Conservation Actions UnderwayCITES Appendix II. CMS Appendix II. It occurs in a number of protected areas throughout its range, importantly Ang Trapeang Thmor, Cambodia, and Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam, which seasonally support the majority of the Indochinese population. A proposed 238,374-ha conservation reserve for the species in the Kampong Trach IBA, Cambodia, was demarcated in 2006, awaiting a ministerial decree (Anon. 2006b)
. Patrols have since been carried out, and environmental education is ongoing in the area (Anon. 2006b)
. Following the discovery of a major non-breeding population in the Basaac river floodplain of the Mekong Delta, in Borei Chulsar and Koh Andeth districts, Takeo province, during surveys in 2001-2002, a workshop was organised and a 9,275-ha protected area was proposed and subsequently went for approval (Anon. 2002)
. In 2003, protection was proposed for Hon Chong grassland (Anon 2003)
. Conservation awareness campaigns have been initiated in India, Nepal, Laos and Cambodia. Nest protection schemes in India have proven successful (Sundar and Choudhury 2003)
. In 2004–2005 protection of 22 nests by volunteer in the Kota district, Rajasthan resulted in the successful fledging of 19 chicks (Kaur
et al. 2008). National surveys have recently been conducted in India and Cambodia, and detailed studies on species requirements are ongoing in India and Nepal (K. S. G. Sundar
in litt. 2007)
. In Myanmar, Buddhist monks have increased local respect for cranes and many nests are protected when they would otherwise be destroyed to prevent damage to rice paddies (Archibald
et al. 2003)
. Since 1997, annual roost counts have been conducted on the Atherton Tableland in the far north of Queensland during the non-breeding season (E. Scambler
in litt. 2007)
. In 2008 the Atherton Tablelands Important Bird Area was established based on population distribution data from the annual counts, and continuing counts from 2009 monitor the IBA and surrounding sites. Authorities have flagged particular sections of powerline after Sarus Crane deaths or injuries were reported by concerned observers in the IBA. The Australian Crane Network (website established in 2005, remains a contact point for crane researchers, landowners and interested individuals, including international networks; and provides updates on ongoing and completed research and conservation issues (E. Scambler
in litt. 2016). Although state and federal authorities list Sarus Crane as “Common” or “Least Concern” wildlife, it is included as a migratory species covered by international treaties to which Australia is a signatory (E. Scambler
in litt. 2016). Proponents of development proposals must therefore address potential impacts and conservation groups are approved parties to submit objections at both state and federal levels In Thailand, a captive breeding programme is underway at Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo with the intention of establishing a wild population in the country (Siri-Arunrat 2009).
Conservation Actions ProposedConduct further surveys in northern Cambodia, southern Laos and southern Vietnam to identify key sites. Control pesticide use and industrial effluent disposal around feeding areas. Upgrade to CITES Appendix I, and strictly control local, national and international trade (Sundar and Choudhury 2003)
. Target further conservation awareness campaigns at communities in and around important sites (Sundar
et al. 2000, Sundar and Choudhury 2003, Khacher 2006)
, and educate private landowners (Sundar and Choudhury 2003)
. Encourage a mosaic of small natural wetlands in heavily farmed areas (Sundar
et al. 2000)
, as pairs will nest in wetlands as small as 1 ha (Archibald
et al. 2003)
. Collect baseline data on ecology (Sundar
et al. 2000)
. Improve protection of wetlands and other key habitats (Sundar and Choudhury 2003)
. Carry out restoration of deteriorating wetlands (Sundar and Choudhury 2003)
. Encourage nest protection by farmers and amateur ornithologists (Khacher 2006)
. Consider compensating farmers for real or expected crop damage (Khacher 2006)
, although this may change attitudes to the species to its detriment (K. S. G. Sundar
in litt. 2007)
. Captive rearing programmes could be considered (Khacher 2006)
, although opinion is split (Sundar and Choudhury 2003)
, and such efforts may be futile in the face of existing threats (K. S. G. Sundar
in litt. 2007)
. Establish a more certain estimate of the Australian population and its trends (Grant 2005)