Here are the wanted lists issued with Page 142. Ten Most Wanted: 1. 2,1207- C337 2. 2,1109+ C225 3. 10,353- C328 4. 10,332+ C295 5. 3,683+ C256 6. 6,419+ C261 7. 5,464+ C223 8. 7,386+ C245 9. 11,311+ C247 10. 11,313- C273 Twenty More Wanted: 2,1213- C297 2,1123+ C338 2,1129+ C330 2,2222M C289 2,2246L C253 2,2266L C255 2,1124+ C311 3,691- C265 3,692+ C277 5,503- C260 5,467+ C230 5,472+ C317 6,421- C281 6,421+ C246 7,389- C299 7,388+ C314 10,346+ C300 10,347+ C318 11,317- C319 12,307+ C304 Smaller-but-Needed: 12,777L C191 12,380+ C193 6,549+ C195 6,545+ C197 6,505- C202 5,561+ C203