KNIME Hub Pricing

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  Community Hub (Hosted by KNIME) Business Hub (Managed by Customer)
Feature and Description Individual Team Basic Standard  Enterprise
  Upskill and learn from the 10,000+ shared solutions, components & extensions from the KNIME community Share and collaborate on data science solutions in small teams For productionizing workflows in small teams. Scale insights by automating workflows or deploying as data apps & services Empower large teams for global collaboration & data community building
Browse and download components, workflows & extensions          
Save workflows in private space          
Share and collaborate on workflows & components Public spaces only        
Read-access for unlicensed users           
Collaborate in teams   1 team 1 team 3 teams Unlimited teams
Execute workflows on KNIME Hub          
Schedule a workflow or report to be executed at a certain time, or periodically          
Modify and execute workflows on KNIME Hub to take advantage of well provisioned hardware in a secure environment          
Scale out workflow execution          
Manage execution environments and assign execution power to teams or groups          
Define execution context to match custom execution requirements          
Deploy workflows as data apps and provide access to unlimited number of consumers.     Only to other users    
Deploy workflows as a REST API service and provide access to any number of other applications          
Deploy inference services on KNIME Edge          
User credential management          
Integrate authentication with corporate LDAP / Active Directory setups, and Single Sign-On (SSO) via OAuth / OIDC / SAML          
Monitor KNIME Hub activity (running and scheduled jobs), adjust permissions, manage ongoing services, either centrally or within teams          
Access detailed summaries of workflows for data lineage          
Multiple KNIME Hub installation support          
Install into customer's infrastructure          
Install into customer provisioned Kubernetes Clusters (e.g., EKS (AWS), AKS (Azure), OpenShift)          
KNIME Business Hub product support          
Included vCores     4 8 16
Included Users   3, up to 10 possible 5 5 20
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Free or significantly discounted licenses for teaching and non-profit research are available upon request

Users and vCores:

User: a user is an individual person with a unique ID and may only be an employee, contractor, advisor, or agent of the customer who is authorized by the customer to use KNIME Software. Users have access to the full functionality of KNIME Software and are active for as long as they own items on KNIME Hub such as workflows, data, folders, or scheduled jobs, etc. The license defines the permitted number of users.

vCore: a virtual core utilized by the KNIME Software to execute data analytics workflows. The Software creates one or more virtual executors with a user-defined number of virtual cores that it uses for the execution of workflows (“Executors”). The number of licensed vCores refers to the maximum number of virtual cores that in total can be allocated to Executors.


KNIME Business Hub

Learn more about the enterprise software for scaling data impact.

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KNIME Community Hub

Browse and learn from thousands of working examples of data science solutions.

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Software Overview

Learn about how KNIME supports end to end data science.

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Framework and Security

Read the detailed KNIME Software framework and security approach.

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