DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly
Volume 11 Number 2
Volume 11 Number 2
Reconstructing a website’s lost past Methodological issues concerning the history of Unibo.it
This paper describes how to deal with the scarcity of born-digital primary sources while retrieving materials on the recent past of an academic institution. The case study is an analysis of the first 25 years online of the University of Bologna. The focus of this work is primarily methodological: several different issues are presented, starting with the fact that the University of Bologna website has been excluded for thirteen years from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, and possible solutions are proposed and applied. Moreover, this study aims at highlighting how web materials could give us new and distinct insights into the recent past of academic institutions, thereby becoming the starting point for several new studies.
The University of Bologna is considered to be the world’s oldest university in
terms of continuous operation. Its nine-hundred year old roots can be traced
back to the figure of the early recorded scholar, jurist and instructor Irnerius
[Capitani 1987][1].
The study of specific aspects of the past of this institution has already
offered researchers the unique possibility of digging deeper into the
relationship between the university, its large student community and the city of
Bologna itself [Brizzi 1991]; [Barbagli 2009].
Additionally, this kind of research has also allowed a better understanding of
its key historical role in the Italian academic “ecosystem”
[Brizzi 2007]. Several sources have been used to trace its past,
starting from textual documents preserved in the university archive [Rea 1996]; [Romano 2007] to its collection of over
six hundred portraits [Gandolfi 2011].
Since the introduction of the World Wide Web, a new and different kind of primary
source has been available for historical research on the recent past of this
academic institution: born digital documents, materials that exist only online
and the role of which will increasingly be recognized as complementary to
traditional-analogue and digitized sources [Brügger 2016].
However, due to their digital nature, these new sources are already more
difficult to preserve, retrieve and analyze compared to traditional materials
[Rosenzweig 2003];[Brügger 2009];[LaFrance 2015]. For this reason, during the last twenty years,
public and private web archive initiatives all around the world have been
preserving them for future studies.
Materials from the Internet Archive, the most important and comprehensive web
archive [Gomes 2011], have already shown their potential as new
primary sources in a few pioneering studies [Ben-David 2016];[Milligan 2017]. Specifically talking about these new documents,
Ian Milligan has recently raised a very provocative question: “Could one even study the 1990s and
beyond without web archives?”[2]. Milligan, with this question, re-evokes an old teaching
from Marc Bloch, namely the fact that “everything that man says or writes,
everything that he makes, everything he touches can or ought to teach us
about him”
[Bloch 1949][3]. However, at the same time, Milligan’s question
addresses another, more methodological, aspect. Could one study the past, and
more precisely our recent digital past, without web archives?
This study, which focuses on the recent past of the University of Bologna through
its digital sources, explores both aspects of Milligan’s question. It starts by
considering the facts that (a) the University of Bologna’s main website
(hereafter “Unibo.it”)[4] was not accessible through the Internet Archive’s Wayback
Machine when this research was conducted (as described in [Nanni 2015]) and (b) Italy is one of the few countries in Western
Europe that does not systematically preserve its National web sphere [Gomes 2011][5].
By doing so, the goal of this paper is to address the following research
- Is it possible to reconstruct and study the past of a university website (namely the changes in its layout, structure and content, but more importantly the reasons that have caused them) without having at prompt disposal a collection of web archive snapshots?
- Could this study guide us to better understand the role the website has played in the interactions between the academic institution and its large and variegated community and, by that, could we obtain new insights in the recent past of the institution in itself?
- Will this research bring new materials to the surface, in ways that are useful for the research communities that, so far, have focused on the past and present of academic institutions?
Specific contribution
Before starting, it is important to note a few aspects of the paper presented
here. First of all, this research does not set out to be a comprehensive
overview on the methodological approaches used in the diachronic study of
websites. On the contrary, the goal of this paper is to present a first-hand
experience on the issues that emerge when employing born digital materials as
primary sources and when considering websites as “objects of study”
[Brügger 2009]. Presenting the problems encountered while retrieving born digital
documents and the solutions adopted could be useful to other scholars who, in
the near future, intend to use the same materials in their research.
Additionally, while the focus of our first research question is primarily
methodological (more explicitly: how a website’s lost past was reconstructed),
this study does not intend to be limited to what Blevins recently defined the “perpetual sunrise of
[Blevins 2015]
[Blevins 2016], which in his vision is the main characteristic of
current digital history. In fact, the other two research questions emphasize how
web materials could give us new and distinct insights into the recent past of
academic institutions, thereby becoming the starting point for several new
This paper is organized in five parts. First, a series of works on web archives
and their use in humanities research, together with an overview on the research
fields that study the recent past of academic institutions, are presented. Next,
the types of sources employed in this work and their reliability are described
and discussed. The reconstruction of the web past of the University of Bologna
occupies the central part of the paper. Given the peculiarity of the exclusion
issue that happened in the case of Unibo.it, the work which was conducted
together with the Internet Archive to understand and solve the exclusion of
Unibo.it from the Wayback Machine is then described. Finally, a new type of
primary source that was collected during the research is presented, highlighting
its usefulness for the communities that study academic institutions.
Related Work
The study presented in this paper places itself at the intersection of three
different research fields. First, it discusses the consequences of the ways we
preserve (or not preserve – as in the case of Italy) the web of the past.
Second, it considers how web archival materials could be adopted in historical
research. Finally, it highlights the impact that these sources will have on
different research areas that focus on examining the recent past of academic
institutions. In the next pages, a general overview of these research areas by
presenting a series of related works will be offered.
Preserving the web of the past
In 1989 Tim Berners-Lee introduced his project at CERN, which later was
identified as the “World Wide Web”. In 1991 he
created the first website, http://info.cern.ch/, and in the same year he publicly announced
it in the Usenet newsgroup “alt.hypertext”. The
World Wide Web, after a slow start [Frana 2004], rapidly
reached more than 16 million users[6], who
were, already in 1995, the creators of a great amount of born digital
traces. However, the first project that focused on the preservation of this
new kind of information started only at the end of 1996 under the leadership
of Brewster Kahle. His utopian purpose was to archive the web in its
entirety [Kahle 1997]. The project he presented under the name
of “Internet Archive” has become, during the last
two decades, a fundamental archival resource for the preservation of our
digital past. Its crawlers started acquiring and preserving snapshots of web
pages in November 1996, performing an ever-increasing uphill climb with the
never-ending growth and continuous change of the web. In 2001, the Internet
Archive introduced the Wayback Machine, the platform that permits the
displaying and browsing (through a URL search tool) of the results of the
During the last twenty years, several other platforms, often inspired by the
ideas behind the Internet Archive but with a more specific national focus,
have been developed, such as Pandora in Australia (1996), the UK Web Archive
(2004), Netarkivet in Denmark (2005) and the Portuguese Web Archive (2007).
Moreover, in 2003, the Internet International Preservation Consortium (IIPC)
was founded at the National Library of France[7] which, during the last
decade, has coordinated national and international efforts to preserve
Internet contents for the future. Today, with a General Assembly meeting
every year since 2011 and organizations joining from 25 different countries,
the IIPC has become the leading guide of these born-digital preservation
The past of the Italian web sphere
Currently the national libraries of Florence and Rome are not a part of
the IIPC and no project with the specific purpose of preserving the
Italian web-sphere exists. In 2006, thanks to the effort of the project
[Bergamin 2006];[Tammaro 2006], which was
supported by the “Biblioteca Digitale
Italiana” (Italian Digital Library), Italy cooperated with
the European Archive Foundation (now called “Internet Memory Foundation”) and conducted its first
wide-spread crawling of the “.it” domain[8]. However,
no other project has been developed following this and the only part of
its national web-sphere which has been constantly crawled and preserved
are the PhD theses repositories of Italian universities, thanks to the
activities of the “Magazzini Digitali”
For these reasons, researchers interested in diachronically studying the
Italian web sphere can currently rely only on the snapshots of websites
preserved on the Internet Archive[10]. However, as Unibo.it was excluded
from the Wayback Machine, this issue threatened to leave no trace of the
web past of this academic institution.
Studying the web of the past
There are two different ways of considering web archive materials as primary
sources in historical studies. The first, described for example by Brügger
[Brügger 2012a], has its roots in the fields of media and
Internet studies and aims at examining the web of the past by
contextualizing and understanding changes in layout, structure, content and
use. In 2010, Brügger edited the first book on the topic, and the title of
the volume, Web History, clearly highlighted
the research topic of the community [Brügger 2010]. A similar
focus emerges upon reading the objectives of a new journal titled Internet Histories, recently launched by Niels
Brügger and others.[11]
The second way of considering these materials as primary sources has,
instead, a wider spectrum of applications. As already remarked by Roy
Rosenzweig [Rosenzweig 2003], born digital materials (with
their scarcity and abundance) will have an impact
on the entire historical profession; for this reason, web archive materials
could soon become new sources for political as well as social, cultural and
economic historians. Recent works, such as the studies conducted by Anat Ben
David [Ben-David 2016] and Sophie Gebeil [Gebeil 2016] already show how topics such as the Yugoslav
conflict and North African immigration in France could be studied fruitfully
from a web archive perspective.
In both areas, researchers have explored the potential of computational
methods, such as text mining and network analyses, for extracting
information from large web archive collections. Examples are presented in
Milligan [Milligan 2012], [Milligan 2017], Hale
et al. [Hale 2014] and Holzmannet al. [Holzmann 2016].
Reliability of Web Archives and Sources
A substantial number of articles focused on the reliability of web
archives and web archival sources have been published in the last years.
Howell [Howell 2006] analyzed how to use the Internet
Archive in research and Murphy et al. [Murphy 2007]
established the Wayback Machine as a valid tool for identifying, among
other information, web page contents, “website age” and updates.
However, Brügger [Brügger 2008] highlighted a series of
problems in web preservation and underlined the need of what he called a
to deal with the reconstruction of partially archived websites. More
recently he also defined the resources preserved in web archives as “reborn digital
[Brügger 2012b], which must be considered as different objects compared to the
originals. Along the same lines, Dougherty et al. [Dougherty 2010] summarized the state of the art of web
archiving in relation to researchers needs. Ankerson [Ankerson 2012] remarked that web historians need to “consider broadcast[ing]
historiography scholarship that grapples with questions of power,
preservation, and the unique challenges of ephemeral media”.
Finally Huurdeman and Ben David [Huurdeman 2014a] explored
how to go beyond current limitations of search tools in web archives
and, with Kamps, Samar and de Vries [Huurdeman 2014b],
employed a new approach to analyze hyperlinks in web archives in order
to deal with the reconstruction of the unarchived web.
Past and Present of Academic Institutions
While higher education has been a fundamental component of every advanced
civilization, only in medieval Europe arose a new type of public institution
of learning, which is now defined as “university”
[Perkin 2007]. Considering this type of institution as a
political, economic and social actor initially has attracted the interest of
historians, who wanted to understand how its power, role and influence
changed over time, especially in relation to other actors, such as the city,
the church, the national government (e.g. [Bowosky 1973];[Clark 1976]). The massive four-volume book series A History of the Universities in Europe,
commissioned by the European University Association, edited by Hilde de
Ridder-Symoens and Walter Rüegg and published between 1992 and 2011, offers
an unprecedented comprehensive overview of how universities have changed
what they have taught and researched, how they have been institutionalized
and how they have interacted with the society. In these studies, researchers
adopt a large variety of primary and secondary sources, from
university-archived materials such as matriculation and graduation
statistics [Brockliss 1978];[Macleod 1978] to
scientific publications [Richardson 1999], from public reports
[de Wied 1991] to the results of large-scale statistical
analyses [Finkenstaedt 2011]. Based on these data, scholars
have described and drawn conclusions on the recent history of universities
on a large variety of topics, such as the way universities have managed
resources, the way the admission processes have changed before and after
1970, and how the major branches of knowledge have been taught and
While universities have been largely examined as institutions that change and
evolve in relation to each other and are conditioned by (while also
conditioning) political and economic powers, they are also the physical
place where scientists and humanities scholars conduct their work. For this
reason, academic institutions have also been examined by historians of
science and technology, interested in understanding how STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) have been taught and studied in
universities [Fox 1993], how scientific knowledge has moved
back and forth between universities and the private sector [Mahoney 1988];[Guagnini 1988], how political,
economic and social actors have influenced scientific research in academia
[Pancaldi 2006] and how scientists work in their
laboratories [Worboys 2011].
Another perspective on universities and their recent past is offered through
the scientometrics discipline, whose goal is to measure and analyze the
impact of publications, journals and institutes, and to produce indicators
that would be adopted in policy and management contexts. The use of metrics
such as citation and co-citation measures [Van Raan 1997] has
attracted a lot of attention from university administrations, politicians,
sociologists and quantitative historians (for further discussion, see [De Bellis 2009]); additionally, the quantification of the
scientific output as a measure of evaluating and comparing academic
institutions has had a huge impact on their recent past, influencing hiring
strategies as well as the pursuit of certain research topics and practices.
In addition to bibliometric measures, more recently, a series of
publications has focused on the use of word-based and topic-based approaches
in order to conduct scientometrics studies (see [Lu 2012]).
These contributions have expanded the type of materials that could be
analyzed (e.g. not just research papers, but also the content of grant
proposal or awards as in [Nichols 2014]), the methods at
disposal of the research community and the points of view that can be
Studying the Past of the University of Bologna
The University of Bologna currently has two centers specifically
dedicated to the history of academic institutions, namely the “Centre for the History of Universities and
Science” (CIS) and the “Interuniversity
Centre for the History of Italian Universities” (CISUI).
These research groups continue the tradition of the oldest center in
Italy for the history of universities, the “Centre
for the History of the University of Bologna”, founded in
CIS was initiated in 1991 at the Department of Philosophy, as a direct
consequence of the IX Century anniversary of the Alma Mater [Pancaldi 1993]. Originally, CIS was a small research group
with a focus on the history of science and universities. The first
volume published, Universities and the Sciences:
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Pancaldi,
ibidem), clearly highlights the goal of the group to
build a bridge between the history of universities and the history of
science. Among the board of directors was Gian Paolo Brizzi, a professor
of modern history with a strong research focus on the history of Italian
After a few years, Brizzi started a second research center completely
dedicated to the history of Italian universities, this time at the
Department of History and in collaboration with other institutions such
as the universities of Padova, Messina, Sassari and Torino [Pomante 2010]. In the two following decades CISUI and CIS
differentiated their research topics, with the first becoming a
coordination structure in Italy for the study of Italian academic
institutions (see for example [Negrini 1998];[Dröscher 2002]) and the second moving increasingly towards
the history of science, technology and the STS. However, a few doctoral
students at CIS have continued to examine the recent history of
universities and their interactions with political, economic and social
actors (see for example [Serafini 2011];[Parolini 2013];[Piazza 2013].
This paper is also part of an ongoing PhD research project conducted at
CIS, with a focus on adopting born digital materials as primary sources
for studying the past of academic institutions. In particular, the
specific goal of this work is to highlight new challenges that born
digital sources present, to describe the way in which they have been
dealt with and emphasize how the retrieved materials could be useful to
the different communities that are studying the past and present of
academic institutions.
Setting up the research
In this study, different types of primary sources have been adopted, offering an
overview of the role of the website for the university and its community. As a
first step, information related to the website was collected from the university
yearbooks and through the analysis of the university’s archived records. This
provided an initial understanding of the administrative role of the website
(through a top-down view) and indicated the people involved in its supervision.
As a second step, interviews were conducted with those who have been managing
Unibo.it during the last two decades. This helped, especially, in discovering
the motivations behind specific changes and to trace down who, in the early 90s,
created the website and for what reasons. The analysis was then consolidated by
employing information retrieved from local and national newspaper archives, such
as La Repubblica and Il Resto
del Carlino, student forums and Usenet discussion groups. These
materials facilitated a better understanding of the role that the website has
played over the years as a “bridge” between the institution and its
The last step of the study aimed at restoring access to the previous versions of
the website. In order to do so, information currently available on the live web
was collected and its availability in foreign web archives was explored. The
combination of these sources offers a comprehensive perspective on the changes
of the website and the political (e.g. school reforms) and educational reasons
behind specific choices and decisions.
Critically Assessing Sources
Library and archive materials.
In this study different materials from the university library and
archives have been used as primary resources. One that has been very
useful in different steps of our work is the university yearbook. The
yearbook offers a general overview of the main activities of the
university during the year, highlighting its management and indicating
innovative decisions as well as presenting several statistics. Professor
Fausto Desalvo has been in charge of the publication of the yearbook
since the early 90s. The yearbooks are accessible online (first edition
available: 1994/95[12]) and at the library
of the Department of History.
Even if, especially during the 90s, only a few pieces of information
regarding the website would be mentioned in the yearbook, this source
has nevertheless been an essential starting point for obtaining a
diachronic overview of the official teams that were managing Unibo.it.
When the different teams were contacted, the goal was to conduct
interviews and to collect materials related to the website, such as
archived documents as well as backups.
The website has been managed by four different teams in the last twenty
years. However, especially during the 90s, large parts of the website
were directly modified by single departments and research groups. Very
little analogue archival information has been preserved by the teams and
researchers that have worked on the website and its sub-sections. Even
more importantly, not even a single backup of the old versions of the
website has been preserved. However, this initial research helped in
identifying the key people to interview.
Given the ephemerality of born digital materials and the general lack of
their preservation by the teams that worked on the website, oral
memories have played a key role in this research. These direct sources
have been helpful for capturing the rationale behind the changing
architecture of the website[13]. For
this work, the different teams who managed the main website were
interviewed, together with technicians and researchers who worked on the
development of the pages of various departments in the past two
So much has been already written about the reliability and the criticism
of oral memories (see for example [Hoffmann 1994]). In
this research – especially given the fact that primary materials (e.g.
backups of the website) were not at our prompt disposal – assessing the
validity of the collected pieces of information has not always been an
easy task. Therefore I proceeded by comparing the outputs of different
interviews and, when possible, validated them by using other sources,
such as newspaper articles. It is important to remark here that public
and private backups of emails have often been used by the interviewees
in order to recollect memories of their experience in working on
Unibo.it and to confirm passages of the historical reconstruction. While
email backups are “waiting
to become” a new primary source for historians[14], the social and ethical implications of
collecting, consulting and sharing their contents to sustain an argument
still must be fully discussed.
Newspapers and forums.
Another way of finding information related to previous versions of
Unibo.it and its role for the University of Bologna is to search
newspaper archives and retrieve articles that mention or describe it.
The practice of using printed media to retrieve information about the
web of the past has been already described, for instance in Brügger [Brügger 2011]. In this research the digital archive of the
newspaper “La Stampa”[15] was used in order
to retrieve specific articles published between 1996 and 1999 that
described the general use of the web by Italian universities[16]. A great role in this study has been played
by local and national newspapers (such as the digital archives of La Repubblica and Il
Resto del Carlino), which especially during the 90s offered
an overview on the new functionalities on the website (e.g. free email
account for all students, online fee payments, etc.), together with
university digital magazines (Alma2000,
AlmaNews, Unibo
Magazine). However, it is important to employ news articles
critically and always consider how and why a specific piece of
information regarding the website was selected and published in the
daily edition of a general newspaper[17].
Other sources that have been employed in this study include student
forums (e.g. UniversiBo) and, to go further back in time, Usenet
discussions preserved by Google. While academic forums offer new
materials for historians of universities interested in better
understanding student life, they also present the perspective of a very
small and specific subset of the academic community. In particular, in
the early 90s,these online forums were mainly kept running by students
(together with researchers and professors) in STEM fields, whose
departments were often the first to offer access to the web.
Live web materials.
While the previous versions of Unibo.it were not available through the
Wayback Machine when this research was conducted, at the same time the
website has always been online, offering to the user a variety of
primary sources. Live web materials reveal the current role of website
in the university's organization and management (e.g. attracting
national and international students and researchers, promoting
collaborations with the private sector, etc). Additionally, by combining
documents from the website and from social media pages of the
institution (such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter profiles), we can
make reasonable assumptions about the digital interactions with the
larger community. While materials from social networking websites will
play a fundamental role in better understanding the multidirectional
communication between academic institutions and their community, it is
important to remember that their suitability for historical analysis is
currently under scrutiny, as several issues have been raised [Webster 2015]; [Zimmer 2015].
Web archive materials.
Even if the University of Bologna homepage and all its subsections were
not accessible through the Wayback Machine, its sub-domains were
available on the Internet Archive and have been constantly preserved in
the last twenty years (i.e. Unibo
Magazine[18])[19].In addition, sources pertaining to Unibo.it were retrieved
from other national web archives. The practice of retrieving primary
sources related to an Italian university website in foreign web archives
could sound strange as the goal of a national web archive is precisely
to preserve the web of its country. However, as this preservation
process is highly complex (as described by [Brügger 2009]), from time to time part of the non-national web will also end up
being unintentionally preserved. For example, to archive national web
spheres in an automatic way, archivists could set up crawlers with a
maximum number of hyperlinks they can follow, with a specific set of
starting points. A crawler which is set to go at most 10 links away from
one of these URLs could also end up crawling non-national content, as it
will systematically follow all the hyperlinks. For this reason, if the
University of Bologna were to organize a Summer School and the
University of Amsterdam had linked it from its website, the University
of Bologna website (or at least part of it) would be unintentionally
preserved in the Netherlands Web Archive.
The critical combination of the sources presented above provided the
possibility of reconstructing the changing in Unibo.it structure,
emphasizing the different roles that the institution assigned to its
website during the years and the way the student community interact with
the website so as to establish a dialogue with the university.
Unibo.it : 2015 – 2002, retracing steps
The narrative below follows the path in rediscovering the past of the University
of Bologna website. This first part will take us back in time, starting from
what is available now on the live web to a significant change in the content and
structure of the website, which implied the removal of the majority of the
materials published online during the 90s.
The website as it is structured today
The website of the University of Bologna is currently offered in two
different linguistic versions: an Italian (which is available at the URL:
http://www.unibo.it/it), and
an English one. Moreover, as the university has five campuses, the website
is consequently divided into five subsections (for example, http://www.unibo.it/it/campus-forli). As the English version
offers the translation of only a part of the website, the focus of this
research will be mainly on the Italian version.
This website (see Figure 1) is currently managed by two different offices:
“CeSIA - SettoreTecnologie web” that takes
care of the structure (called “Sistema Portale di
Ateneo”), and “AAGG — UfficioPortale Internet
e Intranet di Ateneo”[20]
that manages the content. If we consider its subsections, such as “Didattica” (educational information) and “Ricerca” (research), its sub-domains, such as the
“Unibo Magazine”, and retrieve current and
old abandoned department web pages[21], we can obtain an
initial overview of the current status and structure of the website. This
allows us to notice that large pieces of information published online by the
university between the early 2000s and 2015 are still available online (for
example all the course programs, the descriptions of research projects and
the contracts and grants published by each School). However, in order to
retrieve them, a very basic “string-matching” search tool[22]
is the only tool promptly available.
The moment of transformation
To understand why most of the materials from the early 2000s is still
available online, while resources from the 90s seem way more difficult to
retrieve, I contacted the people who have been involved with the management
of the website during the last fifteen years.
Luca Garlaschelli was the Chief of the Information/Innovation Office (CIO) at
the University of Bologna between 2002 and 2012. Under his supervision the
“Sistema Portale di Ateneo” was created. This
is a general interface to a hierarchical organization of all the digital
resources of the university that are available online, with a specific focus
on enhancing the accessibility of the information at disposal[23]. As it
will be presented in the next pages, this has led to a revolutionary
transformation of the digital presence of the institution, which made
Unibo.it a reference point for all other Italian university websites. As a
matter of fact, for three consecutive years Unibo.it received the “Osc@r del web” prize as the best Italian public
administration website[24].
Among several improvements of the website, this transformation required that
all departments and web pages which provided information on the various
degree programs change their structure and adopt a common layout and
organization of their content. As an example, the Department of Classic and
Medieval Philology and the Department of Computer Science had to change
their URL addresses to standardized ones (“abbreviation of the name of the
department” + “unibo.it”). Thus, the first one changed from:
http://www.classics.unibo.it/ to http://www.ficlit.unibo.it/ and the second
one from http://www.cs.unibo.it/ to http://www.informatica.unibo.it/. This
transition started in 2004 and often required the creation of completely new
department pages. A few departments decided to keep the older version of
their sub-domains online by adding a “2” after the “www”[25] (as an
example, the previously mentioned http://www2.classics.unibo.it/), while the majority simply
removed the old versions of their page from the live web, for example the
Department of History, whose URL was: http://www.dds.unibo.it/.
As previously described, it is still possible to retrieve a sub-domain of the
University of Bologna website (such as a department page) on the Internet
Archive, but only if the original URL is known, which is not a trivial issue
(as described in [Nanni 2015];[Ben-David 2016]).
For example, the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies were two
different departments until 2012 and the Department of Philosophy used
http://www.filosofia.unibo.it as a URL even before the transition to the
“Sistema Portale d’Ateneo”. However, in the
90s, this department used another URL for a couple of years,
http://www.sofia.philo.unibo.it which, without the memories of the people
who managed the sub-section at that time, would have been be very difficult
to discover.
In summary, we can identify a specific turning point in the history of the
University of Bologna website. With the “Sistema Portale
d’Ateneo” project and in particular with the standardization of
departments pages which started in 2004[26],
the website has been completely re-organized and the majority of the
previous content on these pages has been deleted from the live web. However,
if they have maintained the same URL or if the previous URL is known[27],
the subdomain materials and their structure can be retrieved from the
Internet Archive.
Exploring the “Sistema Portale”
Mauro Amico, head of the web-technologies department at CeSIA, offered a
collection of seven .png images (see Appendix) that capture the most
important instances in the evolution of the organization of the homepage
before the current layout (1996 – 2013)[28]. This was important as a
starting point for understanding how the website structure and layout
changed during the years. Looking at the snapshots after 2002 we can observe
that, even if a few graphical adjustments were made (the Unibo-Magazine was
introduced on the left in 2004; the search tool was repositioned in the
center in 2006, etc.), the structure remained more or less the same until
the July 2013, when the current interface was presented. The present
organization of the “Sistema Portale d’Ateneo” is
the first one to be completely created by CeSIA without the supervision of
Luca Garlaschelli and, along with a new graphic interface, its main
characteristic is the fact that it offers for the first time the possibility
of surfing the website as a specific user (a prospective student, a student,
a private company, etc.) and it proposes different contents accordingly,
thereby allowing better optimization and personalization of the website.
Even if these .png images give us a first idea of the different interfaces,
to be able to explore again the old versions of the website, other services
have to be employed. As a start, the Internet Memory Foundation offers the
results of the 2006 national “.it” crawl online, but only a single
snapshot of Unibo.it homepage is available (archived on the 8th of May
and that is not even completely preserved. As previously noted, other
national web archives could have captured, from time to time, parts of the
Italian web sphere. Among them, it was discovered that both the Portuguese
(Arquivo) and Danish (Netarkivet) web archives have preserved parts of
Unibo.it several times from 2006. These snapshots (example in Figure 2)
permit us, for the first time, to explore and examine the differences in
structure and content of the previous versions of the “Sistema Portale”.
News from its recent past
The use of primary sources from the digital archive of the newspaper La Repubblica has been of significant help in this
study. As a matter of fact, these articles present an overview of the
interactions between the university and its community, as well as insights
on the key role of the website as an intermediary. It has been found, for
example, that in 2003 the university introduced, on its website, the digital
edition of the student-guide of the city of Bologna, as also described in a
news in the Unibo Magazine[30].
The guide was written by Umberto Eco, Carlo Lucarelli and other renowned
professors and writers. This document provides a list of useful digital
resources for new students, i.e. the platform “Flash
Giovani”, created with the support of the municipality of Bologna
and focused on the cultural activities in the city and the website “Studenti.it” which has, in the last fifteen years,
become one the most important Italian online communities for high school and
university students[31].
As described in the Unibo Magazine[32],
since 2004 each professor has had a personal page, in which they publish
course programs (and all additional materials, such as slides), their
research interests and publications list[33]. Digital sources
relating to the recent years of the university also allow us to discover how
in 2005 the future “Prorettore per la ricerca”
Dario Braga underlined the importance of starting to teach courses in
English (and also Chinese and Arabic) among his “proposals for the future”[34]
or how five years later, during his administration, he actively
in a Google Group newsletter the impact of the “Gelmini” school reform with a group of professors who were
collectively termed as “Docenti preoccupati”
(“worried professors”)[36]. Moreover, these
materials gave us insight into the activities of the “Centro Studi La Permanenza del Classico” whose director was the
former Rector, Ivano Dionigi[37]
and showed how the Unibo Magazine presented
itself online in 2003 (with an interview[38]
of the then Rector, Pier Ugo Calzolari, who spoke the scarcity of funding
for higher education and research in Italy).
Among all these different resources, one source deserves special mention. In
May 2007, a group of activists decided to create a copy of the Unibo.it
interface. They were demonstrating against the European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System (ECTS) for the evaluation of the number of hours of
study. They believed that the university website could be the perfect target
for their protest, in order to attract the attention of the institution. At
the URL http://www.unibologna.eu/ an identical version of the homepage
was available, with the description of the reasons of the protest. In a
couple of weeks, the website attracted a high number of visitors and most of
all the attention of the university[39],
which blocked the access to it from all its computers[40].
This source is not only important in our study as it documents a different
and innovative way of conducting a protest against an academic
institution[41], but as the fake-website has been preserved by the
Internet Archive it also paradoxically offers a preserved version of
Unibo.it, so that we can browse and study (see Figure 3).
The history of www.unibo.it: 2002- the early 90s
Neither material on the live web nor documents in other national web archives are
available for the first ten years of history of this website. For this reason,
the second part of this study will mainly employ information from local and
national newspapers, which have often described new services offered by the
university to its community and will combine it with archive resources (in
particular from the university yearbooks). As before, a pivotal role in this
study has been played by the collection and critical selection of oral
Different ways of going back in time
In order to study the structure of the website before the “Sistema Portale d’Ateneo” several different sources
have been employed, which will in turn help us in understanding what the
website looked like, how it was used and how relevant it was in the academic
digital “ecosystem”.
In particular, as described earlier, the archive of the newspaper La Repubblica offers important information on how
the website changed during the 90s. For example, it was discovered that the
institution offered a free email account to all students from 2002[42]
and it was the first Italian university which gave the possibility of paying
fees online (2000)[43];
moreover since 1999 some departments also guaranteed the possibility of
enrolling for courses and exams online[44].
Another interesting piece of news retrieved from the digital archive of
La Repubblica is from October 2001, a few
months before the project “Portale d’Ateneo”
started. In those days, the University of Bologna website won the “WWW”
prize from the Italian economic newspaper Il Sole 24
Ore for the best website in the category “School, university and research”. At the ceremony Salvatore
Mirabella, a technician who managed the website during the 90s, was also
However, as we can notice by looking at the images offered by CeSIA or by
analyzing a few examples that are still available on the live web (i.e. http://www2.unibo.it/annuari)[46], before the “Sistema Portale d’Ateneo” project the homepage of
Unibo.it was mainly an information page, presenting only a few links (see
Figure 4).
At the same time, consulting “The list and map of the
Italian WWW servers”[47] created by Cilea and available from 1997 onwards on the
Internet Archive[48],
we can observe that several departments, faculties and research groups were
already online and, as opposed to the relatively passive homepage, very
active in the 90s. For example, we can retrieve all the information on
courses in history since 1998[49],
the organization of the university astronomical observatory[50]
and of the Faculty of Engineering[51]
since 1997, description on the inter-faculty library since October
(the entire system was created in 1993[53]),
the digitization of the students guide books carried out by the faculty of
economics in 1994[54].
The Internet Archive has also preserved Unibo.it’s old online magazine,
AlmaNews, which offer several short videos
of important events, such as the ceremony[55]
for the first degrees in Business Administration and Political Sciences in
1997. These different pages, extremely useful for prospective and enrolled
were continuously updated with new information by technicians, researchers,
professors and, from time to time, also with contributions of
For these reasons, they all evolved differently during the 90s and they are
now interesting instances on how the departments of this university
approached the World Wide Web.
In addition to examining departmental pages, there are many other ways of
looking at the second half of the 90s’ history of Unibo.it. We could follow
the information related to AlmaNET, the university internal Internet
connection, which in 1988 was established to connect three departments and
was highly improved in 1996[58],
thanks to the collaboration of Telecom Italia and under the supervision of
CeSIA (which was created in 1994)[59]. Another
perspective on the recent past of this institution could be developed by the
examination of the impact of the online service AlmaLaurea, presented in May
which aimed at improving the relationship between the institution, its
student community and the job-market. A third point of view might be focused
on the relation and mutual influence between the university and the
municipality, by considering the role played by the Internet. In fact, the
city of Bologna and its citizens have a strong bond with innovation in
computing technologies, with the municipality for instance having created
one of the first civic-networks in the world in 1995, giving to all citizens
free access to the Internet the very next year [Chiara 1998].
The early importance of the web for Bologna citizens appeared also in a 1996
article retrieved from La Repubblica digital
archive. As mentioned in the piece of news [Venturi 1996], in
November of that year for the first time in Italy, a digital discussion was
censored and an entire mailing list named “Lisa”
was completely closed. This happened on the Unibo server[61]:
CeSIA informed the professor of computer science Dario Maio of the presence
of violent debates on the platform and the Department of Computer Science
decided to drastically intervene. As the article reported, these digital
conflicts were probably related to the internal discussion of an Italian
association named “La città invisibile”[62] (“The invisible city”). This association, comprising early
Internet activists, was interested in sharing the importance of digital
cultures and rights. Among them there were also academics, for example Lucio
Picci (currently professor of Political Economy[63]), who was at that time
a young researcher at the University of Bologna[64].
It is evident that diachronically examining the digital alter ego of the
institution and using these resources to extend our knowledge on its recent
past is a complex challenge, which relies on both an interdisciplinary set
of methodological approaches and specific research questions. The examples
presented above only highlight some specific perspectives on the topic,
which I have encountered while examining the collected sources. While each
one of the aspects previously presented would offer a different insight on
the early use of the web by the institution,the last part of this section
will focus on a different task: tracing the origin of the university
website. This will help us in understanding the process of creation of
Unibo.it: who was responsible for it, for what reasons was it created and in
which context. Old websites hold interesting stories on their origins, which
are often placed at the intersection of academic research, curiosity in
advanced digital technologies (together with aspiration of contributing to
them) and mutual human desire of communicating with others. Unibo.it is one
of them.
At the beginning of the digital era
Tracing the first online presence of an entity such as the University of
Bologna has not been an easy task. In Italy a list of .it servers was
initially maintained by the research center CNUCE (Centro Nazionale
Universitario di Calcolo Elettronico) and is currently available on the
website Registro.it[65]. However all early Italian websites
(created before 1996) have a common creation date: 29-01-1996 (Figure
Figure 5.
Unibo.it and Crs4.it (which is considered to be the first Italian
website[66]) have the same starting date.The research group “GARR-Network Information
Retrieval” organized a series of annual meetings in the early
dedicated to the spread of the World Wide Web in Italy at the university
level. Consulting the proceedings of 1994, I learned[68]
that Unibo.it was already active at least in the August of the year before.
The fact that the university was fostering the use of the Internet and of
web materials could be also deduced by consulting the 1993/94 yearbooks,
where the importance of AlmaNet is mentioned, as well as the need of
adopting emails as a form of communication and online databases as new
During the first years of the World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee curated a list
of web-servers on the CERN website; the last update available is from late
Unibo.it is not mentioned in this list, but there is a link to another
Italian research institution, the Physics Institute in Trieste. Later, on
the NCSA website, a specific section called “What’s
New!” published a list of the new servers on the web each month
(from June 1993 to January 1996)[70].
By consulting it, some interesting information about specific sub-sections
of Unibo.it was found: for example the “Bologna
Astrophysics Preprints” has offered online, since November 1994,
all the scientific publications of the Bologna Astronomical Observatory
(OAB), the Astronomy Department of Bologna University (DDA), the Radio
astronomy Institute of CNR (IRA) and the TESRE Institute of CNR (ITE).
However, for what concerns specifically the creation date of the website, in
December 1993 a link to a map of all Italian web-servers was published, but
this link is not available anymore (it redirects to the 1997 version of the
Cilea Map). Summarizing then, by consulting born digital materials as well
as traditional archival sources, we know that Unibo.it was already available
in the second half of 1993, and that the website was created after the end
of 1992, according to the CERN web-server list.
University websites have usually been created by researchers who were already
using the Internet in their work. For this reason, departments and research
centers in computer science[71]
and physics[72]
are generally good starting points for discovering who created the website
of a specific institution. However, in Bologna, the university website was
created in a different place, namely at the Department of Mathematics,
thanks to the collaboration between a Turkish professor who had at that time
arrived from the United States, and a young Italian researcher.
The story of the origins of Unibo.it emerged in an interview conducted with
Renzo Davoli. Davoli is currently professor of Computer Science at the
University of Bologna; in the early 90s he was working under the supervision
of Ozalp Babaoglu, who arrived in Bologna in 1988 from Cornell University
and wanted to use the Internet – among other things – to stay in touch with
his colleagues and friends from abroad. Given the fact that Bologna did not
have a Department of Computer Science at that time, Babaoglu and Davoli were
working at the Department of Mathematics. In 1988 the two of them
established the second Italian node to the Internet[73], from the Department of
Mathematics to CNUCE, in Pisa[74] and
Davoli became the person in charge of the University TCP/IP network. They
then became part of AlmaNet, the internal network initially established
between the Departments of Mathematics, Engineering and Physics. In the
following years, AlmaNet played an essential role in connecting university
departments, especially the ones located outside the city.
Interactions between the departments were again improved thanks to the advent
of the World Wide Web. Departments were the first to be online and, once
again, this was accomplished thanks to Babaouglu and Davoli. As a matter of
fact, in July 1993, the two researchers registered and created the web pages
of the domains “cs.unibo.it” (Computer Science) and “dm.unibo.it”
(Department of Mathematics). This helped colleagues in other departments
understand the huge potential of the web. Initially, Davoli and Babaoglu
managed the main website as well, which then passed under the supervision of
the Public Relation Office, and in particular of Salvatore
Working with the Internet Archive
In the previous sections, it has been highlighted how the digital past of an
institution could be re-discovered without the prompt availability of Internet
Archive snapshots. The following paragraphs will describe the work I conducted,
for understanding why Unibo.it was excluded from the Wayback Machine.
In order to understand the reasons of the removal of Unibo.it, the first step was
to find, in the exclusion-policy of the Internet Archive, information related to
the message “This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine”, which
appeared when “http://www.unibo.it” was searched. As described in the FAQ
section of the Internet Archive, the most common reason for this exclusion is
when a website explicitly requests to not be crawled by adding “User-agent:
ia_archiver Disallow: /” to its robots.txt file[76]. However, it is also explained that
“Sometimes a website owner will contact us
directly and ask us to stop crawling or archiving a site, and we endeavor to
comply with these requests. When you come across a ‘blocked site error’
message that means that a site owner has made such a request and it has been
honored. Currently there is no way to exclude only a portion of a site, or
to exclude archiving a site for a particular time period only. When a URL
has been excluded at direct owner request from being archived, that
exclusion is retroactive and permanent”.
When a website has not been archived due to robots.txt limitations, a specific
message is displayed: “Page cannot be crawled or
displayed due to robots.txt”, which is different from the one that
appeared when searching the University of Bologna website (as shown in Figure
6). Therefore, the only possible conclusion is that someone had explicitly
requested to remove the University of Bologna website from the Archive.
Figure 6.
Two different exclusion messages (left University of Trento, right
University of Bologna).Before moving on, it is essential to mention that, when a website is excluded due
to robots.txt, its pages are not preserved by the Internet Archive. In the
second situation, as it will be presented in the next paragraphs, it was instead
discovered that the Internet Archive has continued to preserve the website
(despite what is described in the FAQ section), which was simply not available
for any kind of consultation through the Wayback Machine. Given the specificity
of the exclusion message, I decided to consult CeSIA, the team that has
supervised Unibo.it during the last decades, regarding this issue. However, they
did not submit any removal-request to the Internet Archive and they were not
aware nor had any trace in digital and archival documents of anyone submitting
it. To clarify this issue, the Internet Archive team was then contacted. Thanks
to the efforts of Mauro Amico (CeSIA), Raffaele Messuti (AlmaDL - Unibo),
Christopher Butler (Internet Archive) and Giovanni Damiola (Internet Archive), a
collaboration with the Internet Archive started at the end of March 2015. As we
contacted Butler, he told us that the Unibo.it case was similar to another one
that involved the New York government websites[77].
With their help, I discovered that a removal request regarding the main website
and a list of specific subdomains had been submitted to the Internet Archive in
April 2002. Thanks to this collaboration, the university website became
available again on the Wayback Machine on the 13th of April 2015 (see Figure 7).
This also gives us the opportunity of attesting that the Internet Archive has
kept preserving Unibo.it in the last fifteen years; the website was simply not
available for any consultation. Additionally, having the website at our
disposal, once again, gave me the opportunity of re-evaluating the findings of
this study.
While the exclusion issue was solved, it was necessary to investigate its causes
further. As it has already been described, in 2002 the administration of
Unibo.it completely changed, during a general re-organization of the digital
presence of the university (the Portale d’Ateneo project). Therefore, while it
is evident that this request was made by someone who was in the position to ask
for the removal of the website[78] and who knew how the Internet Archive exclusion policy
works[79], it still remains entirely unclear to
us who, in that very same month, could have been in the position to submit this
specific request, and the reasons behind it. Even though several years have
passed by, it was assumed that someone involved in the administration of the
website would have remembered (or had traces in a backup) this email exchange
with a team of digital archivists in San Francisco. Between April and June 2015
a last series of interviews was conducted with several people involved in the
Unibo.it website, pre- and post the 2002 reorganization. However, it was
impossible to retrieve any information on this issue.
As the specificity of the request is the only hint that could help in identifying
its author, I decided to analyze the different urls in more detail. The majority
of them are server addresses (identified by “alma.unibo”), while the other
pages are subdomains of the main website, for example estero.unibo.it (probably
dedicated to international collaborations). A few questions therefore remain
unsolved: why would someone want to exclude exactly these pages and not all the
department pages, which were active online, at that time? Why exactly these four
subdomains were selected and not the digital magazine Alma2000 (alma2000.unibo.it) or the e-learning platform (www.elearning.unibo.it)?
A new primary source
In the previous sections, the paper has presented a) how the past of Unibo.it was
reconstructed without having snapshots from the Wayback Machine at prompt
disposal and b) how this process brought new light on the interaction between
the university and its community. This paper also stressed that different
research communities are currently studying the recent past of academic
institutions and that web materials could open for them new perspectives. For
this reason, in this final section I will highlight a specific type of primary
source that was collected during this study that could become useful for
obtaining new insights in these fields.
The history of universities has traditionally focused on topics such as the
role of academic institutions in processes such as nation building as well
as on the influence of governments (through economic and political
decisions), on the experience and life of students as well as on the
relationship of institutions and professional realities. Another topic that
has attracted significant attention is the examination of universities as
institutions of higher education, where the manner in which topics are
taught and education is provided are also highly influenced by several
political, economic and social factors.
Examining what has been taught within a given timeframe at a specific
academic institution and understanding the global and local reasons that
influenced specific changes is a topic that has attracted the attention of
many historians of universities. For example, [de Ridder-Symoens 1992-2011], provides a complete overview of
the most recurrent teaching topics in European academic institutions and how
and why they have changed in the last centuries. Traditionally, historians
collect this information by examining different sources, such as student
transcript of lessons and professor’s notes[80] as well as university yearbooks and the reasons
behind widespread adoption of specific textbooks. In recent years, Dan Cohen
[Cohen 2006]; [Cohen 2011] has considered
the large and still unexplored potential that online syllabi could offer to
the study of academic teaching. The first digital-historical work on the
topic has been published in 2005 in the Journal of
American History
[Cohen 2005]. The goal of the paper was to show how the
teaching of history in U.S. universities is still strongly based on
textbooks. These findings, which are directly in contrast to a round table
discussion published in the same journal four years prior [Kornblith 2001], were obtained thanks to a large study of
around 800 syllabi available on the web.
While Cohen’s work is a first step in this direction, the potential of online
syllabi goes beyond his study and could rapidly affect the practices, topics
and findings of historians of universities as well as the scientometrics
community. During the reconstruction of the past of Unibo.it, it was
possible to collect all syllabi published online by the institution, which
in the case of the University of Bologna are in the number of thousands for
each academic year[81]. This type of
documents will further allow to conduct large-scale analyses on what have
been, year after year, the topics that the University (and each single
school and department) decided to focus on in its educational programs.
Results of these studies will be useful for obtaining a wider perspective in
a scientometrics setting (by considering both the input and output of an
academic institution) and will also act as the starting point for addressing
questions regarding the underlying cultural, economic and political factors
that condition specific changes.
The aim of this paper has been to highlight both the issues and the
potentialities of using born digital documents to study the recent past of the
University of Bologna. The main focus was to describe the methodological
approach employed in order to reconstruct its website (which has been excluded
for the last thirteen years from the Wayback Machine). In doing so, the paper
underlined how its history is divided into two parts (before and after the
setting up of the “Sistema Portale d’Ateneo”) and how
different sources (the yearbooks, materials from foreign web archives, document
preserved by CeSIA, articles on local, national and digital newspaper) have been
useful to improve our knowledge on the metamorphosis of this website
(specifically, on the role of department pages). This work also examined how
born-digital sources can offer new insights on common research topics related to
the history of this university and its relation with the students’ community and
the city itself.
The different issues presented in this paper highlight the need of an even more
interdisciplinary approach for future historians. In the field of Internet
studies and digital archiving, researchers are already discussing the importance
of new ways of conceiving the retrieval, analysis, criticism and employment of
born digital primary sources. As historians, we should openly join this
discussion with both theoretical contributions as well as concrete examples. As
a matter of fact, these materials will sustain traditional historical research
questions and will lead to an infinite number of new ones.
[1] Consider also how the university presents
itself on its website:http://www.unibo.it/en/university/who-we-are/our-history/university-from-12th-to-20th-century
[2] Milligan raised the question
during his talks, both at the 2015 meeting of the International Internet
Preservation Consortium and at the 2016 meeting of the American Historical
[3] Translation from: Bloch, M. The Historians’ Craft, Manchester Univ.
Press (1992).
[4] All the URLs mentioned in
this research have been most recently checked on the 14th of October
[5] Gomes, Miranda and Costa have curated a Wikipedia
page precisely on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Web_archiving_initiatives
[8] This was conducted
between May and June 2006, the snapshots are available here: http://collection.europarchive.org/bncf/
[10] Or, as it will be described
later, in some specific cases on snapshots archived in other
national web archives.
[13] At the 2015 International Internet
Preservation Consortium General Meeting (IIPC2015), the importance
of oral memories for web historical research has been emphasized
both by Ahmed AlSum and by the author of this paper in two
consequential presentations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHrxvRWf9OM.
[14] Dan Cohen
[Cohen 2006] discussed it when considering the
large abundance of sources that public administration will leave us
in the next decades.
[16] E.g.
the article “Anche l'università via
Internet”, written by Giovanna Favro and published the
14th of May 1998.
[17] For example this short article
on the possibility of creating university email accounts in 2002:
[19] The
reasons will be discussed in the final section of this
[23] As
underlined by Garlaschelli: http://www.osservatoriosullacomunicazione.com/mezzi/internet/prontoweb/interviste/garlaschelli.php.
And also presented in the “Annuario degli anni
accademici 2003-2004 e 2004-2005”, pp. 777-780
[24] http://www.magazine.unibo.it/archivio/2007/oscar_del_2007. In
2007 Luigi Nicolais, the Italian Minister of Public Administration, was
also present to confer this honor.
[25] This
could be due to a personal choice of the person who was managing each
department page at that time and not to a decision of the CIO. On the
Department of Classic and Medieval Philology homepage it is explicitly
written that “the pages will continue to
be available, but will be no longer updated”.
[27] A
web page archived in 2002 could help us identify the URL of each
department in that year: https://web.archive.org/web/20020224030346/http://alma2000.unibo.it/facolta/dipE.asp
[28] They cover the periods:
01/1996-01/1998; 01/1998 – 09/1998; 09/1998-07/1999; 2002-2003;
2004-2206; 2006-2009; 2009-2013.
[31] Currently it is one of the 200 most visited
websites in Italy: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/studenti.it#trafficstats
[33] The main pages of professors
have been also excluded from the Wayback Machine; other national web
archives have preserved just a few of them.
[36] Another interesting source to study the
experience of Dario Braga as Prorettore and its run for the future
Rettore of the university, will be his personal blog: http://www.dariobraga.com/blog
[41] To know more on cyber protests see Van Laer and Van
Aelst, 2009.
[45] He was the head of “Urp – Servizio
Web”, as described here: http://www2.unibo.it/Annuari/Annu9901/Indice/parte2/parte2sez1/parte2sez1.html
[46] It is important to note that
the page http://www2.unibo.it is not available on the live web anymore
and it was excluded from the Wayback Machine.
[47] This is a useful starting point for
every researcher who is interested in the past of the Italian web
[59] Additional materials on this topic
can be found in the bibliography dedicated to “Internet in Italy”
edited by Riccardo Ridi on his website : http://www.riccardoridi.it/esb/biblint/04.htm
[65] http://www.nic.it/
[66] The website of the “Centro di
ricerca, sviluppo e studisuperiori in Sardegna” (CRS4 –
www.crs4.it) was created between the second half of 1992 and
November 1993. In different occasions the team behind it reported
different dates, for example in [Colletti 2014]; [CRS 2015]; [Corriere della Sera 2015].
[73] The first node is
from the research institute CNUCE, in Pisa, as described here: http://www.30annidirete.it/.
[74] This information is also offered by the
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) : https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1117#ref-AA62
[76] The Internet Archive
follows the “robots.txt protocol”, which is a convention of advising
web crawlers and other web robots to access only parts of a website which is
otherwise publicly viewable.
[78] The Internet Archive says “the website
owner” and, even if they happened to be not absolutely rigid on this
point, it has to be someone at least involved in the management of the
[79] As he/she explicitly declared a specific list of subdomains to
remove (as described above, the Internet Archive excludes urls and their
subsections – not subdomains).
[80] For example, a great
resource to know what Professor Pasquini taught about Dante at the
University of Bologna are the notes from its course from the academic
year 1992-93.
[81] By analyzing the “Portale”, it is possible to collect all syllabi since the
academic year 2004-2005. Then, by using Internet Archive snapshots of
retrieved department’s pages, it is possible to identify all courses
programs for several departments, for example all syllabi of courses in
History since 1998-99.The dataset I collected is available at: https://federiconanni.com/syllabi-unibo/
Works Cited
Ankerson 2012 Ankerson, M. S. Writing Web Histories with an Eye on the Analog Past.
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