
Hier können Sie sich den Dokumentarfilm zensurfrei ansehen.

Content warning: contains violent scenes – viewer discretion advised. Not recommended for audiences under the age of 16. This parody is for entertainment – no actions in this video are endorsed.

Producing this parody was like a video game with Brian Morris as the “final boss”.

[WARNING:] Contains explicit language. Expand description for more information.
Let's rescue another treasureable Daniel Rold video from oblivion!

Originally uploaded to YouTube in ~February 2018 by then 41-year-old hero Intactivist Daniel Rold. His channel was terminated by YouTube in later 2018.
You are encouraged to download, re-upload, re-distribute circulate and replicate this video and any other video by Daniel Rold.

We really hope that Daniel Rold will soon reinstate all his lost videos.

Channel name: “US Victim of Genital Mutilation”.
List of deleted channel videos:
Original channel URL:
Original URL of this video:
Video by Daniel Rold.

Disclaimer: CircumCrippled TV is not Daniel Rold. This video was uploaded here for historical preservation and raising awareness.

Unfold description for transcript and alternative platforms.
This is an improved version with enhanced audio quality.

In case anything happens to my YouTube channel:
• BitChute:
• Dailymotion:
• Twitter: @CircumCrippled –

Usually lesser active backup channels and accounts:
• Vlare.TV:
• VidLii:
• Verond:
• Frei³:
• Internet Archive:
• Mastodon: @CircumCrippled –
• Instagram: @CCrippled –
CircumCrippled TV also has backup accounts on some auxiliary video platforms such as We-TeVe, Viduro and BitView.
I might have forgotten to mention some platforms, but I upload all of my new videos to at least three platforms for redundancy.

Constructive criticism is solicited.

Disclaimers: We do not oppose voluntary adult circumcision, only involuntary circumcision, because underaged infants are unable to consent to it.
Also, you are free to believe into any religion and/or esoterism you like, as long as it does not inflict any harm onto innocent individuals or other groups of people.

== Transcript: ==

Every body you have ever seen is a masterpiece of evolution.

A result of reproductive success of every prior generation.

Our bodies may be far from flawless, yet they are full of surprises, miracles and adventures.

Being born in first place is so fortunate that it's less likely than winning the lottery.

Had your parents had sex just minutes earlier or later, no such person known to be you today would exist. Maybe a very similar one, but not exactly the same.

Every person is second to none. You can consider yourself incredibly lucky for merely being able to experience now. This exact moment.

We never hear from billions of people that were never born, yet your child gets to make the first steps on our planet.

The moment you unnecessarily amputate any body parts, millions of years of evolution that nature put into creating that part for that human being gets put to waste.

If you believe your child will be able to handle a profound physical loss with ease, you are blatantly lying to yourself.

If you allowed your child's genitals to become mutilated, not only have you intruded and manipulated one of his most sophisticated body parts.

You have obliterated the vast majority of his future sexual sensations, especially in his youth, the healthiest years of his entire life. A priceless gift full of euphoria and limitless bliss, permanently annihilated and ripped off the only body through which he will ever experience life.

Whether you choose to acknowledge the truth, or keep denying it in blissful ignorance.
No scalpel and no circumcision clamp belongs near the precious body of an infant.

Don't let anyone come near him with a knife.
Because there is no afterlife.

You must always protect his integrity.
Keep him safe, whole and scar-free.

This is his only body.
Don't smear his freedom into Sandra Bullshit's face.
He only has one body. Let him live a whole life with grace.


End credits:

Video version: 2.1

Text composed by:
CircumCrippled TV

Barry Stuart Robbins

Music composed by:
Philip Ayers
Wayne Jones

(provided names)
Ani Acopian
Joe Capra
Jimi Drosinos
Tim Johnson

Constructive criticism is solicited.

== Mirrors ==
YouTube: [with subtitles]
Dailymotion (highest video bit rate): [with subtitles]

Your reward for reading the entire description:
A non-published and unfinished CircumCrippled TV video from February 2019!
Take it with a grain of salt, it is not finished.

Unfold description for transcript and alternative platforms.

In case anything happens to my YouTube channel:
• BitChute:
• Dailymotion:
• Twitter: @CircumCrippled –

Usually lesser active backup channels and accounts:
• Vlare.TV:
• VidLii:
• Frei³:
• Internet Archive:
• Mastodon: @CircumCrippled –
• Instagram: @CCrippled –
I also have accounts on some auxiliary video platforms such as We-TeVe, Viduro and BitView.
I might have forgotten to mention some platforms, but I upload all of my new videos to at least three platforms for redundancy.

Constructive criticism is solicited.

Disclaimers: We do not oppose voluntary adult circumcision, only involuntary circumcision, because underaged infants are unable to consent to it. Also, you are free to believe into any religion you like, as long as you don't harm innocent individuals or other groups of people.

== Transcript: ==

Every body you have ever seen is a masterpiece of evolution.

A result of reproductive success of every prior generation.

Our bodies may be far from flawless, yet they are full of surprises, miracles and adventures.

Being born in first place is so fortunate that it's less likely than winning the lottery.

Had your parents had sex just minutes earlier or later, no such person known to be you today would exist. Maybe a very similar one, but not exactly the same.

Every person is second to none. You can consider yourself incredibly lucky for merely being able to experience now. This exact moment.

We never hear from billions of people that were never born, yet your child gets to make the first steps on our planet.

The moment you unnecessarily amputate any body parts, millions of years of evolution that nature put into creating that part for that human being gets put to waste.

If you believe your child will be able to handle a profound physical loss with ease, you are blatantly lying to yourself.

If you allowed your child's genitals to become mutilated, not only have you intruded and manipulated one of his most sophisticated body parts.

You have obliterated the vast majority of his future sexual sensations, especially in his youth, the healthiest years of his entire life. A priceless gift full of euphoria and limitless bliss, permanently annihilated and ripped off the only body through which he will ever experience life.

Whether you choose to acknowledge the truth, or keep denying it in blissful ignorance.
No scalpel and no circumcision clamp belongs near the precious body of an infant.

Don't let anyone come near him with a knife.
Because there is no afterlife.

You must always protect his integrity.
Keep him safe, whole and scar-free.

This is his only body.
Don't smear his freedom into Sandra Bullshit's face.
He only has one body. Let him live a whole life with grace.


End credits:

Video version: 2.0

Text composed by:
CircumCrippled TV

Barry Stuart Robbins

Music composed by:
Philip Ayers
Wayne Jones

(provided names)
Ani Acopian
Joe Capra
Jimi Drosinos
Tim Johnson

Constructive criticism is solicited.

== Mirrors ==
YouTube: [with subtitles]
Dailymotion (highest video bit rate): [with subtitles]

Your reward for reading the entire description:
A non-published and unfinished CircumCrippled TV video from February 2019!
Take it with a grain of salt, it is not finished.


“Circumcision is a personal choice”? – Myth debunked.

== Original description: ==

To say thanks for all the likes on the original video -
I decided to make a special edition. Hope you like it.

Credit and appreciation for the music and stars:

The Next Episode - Ummet Ozcan Remix

Delicate Keys by Sleepify

Stars background by AllDesignCreative

Every body you have ever seen is a masterpiece of evolution.

A result of reproductive success of every prior generation.

Our bodies may be far from flawless, yet they are full of surprises, miracles and adventures.

Being born in first place is so fortunate that it's less likely than winning the lottery.

Had your parents had sex just minutes earlier or later, no such person known to be you today would exist. Maybe a very similar one, but not exactly the same.

Every person is second to none. You can consider yourself incredibly lucky for merely being able to experience now. This exact moment.

We never hear from billions of people that were never born, yet your child gets to make the first steps on our planet.

The moment you unnecessarily amputate any body parts, millions of years of evolution that nature put into creating that part for that human being gets put to waste.

If you believe your child will be able to handle a profound physical loss with ease, you are blatantly lying to yourself.

If you allowed your child's genitals to become mutilated, not only have you intruded and manipulated one of his most sophisticated body parts.

You have obliterated the vast majority of his future sexual sensation. A priceless gift full of euphoria and limitless bliss, permanently annihilated and ripped off the only body through which he will ever experience life.

Whether you chose to acknowledge the truth, or keep denying it in blissful ignorance.
No scalpel and no circumcision clamp belongs near the precious body of an infant.

Don't let anyone come near him with a knife.
Because there is no afterlife.

You must always protect his integrity.
Keep him safe, whole and scar-free.

This is his only body.
Don't smear his freedom into Sandra Bullshit's face.
He deserves to be a part
of the foreskin master race.


Video version: 1.1

Video created by:
CircumCrippled TV

Text composed by:
CircumCrippled TV

Music composed by:
Philip Ayers
Wayne Jones

(provided names)
Ani Acopian
Joe Capra
Jimi Drosinos
Tim Johnson

Constructive criticism is solicited.

== Mirrors ==
Dailymotion (highest video bit rate):

Your reward for reading the entire description:
A non-published and unfinished CircumCrippled TV video from February 2019! (Destruction of Dr. Chaya! – the lost episode).
Take it with a grain of salt, it is not finished.

Originally uploaded to YouTube on 2012-10-31 (URL: ) by Theresa Arrieta ( ).
Mirror: (uploaded by )

Human rights don't matter a damn to the evil mutilators.

————=— Original description —=———— DDr.Christian Fiala: Gynäkologe, durch ärztliche Afrika-Aufenthalte mit dem Problem der Mädchenbeschneidung vertraut. Unnötige Körperverletzung und Beschneidung der Sexualität. In der Diskussion wurde bisher übersehen wie ähnlich die Beschneidung von Mädchen und Buben auf fast allen Ebenen ist. In beiden Fällen wird im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes die Sexualität beschnitten. Es wird der sensibelste Teil des sexuellen Organs beschnitten oder entfernt, und damit die spätere sexuelle Empfindlichkeit verändert und häufig auch eingeschränkt. Die Operation hat Komplikationen, über welche kaum gesprochen wird. Der Eingriff bei Buben und Mädchen verletzt wichtige Regeln der Medizin, deren Einhaltung nicht verhandelbar ist und deren Verletzung ansonsten streng bestraft wird:
- es liegt kein Einverständnis des/der Betroffenen vor. Da sich nur sehr wenige Menschen als Erwachsene beschneiden lassen, ist davon auszugehen, dass es in den allermeisten Fällen zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt keine Einwilligung geben würde
- der Eingriff wird ohne eine medizinische Indikation vorgenommen und ausschließlich aufgrund der religiösen Überzeugungen der Eltern durchgeführt, was einen klaren Fall von Körperverletzung darstellt
- es gibt kein Argument, warum die Beschneidung bei Kindern stattfinden soll, bzw. warum man die Betroffenen nicht als Erwachsene über den Eingriff entscheiden lassen kann.
Lediglich in den medizinischen Details der Operation bestehen Unterschiede zwischen männlicher und weiblicher Beschneidung: bei Mädchen kann eine Einritzung der Klitorisvorhaut vorgenommen werden, es kann jedoch auch bis zur Entfernung der Klitorisspitze einschließlich der Schamlippen kommen. Bei Buben wird immer die ganze Vorhaut entfernt. In beiden Fällen ist die euphemistische Bezeichnung ‚Beschneidung' unpassend und irreführend.

Bubenbeschneidung ist Verstümmelung
Bei der weibliche Beschneidung kam es recht rasch zu einer Berichtigung des Begriffes. Heute herrscht Konsens darüber, dass es sich um Genitalverstümmelung handelt, Female Genital Mutilation, FGM. Auch der Begriff der ‚Beschneidung' bei Buben ist falsch und irreführend. Es ist wichtig, dass wir als Gesellschaft wahrnehmen, dass es sich ebenso um Genitalverstümmelung von Buben handelt, um MGM (Male Genital Mutilation). Genau wie FGM widerspricht auch MGM zentralen Werten unserer Gesellschaft. Genau wie Mädchen müssen sich auch Buben darauf verlassen können, dass die Gesellschaft sie vor Übergriffen schützt, bis sie alt genug sind, um selbst über ihr Leben zu entscheiden.

Beschneidung als Machtfrage
Anhand der Diskussion über die weibliche ‚Beschneidung' vor einigen Jahren hat sich gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, Traditionen oder religiöse Rituale, die den grundlegenden Werten unserer Demokratie widersprechen, als solche zu benennen, im konkreten Fall weibliche Genitalverstümmelung oder FGM. Und diese konsequenterweise entweder abzuschaffen oder durch eine symbolhafte Handlung zu ersetzen. Das Verbot der weibliche ‚Beschneidung' in Europa war jedoch einfach zu erreichen, weil sie uns kaum betrifft: sie wurde in Europa so gut wie nie durchgeführt: die moralische Verurteilung und das Verbot liefen keinen lobby-Interessen entgegen. Anders hingegen die männliche ‚Beschneidung'. Hier geht es um strafrechtlich relevante Religions-Privilegien. Es geht darum, schwere Körperverletzung legal durchführen zu können, mit dem Zweck, künftige Religions-Mitglieder zu markieren. Die Frage ist, ob wir als demokratische Gesellschaft uns diesem Machtanspruch beugen und archaische Riten an Kindern, die sich dagegen nicht wehren können, akzeptieren.


Fifth upload try.

Screw BitChute's crappy uploader! They even have the same ID in the HTML source code for the video title and the video description! Who designed this?! ( )

If this video appears as a duplicate of one or more of the following videos, it is because BitChute's upload servers are currently unpredictably buggy. Videos get stuck in processing hell indefinitely.

Try 1: (18:06 UTC)
Try 2: (19:29 UTC)
Try 3: (21:32 UTC)
Try 4: (22:23 UTC)
Try 5: (23:06 UTC)
Try 6: (23:13 UTC)

What's in your pants belongs only to you!

(Originally created in February 2019.)

- YouTube: (Temporarily offline. FTC/COPPA information: )
- Dailymotion:
- Twitter Video: ( ).

Relevant tweets:
Tiny URL to this video on YouTube:

#TalkPANTS #NSPCC #NSPCCEB (“National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children except Boys”)

Beta version:
All names of the faces in this video are included into the video tags.
Video version:

This is my third BitChute upload attempt, because the first two failed (stuck at processing forever):
◘ Try 1 (upload server 4):
◘ Try 2 (upload server 8): (update: got processed later.)
◘ Try 3 (upload server 12):

BitChute's current uploader is crap anyway. No parallelism (filling video details during uploading), no drag & drop, manual thumbnail adding enforced, and random failures. Also, 480p is outdated. However, at least, it is 480p@60fps.

Our heroic intactivist Daniel Rold distributes educational index cards in the CVS RiteAid Drug Stores to spread the important knowledge.

He also teaches us why some men need lubrication while others do not.

Disclaimer: This video contains zero violence. Actually, quite the opposite: It prevents it!

YouTube mirror:

Follow me on Twitter (@CircumCrippled):


Daniel Rold on Twitter:

Originally uploaded to YouTube in June 2018 by then ~41-year-old hero Intactivist Daniel Rold. His channel was erased by YouTube in later 2018.
You are encouraged to download, re-upload, re-distribute circulate and replicate this video and any other video by Daniel Rold.

Channel name: “US Victim of Genital Mutilation”.
List of deleted channel videos:
Original channel URL:
Original URL of this video:
Video by Daniel Rold ( )

Disclaimer: CircumCrippled TV is not Daniel Rold. This video was uploaded here for historical preservation and to spread the message.

This is upload try 2, because try 1 ( ) is still indicating “Your video is being processed.” after one day. #BugChute (and BitChute's 2019 uploader is worse than YouTube's 2005 uploader)

Traumatized men who were mutilated against consent share their stories of grievance and sufferage. This is the video you should watch prior to making the decision of allowing a doctor to slice off your offspring's future sexual epicentre.

Featuring intactivists: Daniel Rold, Jordan Arel and Gregory Malchuk!

Credits at 00:11:16.

Watch on YouTube:
Watch with twice the bitrate on Dailymotion:


Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Video version: 1.0

- l 2 s X z G V b c E

Expand description for more information and YouTube mirror.

Daniel Rold has debunked circumcision with basic math, logic, common sense and rational thinking.

Let's rescue another precious Daniel Rold video from oblivion!
YouTube Mirror:

Original title: “Amerikan Doctors Who Mutilate Baby Genitals Fail 3rd Grade Math”.

Originally uploaded to YouTube in ~March 2018 by then 41-year-old hero Intactivist Daniel Rold. His channel was erased by YouTube in later 2018.
You are encouraged to download, re-upload, re-distribute circulate and replicate this video and any other video by Daniel Rold.

Channel name: “US Victim of Genital Mutilation”.
List of deleted channel videos:
Original channel URL:
Original URL of this video:
Video by Daniel Rold ( )

Disclaimer: CircumCrippled TV is not Daniel Rold. This video was uploaded here for historical preservation and to spread the message.

Follow me on Twitter (@CircumCrippled):


Created by Dave Thompson ( )
Dave Thompson on Twitter:
Source video:
Uploaded to BitChute for broader distribution and raising awareness.

Original description: ———————————

The sordid world of genital mutilation (non-therapeutic child circumcision) gets the Greta Thunberg treatment!

Special mentions:

* RCPCH- The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
* NHS - National Health Service
* Children's Commissioner
* Unicef UK
* Barnardo's
* EHRC - Equality and Human Rights Commission
* NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

With special thanks and gratitude to Theo Rio for the music and inspiration.

Original video

Original music

[WARNING:] Strong language.
Expand description for more information.

Let's rescue another treasureable Daniel Rold video from oblivion!

Originally uploaded to YouTube in 2018 by then 41-year-old hero Intactivist Daniel Rold. His channel was erased by YouTube in later 2018.
You are encouraged to download, re-upload, re-distribute circulate and replicate this video and any other video by Daniel Rold.

Channel name: “US Victim of Genital Mutilation”.
List of deleted channel videos:
Original channel URL:
Original URL of this video:
Video by Daniel Rold.

Disclaimer: CircumCrippled TV is not Daniel Rold. This video was uploaded here for historical preservation.

[WARNING:] Strong language.
Expand description for more information.

Originally uploaded to YouTube in 2018 by then 41-year-old hero Intactivist Daniel Rold. His channel was erased by YouTube in later 2018.
You are encouraged to download, re-upload, re-distribute circulate and replicate this video and any other video by Daniel Rold.

Channel name: “US Victim of Genital Mutilation”.
List of deleted channel videos:
Original channel URL:
Original URL of this video:
Video by Daniel Rold.

Disclaimer: CircumCrippled TV is not Daniel Rold. This video was uploaded here for historical preservation.

Reposted from:
“Tepika bulungi” by “Da Great”
Full original title: “Tepika bulungi - DA GREAT official 1HD”
His channel:

Uploaded here because more people must see it.
- Mirror (Dailymotion):
- Original source:
- Original title: A circumcision letter to my mom.
- Original description: A letter I wrote a little over 3 years ago to my mom right before the 2nd time I talked to her about circumcision.


Original descriptions (line breaks and URLs will be added):
Prof. Matthias Franz interviewed by Teresa Arrieta on the occasion of the release of the book "Circumcision of boys, a sad legacy" (English subtitles available) In his work as a psychiatrist he came across the traumatic physical and psychological consequences of the ritual circumcision of boys. He then started to research the issue. What's happens to boys that are circumcised at the age of 5 to 7 years? How does it affect the relationship with the parents, especially the mother? How does it affects the relationship with women in general? His book is available in German: https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verl... Originally uploaded by Teresa Arrieta on May 7, 2014

Mirror of YouTube video:

Foreskin Facials: Torture and disfigure innocent children, ruin their future and look fake-beautiful.
Sandra Bullock: Public circumcision (child torture) supporter.
“Give me the penis!” “I call it the ‘penis facial’”
Male genital mutilation is disgraceful, yet so many people are not properly educated abuot it's consequences!
Circumcision is slavery in disguise.
The same brainwashed women who falsely consider foreskin as gross, smear the same straight into their face.
Lean back and watch Sandra Bullock go down in flames.

Twitter: @CircumCrippled @CCrippled_i2

Playlist #exposed:

Scenes from Sandra Bullock about penis/foreskin facials on “The Ellen Show” (also known as “EllenTube”).
Video version: 20190101-2.
Video created on January 1st 2019.
Beta version:

Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

23 videos

51 subscribers


Category Health & Medical

The downfall of infant circumcision — The end of infant circumcision is near.

Europe's leading Intactivism channel.
Exposing the shady truth behind circumcision and big pharma's inhumane foreskin profit scheme.
Involuntary circumcision is genital mutilation and child abuse.
Infants can not consent to it.

Other primary video channels:

Uploading original content and occasionally re-uploads.

Secondary backup channels on alternative platforms, including Vlare.TV and VidLii.

More platforms and information: .


• We do not oppose voluntary adult circumcision, only involuntary circumcision, because underaged infants are unable to consent to it.
• Also, you are free to believe into any religion and/or esoterism you like, as long as it does not inflict any harm onto innocent individuals or other groups of people.


Deutschsprachige Kanalbeschreibung (German description of this channel):

CircumCrippled TV ist der bisher Europaweit meistgeschaute anti-Zirkumzisions-Kanal (oder „Intaktivismuskanal”).

Der Ziel von CircumCrippled TV ist es, die nächste Generation von der als „Beschneidung“ verhamlosten, mitteralterlichen Foltermethode und massiv profitablen Betrugsmasche der männlichen Genitalverstümmelung zu schützen.

Das Grundgesetz hat es nicht geschaft, mich davor zu schützen, wie menschlicher Abfall behandelt zu werden.

Der Untergang der Zirkumzision naht — Vorhaut ist angesagt!