[English female given name] [English surname]
Government 6th
November 5, 2017
"Campus Sexual Violence: Statistics." RAINN. 2016. September 19, 2017. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/campus-sexual-violence.
Campus Sexual Violence: Statistics is an article written by an organization called RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network). RAINN is on a mission to help bring perpetrator to justice, and help bring awareness to not only sexual assault on campus, but sexual assault as a whole. The article goes over statistics including when sexual assault cases are more likely to happen, why victims fail to report the assault to police, how likely men are to be victims, and how transgenders are more likely to be assaulted than a person who is not transgender. The RAINN organization aims to connect with victims of sexual assault or abuse. The article has several mission statements listed on their page to inform the reader about their intentions. Unlike the previous article Realities of Sexual Assault on Campus, Campus Sexual Violence not only gives statistics, but also gives more information that isn’t focused solely on female college students. The article also gives several graphs based statistics to give the readers a visual aid to help better understand the facts.
Carson, Sage. "Know Your IX." Knowyourix. October 4, 2017. https://www.knowyourix.org/college-resources/title-ix/.
Know Your IX, is an article based on Title IX that highlights the significance of the law. The article is conducted by several different people who help to support the law. Each of the authors have background in dealing with sexual assault. Some of which who campaigned, worked in a rape crisis center, and prevention programs. The intended audience is students. This is because they work to inform people of their Title IX rights, and hope to influence potential perpetrators that they will not go without having consequences. This article goes hand in hand with the previous article, Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey. The two article aim to
educate everyone about the rights that each student has. Also, neither article focuses on one specific group which helps the reader feel as though it’s a trust site and not based on bias opinions. Both of these articles are going to help create a presentation that is informative to the intended audience.
Carter, Daniel. “In Defense of the Title IX Dear Colleague Letter.” huffingtonpost. September 16, 2017. September 28, 2017. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/in-defense-of-the-title-ix-dear-colleague-letter_us_59bddb9ae4b06b71800c3a2f.
The article, In Defense of the Title IX Dear Colleague Letter, readers are explained that the Title IX law was established before the Obama administration focused on bettering the policy. The article covers why DeVo believes that the Title IX policy is a “failed system”, and that without the policy, there might not be any consequences for the person found guilty. The contributor of the article is S. Daniel Carter. Carter is a campus security consultant who witnesses crimes such as sexual assault accusations take place. Carter seems to be writing to people who oppose the Title IX policy because he takes about why the policy was implemented, and why it needs to be strongly enforced on school campuses. The article will contrast will annotated articles that believe that DeVos is correct about the rewrite of the policy. This article is a great piece for the topic due to the fact that a campus security advisor wrote the article to let the public know that the Title IX bill was issued to serve justice to the victims and their families.
Coyne, Jerry. “Results of our Title IX poll: take accusations to the courts.” whyevolutionistrue. September 24, 2017. September 29, 2017. https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2017/09/24/results-of-our-title-ix-poll-take-accusations-of-sexual-assault-to-the-courts/.
The poll, Results of our Title IX poll: take accusations to the courts, is a poll taken that describes the dispute between Obama’s Dear Colleague Letter, and DeVos new policy on Title IX. The poll asked several questions regarding how colleges should handle sexual assault accusations. The poll asked hundreds of people and the winning result was that accusations should be handed to the police and taken to the courts. The conductor of the survey is Jerry Coyne, a famous writer and biologist. Since he conducted a survey he’s trying not only to reach the public, but the education department. Coyne and the general public believe that the school should not have any involvement when it comes to mandating investigations with accusations. This poll contrast with a handful of articles because instead of picking a side, Coyne sides with the idea of handing all evidence and accusations over to authorities.
Culture of Respect. “Statistics at a Glance,” cultureofrespect. 2016. November 2, 2017.
In the article Statistics at a Glance, is a background article written to give facts about rape and assault on school campuses. The article gives information amongst men and women regarding their race, sexual orientation, if they are in a sorority/fraternities, and how all the categories go hand in hand with sexual assault statistics. The author of the article is Culture of Respect. Culture of Respect is organization organized by parents of college-aged students who were shocked by the high number of sexual assault on a campus, and wanted there to be more awareness to the topic. The audience is not only families affected by an assault, but people who want to do something about the high rate crime college students face. This article will compare with the document U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault, because both articles aim to bring awareness to sexual assault on a school campus.
“Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence Background, Summary, and Fast Facts,” obamawhitehouse. April 4, 2017. October 25, 2017. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/sites/default/files/fact_sheet_sexual_violence.pdf.
Dear Colleague Letter: Sexual Violence Background, Summary, and Fast Facts, is a document that breaks down the Dear Colleague Letter. The article summarizes why Title IX was established and why it’s an important to have in society; “[it] prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.” Although there is no author’s name given, the document does acknowledge that Vice President Biden and Secretary Duncan discussed the legal guidelines public schools have to follow. The intended audience seems to be the public who wants general information on the Dear Colleague Letter, and why it has such significance in society. This document is non-complex that gives the intended audience appreciable information to understand Title IX. The article can compare with other articles regarding the background of the Title IX law because much like the other articles, the document gives statistics, interesting information and the key points of the policy.
EROC. “U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault,” endrapeoncampus. January 26, 2016. November 2, 2017. http://endrapeoncampus.org/eroc-blog/2016/1/26/bjs-campus-climate-survey-key-highlights.
U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault, is a document that gives statistics to the public according to the organization’s results. The document states that thirty-four percent of college undergraduates have been sexually assaulted, and that LGBT students have a greater chance of being assaulted than other students. The organization who wrote this article is EROC (End Rape on Campus). EROC is a
nonprofit company that focuses on making the public aware of sexual assault on school campuses. EROC designed the document to reach the public in order to educate, and to bring awareness to the topic. The document can compare with Education secretary may undermine Title IX protections for campus sexual assault survivors, because both articles believe that there needs to be a strong policy implemented into society to stop sexual assault. Since this document is a statistic based document, it will illuminate the bibliographic topic because hearing numbers instead of being told why there has to be a policy, will help the audience recognize the problem.
Goldstein Dana and Saul Stephanie. “Betsy DeVos Says She Will Rewrite Rules on Campus Sex Assault.” nytimes, September 7, 2017. October 19, 2017. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/us/devos-campus-rape.html.
Betsy DeVos Says She Will Rewrite Rules on Campus Sex Assault, is an article written by Stephanie Saul and Dana Goldstein. The article is about how DeVos wants to rewrite the policy regulations for Title IX, but how she did not state the exact changes she would be making. The article also covers the topic of how DeVos new regulations will help ensure the safety of the victims and the accused. The authors, Saul and Goldstein, are both journalist for the Nytimes who have a variety of different articles. The article has a conserversial tone that applies to the general public that allows the reader to chose what side they stand on. The article will compare and contrast with all articles since it doesn’t have a bias tone to it. This article will help the topic by making the audience wonder why DeVos is so against the Title IX and what she exactly wants to rewrite in the policy.
Hansen, Claire. “New Title IX Guidance Gives Schools Choice in Sexual Misconduct Cases,” USNEWS. Sept. 26, 2017. September 29, 2017.
In the article New Title IX Guidance Gives Schools Choice in Sexual Misconduct Cases, the central theme is where Betsy DeVos stands on the Title IX policy, and how DeVos believes that schools should have the freedom to choose how they deal with sexual misconduct on their campus. The article points out the flaws within DeVos new policy and how it will influence the schools. The article also called for a Q&A of campus student to seek their opinion of how schools should deal with sexual assault complaints. The author of the article is Claire Hansen, a news intern from the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism. The intended audience seems to be school administrators and politicians who strongly believe in the Title IX policy. This article compares with other annotated sources because it deals with the position that some politicians hold, and how they believe it’s a school’s right to choose how they handle sexual assault on the campus. This work is going to illuminate the topic of sexual assault while presenting because it’ll show the different perspective others hold on the Title IX policy.
HRC. “Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community.” HRC. 2017. September 30, 2017. https://www.hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbt-community.
Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community, is an article that describes why members who are part of the LGBTQ community are more likely to be victimized than heterosexual members. The article gives statistics such as, “44 percent of lesbians and 61 percent of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to 35 percent of heterosexual women.” The author of the article is HRC (Human Right Campaign). HRC is an organization whose mission is to advocate for the LGBTQ community and to give the general public information of on what members of the community have to deal with. The
intended audience is society. HRC aims to reach everyone of public, so the article was written in a controversial tone. This article will compare with the article U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Campus Climate Study Confirms Epidemic of College Sexual Assault, because both articles aim to make people understand that LGBTQ members have the worst side of sexual assault crimes.
Johnson, KC and Taylor, Stuart. “Betsy DeVos is right: In college sexual assault cases, due process matters.” USATODAY. July 28, 2017. October 31, 2017. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/07/28/betsy-devos-right-sexual-assault-cases-due-process-kc-johnson-stuart-taylor-column/493320001/.
The article, Betsy DeVos is right: In college sexual assault cases, due process matters, is an article regarding the topic of DeVos reinforcing the due process for campus accusations. The article explains that DeVos believes that the Obama administration made it too easy to find someone guilty without evidence. The authors of this article are KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor. Both authors are highly respected members of the community. Johnson is a professor at Brooklyn College and Taylor is a top of the line lawyer and journalist for several newspaper companies. The audience to authors are writing to seems to be both sides of the public who either agree or disagree with the Dear Colleague Letter. Although the article’s title indicates that DeVos is correct on the policy, the article doesn’t try to persuade the reader into thinking a specific way. Instead it makes the reader think policy and if it is being fairly executed. This article compares with all articles because since the tone is neutral it will be easy it use all evidence to support one another.
Johnson, KC and Taylor, Stuart. “The path to Obama’s ‘Dear Colleague’ Letter,” washingtonpost. January 31, 2017. September 20, 2017.
The article, The path to Obama’s ‘Dear Colleague’ letter, is an article written to criticize Obama’s Dear Colleague Letter. The article makes it a point to highlight how the Obama administration office didn’t give notice to the public upon the rewrite of the Title IX policy. The article also makes the policy seem as if there is an accusation being brought forth, then automatically the accuser is guilty, whereas the policy makes it harder for schools who have federal funding to sweep accusations under the rug. The authors of the article are KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor. Both authors are highly respected members of the community. Johnson is a professor at Brooklyn College and Taylor is a top of the line lawyer and journalist for several newspaper companies. The audience for the article is people who believe that the Dear Colleague Letter did more harm than good. This group of people believe that the government should have no say in how schools should run their campuses. This article relates with multiple articles because they side with campus officials instead of the government officials.
Kuta, Sarah. "Boulder forging ahead on Title IX." dailycamera. July 25, 2015. October 6, 2017. http://www.dailycamera.com/cu-news/ci_28534509/two-years-into-federal-investigation-cu-boulder-forging.
Boulder forging ahead on Title IX is a report on a rape survivor who attended University of Colorado. The author who wrote this report is a successful writer for the company Daily Camera. The report is designed to bring awareness to college students, especially young female college students who party. The report goes in depth with what happened that night to the victim, and how she was out drinking with her friends when the encounter took place with who she thought to be one of her close friends. The report is a great benefit to the presentation because it
will help bring awareness to students. Unlike the other articles that have been annotated, the report is done by a victim of sexual assault. The tone of the writing is different, but it covers the topic of how the university dealt with the case and how Title IX played into the situation.
Moore, Peter. “Poll Results: Sexual Assault.” YouGov. March 3, 2014. October 1, 2017. https://today.yougov.com/news/2014/02/03/poll-results-sexual-assault/?belboon=031b3908984b04d39400589a,4711850,subid=38395X1559468Xed8fca54c26838eb399951700022abf2&pdl.rlid=203577.
The opinion poll Poll Results: Sexual Assault, is an opinion polls conducted by two websites in the amount of two days, margin error three point five percent. The two websites that conducted the survey were YouGov and Huffington Post. Several questions were asked, most answering ‘not sure’, and that colleges that do report the accusations to the police might make themselves look bad even if the accusations are found to be inaccurate. The author of the poll is Peter Moore. Moore is a successful journalist for YouGov who has written over a hundred articles on various topics. The pertaining audience is society because after reading the results of the survey, the reader sees that not a lot of people understand or have information on Title IX sexual assault on campus, or seem to know the statistics on sexual assault. The poll would compare and contrast with the article Statistics at a Glance, because the poll gives the reader the understanding that most people are unsure of what to do with the Title IX policy, and Statistics at a Glance aims to bring awareness to the situation. This poll will help the bibliographic topic to show that most Americans don’t understand the policy and without the proper knowledge nothing will change.
Pauly, Madison. “Obama Just Signed a Bill of Rights for Sexul-Assault Survivors.” Motherjones. October 7, 2016. October 5, 2017.
The article Obama Just Signed a Bill of Rights for Sexual-Assault Survivors, is an article related to the Title IX policy. The article talks about how Obama signed an Act that allows rape-kits to be kept and stored for future evidence, and to keep the victim from being charged for medical examinations. The author of the article is Madison Pauly. Pauly is not only the assistant editor for the website, but some of her articles have been published in over thirty towns. The audience is people of the public who want protection for victims of sexual assault. The article contrasts with the article Betsy DeVos is right: In college sexual assault cases, due process matters, because Betsy DeVos is right is an article that explains how DeVo wants to make cases out of accusations harder, whereas Obama Just Signed a Bill of Rights for Sexual-Assault Survivors, makes it easier for there to be a trial involved. This article will provide background knowledge making the topic easier to understand.
Schultz, Eliza. “Education secretary may undermine Title IX protections for campus sexual assault survivors.” Baltimoresun. July 17, 2017. October 13, 2017. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-op-0719-devos-title-ix-20170717-story.html
Education secretary may undermine Title IX protections for campus sexual assault survivors, is an article written by Eliza Schultz about the information college students receive regarding the campus procedure on sexual assault. The article is written in perspective off Schultz as she experienced how her college university rarely took accusations seriously. Schultz graduated from John Hopkins where she then went to work for The Baltimore Sun. The audience Schultz seems to be writing to is the school board. Schultz addresses the lack of concern and
sympathy the University has for victims of sexual assault. This article is going to work with other articles chosen because it shows why there needs to be a policy placed in all schools, and why schools should not have the freedom to implement their own policy on the campus. It’s also going to advocate for the victims who’ve been assaulted and haven’t had the proper help bring the accuser consequences.
"Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey." ucdenver. August 2016. October 4, 2017. http://equity.ucdenver.edu/survey/.
The next article, Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey, is an article written to summarize the survey taken by college students, who surveyed local people in their community in order to find the results of how many victims there were of sexual assault. The survey was conducted by college students who are associated with the University of Colorado Office of Equity program. Office of Equity is a program designed to help prevent sexual assault in their community, and help raise awareness to students. The audience of Office of Equity is the community. Office of Equity does not try and focus solely on victims, but to everyone so they can get better educated about Title IX. Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey, differs from the other articles because its focus isn’t on victims. Rather than just giving statistics that show how many people are being sexually assaulted, they focus on informing their audience on the consequences of their actions. Unlike the other articles this article is going to show a preventative measure that helps show all sides of sexual assault.
Snider, Stephanie. “Realities of Sexual Assault on Campus.” BestColleges. 2017. October 4, 2017. http://www.bestcolleges.com/resources/preventing-sexual-assault/.
The article Realities of Sexual Assault on Campus is an article written by a team of several members who educate the public on specific colleges and inform the reader about what
each school has to offer and the risk factor behind them. The article in particular regarding sexual assault on campus, is an informative article that states the statistics of the currency of the crime, unreported crime rate, prevention, the aftermath and etc. The authors aim for the audience of upperclassman of high schoolers and students in college. This is because these group of young adults are the essential target. They are vulnerable and are more likely to be attracted to partying and hangout spots associated with people their age. This article is a great base starter. Having limited prior background information regarding the topic of sexual assault on campus, this article covers great lengths of information. It gives the reader the basic information of campus assault, but doesn’t get into depth. It also helps to give the reader the information they need while looking for potential colleges to attend.
The Times Editorial Board. “Hey, Betsy DeVos, keep your hands off sexual assault standards.” Latimes. August 18, 2017. October 13, 2017. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-campus-sexual-assault-20170818-story.html.
Hey, Betsy DeVos, keep your hands off sexual assault standards, is an article that is written by furious people who graciously believe in Title IX policy for schools. The article covers why Betsy DeVos should let the policy remain in place, and how victims that are being assaulted feel like they have to remain silent. Although there is no specific author for the article, it is edited by The Times Editorial Board. The Board is a group of educated editors who are very sufficient at their jobs. The intended audience seems to people who believe in DeVos new standards because the article gives statistics of how many victims of sexual assault there are, and the tone of the article seems to be set on describing how DeVos is wrong and should’ve left Title IX how it was. This article is going to compare great with the article New Title IX Guidance
Gives Schools Choice in Sexual Misconduct Cases because they both seem to be strongly against DeVos. This article is going to support the bibliography topic by stating why Title IX should stay in place.
Young, Cathy. “Betsy DeVos is right about campus sexual assault,” CNN. November 9, 2017. October 9, 2017. http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/11/opinions/betsy-devos-is-right-about-campus-sexual-assault-young/index.html.
Betsy DeVos is right about campus sexual assault, is an article written on DeVos behalf. The author indicated throughout the article that DeVos is bringing every student respect and a fair trial if there were to be a situation regarding sexual assault. The author of the article is Cathy Young, a graduate from Rutgers University, who is a journalist for CNN. Young seems to be writing to the supporters of the Dear Colleague Letter due to the tone of the article. The article compares with the article New Title IX Guidance Gives Schools Choice in Sexual Misconduct Cases, because they both are in favor of DeVos, and how she believes that it’s a school right to implement policies. This illuminates the bibliography topic because there are people of the public who agree with DeVos, and having two differing opinions will help make the topic stronger and allow the audience to choose which side they stand with.