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BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court

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The Covid-19 vaccines have been at the centre of a heated debate since their introduction, with many questions and concerns raised about their safety and effectiveness.

Speculation has also been rife that the Covid-19 injections may contain traces of Graphene Oxide, a highly toxic and conductive substance.

Medicine regulators, with the support of the Mainstream Media, have repeatedly denied these claims.

But they were lying to you.

Because recent evidence has emerged that confirms the presence of Graphene Oxide, a highly toxic and conductive substance, in the Pfizer vaccine. And it has come from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which has been forced to publish the confidential Pfizer documents by order of the Federal Court in the USA.

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The FDA had initially attempted to delay the release of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine safety data for 75 years, despite approving the injection after only 108 days of a safety review on December 11th, 2020.

However, a group of scientists and medical researchers sued the FDA under FOIA to force the release of hundreds of thousands of documents related to the licensing of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine.

In early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month, and since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website as they have been published.

One of the most recent documents published by the FDA, saved as 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf, confirms the use of Graphene Oxide in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

The document is a description of a study carried out by Pfizer between April 7th 2020 and 19th August 2020, with the objective being “to express and characterize the vaccine antigen encoded by BNT162b2.”

The study conclusin is as follows-

In layman’s terms, the study was conducted to determine how the vaccine works. The study found that the vaccine used mRNA to instruct your cells to produce a protein (called P2 S), which is the Spike protein of the alleged Covd-19 virus.

The millions of spike proteins then bind to a receptor called ACE2 on the surface of your cells, inducing an immune system response.

But what is most interesting about the study is that it confirms on page 7 that reduced Graphene Oxide is required to manufacture the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine because it is needed as a base for the lipid nanoparticles.

Pfizer states on page 7 of the study in section 3.4 the following –

This is most peculiar because medicine regulators with the help of the Mainstream Media, have denied for months on end that Graphene Oxide is an ingredient of the Covid-19 vaccine. They’ve been able to say this because those who’ve proven and speculated Graphene Oxide is in the Pfizer Covid19 injection have been asking the wrong question.

What everyone should have been asking is, ‘is Graphene Oxide used in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer Covid vaccine?’

Because as this document, which the FDA attempted to keep confidential and sealed the 75 years, shows, Graphene Oxide is indeed used in the manufacturing process of the vaccine because it is vital in helping to make the vaccine’s lipid nanoparticles stable.

Therefore, trace amounts or large amounts, depending on the batch, of reduced Graphene Oxide inevitably make their way into the Pfizer Covid-19 injections.

What are Lipid Nanoparticles?

The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine uses tiny particles called lipid nanoparticles to deliver the vaccine’s genetic material (called messenger RNA, or mRNA) into cells in the body. These lipid nanoparticles are like tiny “bubbles” made up of fats and other molecules that can surround and protect the mRNA until it reaches its destination inside the cells.

The mRNA in the vaccine provides instructions to the cells to produce a protein (called spike protein) that is found on the surface of the Covid-19 virus. When the immune system detects this spike protein, it can recognize it as foreign and mount an immune response against it,

Furthermore, it has been discovered that two of the lipids in Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines are ALC-0159 and ALC-315, as confirmed by the assessment report of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine published by the European Medicines Agency.

But both of these lipids carry manufacturer’s warnings that state they are never to be used in humans or animals.

As you can see for yourself, it tiny writing at the bottom of the product inserts here and here.

What is Graphene Oxide?

Graphene Oxide is a tiny particle that is made up of carbon and oxygen atoms. It’s really small – so small that you can’t see it with your eyes. But even though it’s small, it can be dangerous.

It is known to be toxic to some cells, and research has shown that it can cause inflammation and damage to the lungs when inhaled.

In addition, Graphene Oxide is able to cross the blood-brain barrier, which is a protective barrier that prevents harmful substances from entering the brain. This could potentially lead to neurological problems.

Graphene Oxide is detected in the immune system as if it were a pathogen. Once injected it has an affinity for the central nervous system, potentially causing paralysis, strokes and alteration of the nervous system.

Furthermore, the long-term effects of Graphene Oxide exposure are not yet known. There is very little research on the long-term effects of Graphene Oxide exposure in humans, which means we don’t know what the potential risks are.

But thanks to the administration of the Pfizer COVID vaccine to millions of people, numerous times, we are finding out as the days pass. And sadly, both the short-term and long-term effects do not look good.

Further Evidence, Other Undeclared Substances & Deadly Consequences

Graphene Oxide is not the only toxic substance that the public should be concerned about. Because scientists have found Nanotech alongside Graphene Oxide when they have previously examined samples of Covid-19 injections.

Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the ability to see and control individual atoms and molecules. Everything on Earth is made up of atoms—the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the buildings and houses we live in, and our own bodies.

But something as small as an atom is impossible to see with the naked eye. In fact, it’s impossible to see with the microscopes typically used in high school science classes. The microscopes needed to see things at the nanoscale were invented in the early 1980s.

Once scientists had the right tools, such as the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM), the age of nanotechnology was born.

And scientists from Spain, have declared that nanotechnology, which has the ability to control atoms in your body, has been found in all of the Covid-19 injections alongside Graphene Oxide.

According to the Spanish scientists who examined the Covid-19 injections, Graphene Oxide has the potential to cause strange blood clots. This may explain why it has been proven that Covid-19 injections increase the risk of suffering thrombosis with thrombocytopenia.

But it is not just scientists from Spain making these claims. Numerous scientists around the world have published findings where they allege they have discovered both nanotechnology and Graphene Oxide in the Covid-19 injections.

Scientists discover ‘Carbon Nanotech’ & ‘Radioactive Thulium’ in Pfizer & Moderna COVID Vaccines

After reviewing electron microscope images of elements contained in the Covid Pfizer and Moderna injections, Dr Daniel Nagase, a Canadian emergency room doctor, revealed that, strangely, the contents of the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” show no signs of biological material, including mRNA or DNA. (Read more here).

Dr Nagase’s research group looked at Moderna and Pfizer samples under a regular microscope. Although there were a lot of very interesting images, they were unable to be conclusive about what exactly they were seeing. So, they used an electron microscope to determine what elements the “vaccines” contained.

Here are some of the images of what they found –

Found in a Moderna Covid “vaccine” sample

Dr. Nagase examined a “ball with the legs growing out of it” found inside a Moderna sample and had this to say –

“This shape, this ball with the legs growing out of it, for some reason has aluminium in it. And I can say with certainty that this isn’t a mould spore or some other type of biological contamination, because the only thing in it is carbon, oxygen, and no signs of nitrogen, no signs of phosphorus, which would indicate something biological of origin. So, this thing that’s growing is non-biological.”

Dr Nagase and the researchers also discovered an unusual element from the lanthanide series – thulium – in a fibre-like structure found in a Pfizer sample –

Found in a Pfizer Covid “vaccine” sample

Dr. Nagase and the researchers found a variety of shapes and structures inside the “vaccine” samples they tested – crystals, chips, strands, bulbs, spheres, fibres and balls with legs growing out of them – “we have polymorphic, which is many different forms,” he said.

“They all seem to be made predominantly out of carbon and oxygen and they were in both the Moderna and Pfizer samples, and they seem to be in fibre forms. In the Moderna sample, the carbon-oxygen structures seem to be taking nanosphere forms and crystalline forms. And in the Pfizer sample … seem to only be forming fibres and crystals.

Argentina: Researchers Discover Nanotech & Graphene Oxide in COVID Vaccines

In a presentation to the Chilean radio station El Mirador del Gallo, Argentine doctor Martín Monteverde presented the analyses carried out by Corona2Inspect researchers on the microtechnology found in the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA vaccine.

Argentina’s Dr Monteverde and other researchers carried out microscopic analyses of a vial of the Pfizer vaccine alongside four other Covid-19 “vaccine” types.  He then sent these images to Corona2Inspect for further analysis.  Corona2Inspect returned the images with their comments identifying what objects the images were showing.

You can watch a video of Dr Monteverde’s teams findings below –

Argentina’s Dr Patricia Aprea, Director of Evaluation and Control of the ANMAT, also accidentally admitted AstraZeneca’s Viral Vector Covid-19 injection also contains Graphene during a legal case regarding a death post-Covid injection.

You can read the document where ANMAT recognised that Covid-19 vaccines contain Graphene Oxide HERE in (Spanish) or below, translated into English using Google –

Doctors find Graphene is shedding from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated, forming Strange Blood Clots & decimating Red Blood Cells

Dr Philippe van Welbergen, Medical Director of Biomedical Clinics, was one of the first to warn the public of the damage being caused to people’s blood by Covid injections by releasing images of blood samples under the microscope.

In a set of slides of blood samples taken from both “vaccinated” and unvaccinated people, Dr Philippe van Welbergen demonstrated that the Graphene Oxide, contained in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines being injected into people by amateurs and volunteers with no adequate training, is organising and growing into larger fibres and structures, gaining magnetic properties or an electrical charge and the fibres are showing indications of more complex structures with striations.

At the beginning of July 2021, Dr. Philippe, was interviewed and he explained that when his patients started complaining about chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, and even sometimes paralysis and late onset of heavy menstruation (women in their 60s upwards), he took blood samples.

Their blood had unusual tube-like structures, some particles which lit up and many damaged cells.

Few healthy cells were visible. Until three months earlier, he had never seen these formations in blood. 

We now know these tube-like structures are Graphene Oxide.

He also demonstrated that “shards” of Graphene Oxide are being transmitted from the Covid-19 vaccinated to vaccine-free or unvaccinated people, sadly destroying their red blood cells and causing blood clots. (Read more here).

Below is an image of typical healthy red blood cells as seen with a microscope, what blood should look like. There is no coagulation or foreign objects in it.

Sadly fibres of this size are capable of blocking capillaries.

You can also see that the Graphene fibres are hollow and have swallowed up some red blood cells.

In December 2021, a British medical practitioner offered to assist in an investigation to ascertain whether the results discovered by Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist, and Dr. Pablo Campra, of the University of Almeria in Spain, could be replicated in the UK and also to examine the Covid-19 injection vials for toxins or unexpected contents.

The medical practitioner seized an injection vial from the fridge housed in the surgery where she works and handed it to an independent investigator. 

A UK laboratory analysed the sample using Raman Spectroscopy and found Graphene, SP3 carbon, iron oxide, carbon derivatives and glass shards.

The first sample that was evaluated was the Moderna 01 which was examined by Raman spectroscopy. The investigation clearly showed that all the inclusions within the vaccine have a strong carbon signal with confirmed graphene compositions of some representative forms.

Two clear signals were obtained from two objects. The flat ribbon-like inclusions exhibited clear Graphene spectra integrated with the spectrum of glycol and other minor compounds. The other clear signal was obtained from a calcite microcrystalline form and Carbon composite forms also had a clear Graphene signal.

You can read a copy of the document encompassing a case briefing, the UNIT report and a summary of the toxicity of Graphene nanoparticles on UK Citizen 2021’s website HERE

The 48-page UNIT report, ‘Qualitative Evaluation of Inclusions in Moderna, AstraZeneca and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines’, begins on page 12 of the document.

An Open Access review highlighting the toxicity of the graphene family nanoparticles can be viewed here.

Covid Injection Secret Ingredients | New Zealand Scientists confirm Nanotechnology alongside Graphene Oxide

Nanotechnology and Graphene have also been found in Pfizer’s Comirnaty “vaccines” by scientists in New Zealand. (Read more here).

At the end of January 2022, Sue Grey, co-leader of the Outdoors and Freedom Party, and Dr Matt Shelton from New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science (“NZDSOS”) put the Health Select Committee on notice that serious contamination of the Pfizer vaccine has been uncovered and they needed to act immediately to stop the injection campaign.

Dr Shelton came forward to disclose the discovery of formations of nano-particles found by New Zealand scientists using specialised microscopic techniques.

None of the experts consulted had ever seen anything like this before, and none of these contaminants are listed as approved ingredients.

You can read the full account, with additional images and videos, HERE. But below is a snapshot of what one New Zealand scientist found. 

The image below was taken from one drop of New Zealand’s Pfizer Comirnaty “vaccine” under a cover slip, after it was inadvertently heated lightly, and viewed the same day through dark field microscopy at low magnification, projected onto a TV monitor.

The following images were taken after a new computer with improved graphics was purchased alongside new software for the camera –

They lied to you

Despite repeated assurances from authorities and mainstream media that the Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective, evidence has emerged time and time again that proves they have not been telling the whole truth.

The use of Graphene Oxide in the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine has been a source of controversy and concern from the outset, with many individuals claiming that regulators and media outlets were deliberately misleading the public about its inclusion.

Despite initial denials, the documents released by the FDA, which they were forced to publish by order of the Federal Court in the USA. have confirmed the use of Graphene Oxide in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer vaccine, raising questions about who we can trust.

This revelation should cause widespread alarm and will likely fuel suspicion about the true intentions of those in charge of public health.

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Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
1 day ago

Well, we always knew that graphene oxide was in the synthetic mRNA vaccines, however its purpose remained unclear, until now: Dr. Noack on How Graphene Hydroxine NANO-RAZORS Destroy the Vaccinated (Updated II)
December 7, 2021 Algora Blog   10 Comments
Spread the Word via Bluecat Media
Dr. Andreas Noack is Number One expert in Germany on graphene nano structures.
His house was raided last year while he was live streaming. The cops broke down his door and arrested him.
Alternative site:
More information about Dr. Andreas Noack mysterious death as related by his wife.
Video transcript of English subtitles (quoting Dr. Noack):
“There is a professor Dr. Pablo Campra from the University of Almeira who studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using Micro-Roman Spectroscopy. It is the study of frequencies. There are frequency bands, two of those bands are important.
They show that it is not graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide. I would like to explain what this graphene hydroxide is. It is mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom. This is on a nanoscale.
I’ll cut this up a bit here. If it is 50nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH). In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalised (fully mobile). The piece is 50nm long but only 0.1 nm thick. These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make brake pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable.
These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades. These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable. The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system.
It is basically an acid. It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these are razor blades spread homogenously in the liquid. This is basically Russian roulette. You can see it very clearly in this woman. It cuts the blood vessels. The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth. like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what’s so dangerous.
If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel. The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes. And there you will not find anything. These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick.
This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp. I am a specilist in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I have converted graphen oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world’s leading activated carbon manufacturer. After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company in Durham, near Newcastle, England. I was in charge of “new carbon products”, Europe-wide. I was in application scouting.
If you perform an autopsy on the victims, you will not find anything. Toxicologists do their tests in Petri dishes. They can’t imagine that there are structures that can cut up blood vessels. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death on the inside. Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do.
As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxocologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this. And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead. You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in the Russian roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by the syringe.
The question you have to ask politicians and the question doctors should ask Pfizer, is: Why are these razor blades in the vaccine?
Now they want to force vaccinate children from the age of 5.
This guy is Dr. Szekeres, president of the Austrian medical board… [see video]
“Off-label” means the vaccination is not approved. Yet they inject it already.
You can only call this a death shot at this point.
[Dr. Szekeres speaks]
A pediatrician? Do you think a pediatrician understands what graphene oxide is? There is another interview where he says he thinks it is “good” from a medical standpoint to vaccinate the population by force. An important concept in science is disputation. A scientific debate. The basis of medicine or pharmaceutics is chemistry. This doctor has no idea about chemistry.
Completely new substances unknown to nature are brought in (with the vaccines). Everyone is talking about the messenger RNA which has complex effects. The theory of mRNA is complex. But every chemist understands what this (the graphene hydroxide) does.
You see the mRNA story is possibly a diversion.
I cannot imagine anyone will be able to give me, as a carbon specialist, a proper explanation why these carbon razor blades are in the vaccine.
This is war.
They distract us with the messenger RNA. But people cannot collapse that quickly from that, right after the injection. Something else is going on. And this effect should be studied.
He claims to be a specialist. Apparently the Austrian doctors don’t have a smarter guy than this one [pointing to Dr. Szekeres]. He is a doctor who doesn’t understand chemistry, or is he a criminal, or he is a mass murderer?
After the Spanish doctor’s study it is official that nanoscale graphen (hydr)oxide is in the vaccine. So it is clear that razor blades are injected. So he [Dr. Szekeres] is probably incompetent. If you want to inject a whole population by force, you have to do your homework extremely carefully. Because if there is something wrong in the injection you will kill the whole population of a country. You have to weigh the risk. How dangerous is corona? How dangerous is the injection?
This guy wonders whether people should be tied up before being injected. And he’s the top doctor. Are the doctors in Austria so incompetent that they don’t understand the basic chemistry medicine is based on?
Then they should surrender their license!
Any doctor in Austria, who, after this information is now public, continues to inject this, is a murderer.
I am not some guy in the carbon field. I doctored in this area. I worked for the world’s biggest carbon manufacturer. In the area of new carbon products, I was the only expert in Europe. I’m pretty much the only European who visited other experts in Pittsburgh.
After this I started my own activated carbon company. I resinified paper and turned it into activated carbon membranes. You could cut your hands with this charred paper. It was extremely sharp. I have a good idea of what the graphene hydroxide does.
It is Russian roulette.
Do you hit the vein or not?
Does it stay in the muscle? Then it is less toxic.
But if you hit a vein, and the batches contain different amounts of GHO, then you have to know you are cutting people from the inside. And it is a highly intelligent poison. Because a normal toxicologist who works with Petri dishes, cannot find it, because it doesn’t move. Toxocologists just don’t expect any nonoscale razors.
But I can say as a chemist that we are absolutely certain that graphene hydroxide is in there. These are nanoscale razor blades. Now they want to inject children with these nano-sized razors.
I want Dr. Szekeres to explain what these razor blades are doing in these injections. And he needs to explain this to his boss Mr. Schallenberg (Austrian Chancellor), too. He’s probably a consultant for the Austrian prime minister Mr. Schallenberg.
Mr. Schallenberg, who is a lawyer, is responsible for choosing the right consultants. If he imposes this vaccine mandate on all of Austria he HAS to select the right consultants. He’s a lawyer, he doesn’t know medicine. But it’s his job to select competent consultants. And he is responsible if he selects incompetent consultants.
As a chemist, I vouch for the fact that these are nanoscale razor blades.”
continued from 13:01 –>
You can make braking pads from carbon structures that last forever. This material has zero biological degradability. It stays in the body forever. Even if people don’t drop dead immediately, it cuts up the blood vessels little by little.
It destroys the heart. All the heart attacks. All the strokes. As a doctor, you have to ask, where is this coming from?
If you understand that razors are being injected, it is clear why all the cardiovascular diseases appear. The heart is cut up. The brain is cut up. Blood vessels are cut up.
These graphene structures (aka monolayer carbon or monolayer graphite) are so stable. Every chemist knows this. They are not degradable. The structure is 50 nm long and 0.1 nm thick. Of course it is a razor.Every chemist knows it is.
The epithel cells are extremely smooth for a good reason, but become rough when cut up like this and things stick to it. By now every idiot can inject this. And when they hit a vein…
Soon pharmacists will be allowed to inject too.
Yes, to me, this is Russian roulette.
Here’s a Petri dish. A normal toxicologist tests using a Petri dish. The material is declared an “experimental vaccine” for a reason. They don’t know what will happen. Every vaccinated subject has to sign that they take full responsibility. It will take 50 years until the contracts with Pfizer will be published.
What is in these contracts? Why 50 years?
In Germany or Austria, there is nobody with my expertise. The leading German carbon specialist Dr. Harmut von Kienle was my mentor for one year. I wrote my thesis in this field. I started my company in this field and won a business plan competition in Wolfsburg. I won DM 175,000 (€87,500) in the competition. I received venture capital to the tune of 6 million DM (€3 million). I had 10 developers to develop these new carbon products. I know what I am talking about.
Any chemist in the chat is invited to refute me or give another opinion.
Yes, please. That would be interesting.
You are all invited. Tell me I’m wrong.
Sir Karl Popper explained the fundamentals of science. Hypothesis – refutation. Popper said that it is better to kill theories than to kill humans. The whole population is supposed to be injected. Exactly like Karl Popper says, if you continue to ride this murderous theory, you have to be extremely careful. They are the first to impose a vaccine mandate.
They are killing the whole Austrian nation.
Mr. Schallenberg is responsible for this. He needs the right consultants.
We had an Austrian once who brought suffering and death over Europe. I am appealing to you to share this video in all channels. Mr Scallenberg needs thousands or hundreds of thousands of letters. He must know that this is a razor, this is a means to kill. And if he knows this and continues, he is a mass murderer.
He will walk in Hitler’s footsteps. This has to come out now. I am ready to talk to anyone about this material.
As a chemist, I say these are razor blades.
And I notice how little doctors know about chemistry. But they are doing chemistry in the body. In small children. In pregnant women. And now you doctors know what you are doing. And if you continue to inject, you are murderers.
Go out, type this out, give it to your doctor, give it to your politicians. And if you continue, I promise you, no court in the world will save you. What you are doing is mass murder.
Austria has the responsibility. They started the vaccine mandate. And you, Mr. Schallenberg, need the best consultants. And if you are not able to select the best consultants, you are incompetent and need to resign.
Same with the health minister.
How competent are you?
You are ready to force-inject the whole Austrian people with razor blades that are not biologically degradable.
Share the video. Write it down. Put it on a USB stick and send it to politicians and doctors. And make it clear to them: if they continue this, they are murderers.
Talk by Dr. Andreas Noack
Translated by Stefan Reich (
Nov 25th 2021
Please note there are unconfirmed reports that Dr. Noack was attacked and murdered since the publication of the video above. We sincerely hope this is not true, and when we have more info on this we will post it here.
“Voluntary Extermination” you volunteered for the synthetic mRNA vaccines – right?

Reply to  Richard Noakes
1 day ago

Surprising! I’ve been making 220 Dollars an hour since I started freelance on the Internet six months ago. x8 I work long hours a day from home and do the basic work that I get from the business I met online. share this work for you opportunity This is definitely the best job I have ever done…..
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Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  codycadell
20 hours ago

BREAKING: Confidential Pfizer Documents Confirm Graphene Oxide In COVID VaccinesSunday, April 2, 2023 13:33
Another good showing for the Expose.
Taken from Before it’s News.

Reply to  codycadell
18 hours ago

Get lost ! I hope you are Boostered!! In a way its good you behave like this.. because your the one that takes and keeps taking the Poison!

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  Richard Noakes
1 day ago

What is all that copy & paste waffle about?

Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 day ago

I am sure there is some good information in that “waffle” as you correctly call it?!

Reply to  Rabbi Seamus
1 day ago

Be happy! Folks with an attention span like yours are fine as they are. No need for the gov to vax you.

Reply to  Richard Noakes
1 day ago


Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Richard Noakes
1 day ago

How on Earth did you get away with a post as long as that? A post of mine was rejected for being too long, and yet it was nowhere near as long as this.

Reply to  Watcher Seeker
19 hours ago

because it’s posted by the owner of this site – just like all the job ads are

“journalism”. LOFL

Reply to  Richard Noakes
1 day ago

I remember that video, in the early days of the plandemic, his wife was distraught as he was taken away or killed. I remember him emphasing that it’s like having numerous microscopic razor blades fowing inside your body. Now we get died suddenly!

Reply to  Dan
20 hours ago

pretty sure they killed him in front of her, thats how it
was reported at the time

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Richard Noakes
20 hours ago

Hi Richard Noakes,
Well it seems like you are totally correct again.
I am a simpleton, and like to keep things simple.
In the UK, our coins are made out of steel.
People were sticking coins onto the C19 injection site.
The Graphene Oxide was taking iron out of the blood and making magnets. Just like real magnets they stick together. When a lot of these small magnets get together they form a clump, which can block veins.
This is why Sports athletes were dropping dead on the Football pitches and tracks. They were having heart attacks, because they pump more blood.
Even Pilots, who like to keep fit, have died in the cabin.
Just use U tube, to see all the pilots of small planes crashing into the ground as they died.

Reply to  Richard Noakes
18 hours ago

I agree! very Sad about Dr Noah!

Reply to  Richard Noakes
12 hours ago

It is abundantly clear that this entire affair was scripted, devised, and implemented with mass murder being the intent. There are two stunning parts to this. Firstly, this genocide was long in the planning. Likely years, and possibly decades. That speaks to malicious intent. To culpability. The second most astounding issue is how those behind this historic crime against humanity managed to get most goverments, government agencies, the media, many scientists, professional associations, law enforcement, and others to go along with this. How DID they manage to pull that off? Investigations will go on for decades. Personally, I want to see everyone involved, from top planners to the bottom feeders, face a second Nuremberg set of trials – with the same sentences handed out as were done in Nuremberg 1. And thank you for making your exemplary post. Much appreciated.

1 day ago

The page 7 highlighted text is not discussing ingredients of the vaccine, it details a test bed made up of graphene sheets for the purpose of analysis. It’s bad interpretation like this that makes us look like fools. I would delete this and the last article that used the same reference. Let’s get real and serious. Vaccines are bad…fact, but we do a dis-service using bad references and headline grabbing articles like this.

Reply to  Ian
1 day ago

Completely agree… this discredits the real science of vaccine sceptics.

Reply to  VoicefromEurope
20 hours ago

you to time for your booster

Reply to  kiwi
19 hours ago

you people make me laugh. always going on about truth, yet when the baiters put up nonsense like this you claim anyone who points it out is a gov stooge. not that it matters. hardly anyone reads this stuff anymore. just the people who refuse to admit that 90% of it is BS.

Reply to  Ian
20 hours ago

sounds like you need another booster

1 day ago

And yet still, the brainless will line up to get injected. All for virtue-signalling points on Twitter.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
Reply to  matthewbeard1970
1 day ago

And tax me for it, then fir their medical injuries

Reply to  matthewbeard1970
19 hours ago

hardly anyone is being jabbed anymore. all the gov figures are lies. cant you see that? just as all the “deaths” were lies. its all to keep it rolling for profit.

Rabbi Seamus
Rabbi Seamus
1 day ago

The last of the ‘most outrageous conspiracy theories ‘ comes true.

1 day ago

Just a heads up to the web admin / site owner appear to be blocking this website claiming its not supported.

Reply to  Bill
18 hours ago

what, the c**a**r m..e..c..h..a..n..i..c from s__c__u__n__t__h__o__r__p__e?

1 day ago

This is embarrassingly false! They are not talking about ingredients, they are referring to Cryto-Em analysis preparation. It has zero to do with what is in the product. You damage our movement credibility when you spread lies like this.

Reply to  Liss
18 hours ago

you have credibility?

Reply to  helmut
17 hours ago

I don’t have to have credibility. Unless ones is brain dead due to their confirmation bias, it’s right there in this very article. Read the section from the Pfizer doc posted here. It’s talking about mesh grid prep for cryo-em. See at the top of the section they shared. It is needed for that type of microscopy to be able to see the spike proteins.
Then look at the response to it from Expose! Embarrassing. It has nothing to do with the manufacturing process. It’s not even related to the manufacturing. You can even claim contamination because it’s so unrelated.

Reply to  Liss
10 hours ago

Whatever the case, I’m still sure glad I’m a Pureblood. Enjoy your mud slinging and cat fighting, as I enjoy being healthy and uncontaminated ^_^

Reply to  Liss
6 hours ago

So, if that’s the case, what are the slides showing in the article…the structures that don’t appear to be organic?

1 day ago

Although it does not speak of needles, it is a fantastic overview of what good people have had to endure at the hands of miscreants.

Reply to  john
20 hours ago

excellent link, thank you John

1 day ago

With Fiat currency ending in 2023, people must start to look at the options available. Everybody has credit, lots of it. However, to access it requires a change of political status. Now would be a good time to investigate further. Especially those with mortgages who face being homeless unless they become pro-active.

Reply to  john
18 hours ago

i wonder how much kickback the man that runs this site gets when you click that link…

Reply to  helmut
10 hours ago

Oh dear. 77th?

23 hours ago

[…] —BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court […]

22 hours ago

Things without all remedy
Should be without regard.
What’s done is done.

– Lady Macbeth.

Reply to  quasi_verbatin
10 hours ago

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

Song of the Witches

21 hours ago


21 hours ago

Surprising! I’ve been making 220 Dollars an hour since I started freelance on the Internet six months ago. x8 I work long hours a day from home and do the basic work that I get from the business I met online. share this work for you opportunity This is definitely the best job I have ever done…..
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Reply to  borisa
18 hours ago

it’s funny how you all downvote the ads put there by the owner of the site to make money, then you all say everyone should donate. i guess there’s not enough money to pay the man pretending to be r.h.o_d_a anymore…

18 hours ago

I used to like Dr Ryan Cole.. but after he censored Dr Astrid Zuckelberger at the Stockholm conference for daring to mention that graphine oxide is in the injections, i no longer will respect him!
Someone Now tell mr Ryan Cole that Dr Astrid Zuckelberger was right.. and he needs to Apologise to her

Reply to  boris
17 hours ago

This is false!!! The Pfizer documents show they use GO on the slides as a medium that is needed for this type of eletron microscopy to show the spike proteins. It’s called cryo-em. It has ZERO to do with the manufacturing of the “vaccine” I reiterate ZERO. You can’t even claim contamination here. Posting VERY easily debunked information makes it SO easy for the pro vaxx pushing demagogues to point to out lies and ignorance on our side to turn people away from the real truth. Expose has been told. They KNOW this is false!!!!!
The medical freedom scientists and docs are calling this garbage out! It hurts us. Read the segment from the Pfizer doc mention the grid ( slide) prep. It is clear what they are referring to!

18 hours ago

[…] – BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish… […]

16 hours ago

I am really sad to see the Expose to propagating a complete misunderstanding of what this document mean. Anyone that really understands this publication knows this is part of the tests for inmunogenic response of the synthetic spike protein derived from expression of the mRNA. The graphene oxide that is talked about here is a part of the laboratory methodology for separation of the inmunoglobulins produced by exposure to the synthetic spike, it has absolutely nothing to do with the process of manufacture of the vaccine itself, is just the in vitro test of the spike inmunogenicity.

Reply to  Truthseeker2015
10 hours ago

That may be so… However, to be Pureblood is to be divine. To be a mudblood is to be condemned to a truncated life of incessant denials that one has been marked for deletion.

12 hours ago

What about the J&J shots?

Reply to  Alberto
10 hours ago

Banned early on, as it’s “one shot hits the spot” sales pitch turned out to be a near-guarantee of severe side effects. It was quietly removed / sidled away from around the time they also removed their carcinogenic talcum powders, incidentally.

Lasse Karagiannis
Lasse Karagiannis
12 hours ago

Why don’t consult Prof. Charles Lieber who is the inventor of this technology instead of just guessing

Reply to  Lasse Karagiannis
10 hours ago

He works for the C. C. P..

10 hours ago

With every passing day, it feels increasingly better being a Pureblood. Soon, pureblood will become worth its weight in diamonds, as more and more vax-cattle realise that they are genetically and generationally poisoned.

8 hours ago

[…] 9. Pfizer zmuszony do ujawnienia poufnych dokumentów na mocy orzeczenia sądowego dostarczył kolejną partię swojej makulatury, w której jest potwierdzenie o obecności tlenku grafenu w „szczepionkach.” […]

7 hours ago

[…] BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish……recent evidence has emerged that confirms the presence of Graphene Oxide, a highly toxic and conductive substance, in the Pfizer vaccine. And it has come from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which has been forced to publish the confidential Pfizer documents by order of the Federal Court in the USA. […]

Kevin More
Kevin More
2 hours ago

The Pfizer document ref that this article’s central claim is based upon refers to an in vitro flow cytometry analytical process, which is nothing to do with the direct manufacture or ingredients of the Pfizer gene therapy.

The Exposé discredits itself for simply failing to read a single page of documentation and instead uses the existence of the words “graphene oxide” to peddle fake news instead of actually reading in context and understanding. One doesn’t require any specialist knowledge to understand this, just the will to read.

2 hours ago

[…] BREAKING: FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court […]


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