

  • 正社員
  • 既卒可


  • 建設コンサルタント
  • 建築設計
  • 専門コンサルティング


資本金/ Paid-up Capital
4億9,000万円/ 490 million yen
売上高/ Annual Sales
288億8,400万円 (2022年9月期実績)
従業員/ Employees
1,216名(2023年1月現在)※現地法人含む / 1,216 *including Overseas Subsidiaries


エントリー方法のご案内 (2023/02/13更新)








国際的ビックプロジェクトに参加しませんか?/ジャカルタ都市高速鉄道事業(MRT南北線フェーズ1)で FIDIC Project Awards 2021優秀賞受賞しました!


OC Globalでは、顧客の抱える社会課題に対し、よりよい提案を行うため、チームの一人ひとりが自由に意見を交わし議論できる雰囲気を大事にしています。

OC Globalは専門的な技術や知識、事業のマネージメントサービスの提供を通じて、世界各地の開発課題解決のための提案やその実施を支援しています。

OC Globalの強みは、インフラ整備などのハード分野から、都市地域開発計画、防災、平和構築、環境対策などのソフト分野まで多岐にわたる知識や技術を有していることです。また、提供するサービスも、プロジェクトの形成や計画、実現可能性調査、基本・詳細設計、入札管理、施工監理、運営・維持管理にいたるまで多様です。



OC Globalのビジョンは、従業員一人ひとりがもつ、知識へのあくなき追求と自己の成長への情熱を通じて、世界中の皆様に安全で豊かな暮らしを提供することです。

OC Global contributes to solve development problems all over the world through the provision of specialized technology and knowledge, and business management services.

The sectors we cover widely range from infrastructure development to development plan, disaster prevention, peace building, and environmental measures. Also, the services provided are diverse, including project formulation and planning, feasibility study, basic / detailed design, tender management, construction supervision, and operation and maintenance.

OC Global is valued by our clients for our ability to adapt to their changing needs through the course of project implementation. Our diverse expertise and services enables us to deal with large-scale projects such as integrated development projects targeting the region and the whole country as well as cross-sectoral projects.






OC Global is a leading integrated engineering consulting firm committed to excellence, innovation and sustainability.
We provide solutions to the most complex challenges and improve the quality of life of people throughout the world.

▼事業分野/ Sectors
道路、橋梁、トンネル、鉄道、港湾、空港、上下水道、アセットマネジメント、インフラ整備等に係る環境社会配慮(戦略的環境アセスメント(SEA)、住民移転計画)、建築、 エネルギー、スマートシティ、防災・復興支援、農業・農村開発、水資源・河川管理、都市・地域計画、交通計画、観光開発計画、自然資源管理、気候変動対応、平和構築、中小企業・BOPビジネス支援、PPP、不動産開発・街づくり、SDGs/ESG支援

Our business sectors range broadly involving:
bridges;tunnels;roads;railways;ports and harbors;airports;water supply and sewerage;asset management;Environmental and Social Considerations related to infrastructure development, including Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) or resettlement;architecture;energy;smart cities;disaster management and recovery support;agriculture and rural development;water resources management;urban and regional planning;transport planning;tourism development planning;natural resource management;climate change measures;peacebuilding;SME and BOP business support;Public-Private Partnership (PPP);real estate development;and SDGs/ESG support.

▼サービス/ Services

We are providing with a variety of consulting services, including capacity building and training;studies and investigation;planning;feasibility studies;basic and detailed designs;design review;tender assistance;construction supervision;Environmental and Social Considerations;operation and maintenance;asset management;project management;and project formulation and financing.


郵便番号/ Postal Code 163-1409
本社所在地/ Head Office 東京都新宿区西新宿3丁目20-2 東京オペラシティタワー9階
3-20-2, Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo
電話番号/ Phone 03-6311-7570
創業/ Year Founded 1957
設立/ Year Established 2014
資本金/ Paid-up Capital 4億9,000万円/ 490 million yen
従業員/ Employees 1,216名(2023年1月現在)※現地法人含む
/ 1,216 *including Overseas Subsidiaries
売上高/ Annual Sales 288億8,400万円 (2022年9月期実績)
売上高推移/ Sales Trend 228億6,700万円(2021年9月期実績)
203億 300万円(2020年9月期実績)
海外拠点/ Global Network ・現地法人/ Subsidiaries
OC Latin America, S.A. / Oriental Consultants Philippines Inc. / PT. Oriental Consultants Indonesia / Oriental Consultants (Thailand) Co., Ltd. / Oriental Consultants Japan Co., Ltd. / Oriental Consultants India Private Limited / Oriental Consultants Al Khaleej W.L.L. / OCG East Africa Limited / ORIENTAL CONSULTANTS GLOBAL DO BRASIL LTDA

・現地事務所/ Offices
Hanoi Office, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Office, Vietnam
Bangkok Office, Thailand
Manila Office, Philippines
Jakarta Office, Indonesia
Dhaka Office, Bangladesh
Colombo Office, Sri Lanka
Cairo Office, Egypt
Maputo Office, Mozambique
Madagascar Office, Madagascar
Abidjan Office, Cote d’Ivoire
主な取引先/ Clients 独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)、各国中央・地方政府機関、アジア開発銀行(ADB)、世界銀行(WB/IBRD)、欧州復興銀行(EBRD)、米州開発銀行(IDB)、国内官公庁(国土交通省、経済産業省、環境省等) 他

JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency), regional and central government agencies of various countries, Asian Development Bank, World Bank/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, other Japanese government agencies, and so forth
関連会社/Group Companies ・(株)オリエンタルコンサルタンツホールディングス / Oriental Consultants Holdings Company Limited
・(株)オリエンタルコンサルタンツ/ Oriental Consultants Co. Ltd.
・(株)アサノ大成基礎エンジニアリング/ Asano Taiseikiso Engineering Co. Ltd.
・(株)エイテック/ A-TEC Co., Ltd.
・(株)リサーチアンドソリューション/ Research and Solutions Co. Ltd.
・(株)中央設計技術研究所/ Chuou Sekkei Engineering Co. Ltd.


  • 前年度の育児休業取得対象者数(男女別)
    前年度の育児休業取得対象者数(男女別)(女性) 前年度の育児休業取得対象者数(男女別)(男性) 前年度の育児休業取得対象者数(男女別)(合計)
    対象者 5名 15名 20名
  • 前年度の育児休業取得者数(男女別)
    前年度の育児休業取得者数(男女別)(女性) 前年度の育児休業取得者数(男女別)(男性) 前年度の育児休業取得者数(男女別)(合計)
    取得者 5名 7名 12名
  • 役員及び管理的地位にある者に占める女性の割合
    • 19.3%
    • 2022年度

    ※2022年9月30日現在 >Female employees dominate 19.3% of the managerial and executive positions as of 30 September 2022.


研修制度 制度あり





◆New employee training
Through training during the first month after joining the company, you can learn basic business manners and skills as a member of society, as well as the basic knowledge required to work as a development consultant. In addition to in-house training, technical training is conducted jointly with our group company and external lecturers are invited to provide training opportunities to learn about PCM (Project Cycle Management) methods, making the content of one-month training very comprehensive.

◆On-the-job training (OJT)
You will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge through practical experience while working on actual projects together with senior employees.

◆Management training
This training aims to deepen understanding and awareness of how to manage an organisation and teams and to improve communication skills required for managers, where the content varies according to the management grade.

◆PM (Project Manager) training

◆Theme-specific short courses
自己啓発支援制度 制度あり



◆Study support scheme                             
We have a support scheme in place for employees who want to study postgraduate studies while working or on leave of absence in order to acquire the expertise required for their work. Specifically, there are interest-free scholarship loans and rewards for completing a master's or doctoral course.

◆Support scheme for qualification acquisition
The OC Global actively supports our employees to acquire qualifications for self-development and skill improvement. In addition to providing rewards for qualifications acquired and subsidising the cost of temporarily returning home from overseas business trips when taking exams, we also pay all registration and renewal costs for eligible qualifications.

◆Other support schemes for self-improvement
- Active support for employees to attend training courses;
- Subsidies for participation in conferences and symposia;and
- Support for the planning and operation of voluntary study groups.
メンター制度 制度あり

The mentoring system in the OC Global is conducted targeting new employees as mentees through assigning a senior employee of relatively close age to each mentee. Mentoring does not include technical guidance or work-related instructions, but is intended as a place for psychological consultation and personal growth. Mentoring fosters a relationship of trust between the mentee and the mentor, which in turn provides a sense of security in the workplace. In addition, if a new employee has a problem, having a familiar, safe place to consult is expected to lead to early detection of the problem, preventing mental illness and harassment.
キャリアコンサルティング制度 制度あり

◆Support for the acquisition of Professional Engineer (P.E.Jp) qualifications
The OC Global is committed to supporting our employees in acquiring Professional Engineer (P.E.Jp) qualifications. A supervisor is assigned to each candidate and provides advice. Support includes participation in study groups organised by group companies, subsidies for examination fees, subsidies for attending external courses and in-house mock interviews.
社内検定制度 制度なし




Asian Institute of Technology, Assumption university, Australian National University, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bristol University, Buenos Aires University, Case Western Reserve University, Chulalongkorn University, Chuo Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Cornell University, Danang University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Dundee University, Far Eastern University, Flinders University, Hongik University, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, IT University of Copenhagen, Keele University, Macquarie University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Middle east technical University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, National University of Singapore, New England University, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Ohio Dominican university, Ohio University, Peking University, Pusan National University, Stanford University, State University of New York,Taiwan National Central University, Temple University, Tribhuvan University, Universidad de Chile, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Universite de Lyon, Universite de Paris I, Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, University of Alberta, University of Bath, University of Birmingham,University of Bradford, University of Calgary, University of California, University of Cambridge, University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam, University of Dhaka, University of East Anglia, University of Hawaii, University of London, University of Manchester, University of Melourne, University of Michigan, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Oxford, University of Pennsylvania, University of Peradeniya, University of Pittsburgh, University of Southern California, University of Sussex, University of Sydney, University of the Philippines, University of Wollongong, University of Yangon, University of York, University of Zimbabwe, Wisconsin State University etc.

採用実績(人数) 2023年4月 入社実績 18名(内、外国籍人材 2名) (男性:12名 女性:6名)
2022年4月 入社実績  9名(内、外国籍人材 1名) (男性: 5名 女性:4名)
2021年4月 入社実績  9名(内、外国籍人材 2名) (男性: 5名 女性:4名)
2020年4月 入社実績 10名(内、外国籍人材 0名)(男性: 8名 女性:2名)
2019年4月 入社実績 12名(内、外国籍人材 3名)(男性: 8名 女性:4名)
2018年4月 入社実績 13名(内、外国籍人材 4名)(男性: 9名 女性:4名)
2017年4月 入社実績 12名(内、外国籍人材 2名)(男性: 7名 女性:5名)
  • 過去3年間の新卒採用者数(男女別)
    過去3年間の新卒採用者数(男性) 過去3年間の新卒採用者数(女性) 過去3年間の新卒採用者数(合計)
    2023年 12 6 18
    2022年 5 4 9
    2021年 5 4 9
  • 過去3年間の新卒採用者数
    採用者 過去3年間の新卒採用者数
    2023年 18
    2022年 9
    2021年 9
  • 過去3年間の新卒離職者数
    離職者 過去3年間の新卒離職者数
    2023年 0
    2022年 0
    2021年 0




  1. トップ
  2. (株)オリエンタルコンサルタンツグローバルの会社概要