American Circumcision — Full Documentary movie [must watch]

First published at 12:47 UTC on April 18th, 2019.



13 subscribers

More people need to see this important documentary film! Uploaded to BitChute to spread the important message and make more people aware of it.
Let's raise awareness and stop this barbaric practice!

About the film:
Finished in 2017.
Published in …

SensitivityNormal - Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

  • cacheless

    circumcision fore skin used in many cosmetic the pain of the baby so you can look good evil dirt bags

    • xxhellrazorxx911

      yo my fourskin saved my penis from an accodent. where i droped a head of a ciggerette and it burned though my pants onto my fourskin

      • RebirthBrother

        So sad that this disgusting abuse continues today in America, “land of the free”. 🤦‍♂️

        • JohnWeatherford

          It will not load ??

          • Arthur Butz The Third

            proponents are jews opponents are jews too ?

            • SamSkara

              don't you know that this is their technique? they always provide their own opposition - it's called "controlled opposition"...the best example is that of the hippie anti-war movement...they pushed the idea that the opposition to the war was just a bunch of drug-crazed hippies, thus negating the movement in the eyes of a lot of Americans at the time.


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