“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. His…
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” - George Orwell, "1984"
Shame on them, I love Aaron without knowing him. I used to leave gorilla open access manifesto copies in my local smoke shop. They can kill the the man but never the message. With or without internet, v Phone, paper, ink, hands, or eyes. Never.....ha ha ~WeRthe99~
oh but they can ,it's called the vaccine mind -controlled population.
Hey if they Can Doo wit to Jew. They Can Doo It To You! The Man. Ass the Establishment. Is How You Lose. A Reddit. That is Now moor like Edit Where REDACT Would be more Accurate for a Name. And Rub OUT The Original Founder ass the News Fagazine. Whose Charter Of Bait And Switch You Off Real Food On To Their Used Food Fare. Is Bon Appetit To Mindless, Cluster Fucks. As their Fan Base. After a Year with Out ALL Those Viruses. me Thinks the Shoe is On The Other Foot. WE Ready.[show more]
My bitchute videos wont play from my account. Can someone see if they work for them? Other channels are working. Makes me think bitchute has censorship too. Plese lmk. Ty
There is a editing-admins war in wikipedia - as an idea is great - keep transparent.
wikipedia i also edited by jews. And they admit that they wan to be in control about whats said about them. Anyone who speaks out in opposition to their "they can do no wrong "narrative, is completely defamed on wikipedia. Try looking up Dr. Tony Martin
You are Awesome Media Giant. me Like. Uh Aaron Swartz. You Are So Wrong. You Have No Idea How SMART Computers Can Be. And BE For You. For That I Blame Windows95 and Bill Gates. As the Most Persecuted, Hated and Impoverished man on Earth! I have an AX To GRIND! As the Staunchest Bill Of Rights Activist On Earth. Sorry Scalia. The CLOUD And CODE I Gave You Had NOT A Speck of Hatred, Bigotry, Malice, Spam, Error, Prejudice Or Bigotry. Worked the Same For Everybody For ALL The World To See. And After Decades of Computer Viruses. I will Prove It Again. That Code does Not have To Fixed And Rigged Like Our Government, Education and Wall Street. It Was So Naive It didn't Even Matter If You Were GOOD or EVIL. BUT It DOES NOW. BECAUSE I HATE EVIL! So You Can Guess How I feel About Reddit. Which registers as a Spell Error in Mozilla.[show more]
mozilla fundation is evil. Be BRAVE dot com. About gates - I'm proud of piracy win7 and never sponsored genocide!!!
Article 6 – Consent 1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice http://www.kentlaw.edu/faculty/bbrown/classes/IntlOrgSp07/CourseDocs/IIIUniversalDeclarationonBioethicsandHumanRights.pdf[show more]
This is so sad. Our world is being run by some very sick, twisted minds.
I googled "reddit founders" and they listed Swartz.
It does TODAY...It USED to include him on Reddit...
Howlin' at the Moon
"In 2011, Swartz was indicted on federal data-theft charges for allegedly breaking into the MIT computer system and downloading millions of documents from research database JSTOR. Swartz sadly died by suicide a few days after rejecting a plea bargain." Nothing to see here folks.
View all 6 replies
You left out the best part where he proved MIT was integral in kiddie porn from abroad.Yeah our infallible institutions are that sick,take a look around. You can't be trusted in some circles unless you are a traitorous kid diddler
Charitable NGOs say they need your money to help get kids in a remote village internet. Then they use it to upload the abuse. MIT servers were central in collecting and distribution of kid porn all over the world. Swartz broke in,got undeniable physical proof and got killed for it. A true genius,patriot,and hero. A good example of why some Jews would never go along with the other fuk asses.
What your saying is that he was Hillaryed after he didn't do as he refused to convict himself.?
Why even mention his Jewishness? Tons of great Jews - tons of shitty Jews who cares? Tons of great-and-shitty Scots as well. Just playing along with this anti-jewish mentality gives it legitimacy and de-focuses attention of the real villains (many of whom are Jewish - yes, and Scottish as well). This has nothing - at all - to do with Judaism (Or Scottish heritage). note: Please replace any racial group into this; it works for them all: Germans, Japanese, Russians, Fins, Canadians.... #UnityIsOurStrength[show more]
That's right it's the Fake Hate Kool-Aid passed around by the mainstream news. The enemy of we the people.
Reddit is some Gen Z bullshit!
Aaron told us.... "It's up to us...!!"
Shame on them, I love Aaron without knowing him. I used to leave gorilla open access manifesto copies in my local smoke shop. They can kill the the man but never the message. With or without internet, v
Phone, paper, ink, hands, or eyes. Never.....ha ha
oh but they can ,it's called the vaccine mind -controlled population.
Hey if they Can Doo wit to Jew. They Can Doo It To You! The Man. Ass the Establishment. Is How You Lose. A Reddit. That is Now moor like Edit Where REDACT Would be more Accurate for a Name. And Rub OUT The Original Founder ass the News Fagazine. Whose Charter Of Bait And Switch You Off Real Food On To Their Used Food Fare. Is Bon Appetit To Mindless, Cluster Fucks. As their Fan Base.
After a Year with Out ALL Those Viruses. me Thinks the Shoe is On The Other Foot. WE Ready. [show more]
My bitchute videos wont play from my account. Can someone see if they work for them? Other channels are working. Makes me think bitchute has censorship too. Plese lmk. Ty
There is a editing-admins war in wikipedia - as an idea is great - keep transparent.
wikipedia i also edited by jews. And they admit that they wan to be in control about whats said about them. Anyone who speaks out in opposition to their "they can do no wrong "narrative, is completely defamed on wikipedia. Try looking up Dr. Tony Martin
You are Awesome Media Giant. me Like. Uh Aaron Swartz. You Are So Wrong. You Have No Idea How SMART Computers Can Be. And BE For You. For That I Blame Windows95 and Bill Gates. As the Most Persecuted, Hated and Impoverished man on Earth! I have an AX To GRIND! As the Staunchest Bill Of Rights Activist On Earth. Sorry Scalia. The CLOUD And CODE I Gave You Had NOT A Speck of Hatred, Bigotry, Malice, Spam, Error, Prejudice Or Bigotry. Worked the Same For Everybody For ALL The World To See. And After Decades of Computer Viruses. I will Prove It Again. That Code does Not have To Fixed And Rigged Like Our Government, Education and Wall Street. It Was So Naive It didn't Even Matter If You Were GOOD or EVIL. BUT It DOES NOW. BECAUSE I HATE EVIL! So You Can Guess How I feel About Reddit. Which registers as a Spell Error in Mozilla. [show more]
mozilla fundation is evil. Be BRAVE dot com.
About gates - I'm proud of piracy win7 and never sponsored genocide!!!
Article 6 – Consent
1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice
http://www.kentlaw.edu/faculty/bbrown/classes/IntlOrgSp07/CourseDocs/IIIUniversalDeclarationonBioethicsandHumanRights.pdf [show more]
This is so sad. Our world is being run by some very sick, twisted minds.
I googled "reddit founders" and they listed Swartz.
It does TODAY...It USED to include him on Reddit...
"In 2011, Swartz was indicted on federal data-theft charges for allegedly breaking into the MIT computer system and downloading millions of documents from research database JSTOR.
Swartz sadly died by suicide a few days after rejecting a plea bargain."
Nothing to see here folks.
You left out the best part where he proved MIT was integral in kiddie porn from abroad.Yeah our infallible institutions are that sick,take a look around. You can't be trusted in some circles unless you are a traitorous kid diddler
Charitable NGOs say they need your money to help get kids in a remote village internet. Then they use it to upload the abuse. MIT servers were central in collecting and distribution of kid porn all over the world. Swartz broke in,got undeniable physical proof and got killed for it. A true genius,patriot,and hero. A good example of why some Jews would never go along with the other fuk asses.
What your saying is that he was Hillaryed after he didn't do as he refused to convict himself.?
Why even mention his Jewishness? Tons of great Jews - tons of shitty Jews who cares? Tons of great-and-shitty Scots as well. Just playing along with this anti-jewish mentality gives it legitimacy and de-focuses attention of the real villains (many of whom are Jewish - yes, and Scottish as well). This has nothing - at all - to do with Judaism (Or Scottish heritage). note: Please replace any racial group into this; it works for them all: Germans, Japanese, Russians, Fins, Canadians.... #UnityIsOurStrength [show more]
That's right it's the Fake Hate Kool-Aid passed around by the mainstream news. The enemy of we the people.