Sonoma County to study merger of districts

The idea of merging 11 school districts in western Sonoma County will likely be the subject of a study to be commissioned by the county's office of education.

County Superintendent Carl Wong said he expects the 11 elementary and middle school districts to pass nonbinding resolutions next month requesting the merger study. Wong has agreed to the study using funds from his office. The price tag is expected to be at least $25,000 and the process to take at least four to five months.

All 11 districts now funnel students to West Sonoma County High School District's two schools, Analy and El Molino, for ninth through 12th grade.

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Wong said the idea of looking into consolidation was raised by some of the superintendents and board members in the districts. Schools in the area are suffering from declining enrollment and budget problems that make it tough to offer comprehensive educational programs to all their students, he said.

Sonoma County also has an unusually high number of independent districts -- a total of 40 -- some with as few as 41 students. Six of the 11 districts failed to pass parcel tax measures in the March 7 election.

A meeting was held March 14, where questions were raised about the implications of such a move, including how it might be carried out and what would happen to surplus schools and property, Wong said.

"I was pleased that people were willing to at least talk openly about the evolution of Sonoma County in terms of having to come to grips with the notion that we may not need all these small independent school districts," he said.

But Wong also acknowledged that the process is complicated, and it'll be years before a decision is made. A consolidation would also have to be put to the voters in each district.

"It's a drawn-out process, and there are a lot of complex issues, a lot of emotion, and a lot of politics," he said.

Forums on school closings: A series of six forums designed to garner input from the Novato community about the possibility of closing as many as three school campuses will be held at the Novato Unified School District's offices next month.

Parents and others are being asked to reserve their space in the groups, which will be limited to 30 people each, by calling the district office at (415) 897-4211.

Superintendent Jan La Torre-Derby said she would add more dates in late April if interest outstrips available spots.

"It's an open process, and we very much want to hear everyone's voices," she said.

Novato voters passed a parcel tax measure March 7 that allowed the district to restore cuts to music programs and the school libraries and retain smaller class sizes.

But the district, like half of all those in California, is seeing a decline in enrollment.

A consultant has been hired to study options that include closing two elementary schools and one middle school; closing one or two elementary schools; or not closing any schools. The board is expected to make a decision in May.

Besides the forums, the board has scheduled an all-day meeting April 23, with 30-minute slots allotted for each school to make a presentation.

The forums are from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and 6 to 7:30 p.m. on April 4, 18 and 19 at the district's offices, 1015 Seventh St., in Novato.

Teacher honored: Brucine Doherty, an English and world history teacher at Davidson Middle School in San Rafael has been named Best Middle School Teacher by the California Association of Teachers of English.

The seventh-grade teacher and literacy coach recently spearheaded the successful introduction of an intensive program for students reading at below- grade level. English is a second language for about half of Davidson's 1,000 students.

"When you come in the classroom and see the kids you usually see in the detention hall or flunking, they are now coming to school every day in my class and they're reading," Doherty said.

The nomination came from Davidson English Department Head John Thomas, who managed to keep Doherty from knowing about it until it was announced.

"I had no idea about this award; it was kind of like a conspiracy of the people I work with," she said. "It was a wonderful, sweet gesture."

Poetry cafe: Sir Francis Drake High School's Communications Academy is holding a Poetry Cafe, including readings of original poetry, videos and the chance for audience members to take the microphone themselves. The cafe will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday through April 1 at the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center, 200 N. San Pedro Road in San Rafael. Admission is $5 for students, $8 for adults, and proceeds benefit the Communications Academy's projects. For information call (415) 458-3456.

Benedictine author: The San Domenico School's alumni association is sponsoring a talk by author and theologian Joan Chittister on April 14. Chittister, a Benedictine Sister of Erie, has written 22 books, mostly recently "Called to Question" and "The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every Woman's Life." She is also a regular columnist for the National Catholic Reporter.

The talk is from 7 to 9 p.m. in the school's new Hall of the Arts, 1500 Butterfield Road in San Anselmo. Tickets cost $35 in advance. For information, call (415) 258-1931 or visit

In a separate event, the San Domenico School will auction off artwork created by students in the primary grades at a fund-raiser starting at 6:30 p. m. April 30. This year the children's paintings were done in a Jackson Pollock- style and are available for viewing in the school's Hall of the Arts lobby through April 15. For viewing times, contact San Domenico's music conservatory at (415) 258-1921.

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