures on its ErrorResults. r=smaug (8778a9e264)
 - Bug 1228707. Add a away to call Web IDL callbacks while ignoring any errors from them, and use it in a few places. r=smaug (a414e0d711)
 - Bug 1201692. Add a fast path to ExplicitChildIterator::Seek for the common case of seeking an actual DOM child of the parent node. r=wchen (01234ad43a)
 - Bug 1202186 - use nsISensitiveInfoHidden for console methods, r=baku (888b4506ad)
 - Bug 1223774 - Console API should check if the outer window exists, r=smaug (e0d7f408dc)
 - Bug 1200551 - Handle multiple %c formatters without a string between them by using only the last one for styling;r=baku,r=past (463550117a)
 - Bug 1213719 - Back out bug 1170314 for duplicate functionality. r=smaug (ae74e0ad52)
 - Bug 1154076 followup: Mark ConsoleRunnable::Run() as override. rs=ehsan (337181faab)
 - Bug 1127703 - "Support iteration on FormData" r=bz (4ddd461e99)
 - Bug 1230509 - BlobImplFile should return false in IsDateUnknown and IsSizeUnknown, r=bz (1079bfe2ab)
 - Bug 1198095 - FileReader should dispatch an error if the blob changes size in the meantime the read is executed, r=bz (263993a172)
 - Bug 1231094 - patch 1 - nsDOMFileReader to mozilla::dom::FileReader, r=sicking (aa8c3ff373)
 - Bug 1231094 - patch 2 - Get rid of FileIOObject, r=sicking (44af1e17dd)
 - Bug 1231100 - Get rid of nsIDOMFileReader - patch 1, r=sicking (c909d9d793)
 - Bug 1231100 - Get rid of nsIDOMFileReader - patch 2, r=sicking (4d3da1c566)
 - Bug 1161183: Don't show the add-on version in the list view. r=dao (002d8f6fb1)
 - Bug 1229519: Fix toolkit/modules to pass eslint checks. r=mak (8bbd9c8fe0) (2e02aab9a7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1016035 - Add nsIWidget::ReportSwipeStart and call it after processing wheel events that can trigger swipes. r=kats (77a6561f85)
 - Bug 1221913 - Make swiping work correctly in e10s mode even if APZ is off. r=kats (5bcdc76646)
 - Bug 1227020 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in widget/ with iterators. r=roc. (a77fcf4809)
 - Bug 1230047 (part 1) - Make SynthesizeNativeTouch{Point,Tap}() take ScreenIntPoints. r=kats. (bc964eb41f)
 - Bug 1182543 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/plugins/base/nsPluginHost.cpp - simplifications in instanceowner (r=sicking) (e8a95bc56a)
 - Revive NPAPI async drawing: stub code. (bug 1217665 part 1, r=aklotz) (81467630ee)
 - Revive test plugin changes for async plugin surfaces. (bug 1217665 part 2, r=aklotz) (86eabc862c)
 - Disable async rendering paths when a plugin is using direct drawing. (bug 1217665 part 3, r=aklotz) (4b53467f3f)
 - Add a new Image class that wraps drawable TextureClients. (bug 1217665 part 4, r=nical) (ab131811ba) (f4385096ea)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 09c7525bc8...f4385096ea:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1163826 - Add remainder of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelist. r=dholbert (8ed22f2638)
 - Bug 1165834: Add (used by to the CSS Unprefixing Service whitelist. r=miketaylr (30d150c28c)
 - Bug 1166792 - Add 3rd batch of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelists. r=dholbert (e4073c1f09)
 - Bug 1170375 - Add 4th batch of top .jp sites to CSS unprefixing service whitelists. r=dholbert (d741e57cb0)
 - Bug 1207850 - Temporary fix for canceling the pump used by FetchBody. r=nsm (bc85cb1500)
 - Bug 1224865: Don't set a document in FetchDriver for requests in workers. r=bkelly (7bcb0bd16b)
 - Bug 1108181 - Make Headers iterable; r=bzbarsky (da8d6f8bb2)
 - Bug 1217501 P5 Relax guard checking on Headers with existing headers. r=ehsan (75ec3b6ae5)
 - Bug 1207882 - Use a separate build target for config/buildid. r=gps (ad9f536aac)
 - Bug 1216697 - Unship Request.cache until the implementation is finished; r=bzbarsky (49264a21d8)
 - Bug 1218119 - Simplify defining worker prefs; r=baku (8987aa23c3)
 - namespace (d88c3b7fc6)
 - Bug 1179489 - Don't count service workers towards an origin's max worker quota; r=nsm (ce5e1345ba)
 - Bug 1151646 - Cleanup, r=khuey. (d119d19ea7)
 - Bug 1118778 - Write upload properties from; r=glandium (f8745ffda8)
 - Bug 1194741 - Display upload output; r=nalexander (7adaa41d11)
 - Bug 1197293 - allow for TC builds that don't use 'make upload'; r=ted (e671e7c651)
 - Bug 1137000 - Add support for SDK building to r=mshal (69b7ccb3c8)
 - Bug 1175895 - aid greppability of MOZ_AUTOMATION_*; r=ted (c9a099f168)
 - Bug 1198179 - Kill; r=ted (fa74e1930f)
 - Bug 1198179 - make write properties even if not uploading; r=ted (e7ca79b807)
 - Bug 8623031 - Move desktop build logic to a container neutral location; r=dustin (81dc866373)
 - Bug 1187139 (part 1) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (7a75c73d17)
 - Bug 1187139 (part 2) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (c631350ddb)
 - Bug 1187139 (part 3) - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in accessible/ with iterators. r=tbsaunde. (052cced2ca)
 - Bug 1225396 part 4 - Remove @@iterator workaround in r=bz (3b05ddc4f0)
 - Bug 1048695 part 1. Pass the set of globals where a member should NOT be exposed to MemberCondition. r=peterv (d5c9040323)
 - Bug 1048695 part 2. Make interface members not be exposed based on their nonExposedGlobals. r=peterv (e852319bd0)
 - Bug 1229493 - Stop shell-only modules classes being reported as standard classes r=shu (4a6457af8d)
 - Bug 1151646 - Fix static analysis bustage. (347564b4d2)
 - Bug 1231051 - Moz2Dify nsNativeThemeCocoa::DrawWidgetBackground. r=mstange. (cbcbe17e30)
 - Bug 1178984 - Crashes at nsMenuBarX::RemoveMenuAtIndex. r=spohl (6e5869ae28)
 - leftovers of Bug 1151345 - Add debug logging to help decipher this bug. r=spohl (22d42fc66d) (f855ceaa31)
- Revert "Bug 1068087: Switch about:plugins to run remotely. r=mconley" (d56ba9c1f0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - more of  add WebRTC code as of Bug 1101651 - Part 2 (d2225fd9f9)
 - Bug 1163505 - PtrVector should disallow copies to prevent premature&double deletions - r=bwc (5a18fd372b)
 - Bug 1076906 - Fix license headers for some WebRTC files, and provide LICENSE file. r=rjesup (f4bd3e42cc)
 - Bug 1211602: Never timeout if timeout == UINT32_MAX r=jib,froydnj (484261a196)
 - Bug 911450: webrtc sndio audio_device backend r=jesup (c96e948c6a)
 - Bug 911450 - fix webrtc signaling tests build on OpenBSD. r=jesup r=rbarker r=glandium (fe5190f700)
 - Bug 911450: followup, fix CriticalSectionScoped scope NPOTB r=jesup (cde4fe58f9)
 - bug 1171143 - Fix iOS capture build. r=jesup (22b7c92ba6)
 - missing bit of Bug 1155923 - Removing moz prefix from RTC interfaces (a37bce5d24)
 - bits of Bug 1191872 - Move annotations to org.mozilla.gecko.annotation (7f87a64522)
 - Bug 1162251: Fix WebRTC jitter buffer ignoring partial frames if the packet holds a complete NAL r=ehugg a=prep for uplift (kwierso) (1797b21fef)
 - Bug 1158627 - WebRTC return error if GetEmptyFrame returns null r=jesup (3bb3daa998)
 - Bug 1198107 - Destroy VP8 encoder context before re-initing on resolution change to avoid leaking memory. r=jesup (58831a26a1)
 - Bug 1030324: Remove VP8 encoder resize work around. r=rjesup (b98662bbc9)
 - Bug 800564: Handle MJPEG decode errors r=abr (284ec24fb9)
 - Bug 1181265 - wallpaper over windows (driver?) returning null ptr to GetStreamCaps r=pkerr (66fc35d5bd)
 - Bug 1158372: clean up windows CreateCapabilityMap for video capture r=dmajor (7fe73c0af7)
 - Bug 1186657. r=jesup,nchen (c177026841)
 - Bug 1192203 - Extract a robust version of getSupportedPreviewFpsRange. r=jesup (5b85be96d1)
 - Bug 1176340: short-circuit self-assignment of DesktopDisplayDevice r=jib (812e0d02c2)
 - bit of Bug 1198458 (d65868624d)
 - Bug 1219566 - Add aarch64 macro to webrtc/trunk/build/build_config.h. r=rjesup (f354a17b13) (d2c557abe9)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1198458: Webrtc updated to branch 43; pull made 2015-09-29 09:00AM PDT rs=jesup (c45a789c99)
 - Bug 1159489: WebRTC bitrate limits for video depend on input resolution and framerate r=pkerr (e3691a247c)
 - Bug 1132318: merge SelectSendFrameRate with SelectSendResolution r=bwc (bcc232994c)
 - Bug 1182289: Clean up dispatches in WebrtcGmpVideoEncoder/Decoder. r=jesup, a=abillings (b5e2030b07)
 - Bug 1167306: Fix preprocessor goof that disabled the load manager and some preference handling. r=jesup (0cc0dee688)
 - Bug 1198458: Rollup of changes previously applied to media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc and fixes to those rs=jesup r=froyd,jib,bwc,jesup,gcp,sotaro,pkerr,pehrsons (fe384d5e63)
 - Bug 1198458 Unbreak build on BSDs by fixing non-POSIX thread includes/usage. r=jesup (4ad8e88c17)
 - Bug 1198458: Fix typo in merges in OMX rs=bustage,kwierso on a CLOSED TREE (211b3b1a3f)
 - Bug 1226146: fix sndio audio_device backend after webrtc 43 landing in bug 1198458 r=jesup NPOTB (2b10ba3e86)
 - Bug 1231106 - Make BSDs fall-through to ASSERT as well. r=jesup (775d4fedae)
 - Bug 1231109 - Drop FreeBSD checks for unsupported versions. r=jld r=jesup (3cd55166fd)
 - Bug 1161079: Fix VideoCodecStats to allow for collecting encoder and decoder stats r=jib (1f98af8939)
 - add limits to fix gcc12 compile (d78098980f)
 - Bug 1193495 - Part 1: Test case. r=mt (add2ded009)
 - Bug 1193495 - Part 2: Maintain clones of supported codecs for each level, and do necessary checking to prevent payload-type clashes. r=mt (d45a24dba7)
 - Bug 1191301 - Re-enable the use of pref. r=bwc (d2723821d4)
 - Bug 1094447 - Use UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF for audio/video m-lines. r=drno (e8e1dafd0a)
 - Bug 1173599 - a=imageattr support. r=mt (612fc343d7)
 - Bug 1173601 - Add a=simulcast support. r=mt (7c5303bacb)
 - Bug 1203246 - Factor track negotiation stuff out of JsepSessionImpl, and other simplification. r=mt (b71c809b78)
 - Bug 1212907 - a=rid support. r=mt (7479ab6984)
 - Bug 1212908 - Update a=simulcast to match new grammar in 03 draft. r=mt (e205d3b0dd)
 - Bug 1192390 - Part 1: Lay architectural groundwork for simulcast negotiation. r=mt r=jesup (e75dda3139)
 - Bug 1223160 - added SDP parser file reader. r=bwc (6752195791)
 - Bug 1192390 - Part 2: Simulcast and RID negotiation. r=mt (51b151ef52)
 - fix some warnings stuff (fed8f513a8)
 - Bug 1161317: Fix bug where sendonly video RTCP would be treated as outgoing RTP r=jesup (e24371fbe0)
 - Bug 1226347: Import cherry-pick of AEC changes from 43->48 (delay-agnostic AEC). r=pkerr (d3a074f4d8)
 - Bug 1226347 - Part 2: Allow control of AEC via prefs. r=rjesup (58f142005b)
 - Bug 1228788 - Force QT device release to happen on the main thread. r=jesup (885e9d1236)
 - Bug 1162218 - Make worker idle thread timeouts more strict, r=baku. (a7d2106987)
 - No bug. Remove a stray debugging printf of mine. r=me. (77b84cda62)
 - minor (22564a666e)
 - Bug 1224237 - Remove the !baseURL check from ServiceWorkerContainer::Register;r=bkelly (8b13c4dc49)
 - Bug 1196157 - Marks left by performance marks should print the domain of the application and not the complete URL. r=baku (d133708d8d)
 - Bug 1211970 - "Muted errors in workers are not correctly reported to the console". r=bz (42c15275f4)
 - Bug 1208559 - Tests. r=bholley (e16a30caa5)
 - Bug 1045891 - Tests for child-src r=ckerschb (90aa832cd0)
 - Bug 1223647: CSP erroneously inherited into dedicated workers. r=ckerschb (6fd8d9bfc9)
 - Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 1, r=sicking (a7e9187e52)
 - Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 3 - WPT, r=sicking, r=Ms2ger (e5e3c69f6a)
 - Bug 1218433 - Use AsyncOpen2 in dom/workers/ScriptLoader.cpp - part 2 - WPT, r=sicking, r=Ms2ger (1dd2d871ec)
 - Bug 1211967 - Fix how we report errors when loading a worker from a data url, r=bz (8517368daa)
 - nsRefPtr - RefPtr (34bb404530)
 - Bug 1231055 - Fix tags usage in PluginProvider. r=dtownsend (870b0e71eb)
 - bug 1228792 - remove use of array comprehensions r=mossop (3e31f18e83)
 - bug 1228792 - use standard version of catch r=mossop (f306557ca2)
 - Bug 1228009. Geolocation code needs to handle failures on its ErrorResults. r=smaug (8778a9e264)
 - Bug 1228707. Add a away to call Web IDL callbacks while ignoring any errors from them, and use it in a few places. r=smaug (a414e0d711)
 - Bug 1201692. Add a fast path to ExplicitChildIterator::Seek for the common case of seeking an actual DOM child of the parent node. r=wchen (01234ad43a)
 - Bug 1202186 - use nsISensitiveInfoHidden for console methods, r=baku (888b4506ad)
 - Bug 1223774 - Console API should check if the outer window exists, r=smaug (e0d7f408dc)
 - Bug 1200551 - Handle multiple %c formatters without a string between them by using only the last one for styling;r=baku,r=past (463550117a)
 - Bug 1213719 - Back out bug 1170314 for duplicate functionality. r=smaug (ae74e0ad52)
 - Bug 1154076 followup: Mark ConsoleRunnable::Run() as override. rs=ehsan (337181faab)
 - Bug 1127703 - "Support iteration on FormData" r=bz (4ddd461e99)
 - Bug 1230509 - BlobImplFile should return false in IsDateUnknown and IsSizeUnknown, r=bz (1079bfe2ab)
 - Bug 1198095 - FileReader should dispatch an error if the blob changes size in the meantime the read is executed, r=bz (263993a172)
 - Bug 1231094 - patch 1 - nsDOMFileReader to mozilla::dom::FileReader, r=sicking (aa8c3ff373)
 - Bug 1231094 - patch 2 - Get rid of FileIOObject, r=sicking (44af1e17dd)
 - Bug 1231100 - Get rid of nsIDOMFileReader - patch 1, r=sicking (c909d9d793)
 - Bug 1231100 - Get rid of nsIDOMFileReader - patch 2, r=sicking (4d3da1c566)
 - Bug 1161183: Don't show the add-on version in the list view. r=dao (002d8f6fb1)
 - Bug 1229519: Fix toolkit/modules to pass eslint checks. r=mak (8bbd9c8fe0) (2e02aab9a7)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1016035 - Add nsIWidget::ReportSwipeStart and call it after processing wheel events that can trigger swipes. r=kats (77a6561f85)
 - Bug 1221913 - Make swiping work correctly in e10s mode even if APZ is off. r=kats (5bcdc76646)
 - Bug 1227020 - Replace nsBaseHashtable::Enumerate() calls in widget/ with iterators. r=roc. (a77fcf4809)
 - Bug 1230047 (part 1) - Make SynthesizeNativeTouch{Point,Tap}() take ScreenIntPoints. r=kats. (bc964eb41f)
 - Bug 1182543 - Use channel->ascynOpen2 in dom/plugins/base/nsPluginHost.cpp - simplifications in instanceowner (r=sicking) (e8a95bc56a)
 - Revive NPAPI async drawing: stub code. (bug 1217665 part 1, r=aklotz) (81467630ee)
 - Revive test plugin changes for async plugin surfaces. (bug 1217665 part 2, r=aklotz) (86eabc862c)
 - Disable async rendering paths when a plugin is using direct drawing. (bug 1217665 part 3, r=aklotz) (4b53467f3f)
 - Add a new Image class that wraps drawable TextureClients. (bug 1217665 part 4, r=nical) (ab131811ba) (f4385096ea)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here:

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Weekly browser binaries (20230401)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

IA32 Win32

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here:

NM28XP build:
Win32 IA32
Win32 SSE

Official UXP changes picked since my last build:
- Issue #2176 - Don't reconstruct the parent when tearing down display:contents nodes with pseudo-elements. (dd2697172)
- Issue #2175 - Fix build bustage in WebRTC. (1788589ca)
- Issue #2155 - Split Nestable to ds/ and EmitterScope to EmitterScope.{cpp.h} (81691afbc)
- Issue #2155 - Move NestableControl classes except ForOfLoopControl to BytecodeControlStructures.{cpp.h} (a8ac1cac3)
- Issue #2155 - Move TryEmitter and ForOfLoopControl to TryEmitter.{cpp.h} and ForOfLoopControl.{cpp.h} (70e1654c3)
- Issue #2155 - Add SwitchEmitter (2554a83d1)
- Issue #61 - Reinstate buildability with shared gkmedias dll (371d7cf05)
- Issue #61 - Place Skia in libxul (6b3767c44)
- Issue #61 - Add configure option for non-windows platforms (924bf92e4)
- Issue #61 - Add missing external symbol cubeb_set_log_callback to gkmedias symbols.def (c85f28b0c)
- Issue #61 - Add missing external symbols for gkmedias when WebRTC is built (6b510a74e)
- Issue #62 - Get --enable-shared-js and --enable-export-js working again, and fix link bustage related to ICU when doing shared lib (b171da18f)
- Issue #62 - Fix xul.dll link bustage related to MovableCellHasher. (2c8387f4f)
- Issue #62 - Fix xul.dll link bustage relating to JSErrorNotes. (6890cdd9a)
- Issue #62 - Fix xul.dll link bustage related to JS::ubi::DominatorTree. (ed30a9646)
- Issue #2165 - Build ICU as a shared library if we're building Spidermonkey shared. (bad884a7c)
- Issue #2165 - Follow-up: Always build ICU as shared lib in Windows. (18e43fad2)
- Issue #324 - Follow-up: Remove more traces of *INTL_API. (9ff14017e)
- Issue #2165 - Disable LNK4217 and LNK4286 warnings when linking ICU as they're too spammy. (f09b0002e)
- Issue #62 - Always build Spidermonkey as shared lib in Windows. (66eaa872f)
- Issue #1831 - Add an option to enable TLS 1.3 "compatibility" mode. (ca93d4b42)
- Issue #2180 - Add pref to control NSS TLS 1.3 protocol downgrade sentinel (dc4bf9b82)
- Issue #2180 - Follow-up: Move sentinel check up a bit. (f6f0a495a)

Official Pale-Moon changes picked since my last build:
- [Pale-Moon] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#61 - Add gkmedias back to package-manifest (d7a120958)
- [Pale-Moon] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (f284afab4)
- [Pale-Moon] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Follow-up: Simplify OS detection for MOZ_SHARED_ICU check. (64bc4788e)

Official Basilisk changes picked since my last build:
- [Basilisk] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#61 - Add gkmedias to package-manifest (e6ed122e1)

My changes since my last build:
- [Basilisk] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (09138ab01)
- gkmedias: add missing `_moz_cairo_scaled_font_get_hint_metrics` export, fix linking (68d130e55)
- [Basilisk] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Follow-up: Simplify OS detection for MOZ_SHARED_ICU check. (c867bd4fe)

Update Notice:
- You may delete file named icudt*.dat inside program folder when updating from old releases.

* Notice: From now on, UXP rev will point to `custom` branch of my UXP repo instead of MCP UXP repo, while "official UXP changes" shows only `tracking` branch changes.

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32
BNavigator Win32

My changes since my last build:
- [Mail] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (623c5a9f)
- [Navigator] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (a34b45ac)
- [Mail] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Follow-up: Simplify OS detection for MOZ_SHARED_ICU check. (2f5c6eeb)
- [Navigator] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Follow-up: Simplify OS detection for MOZ_SHARED_ICU check. (de147fa3)

source repo (excluding UXP):

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

My changes since my last build:
- [IceDove] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#61 - Add gkmedias to package-manifest (7030262)
- [IceDove] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (eb573dc)
- [IceDove] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Follow-up: Simplify OS detection for MOZ_SHARED_ICU check. (8c078b7)
- [IceApe] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#61 - Add gkmedias to package-manifest (59acb26)
- [IceApe] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (767aa04)
- [IceApe] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Follow-up: Simplify OS detection for MOZ_SHARED_ICU check. (651a75b)

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.

New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP!
* Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual.
** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions.

Test binary:


Repo changes:
- pref: change value (babf7e8e5)
- import from UXP: Issue #2176 - Don't reconstruct the parent when tearing down display:contents nodes with pseudo-elements. (dd269717) (285cfd02f)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2175 - Fix build bustage in WebRTC. (1788589c) (c92a9aeb9)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2155 - Split Nestable to ds/ and EmitterScope to EmitterScope.{cpp.h} (81691afb) (61dfa121f)
- import from UXP: Issue #2155 - Move NestableControl classes except ForOfLoopControl to BytecodeControlStructures.{cpp.h} (a8ac1cac) (b881fa7c2)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2155 - Move TryEmitter and ForOfLoopControl to TryEmitter.{cpp.h} and ForOfLoopControl.{cpp.h} (70e1654c) (7306edbf3)
- import from UXP: Issue #2155 - Add SwitchEmitter (2554a83d) (dd9c013b6)
- ported from UXP: Issue #61 - Reinstate buildability with shared gkmedias dll (371d7cf0) (893b99aa2)
- import from UXP: Issue #61 - Place Skia in libxul (6b3767c4) (224b9733c)
- ported from UXP: Issue #61 - Add configure option for non-windows platforms (924bf92e) (18d9dc611)
- import from UXP: Issue #61 - Add missing external symbol cubeb_set_log_callback to gkmedias symbols.def (c85f28b0) (748e7850a)
- import from UXP: Issue #61 - Add missing external symbols for gkmedias when WebRTC is built (6b510a74) (2dab9a9c6)
- ported from UXP: Issue #62 - Get --enable-shared-js and --enable-export-js working again, and fix link bustage related to ICU when doing shared lib (b171da18) (8e5dff205)
- ported from UXP: Issue #62 - Fix xul.dll link bustage related to MovableCellHasher. (8186d06c) (54c802638)
- import from UXP: Issue #62 - Fix xul.dll link bustage relating to JSErrorNotes. (6890cdd9) (b1389dcd5)
- import from UXP: Issue #62 - Fix xul.dll link bustage related to JS::ubi::DominatorTree. (ed30a964) (66d86b4c1)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2165 - Build ICU as a shared library if we're building Spidermonkey shared. (bad884a7) (483591d7f)
- import from UXP: Issue #2165 - Follow-up: Always build ICU as shared lib in Windows. (18e43fad) (7dc42b1a0)
- import from UXP: Issue #324 - Follow-up: Remove more traces of *INTL_API. (9ff14017) (f00b9f849)
- import from UXP: Issue #2165 - Disable LNK4217 and LNK4286 warnings when linking ICU as they're too spammy. (f09b0002) (3692226c6)
- import from UXP: Issue #62 - Always build Spidermonkey as shared lib in Windows. (66eaa872) (9a1657984)
- ported from UXP: [Basilisk] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#61 - Add gkmedias to package-manifest (e6ed122e) (305c20821)
- import from `custom` branch of UXP: [Basilisk] Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#2165 - Support ICU as shared library in packaging. (09138ab0) (0dbcde75d)
- Issue UXP#61 follow-up: add missing exports from nestegg, cubeb, and GLSANG (5453c0a33)
- Issue UXP#61 follow-up: js: export AddPluralRulesConstructor to fix shared build (b7956cbfb)
- Issue UXP#61 follow-up: angle: proper exporting structs (6380d2533)
- Issue UXP#61 follow-up: dom/canvas: use public-exported API from GLSANG (cddc1215d)
- ported from UXP: Issue #1831 - Add an option to enable TLS 1.3 "compatibility" mode. (ca93d4b4) (29e66b43a)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2180 - Add pref to control NSS TLS 1.3 protocol downgrade sentinel (dc4bf9b8) (ecc48cd55)
- ported from UXP: Issue #2180 - Follow-up: Move sentinel check up a bit. (f6f0a495) (7781c1d57)

New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit SSE
32bit noSSE


source repo:

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 448064 - Add crashtest. (d7e9a3f9bb)
 - Minor cleanup (cbab3e1ede)
 - Bug 1222829: Remove URIChecker. r=mcmanus (74c16ae58c)
 - Bug 1220682 - Clear exceptions on single-arg init. r=bz # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (4736e0fb57)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 1) - Make nsIWidget::{Create,CreateChildren}() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (992ec123ff)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 2) - Make nsIWidget::DrawWindowUnderlay() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (ad4f13440d)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 3) - Make nsIWidget::Invalidate() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (19f10846a3)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 4) - Make ThemeGeometry::mRect a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (5f17f6be14)
 - Bug 1228125 (part 1) - Remove nsIWidget::GetBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (5e4d0811e7)
 - Bug 1228125 (part 2) - Remove nsIWidget::GetScreenBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (3ac4b3271b)
 - Bug 1228125 (part 3) - Remove nsIWidget::GetClientBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (7163a1a6e6)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 5) - Make Update{Opaque,WindowDragging}Region() take a LayoutDeviceIntRegion. r=botond. (907aafd4c0)
 - missing bit  Bug 1229237 (part 1) (c160f227b3)
 - missing bit  Bug 1229237 (part 1) (edc4237028)
 - Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) update experimental prefs, r=snorp (df3a19e142)
 - Bug 1168881 - Enabling AccessibleCarets crashes Firefox when trying to input text, r=tylin (abbd401672)
 - Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) Remove experimental bits added to Touch/Selection carets, r=tylin (291385ad0e)
 - Bug 1219236 - Part 1: Flush throttle styles for all descendant sub documents and *root* document itself. r=roc (b6c4d4c815)
 - Bug 1153130 - Prevent FireFox crashes when pointer events are enabled. r=smaug (a7093fae15)
 - Bug 1226041 - Remove mFirstPaint hack for JPZC when the C++ APZ is enabled. r=kats (6af6102f1f)
 - Bug 1223228 - Remove unused nsFrameManagerBase::mStyleSet. r=dholbert (9145f9cb38)
 - Bug 1189353 - Change NS_ macro prefix to MOZ_ in AccessibleCaretEventHub. r=mtseng (820920546e)
 - Bug 1210315 - Use preference to control whether to use long tap injector. r=roc (00ee7e8874)
 - Bug 1206545 - Store nsIPresShell pointer in constructor instead of Init(). r=roc (6a9f8216f7)
 - Bug 1194063 - Update link to point to the diagram directly. r=mtseng (3d627f37da)
 - Bug 1225701 - Update comments in AccessibleCaret files. r=mtseng (fe1d296655)
 - Bug 1211365 - Remove NS_IMPL_STATE_UTILITIES. r=mtseng (79713764b9)
 - Bug 1211365 - Make deleted functions in class State public. r=mtseng (da2df347b3)
 - Bug 1211365 - Delete wheel event handling. r=mtseng (7bacb7e8f5)
 - Bug 1200194 - Tweak formatting and debug logging. r=roc (148a22ce3c)
 - Bug 1082425 - Commit composition string before changing focus by long tap. r=masayuki (1452e46511)
 - Bug 1196176 - No need to test mLastUpdateCaretMode. r=mtseng (fc93c83698)
 - Bug 1196176 - Hide carets for mouse down reason. r=mtseng (3c13762b86)
 - Bug 1209841 - Merge into r=automatedtester (35575914b9)
 - Bug 1209841 - Simplify functions related to select word. r=automatedtester (56bf6052e1)
 - Bug 1209841 - Send synthesized mouse long tap to gecko. r=automatedtester (e83509d49b)
 - Bug 1210315 - Inline selectors in carets tests. r=automatedtester (cebad9b688)
 - Bug 1163490 - Remove SpecialPowers from marionette carets test. r=jgriffin (fd1e4b6442)
 - Bug 1210315 - Use pref utilities in r=automatedtester (09efee2a80)
 - Bug 1207934 - Add marionette test for appearance changing. r=automatedtester (6e1c5aea60)
 - Bug 1210315 - Use pref utilities in r=automatedtester (a17a92808e)
 - Bug 1200364 - Fix AccessibleCaret jumps when dragging. r=roc (66c36347f7)
 - Bug 1203074: Move caret to end of textual input field before sending keys (1a8cf55bd7)
 - Bug 1164233 - Enlarge the timeout margin from 1.5x to 3x. r=mtseng (188b17550d)
 - Bug 1196176 - Fix CaretStateChanged not dispatch on empty content. r=mtseng (5d6930c1e1)
 - Bug 1196176 - Do not fire extra CaretStateChanged event when typing. r=mtseng (93f4ccdc97)
 - Bug 1211365 - Add test case for scrolling in selection mode. r=mtseng (bfd69f4337)
 - Bug 1212732 - Update caret in cursor mode on scroll-end if it was logically visible. r=roc (07ddba2c15)
 - Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) Upgrade Core and AccessibleCaret, r=smaug (fe388a4b37)
 - Bug 1216857 - Notify selection dialog to update its position if carets are logically visible. r=TYLin (e759cbe5cd)
 - Bug 1215798 nsContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange*) should not skip empty start node when mPre is true r=smaug (013857d99d)
 - Bug 1215816 nsContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange*) should not include end node if it's an empty element and the end offset is 0 when mPre is true r=smaug (5276c84afb) (d64e96b4a0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1132213 - Remove newChannel2 and asyncFetch2 calls in the "jsdownloads" folder. r=paolo (15afbc22f6)
 - Bug 1223437 - Use channel.asyncOpen2 in toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit (r=sicking) (62de0552b6)
 - Bug 1225641 - Change default security flags within NetUtil.newChannel (r=sicking) (f04a8d6a1d)
 - Bug 1224467 - Add a preference for controlling whether oneCRL blocklists are updated via AMO. Also add a test. r=keeler,mossop (06c4ce13f9)
 - Bug 1170760 part 1. Introduce a PromiseCapability struct. r=baku,efaust (068615a4cd)
 - Bug 1170760 part 2. Pass in the 'this' value to Promise static methods. r=peterv (170fd5de55)
 - Bug 1170760 part 3. Add an @@species getter on Promise. r=peterv (182a90f4ee)
 - Bug 1170760 part 4. Change Promise::Constructor to run in the Xray compartment when new Promise happens over Xrays. r=peterv (ac9bf8968b)
 - Bug 1170760 part 5. Implement NewPromiseCapability which can either return a PromiseCapability as in the spec, or one that has a native promise and maybe resolve/reject functions if the consumer asked for them. r=baku,efaust (6c74f4ebdf)
 - Bug 1170760 part 6. Fix GetDependentPromise to deal with a situation when someone called then() and passed it the resolve/reject functions that come from a promise's constructor. r=baku (fa6504ca29)
 - Bug 1170760 part 7. Add subclassing support to Promise::Race. r=baku,efaust (d43c0782d6)
 - Bug 1170760 part 8. Add subclassing support to Promise::All. r=baku,efaust (37d8577256)
 - Bug 1170760 part 9. Stop using Promise::Resolve in the bindings for PromiseDebugging. r=baku (3c3073d0fa)
 - Bug 1170760 part 10. Add subclassing support to Promise::Resolve. r=baku,efaust (22a5f2b385)
 - Bug 1170760 part 11. Add subclassing support to Promise::Reject. r=baku,efaust (c696a0a9fe)
 - Bug 1170760 part 12. Rip out the promise-resolved-with-promise fast path. r=baku (a1815842e2)
 - Bug 1170760 part 13. Add subclassing support to Promise::Then/Catch. r=baku,efaust (3fd8f2502d) (09c7525bc8)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 03c3a2ab87...09c7525bc8:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 448064 - Add crashtest. (d7e9a3f9bb)
 - Minor cleanup (cbab3e1ede)
 - Bug 1222829: Remove URIChecker. r=mcmanus (74c16ae58c)
 - Bug 1220682 - Clear exceptions on single-arg init. r=bz # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting (4736e0fb57)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 1) - Make nsIWidget::{Create,CreateChildren}() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (992ec123ff)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 2) - Make nsIWidget::DrawWindowUnderlay() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (ad4f13440d)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 3) - Make nsIWidget::Invalidate() take a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (19f10846a3)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 4) - Make ThemeGeometry::mRect a LayoutDeviceIntRect. r=botond. (5f17f6be14)
 - Bug 1228125 (part 1) - Remove nsIWidget::GetBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (5e4d0811e7)
 - Bug 1228125 (part 2) - Remove nsIWidget::GetScreenBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (3ac4b3271b)
 - Bug 1228125 (part 3) - Remove nsIWidget::GetClientBoundsUntyped(). r=botond. (7163a1a6e6)
 - Bug 1229237 (part 5) - Make Update{Opaque,WindowDragging}Region() take a LayoutDeviceIntRegion. r=botond. (907aafd4c0)
 - missing bit  Bug 1229237 (part 1) (c160f227b3)
 - missing bit  Bug 1229237 (part 1) (edc4237028)
 - Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) update experimental prefs, r=snorp (df3a19e142)
 - Bug 1168881 - Enabling AccessibleCarets crashes Firefox when trying to input text, r=tylin (abbd401672)
 - Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) Remove experimental bits added to Touch/Selection carets, r=tylin (291385ad0e)
 - Bug 1219236 - Part 1: Flush throttle styles for all descendant sub documents and *root* document itself. r=roc (b6c4d4c815)
 - Bug 1153130 - Prevent FireFox crashes when pointer events are enabled. r=smaug (a7093fae15)
 - Bug 1226041 - Remove mFirstPaint hack for JPZC when the C++ APZ is enabled. r=kats (6af6102f1f)
 - Bug 1223228 - Remove unused nsFrameManagerBase::mStyleSet. r=dholbert (9145f9cb38)
 - Bug 1189353 - Change NS_ macro prefix to MOZ_ in AccessibleCaretEventHub. r=mtseng (820920546e)
 - Bug 1210315 - Use preference to control whether to use long tap injector. r=roc (00ee7e8874)
 - Bug 1206545 - Store nsIPresShell pointer in constructor instead of Init(). r=roc (6a9f8216f7)
 - Bug 1194063 - Update link to point to the diagram directly. r=mtseng (3d627f37da)
 - Bug 1225701 - Update comments in AccessibleCaret files. r=mtseng (fe1d296655)
 - Bug 1211365 - Remove NS_IMPL_STATE_UTILITIES. r=mtseng (79713764b9)
 - Bug 1211365 - Make deleted functions in class State public. r=mtseng (da2df347b3)
 - Bug 1211365 - Delete wheel event handling. r=mtseng (7bacb7e8f5)
 - Bug 1200194 - Tweak formatting and debug logging. r=roc (148a22ce3c)
 - Bug 1082425 - Commit composition string before changing focus by long tap. r=masayuki (1452e46511)
 - Bug 1196176 - No need to test mLastUpdateCaretMode. r=mtseng (fc93c83698)
 - Bug 1196176 - Hide carets for mouse down reason. r=mtseng (3c13762b86)
 - Bug 1209841 - Merge into r=automatedtester (35575914b9)
 - Bug 1209841 - Simplify functions related to select word. r=automatedtester (56bf6052e1)
 - Bug 1209841 - Send synthesized mouse long tap to gecko. r=automatedtester (e83509d49b)
 - Bug 1210315 - Inline selectors in carets tests. r=automatedtester (cebad9b688)
 - Bug 1163490 - Remove SpecialPowers from marionette carets test. r=jgriffin (fd1e4b6442)
 - Bug 1210315 - Use pref utilities in r=automatedtester (09efee2a80)
 - Bug 1207934 - Add marionette test for appearance changing. r=automatedtester (6e1c5aea60)
 - Bug 1210315 - Use pref utilities in r=automatedtester (a17a92808e)
 - Bug 1200364 - Fix AccessibleCaret jumps when dragging. r=roc (66c36347f7)
 - Bug 1203074: Move caret to end of textual input field before sending keys (1a8cf55bd7)
 - Bug 1164233 - Enlarge the timeout margin from 1.5x to 3x. r=mtseng (188b17550d)
 - Bug 1196176 - Fix CaretStateChanged not dispatch on empty content. r=mtseng (5d6930c1e1)
 - Bug 1196176 - Do not fire extra CaretStateChanged event when typing. r=mtseng (93f4ccdc97)
 - Bug 1211365 - Add test case for scrolling in selection mode. r=mtseng (bfd69f4337)
 - Bug 1212732 - Update caret in cursor mode on scroll-end if it was logically visible. r=roc (07ddba2c15)
 - Bug 1215959 - (GeckoCaret2) Upgrade Core and AccessibleCaret, r=smaug (fe388a4b37)
 - Bug 1216857 - Notify selection dialog to update its position if carets are logically visible. r=TYLin (e759cbe5cd)
 - Bug 1215798 nsContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange*) should not skip empty start node when mPre is true r=smaug (013857d99d)
 - Bug 1215816 nsContentIterator::Init(nsIDOMRange*) should not include end node if it's an empty element and the end offset is 0 when mPre is true r=smaug (5276c84afb) (d64e96b4a0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1132213 - Remove newChannel2 and asyncFetch2 calls in the "jsdownloads" folder. r=paolo (15afbc22f6)
 - Bug 1223437 - Use channel.asyncOpen2 in toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit (r=sicking) (62de0552b6)
 - Bug 1225641 - Change default security flags within NetUtil.newChannel (r=sicking) (f04a8d6a1d)
 - Bug 1224467 - Add a preference for controlling whether oneCRL blocklists are updated via AMO. Also add a test. r=keeler,mossop (06c4ce13f9)
 - Bug 1170760 part 1. Introduce a PromiseCapability struct. r=baku,efaust (068615a4cd)
 - Bug 1170760 part 2. Pass in the 'this' value to Promise static methods. r=peterv (170fd5de55)
 - Bug 1170760 part 3. Add an @@species getter on Promise. r=peterv (182a90f4ee)
 - Bug 1170760 part 4. Change Promise::Constructor to run in the Xray compartment when new Promise happens over Xrays. r=peterv (ac9bf8968b)
 - Bug 1170760 part 5. Implement NewPromiseCapability which can either return a PromiseCapability as in the spec, or one that has a native promise and maybe resolve/reject functions if the consumer asked for them. r=baku,efaust (6c74f4ebdf)
 - Bug 1170760 part 6. Fix GetDependentPromise to deal with a situation when someone called then() and passed it the resolve/reject functions that come from a promise's constructor. r=baku (fa6504ca29)
 - Bug 1170760 part 7. Add subclassing support to Promise::Race. r=baku,efaust (d43c0782d6)
 - Bug 1170760 part 8. Add subclassing support to Promise::All. r=baku,efaust (37d8577256)
 - Bug 1170760 part 9. Stop using Promise::Resolve in the bindings for PromiseDebugging. r=baku (3c3073d0fa)
 - Bug 1170760 part 10. Add subclassing support to Promise::Resolve. r=baku,efaust (22a5f2b385)
 - Bug 1170760 part 11. Add subclassing support to Promise::Reject. r=baku,efaust (c696a0a9fe)
 - Bug 1170760 part 12. Rip out the promise-resolved-with-promise fast path. r=baku (a1815842e2)
 - Bug 1170760 part 13. Add subclassing support to Promise::Then/Catch. r=baku,efaust (3fd8f2502d) (09c7525bc8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: