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Leibstadt nuclear power plant

Since 1984, the Leibstadt nuclear power plant (KKL) has been responsible for producing around one sixth of the electricity consumed in Switzerland. Its cooling tower is 144 meters high and at its base, it measures 120 metres in diameter. The KKL is cooled by water circulating in the cooling tower circuit, rather than by once-through cooling using river water. The electricity the plant generates makes a substantial contribution towards Switzerland’s security of supply. The operator is Kernkraftwerk Leibstadt AG.

Facts & Figures

Plant Type:

Nuclear power plant


Leibstadt, Switzerland

Number of turbines:

Four-casing single-shaft condensing turbine (one high pressure, three low pressure)

Gross capacity:

1,275 MW


27.4 %



Average annual production:

9,600 GWh

Guided tours:



In service

Further information

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