The Fall of the Cabal Part 5

First published at 11:49 UTC on February 10th, 2020.

War Castles Archive


8731 subscribers

THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT... The Fall of the Cabal (5)
Looking into sexualisation of children, what passes as art and Jeffry Epstein plus more.
English spoken Part 5 of 10

Documentary by award winning researc…

SensitivityNormal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

  • AhayahTruth

    🔥 Keep God's Laws or Burn Forever! 🔥




        Proof that the United States Inc and their corporations are corrupt as hell. See how their VA attorneys help courts, judges, attorneys, clerks around the United States kill, injure and jail service disabled veterans, whistleblowers, and the elderly by design: Please share as their is a cure for the United States Inc corruption, it is called expose - and...American's just say no to their illegal rules. THEIR LAWS ARE NOT REALLY LAWS BUT RULES FOR THEIR corporation: [show more]

        • GOOD2BWHITE

          19 pedophiles so far

          • KirstyJacko70


            • @SonsofLiberty1775

              Satanic demons going after children.

              • drattastic

                These sick bastards need to go down.

                • Rosiecross108

                  I've been saying this for years. They are making the sexual orientation thing into a BIG thing everywhere, for one reason, to make pedophelia a legal sexual orientation.

                  • JD990

                    One might wonder for a God who claims to be so loving, how He could see these things happening and not intervene. If it were me I'd cause all these sick fucks to spontaneously combust.

                    • View all 4 replies
                    • drattastic

                      We cannot grasp God's plan. This is about good vs evil and we cannot know what comes after the battle is done.

                    • @SonsofLiberty1775drattastic

                      Jesus said , " woe be unto you if you cause children to sin, it would be better to have a millstone around your neck and be at the bottom of the sea ". God is clear about harming children !

                    • CatherineMarie

                      God gives us free will. He does not make us love him or that wouldn't be true love. But I see your point.

                    • sendthemallback

                      JD990....I agree. I think the only real justice is what we make ourselves.

                  • LNK

                    The Cabal doesn't actually look like its falling to me.

                    • View all 3 replies
                    • BuilderRod

                      The FALL could be a reference to Adam's (mankind) relationship to God...?

                    • Use2

                      'cause you're looking in the wrong places. If you've lost your keys in dark you'll never find it if you're looking for it miles away just because there's light there.

                    • Vidfreak727

                      They are indeed falling. It won’t happen at the speed and method that YOU want it to, but it will.

                  • ana_alemoa

                    You guys are awesome, incredible, thank you for open our eyes and go deep on the truth that “no one” cares, congrats!

                    • Balian99

                      this can't be real

                      • View all 3 replies
                      • SteefS

                        Sadly it is. In mu country at least.

                      • Rocket45

                        Of course it is. Get your head out of the sand.

                      • Use2

                        Good that it's not in your world however that does not mean that its not real for so many others suffering. Be grateful but not selfish. There are lots more suffering than you can imagine but they do not have a voice because of the likes of you who prefer to blind your eyes to such depravity. Maybe you can use this opportunity to open your eyes and find love in your soul and I'm sure you'll find that there is something that you can do about it in your own little sphere of influence. You could start by SHARING this video and all others produced by these 2 amazing divine empowered souls. This is only Parts 1 through 5. There are 26 parts. follow the rest after digesting this one. Maybe you could start by Reviewing this one first and this time "pay attention" using your discernment. Many blessings to you. [show more]

                    • Balian99


                      • Johnmccall2021

                        What do you expect from Satanist

                        • Saint Murad

                          I sincerely invite you to watch my covid documentary (the ONLY Documentary out there which disproves its EXISTENCE)


                          The video is getting close to 20k views on bitchute alone!

                          Also Follow me on gab 🐸

                          Thank you 🙏
                          [show more]

                          • Hot2Jamtwo

                            Teacher leave those kids alone !!!

                            • Angry_Squirrel

                              Children are beautiful and precious.. do not touch! and marr them, teach them ungodly ways, harm or use them to gratify your disgusting twisted self.


                                Notice many of the sexual oriented artists are female supplying pedophiles with the visual stimulus to trigger their desire to offend. We can no longer see women as the protectors of children. They are primary suppliers to pedophiles, either through ignorance, desperation, love, or evil intent.

                                • Angry_Squirrel

                                  As a women I'm enraged at my gender not fighting like tigers to protect children, and soppy men who neglect their duty to defend the vulnerable or lead households in godly ways.

                              • ADAADVOCATESUEBOZGOZ@GMAIL.COM

                                Trump needs to tell the Americans about the United States Inc first
                                right? Just tell us the truth, if they wont, I will using my REAL TIME
                                1983 KKK, RICO, Crimes Against Humanity and etc case see:
                       NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH AS
                                THE TRUTH DOES NOT DECEIVE AND LIE, PEOPLE DO SEE:
                                [show more]


                                  Can anyone verify the wikileaks email hillary sent to obama at 14:43 or give the link?

                                • Inneruniverse

                                  The music is distracting and completely unnecessary.

                                  • wahidunhiji554

                                    ➡️ Stream Now ➡️ ❤️
                                    💥FULL MOVIE: “SOUND OF FREEDOM”
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                                    JOIN MORE CHANNEL FOR BOX OFFICE HD ONLINE
                                    [show more]

                                    • peter.o

                                      All child abuser's should be lynched and I make no bones about this.

                                      • peter.o

                                        You lot may not like to know..."The Great Fuhrer Mr Adolf Hitler did clean Berlin up" read History with care.

                                        • shaneman5k

                                          There's a shit ton about a shit ton we haven't been told for a shit ton reasons , not one of them good.

                                        • sendthemallback

                                          peter.o.....I agree. Remember, everything you've ever heard about Hitler has been told by Jews, and they have been caught in a ton of lies, i.e. 6 million dead jews?....Red Cross says closer to 271 thousand, and those died from starvation brought on my the allied bombing, and typhus brought on by insects. Also, proven that there were no gas pits full of pits full of ash remains....all lies. One old Jew even said "It doesn't matter that it didn't happen because in my mind it did happen, so it is true. Oy vey, such a liar! Check out "" with Adam Green for a lot of information about these "poor, harassed, but totally innocent", people. [show more]

                                      • Hopes80677

                                        How are they alive?

                                        • leighatkins22

                                          Worshippìng Satan gives you power and riches... it comes at a HORRIBLE COST TO EVERYONE including them, but they are too stupid and blind to see that.
                                          All they see is the incredible power and riches. Anyone else can feel the incredibly bottomless hole it creates in your spirit, but they càn't becoz that was the fiŕst thing they thŕèw away, àll foŕ money and poweŕ.

                                      • TreasureWater

                                        California senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) and assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) got bill SB 145 passed by Gov. Newsom September 2020 to protect sexual predators from prosecution for the rape of a minor.

                                        • leighatkins22

                                          What a diçk...

                                      • MisterGrant

                                        "Why is it so important for pedophiles to be legalized?" So the elite don't get arrested and thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. Pigs.

                                        • Muthashuckka

                                          Paedophile freak luciferians are ruining our lives and our country

                                          • iKnowThePiecesFit

                                            WE NEED MASS HANGINGS AND MASS BURNINGS FOR THESE BASTARDS

                                        • DrewTripn

                                          Gross; Lock’em All Up or
                                          Let these Psychos loose at The South Pole - (warn the penguins)

                                          • debwitch85

                                            Soros should go away from earth!!

                                            • Hilton@@@@@miller

                                              WTH is wrong with our government 🙄 They are so messed up in the head. GOD put your arms around our children and keep them safe. Theses so called elite are gonna have to answer to GOD!!!

                                              • Hilton@@@@@miller

                                                Sick ass!!!

                                                • Marianne@2

                                                  This is a comprehensive, clear and insightful video series. Thank you for all your hard work! I already know some of this, researching from Q and other posts. But, there is always something new to learn.

                                                  • brennygaines

                                                    Disgusting. GOD WILL INTERVENE.Here something to watch....


                                                      Hang them. I refuse to pay my taxes just to keep these monsters alive for next 50 or so years because death penalty is too cruel for some in our society. There are crimes that are not forgivable ever. Feeling guilty to hang these monsters is not in place. Masses are screaming blue murder so give them to masses.

                                                      • JohnBoy1949

                                                        There is nothing good about molesting children and for their benefit, Pedophiles should be eliminated from society or imprisoned for life after castration.

                                                        • Beardedfreak

                                                          Shitty music that is a bit too high lvl.

                                                          • Anti-(((White))) oRieNtAL Alt-Righter

                                                            I actually really wanna know the music track in the beginning. Feels like a final boss ost in a Dark Souls game.

                                                        • NeedMoreWeed

                                                          can we download bitchute videos to be sure this will not get censored ever ?.

                                                          • MrBurro

                                                            This is from a monsters book. It's so disturbing... I can't watch it all sadly... There should be a special operation group in charge of eradicate this vermin from the face of the earth...

                                                            • View all 3 replies
                                                            • Beardedfreak

                                                              There is a operation dealing with it and Trump is leading it.

                                                            • GoldieIngot2020Beardedfreak

                                                              this is the #1 reason they fear Trump.

                                                            • TimbourqueGoldieIngot2020

                                                              The false trumpet is controlled opposition and one of them , look a little closer don't keep being fooled , read his executive orders and policies not what Q says or what he says on the campaign trail , look what he did in the Whitehouse the exact opposite ..

                                                          • High Frequency Radio

                                                            I tried to post this to facebook and got put in facebook prison.

                                                            • Ronnigirly

                                                              you have to be careful posting something like this
                                                              they don't want people to know.

                                                              I think every single person should be watching
                                                              [show more]

                                                          • genuine goyim

                                                            Why Alefantis is not on the list of Gitmo? Execute him now.

                                                            • Raging Bull

                                                              URGENT INFORMATION: "I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS": DOCTOR PLEADS FOR REVIEW OF DATA DURING COVID-19 SENATE HEARING


                                                              (Posted on YT on 12/08/2020, 600,000 views within six (6) hours).
                                                              [show more]

                                                              • Yankeeplus

                                                                Anyone thinking...GOD is ignoring the nationalization of perversity..doesn't know HIM, and the consequences He'll render. Soon, and VERY SOON, and thorough.


                                                                  Thank you for part 5 of this historical expose! I literally wanted to bathe after watching this one. This is so evil that it is hard to digest. May God help Pres. Trump and the World Patriots end this horror!

                                                                  • Ronnystyle

                                                                    Part one i could handle...from part 3 i forced my ignorand brain to freakn watch.
                                                                    If there wil be tesistanve to whats coming, i am in.
                                                                    Please research chromosome8.
                                                                    That clears a lot .
                                                                    Yes the virus is part of the scam.
                                                                    Offcourse the force us to bow...they are standing against the wall
                                                                    [show more]

                                                                • Mr.Speedlight

                                                                  Pedophilia is actually a brain disorder. There are some pedophiles that call themselves "virtuous pedophiles" and sware themselves to strict celibacy to avoid commiting crimes against children. --- That pizza joint is gross beyond belief. Wikipedia claims Pizza Gate is debunked. Maybe Wikipedia should be debunked?

                                                                  • Bluudhound85


                                                                • MoreMealWormsPlease

                                                                  on the actual channel FALL CABAL is her channel name. there is a sequel too

                                                                  • nightblur


                                                                • MoreMealWormsPlease

                                                                  on the actual channel FALL CABAL is her channel name. there is a sequel too

                                                                  • Rockman Judas

                                                                    Watch all ten episodes. Find them. Funny how the DemonRats, Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Globalist Nazis deleted all and think reality is only what they censor. Fuck them all. Remember World Gun up its time to put all these Terrorist BLM, ANTIFAG corporations to sleep and the people they employ. Children lifes Matter just like all life Matters. Shoot any of these Global warming asswipes fantasy land douche bags 🎒. WWG1WGA. [show more]

                                                                    • Ronnystyle

                                                                      I have to agree.
                                                                      All of a sudden i understand their sick vaccin plans even better!! .
                                                                      The elites need to be put at their place.
                                                                      In jail for the rest of their dirty fuckin lifes.
                                                                      Yep they are in a hurry...with their chromosome8 calling a virus bullshit.
                                                                      Yes that is your link to also the truth about covid.
                                                                      Yet again , i feel the need to join toghetter.
                                                                      We are legion.
                                                                      Shut down your selfiecam.
                                                                      [show more]

                                                                    • brennygainesRonnystyle
                                                                  • Divergent Goy

                                                                    This is the most powerful documentary ever created. I havent watched the whole thing, but I hope it exposes the ball earth lie too.

                                                                    • View all 4 replies
                                                                    • DarylTheChosenOne1990

                                                                      This will be on netflix soon mate don't you worry about that.

                                                                    • MoreMealWormsPleaseDarylTheChosenOne1990

                                                                      no it won't. Netflix is leftist hollywood.

                                                                    • RonnystyleMoreMealWormsPlease

                                                                      i dont belief this wil be on netflix.....that means by than we ate to late and we are poisoned with CRISPR neurologic genetics

                                                                    • brennygainesMoreMealWormsPlease
                                                                  • TimCDroyd

                                                                    god job to the narrator

                                                                    • elizabella716

                                                                      Glad I found this link on BitChute! Cannot believe the amount of censoring youtube is doing now...smh. subscribed.

                                                                      • Kurtis555

                                                                        Yeah, I just found out about this and clicked an old link to YouTube which is now deleted. Thank God it is on Bitchute

                                                                      • brennygaines
                                                                    • TomThumb38

                                                                      This cognitive disadence is definitely a leftist problem, because after seeing this, how can you deny that these sick people are of the satanic occult!

                                                                      • Ronnystyle

                                                                        Do wr unite and go to war?.....i hope we do.
                                                                        Before the CRISPR/ fake covid vaccin.
                                                                        It is chromosome8 .
                                                                        Research chromosome8 please!!! .
                                                                        Spread the word.
                                                                        Not much time !
                                                                        [show more]

                                                                    • YvonneP

                                                                      No, no, no ,no, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Keep your fucking nasty ass hands of our kids!!


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