


完璧ですね これはいただけません

匿名 asked:

"It needs accounts, otherwise instagram redirects to the login page or shows a fake 404 page. Accounts do not live long." I've entered the full instagram url, all i get is "Not Found (yet?)". what does this mean? the provided ig acount i entered is public not private

This means it has tried 10 times and given up.You didn’t specify an account for the archiver to log in to instagram, it’s just not implemented

匿名 asked:

I notice on the /wip pages when I archive something from a news site, most of the time is spent loading various trackers, assets that are never displayed like videos, etc. Why not only load what's needed to render content? Not commenting on the state of the web here, just the performance of the archiver.

Known trackers are skipped (their lines are gray instead of green)

匿名 asked:

Why can't Instagram pages be archived anymore? I try to save one and then its like "Sorry this webpage is not available."

Instagram and FaceBook are broken most of the time: constantly getting kicked out of the account, being blocked by IP, … Although there aren’t many requests to save pages from there, less than 100 a day. I think there must be quite a few live users who view many more pages in a day. How they do it is not clear to me.

匿名 asked:

Are pages of a domain deleted periodically to be sure aren't more than ~1000? Dezgo pages keeps descending. Now they are 1162, previoulsy were 1300 and before where ~2400. Thanks. Those links couldn't be accessed anymore live.

The pages are not deleted, but number of search results is limited.

To get more pages try to split the query to `*`, `*`, etc