Museum of London
Museum of London
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Museum of London
We’re building a new museum for London. In the meantime, visit us at Docklands ![💙]()
Museum of Londonさんのツイート
At a noose end? There's just over one week left of our major exhibition #Executions
Make sure not to miss it... bit.ly/3JQrYu8
For 5 shillings the lucky holder could view the procession from Carlton House Terrace. The Queen's two-hour procession to Buckingham Palace was a spectacular affair with 16,000 participants stretching for three kilometres.
Its just a shame that it rained all day!
Our final ticket is much plainer than the others as it was not an invitation to a coronation itself, but a seating ticket from which to watch the coronation procession of Elizabeth II as it progressed along the Mall on 2 June 1953.
This ticket was issued to Lady Caroline Greville, Aylesford.
It depicts the moment Henry Dymoke, King's Champion, rode up the hall between the Deputy Earl Marshal and Lord High Constable to challenge anyone to deny the King's right to the Crown.
Our third ticket from the Museum's collection is of the same design - this time in black, red and blue - and was used for the invitations to George IV’s coronation banquet at Westminster Hall.
This tickets seems never to have been issued as there is no number written in the top-right corner.
The King’s estranged wife, Queen Caroline, however, is absent from the scene as she was not invited to the ceremony.
Indeed the coronation had been delayed a year while George tried – and failed – to obtain a divorce and deprive Caroline of Brunswick of her royal titles.
It's believed to have been designed by Sir William Congreave, and its production involved two firms of printers.
The central image shows George IV surrounded by female personifications including Britannia (with a shield), Ireland (with a harp) and Justice (with weighing scales).
Next up, we have a printed ticket for admission to the Coronation of King George IV on 19 July 1821.
George IV was known for his lavish tastes, so it is no surprise to see that the invitation to his coronation at Westminster Abbey in 1821 is so beautifully decorated.
The one of the left carried the cap of liberty and a scroll inscribed 'Magna Carta'. The central figure is Britannia with a spear and shield. The final figure has a palette and paint brush at her feet and so represents the arts ![🎨]()
Guests invited to the coronation received this etching of the ceremony as a ticket
The Royal couple were still newlyweds, having married on the day they met, just two weeks earlier.
In front of the royal couple are three female personifications:
Have you seen King Charles III's #coronation invite?
While we wait for ours to drop (it must be stuck in the post), let's take a look back at some other notable examples from history, starting with the Coronation of King George III and Queen Charlotte in 1761...
Last Chance to Buy!
Don’t miss out on our #Executions exhibition shop range. Head across to our online shop before the exhibition closes on 16 April: bit.ly/3UcyNuS
Want to learn more?
Explore London’s execution landscape and discover how capital punishment was an inescapable reality for Londoners between 1196 and 1868:
Boiling was a particularly grisly punishment that, fortunately, was only handed down a couple of times...
London executed almost 10 times as many men as women. The records show 4,730 men to 402 women.