DHT: the Good, the Bad or the Ugly?

DHT or dihydrotestosterone is the more potent form of the hormone testosterone. In fact, DHT binds to the androgen receptors 3x more strongly than does testosterone itself.

DHT is thought by many to be the cause of such negative things as hair loss, prostate enlargement and acne. The truth couldn’t be further from the truth.

Whilst many men look to increase testosterone levels in their bodies, we believe the real focus should be on increasing testosterone in order to ultimately increase DHT levels, whilst preventing the excess production of estrogen. It is our contention that testosterone is merely a prohormone for the active hormone, DHT.

It is odd that the idea that DHT is mostly bad has persisted so long since inhibiting DHT has uniformly resulted in negative side effects.

The idea that DHT causes hair loss doesn’t really seem correct either, as It doesn’t make sense that high levels of the same hormone which causes men to have more body hair than women can somehow cause hair loss.

Only when one realizes that DHT catalyzes the formation of other molecules in the body and that it is these chemicals which are responsible for hair loss does it explain then why inhibiting DHT does indeed lead to improved hair growth on the scalp.

A better approach to hair regrowth is to target the chemicals further downstream in the biochemical pathway. And indeed such an approach has proven to be quite effective in hair regrowth trials we have undertaken!

DHT is commonly thought to be only a male hormone but it is found in both men and women, with women simply having less of it than men do. The higher DHT level is what makes men, men.

Consequently, inhibiting DHT in men can cause such side effects as loss of muscle tissue, reduced libido, decreased size of male sex organs and gynecomastia (the development of breast tissue in men).

It is important to note that the sexual dysfunction caused is often irreversible, so one has to ask the question if regaining some hair is worth the risk of losing one’s manhood.

DHT is an important neurotransmitter in men and women, where it has shown to possess powerful antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. This is why inhibiting it induces depression and anxiety at a high rate in both sexes.

DHT has been thought to be the cause of prostate enlargement (BPH), but evidence is mounting that it is high estrogen levels rather than high DHT levels that is the causative factor. In fact DHT can actually be used to treat BPH!

DHT has long been regarded as a “bad” form of testosterone, however from the above it seems more likely that DHT is of vital importance.

Have a look at these links for more information:

The Facts and Myths about DHT

DHT is the King of all Male Androgens

Causes of Prostatitis

DHT Heart Benefits

DHT Increases Strength and Muscle Mass

DHT increases Bone Density

5a Reductase Inhibition and Eye Health

5a Reductase Inhibition and Impact on Behavior


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