
Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/meatalstenosis/

In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child: https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/

Brother K: "We will end this cruelty, this scourge, this curse over our land." https://www.bitchute.com/video/dTV3LjxQjabb/

You're Either Against All Mutilations, Or You Aren't At All + A Challenge - VforVernon: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hvDTui4yIqRW/

The Crime Against Our Sons - Brother K: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YNcNnZ5YhERC/

"YOU NEVER FORGET THAT RIPPING SOUND." https://www.bitchute.com/video/HKYoAsnQSqAS/

1 week ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/beardy0033/

The caption for this image reads: "Jonathan Friedman [the Jewish man speaking here], a 31-year-old activist, chants “I want my foreskin back” Monday morning at the intersection of 13th Street and University Avenue. Friedman is a member of the Bloodstained Men, an activist group that has been traveling across the United States to protest the circumcision of boys at birth."

It can be important to differentiate Jewish people as individuals from the broad Jewish agenda. Hitler also exhibited these sentiments. For example, we read:

"When the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938, Hitler awarded Bloch special protection and personally intervened to ensure his safety, as Bloch was an Austrian Jew."

Comments at the source:

"I was visiting the baby room at the hospital after my 1st son was born. A Dr pulled the screen across at the back of the room & I heard the most primal & chilling scream. I asked the nurse what was going on & she told me it was a circumcision. Baby would have been 1-2 days old."

"I can't imagine the pain and trauma those babies feel let alone the lifelong effects mentally it would leave. The whole hospital system is such a revolting sterile meat factory basically. The amount of nutrients they rob from all of us when they clamp the placenta and immediately remove it would stunt us more than we could even know."

On the matter of robbing us more than we could even know, this makes even more important natural breastfeeding with a loving mother.

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

1 month, 1 week ago

Foreskins, mohels and circumcisions. History and psychology of jewish penis biters, male genital mutilation, circumcision, bris/brit milah, Metzitzah b'peh, etc.

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Copied from https://www.tiktok.com/@danielrold

He says the average age of retraction is ten.

I can say that I was in no way trying to retract my penis at 10, and in my case the foreskin definitely was fused to the glans at that age.

That's a good thing because my penis wasn't finished developing. As the rest of the penis grows, the fused foreskin grows with it. They grow together.

I'm not convinced 10 is average unless people have been fussing with things. It doesn't make sense why that would be so.

How would a ten year old even know to check for something like that? At ten you're using your penis for urination and nothing else.

I was taught at my religious school to keep my hands off my penis, and that was good practice.

In my late teens I could retract and I ended up with a long foreskin as God and nature intended.

I didn't know so many have had their intact penises damaged by retraction and cleaning measures until I encountered anecdotes online.

I had a family medical doctor, but she never inspected my penis or tried to do anything like that. It was just left alone. Just a normal, healthy penis that wasn't giving me any issues.

Also, someone mentioned restoring the foreskin. That's impossible, but what you can do is stretch and grow shaft skin to create a natural covering over the glans. It's therapeutic and beneficial for many mutilated men.

If you have an intact penis you'll appreciate why it isn't at all possible to regrow the foreskin after a radical circumcision has amputated it.

However, as I say, many victims benefit from tugging and growing shaft skin.

Daniel says there is this incessant desire to clean little boys' genitals. Why? Even my adult penis doesn't require any cleaning. Every time I urinate it gets flushed with sterile urine, as happens with every other animal. Since I'm not irritating the sensitive tissues and beneficial bacteria with damaging soaps, it takes care of itself. I can rinse inside with water, like rinsing one's eyes, but it's not at all necessary.

4 months, 1 week ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/bonobo3d/

"John V. Geisheker, J.D., LL.M., Executive Director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision discusses normal penile development in a child and strongly cautions parents, do not retract your son's foreskin."

Check out this comment:

"This video has given me so much peace of mind about the decision my husband and I made not to have my son's foreskin forcibly retracted at around Age 4."

That's absolutely crazy. I wonder how many intact boys are damaged as such.

Someone on this channel also mentioned retracting the foreskin to pee.

Never have I done that. A long foreskin is a perfect pee spout. No animal in nature fusses with his foreskinned penis.

Crazy how many do not trust God and natural design.

One victim said, "I envy my dog." https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/feelings.htm

If you want to use a piece of tissue to absorb excess sterile urine from the acroposthion, you can do that. That will keep the spout from dripping a drop of urine into the underwear. Just keep in mind the inside of the foreskin is supposed to be wet. It's comfortable and rich, like the vagina it complements.

Noted previously:

In mutilating cultures, they commonly damage the intact penis by saying it needs to be cleaned beneath the foreskin when it still is fused to the glans. Actually, the penis doesn't need any more cleaning than do your eyes. It takes care of itself. If you prematurely sever the foreskin from the glans you can create infections, in addition to stunting the growth and form of the foreskin.

In mutilating cultures you're going to have a lot of mutilated men envious of intact boys, so they're going to want to damage what they have under the guise of helping them keep it clean. That's what commonly happens. You also have women whose hubbies are mutilated who have ill will as well.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/ON4XrfaktmA

Peaceful Parenting: http://www.drmomma.org/
Circumcision: Then and Now: http://www.cirp.org/library/history/peron2/
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child: https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/

History of Circumcision: http://www.cirp.org/library/history/

We read: "The modern use of Hebrew circumcision as a medicalized practice dates from about 1865 in England and about 1870 in the US.12 The procedure accepted for medical use essentially was the Jewish peri'ah."

From the Then and Now page:

"After performing "milah", the cutting back of the end of the infant's foreskin, a second step, periah was then performed. Periah consists of tearing and stripping back the remaining inner mucosal lining of the foreskin from the glans and then, by use of a sharp finger nail or implement, removing all of the inner mucosal tissue, including the excising and removal of the frenulum from the underside of the glans. The objective was to insure that no part of the remaining penile skin would rest against the glans corona. If any shreds of the mucosal foreskin tissue remained, or rejoined to the underside of the glans, the child was to be re-circumcised.

This is a much more radical form of circumcision. It was dictated by man, and is not the biblical commanded circumcision rite."

Richanda says many Jewish people today are intact and participate in intactivism.

The Truth Fairy says:

"The real motocross for circumcision is multi layered, but it is an attack on human love. To cause maximum trauma, grief, and catastrophic damage to males and their ability to bond."

Consider as well that when you operate on an infant's penis that has done no growing, amputating even a little makes a big difference in how it develops. Infant genitals are very small, and obviously not intended for surgical medical quackery. The operation is very traumatizing and damaging in many ways.

The Serial Circumciser: https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/serial-c.htm

"The very act of shredding and mutilating a baby's penis with knives, clamps, electrocautery guns, or fingernails affects the serial circumciser's brain chemistry like a drug. The craving for this neurological stimulus is an addiction as real and as irresistible as an addiction to heroin. Carving, crushing, burning, and slicing a baby's penis, reducing it to gore, getting his hands covered with penis blood, and filling his ears with shrieks and screams of agony and terror are the potent drug cocktail the serial circumciser needs to make himself feel alive."

I agree with a quote I read that it's not circumcision that needs study, it's circumcisers.

"Man is the cruelest animal." Nietzsche

"YOU NEVER FORGET THAT RIPPING SOUND." https://www.bitchute.com/video/HKYoAsnQSqAS/

Pictured is a cheetah family. They don't mutilate their babies and yet thrive in harsh natural environments.

5 months ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/profoundly_sick_society/

The image is from: "Babies’ foreskin can turn into women’s facial cream" https://www.whatsonsanya.com/post/10461/babies-foreskin-can-turn-into-womens-facial-cream/

Also, the source channel has a video of Bieber posted and says this:

"The Jewish poison injection is hitting the high profile "celebs" now, how many new diseases and syndromes can the Jews invent to cover up their crimes against humanity?"

Almost certainly high profile celebs were not injected with anything and if needed were given fake passes. Recall the famous Russo discussion on the NWO plan to chip everyone. Nick Rockefeller assured Aaron his chip would indicate he's an insider and to leave him alone.

If celebrities had to live like the rest of the public, with the same injections, they would speak out. They get privileged lifestyles and special treatment in exchange for their services. Much easier to advance goals when you're not antagonizing your public celebrities.

Most will do what they're told for normal wages and salaries. Celebrities get great lifestyles, adulation, and great wealth, so of course they shill for the establishment.

In that Bieber video, I don't see any effects of any poison. The press ran with that story to make it seem even a mega celeb like Bieber was getting the same drugging as everyone else, and to appeal to the envy of the downtrodden who want bad things to happen to those with elite levels of privilege.

The world is run by psychopaths and they enjoy messing with you. Likewise, selling foreskin products to vain, sexy feminists (who couldn't care less about male rights) further humiliates the male victims of forced infant sexual mutilation.

"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners." KrissyKayIndigo

Psychopaths mess with their targets in many ways.

Also see: "In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child" https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/

I didn't realize this explicitly informative site found a new home. Those interested can browse around at the link above.

"I didn't think much about circumcision one way or the other until I saw a training video for doctors. It's the most brutal, cruelest thing that I have ever seen. I can't believe that anyone could bring themselves to do that to an infant." Joe

"MGM is a form of mind control. When an infant is sexually abused it affects a basic ability to be able to stabilize the nervous system and it can impair the capacity for basic trust. It affects latching behaviors and the ability to take in nourishment. The trauma creates dissociation and fundamental cross hemispheric communication in the brain. When no one helps the infant a freeze response can lead to states of learned helplessness." headrat

"The foreskin is where all the erogenous sensation/nerves are. The glans is non-erogenous; it's protopathic like the eye, i.e. it sense pain and pressure. Circumcision was invented to sexually suppress, just like FGM. And it was adopted by Western doctors to do just that. Histological analysis has proven what I'm saying. I was cut like you unnecessarily in my teens (there was no valid reason for you to have had your foreskin cut off) and it took away all my sensation and gave me ED. Unfortunately, the medical industry is keeping quiet about the brutal reality of circumcision damage. Most circumcised men were mutilated as babies or in prepubescence and so never know their penis is abnormal. Just like most victims of FGM do not see it as sexually damaging. We're all being lied to about this. Male genital mutilation is the biggest human rights abuse in the Western world right now." lawrence63489

"My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe." https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/feelings.htm

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

5 months ago

Copied from https://www.youtube.com/user/Bonobo3D/videos

"Being intact is about much more than just sexual pleasure. Refer to Jeanice Barcelo regarding healthy intimate bonding. Some fifteen square inches of vital specialized tissues are amputated. What remains no matter how well protected is a crippled joke."

"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners." KrissyKayIndigo

"Having sex with a circumcised man is uncomfortable for a woman, and this discomfort (often pain) quickly trains her to avoid sex. She make excuses, like "I have a headache," "I'm too stressed-out about housework," or more honestly "I have a bladder infection/cystitis," or "I feel chafed," or "I feel bruised from last time."" http://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/v1/index291.htm

"The vast majority of these women agreed there are indeed definite, discernible differences between circumcised and natural intercourse. Natural intercourse is decidedly superior—gloriously better." http://sexasnatureintendedit.com/

"It's SO much better yes!! Oh gawd. BJs and HJs are MUCH easier to give, for one... and two, it slides so nicely and rubs so very...very....very well." Lysondra

"Wondering if the numb dick feels it needs the extra tightness of the butthole." kittygirl

"It was a rabbit hole that I jumped into immediately. I just got chills at the fact that circumcision was that bad. I said if you try to force me to circumcise our baby then I'm going to divorce you. I forced him to watch a circumcision video. He did not even make it a few seconds in and he went and vomited and he said there is no way we are going to circumcise the baby. The false information they give you to scare you into circumcision is based upon money, greed, ignorance. There's so many people that just don't know. It takes an army of people who care to stand up and say this is wrong. It's his body and his choice and parents need to realize that. Know better, do better. The cycle can end." Beaumont Texas - Day 7 of 22 day Circumcision Crisis Protest https://youtu.be/obQSLvsOGp8?t=487

"I envy my dog." http://foreskins-ok-usa.tumblr.com/post/78270313766/circumcision-feelings-too-violent-to-describe

"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."

"Circumcision destroyed many people. You are very much not alone. The best thing to do is keep talking about it." Kurt Ratzlaff

Peaceful Parenting: http://www.drmomma.org/
Circumcision: Then and Now: http://www.cirp.org/library/history/peron2/
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child: https://thorium.rocks/misc/sexuallymutilatedchild.org/

5 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/GkNRzpq3pTQ

Combatvet says:

"I was circumcisized..... Appendix removed.....Tonsils removed....Wisdom Teeth removed....

I left intact his bizarre spelling of circumcised. You'd be surprised how many victims of this atrocity can't even spell correctly the euphemism for what was done.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

How many adults and children have been deliberately killed by the mainstream media?

I aim to give people the newest and most important alternative news and the
truth as it comes in from the worlds leading researchers. Nevertheless, more importantly, how to recover and remove yourself from this INSANE system.

5 months, 2 weeks ago

Copied from https://www.tiktok.com/@danielrold

The image is from https://gazette.com/news/local/bloodstained-men-and-other-groups-push-to-not-circumcise-infant-boys-seen-as-anti-semitic/article_9dbd6e82-89cd-11ec-8484-3350f6acc8e7.html

The penis size obsession in mutilating cultures surely is related to MGM, not the actual length or girth of the instrument. That's a distraction from what was amputated.

Also see: "The Foreskin in Oprah's Face cream" http://www.drmomma.org/2009/10/foreskins-in-oprahs-facecream.html

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Copied from https://www.tiktok.com/@danielrold

He has lots more clips at the source.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/k9jSxZXDf2s

"Naming and shaming Dr Stoll who genitally mutilated me in Brisbane 60 years ago. He may have been assisted by a certain Sister Reid. What a welcome party I had waiting for me!"

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/defendressofsan/

He says those who have been violated through sexual mutilation generally have a problem with anger. I see that in the comments on my channel and elsewhere. In fact, because of these angry misfits, this channel is banned in most civilized countries.

It is one thing to intelligently express anger, but these misfits add nothing of value and talk about killing people. Not only do they lower the tone of the discussion and tarnish the respectability of legitimate truth seekers, they are dangerous and warrant monitoring by matrix authorities.

Comments should be suitable for a higher learning environment.

6 months ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ccrippled/

The image is from https://acroposthion.com/religious-circumcision/

The caption reads: "A six year old Muslim boy cries from his circumcision…money has been placed over his torso."

"YOU NEVER FORGET THAT RIPPING SOUND." https://www.bitchute.com/video/HKYoAsnQSqA

"Dr. Xxxxxx mutilated my sexual organs" https://www.bitchute.com/video/Wyw5hoZf8sAP/

"The indifference to a woman's sexual pleasure that is implicit in Maimonides becomes explicit in R. Isaac. The sexual inadequacy of the circumcised man, implicit in the Midrash on Genesis and in Maimonides, becomes explicit in R. Isaac. Maimonides' implicit contrast of the circumcised man with the foreskinned, the former sexually restrained and therefore devoted to God, the latter sexually unrestrained and therefore estranged from God, becomes explicit in R. Isaac. The crucial difference between them is that Maimonides lived in a Muslim environment in which virtually all men were circumcised, while R. Isaac lived in a Christian environment in which virtually all non-Jewish men were foreskinned. In R. Isaac's eyes, Christian men were sexual supermen, who could pleasure their women to a degree far beyond the capacities of Jewish men, and who could do so far more often. If virility were to be defined in terms of sexual prowess, Jewish men would fail miserably, because their circumcision has rendered them incapable of pleasuring their women. But for R. Isaac, of course, virility is a function not of sexual prowess but of intellectual and spiritual capacity, and by this criterion circumcised Jewish men are manly indeed, while foreskinned Christian men are impotent."

Shaye J. D. Cohen, page 156 of Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised?: Gender and Covenant in Judaism. 2005.

Sex As Nature Intended It: http://sexasnatureintendedit.com/

Chapter #9: Childbirth, Circumcision and Sex Dysfunction: https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/v1/index291.htm

"Healing The Hidden Wound: Circumcision with Pyasa" https://www.bitcoinnewsline.com/jeff-berwick/healing-the-hidden-wound-circumcision-with-pyasa/

Jeff Berwick of Dollar Vigilante says, "The angriest I had ever been about a single issue."

Lawrence Newman says, "Forced genital mutilation of males is no different than forced genital mutilation of females. It has been proven via histological analysis that essentially all the erogenous nerves of the penis are located in the ridged band and frenular delta of the foreskin, both of which are cut off. I was circumcised for pseudomedical reasons by the NHS in the UK when I was 14 and it destroyed my sexual pleasure completely. The glans penis is almost non-erogenous in character. It's like the eyeball--covered in crude free nerves that detect pain and pressure. That's all the circumcised man's left with. Unfortunately many people have bought the baseless folk theory that the glans penis and glans clitoris are the primary sexual organs. This is untrue and no histological evidence exists to back this up.

Forced circumcision is the most disgusting, despicable act you could do to someone. It's objectively worse than rape--it is non-consensual but it is also irreversible and damages you for life. I have PTSD/depression over it and have sworn off women because sex is pointless. Imagine how many boys and men commit suicide, get depression/PTSD or end up murdering people due to this horrific crime."

He also says, "Male circumcision has always been about sexual suppression of males. And circumcised men have lost the most sensitive parts of their penis. Where is your evidence they enjoy sex? Because these men have sex, can get erection ergo they must enjoy it? No, these men have never known what foreskin feels like. I can tell you, having experienced both, that circumcision kills pleasure dead. A woman's glans clitoris is a small part of her sexual apparatus and she can enjoy sex without it via penetrative sex. A man without a foreskin can't enjoy sex because he has no ridge band and frenular delta. The glans penis is virtually sexually insensitive. IGNORANCE."

I got that from the description here: "Circumcision Discussion with My Sister - AshAllDay" https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1UOCfjXjEh1/

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

6 months ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/meatalstenosis/

As I mentioned elsewhere, this tradition isn't Biblical. It was radicalized by rabbis to make the procedure extreme and irreversible.

So much profit has been made lying to parents about this procedure as though it has any medical legitimacy.

What else are they lying about?

"The indifference to a woman's sexual pleasure that is implicit in Maimonides becomes explicit in R. Isaac. The sexual inadequacy of the circumcised man, implicit in the Midrash on Genesis and in Maimonides, becomes explicit in R. Isaac. Maimonides' implicit contrast of the circumcised man with the foreskinned, the former sexually restrained and therefore devoted to God, the latter sexually unrestrained and therefore estranged from God, becomes explicit in R. Isaac. The crucial difference between them is that Maimonides lived in a Muslim environment in which virtually all men were circumcised, while R. Isaac lived in a Christian environment in which virtually all non-Jewish men were foreskinned. In R. Isaac's eyes, Christian men were sexual supermen, who could pleasure their women to a degree far beyond the capacities of Jewish men, and who could do so far more often. If virility were to be defined in terms of sexual prowess, Jewish men would fail miserably, because their circumcision has rendered them incapable of pleasuring their women. But for R. Isaac, of course, virility is a function not of sexual prowess but of intellectual and spiritual capacity, and by this criterion circumcised Jewish men are manly indeed, while foreskinned Christian men are impotent."

Shaye J. D. Cohen, page 156 of Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised?: Gender and Covenant in Judaism. 2005.

Sex As Nature Intended It: http://sexasnatureintendedit.com/

Chapter #9: Childbirth, Circumcision and Sex Dysfunction: https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/v1/index291.htm

"Healing The Hidden Wound: Circumcision with Pyasa" https://www.bitcoinnewsline.com/jeff-berwick/healing-the-hidden-wound-circumcision-with-pyasa/

Jeff Berwick of Dollar Vigilante says, "The angriest I had ever been about a single issue."

Lawrence Newman says, "Forced genital mutilation of males is no different than forced genital mutilation of females. It has been proven via histological analysis that essentially all the erogenous nerves of the penis are located in the ridged band and frenular delta of the foreskin, both of which are cut off. I was circumcised for pseudomedical reasons by the NHS in the UK when I was 14 and it destroyed my sexual pleasure completely. The glans penis is almost non-erogenous in character. It's like the eyeball--covered in crude free nerves that detect pain and pressure. That's all the circumcised man's left with. Unfortunately many people have bought the baseless folk theory that the glans penis and glans clitoris are the primary sexual organs. This is untrue and no histological evidence exists to back this up.

Forced circumcision is the most disgusting, despicable act you could do to someone. It's objectively worse than rape--it is non-consensual but it is also irreversible and damages you for life. I have PTSD/depression over it and have sworn off women because sex is pointless. Imagine how many boys and men commit suicide, get depression/PTSD or end up murdering people due to this horrific crime."

He also says, "Male circumcision has always been about sexual suppression of males. And circumcised men have lost the most sensitive parts of their penis. Where is your evidence they enjoy sex? Because these men have sex, can get erection ergo they must enjoy it? No, these men have never known what foreskin feels like. I can tell you, having experienced both, that circumcision kills pleasure dead. A woman's glans clitoris is a small part of her sexual apparatus and she can enjoy sex without it via penetrative sex. A man without a foreskin can't enjoy sex because he has no ridge band and frenular delta. The glans penis is virtually sexually insensitive. IGNORANCE."

I got that from the description here: "Circumcision Discussion with My Sister - AshAllDay" https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1UOCfjXjEh1/

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

6 months ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/phantasm101/

As I mentioned elsewhere, this tradition isn't Biblical. It was radicalized by rabbis to make the procedure extreme and irreversible.

So much profit has been made lying to parents about this procedure as though it has any medical legitimacy.

What else are they lying about?

"The indifference to a woman's sexual pleasure that is implicit in Maimonides becomes explicit in R. Isaac. The sexual inadequacy of the circumcised man, implicit in the Midrash on Genesis and in Maimonides, becomes explicit in R. Isaac. Maimonides' implicit contrast of the circumcised man with the foreskinned, the former sexually restrained and therefore devoted to God, the latter sexually unrestrained and therefore estranged from God, becomes explicit in R. Isaac. The crucial difference between them is that Maimonides lived in a Muslim environment in which virtually all men were circumcised, while R. Isaac lived in a Christian environment in which virtually all non-Jewish men were foreskinned. In R. Isaac's eyes, Christian men were sexual supermen, who could pleasure their women to a degree far beyond the capacities of Jewish men, and who could do so far more often. If virility were to be defined in terms of sexual prowess, Jewish men would fail miserably, because their circumcision has rendered them incapable of pleasuring their women. But for R. Isaac, of course, virility is a function not of sexual prowess but of intellectual and spiritual capacity, and by this criterion circumcised Jewish men are manly indeed, while foreskinned Christian men are impotent."

Shaye J. D. Cohen, page 156 of Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised?: Gender and Covenant in Judaism. 2005.

Sex As Nature Intended It: http://sexasnatureintendedit.com/

Chapter #9: Childbirth, Circumcision and Sex Dysfunction: https://www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com/v1/index291.htm

"Healing The Hidden Wound: Circumcision with Pyasa" https://www.bitcoinnewsline.com/jeff-berwick/healing-the-hidden-wound-circumcision-with-pyasa/

Jeff Berwick of Dollar Vigilante says, "The angriest I had ever been about a single issue."

Lawrence Newman says, "Forced genital mutilation of males is no different than forced genital mutilation of females. It has been proven via histological analysis that essentially all the erogenous nerves of the penis are located in the ridged band and frenular delta of the foreskin, both of which are cut off. I was circumcised for pseudomedical reasons by the NHS in the UK when I was 14 and it destroyed my sexual pleasure completely. The glans penis is almost non-erogenous in character. It's like the eyeball--covered in crude free nerves that detect pain and pressure. That's all the circumcised man's left with. Unfortunately many people have bought the baseless folk theory that the glans penis and glans clitoris are the primary sexual organs. This is untrue and no histological evidence exists to back this up.

Forced circumcision is the most disgusting, despicable act you could do to someone. It's objectively worse than rape--it is non-consensual but it is also irreversible and damages you for life. I have PTSD/depression over it and have sworn off women because sex is pointless. Imagine how many boys and men commit suicide, get depression/PTSD or end up murdering people due to this horrific crime."

He also says, "Male circumcision has always been about sexual suppression of males. And circumcised men have lost the most sensitive parts of their penis. Where is your evidence they enjoy sex? Because these men have sex, can get erection ergo they must enjoy it? No, these men have never known what foreskin feels like. I can tell you, having experienced both, that circumcision kills pleasure dead. A woman's glans clitoris is a small part of her sexual apparatus and she can enjoy sex without it via penetrative sex. A man without a foreskin can't enjoy sex because he has no ridge band and frenular delta. The glans penis is virtually sexually insensitive. IGNORANCE."

I got that from the description here: "Circumcision Discussion with My Sister - AshAllDay" https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1UOCfjXjEh1/

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

6 months, 3 weeks ago

Archive video.

7 months, 3 weeks ago

Recorded at the April 10, 2022 rally in Vancouver re. Bill Gates.
Source: Bonobo3D - Sub, Share, and Support @
Also see:

Gates, Epstein, Adrenochrome, Monsanto and online buying (26:55)

Bill Gates Tells the Truth... for the First Time (3:46)

Infamous Serial Killers and Bill "VAX" Gates (9:40)


Bill Gates: Globalist Technocrat to "Save" You With Mandatory Vaccines? (33:39)

Old Bill Gates had a farm E—I—E—I—O (He Wants to Kill You) 10:05

10 months, 1 week ago

The Dangers in the World
by Black Crimes Matters

11 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/SP4PFbt3qgM

I found out about Pyasa through Jeff Berwick: https://www.bitcoinnewsline.com/jeff-berwick/healing-the-hidden-wound-circumcision-with-pyasa/

Jeff says, "The angriest I had ever been about a single issue."

What is called circumcision today actually is radical circumcision, meaning it's a radicalized procedure that is not comparable to forms before the current rabbinic radicalization.

See http://www.cirp.org/library/history/

"In contrast to the Jews, the Greeks and the Romans placed a high value on the prepuce..3 34 The Romans passed several laws to protect the prepuce by prohibiting circumcision.3 34 The laws were applied to everyone and were not directed against the Jews.3

Much later in the Hellenic period, about 140 C.E., the Jewish authorities modified circumcision procedure to make it impossible for a Jew to appear to be an uncircumcised Greek.10,11,20,30 A radical new procedure called peri'ah was introduced by the priests and rabbis. In this procedure the foreskin was stripped away from the glans, with which it is fused in the infant (See Normal.) In a painful procedure known today as a synechotomy, more foreskin was removed than before and the injury was correspondingly greater. With the introduction of peri'ah, the glans could not easily be recovered, and so no Jewish male would easily be able to appear as an uncircumcised Greek.10,11,20,31 This radical modified procedure eventually was adopted by the medical profession and is the circumcision operation used today."

I have many uploads on radical circumcision, MGM, and foreskin. This upload is meant to be a brief introduction.

Some commentary that will address any comments left below:

I woke up to this when still a teen when I realized the best portions of my genitalia would have been amputated were I "circumcised" like so many others. If you're interested in exploring further, I have many uploads on this subject, and in most of the uploads I included lots of information and links.

My genitalia developed properly because the fused foreskin was not tampered with by a medical quack. I can't speak for other men.

Lawrence Newman says:

"Forced genital mutilation of males is no different than forced genital mutilation of females. It has been proven via histological analysis that essentially all the erogenous nerves of the penis are located in the ridged band and frenular delta of the foreskin, both of which are cut off. I was circumcised for pseudomedical reasons by the NHS in the UK when I was 14 and it destroyed my sexual pleasure completely. The glans penis is almost non-erogenous in character. It's like the eyeball--covered in crude free nerves that detect pain and pressure. That's all the circumcised man's left with. Unfortunately many people have bought the baseless folk theory that the glans penis and glans clitoris are the primary sexual organs. This is untrue and no histological evidence exists to back this up.

Forced circumcision is the most disgusting, despicable act you could do to someone. It's objectively worse than rape--it is non-consensual but it is also irreversible and damages you for life. I have PTSD/depression over it and have sworn off women because sex is pointless. Imagine how many boys and men commit suicide, get depression/PTSD or end up murdering people due to this horrific crime."

He also says, "Women can still orgasm after type 2 FGM. The external genitalia are not needed for orgasm. A woman experiences pleasure during penetrative sex, obviously. A man with no foreskin can't feel pleasure, because all the sexual sensation is in the foreskin. The glans penis of the male is almost sexually insensitive."

"Male circumcision has always been about sexual suppression of males. And circumcised men have lost the most sensitive parts of their penis. Where is your evidence they enjoy sex? Because these men have sex, can get erection ergo they must enjoy it? No, these men have never known what foreskin feels like. I can tell you, having experienced both, that circumcision kills pleasure dead. A woman's glans clitoris is a small part of her sexual apparatus and she can enjoy sex without it via penetrative sex. A man without a foreskin can't enjoy sex because he has no ridge band and frenular delta. The glans penis is virtually sexually insensitive. IGNORANCE."

I got that from the description here: "Circumcision Discussion with My Sister - AshAllDay" https://www.bitchute.com/video/U1UOCfjXjEh1/

I had many quotes saved on one of those text sites, but the contents have since been removed. There also used to be a very active circumcision/MGM forum with a plethora of valuable information, and it was fully hacked and purged. Male circumcision/MGM is a heavily censored and lied about topic.

However, I'm sure much valuable material still remains in my #CIRCUMCISION #MGM #FORESKIN and #INTACTIVISM sections.

Share any valuable thoughts and insights.

1 year, 1 month ago


1 year, 1 month ago

Male genital mutilation is funny to these sick fuckers, what if these were female genitals that were being mutilated and used as a "beauty treatment"? $650 per treatment with a 2 year waiting list, but it's only Korean babies foreskins right? sure it is.

1 year, 2 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/gVvGnXnkj34

I have many male genital mutilation (radical circumcision) uploads on this channel, along with much useful commentary. About this particular atrocity, I know as much as anyone in the world.

1 year, 8 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/6PuQ2l0GE8o

I haven't watched much of this. I just want to comment on the part about 15 minutes in where he says he was circumcised at 6 because his foreskin wouldn't properly retract. The foreskin is meant to be fused to the glans until the penis finishes growing. Being fused to the glans helps the foreskin grow with the rest of the developing penis. It shows the ignorance or malignancy of the medical people involved that they would call abnormal and in need of surgery a normal, healthy penis.

My channel has many circumcision uploads with lots of uniquely informed commentary.

People in general ought to appreciate that just because someone says something with conviction doesn't make it true even it sounds reasonable and true, and even if they present themselves as an expert.

1 year, 8 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/lNItNHs9PR8

"I have firsthand experience of that pain. While in a deep meditative state, I recalled that scene. When the doctor used to hemostats to literally tear the skin loose, it was the searing agony of being skinned alive, and that pain flooded every part of my body inside and out. I was only able to bear it for a few seconds and terminated the meditation only to find myself covered in cold sweat, in a state of shock, and a heart rate at an astounding 300 beats per minute. (I was 52 at the time, and I am not sure how this affected my heart but it now skips beats)

It was only after it that I realized what I had recalled but being as it was in no way anything like what I knew a baby should be treated like, I thought it was misinterpreted somehow. It was only after I saw a video of a baby being circumcised that I realized that it was EXACTLY what they did to me."

2 years, 10 months ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ccrippled/

"In Your FACE Intactivism‼: Dr. John Dudek, Serial Baby Knife Rapist. – by Daniel Rold." at the source.

2 years, 10 months ago

Every body you have ever seen is a masterpiece of evolution.

A result of reproductive success of every prior generation.

Our bodies may be far from flawless, yet they are full of surprises, miracles and adventures.

Being born in first place is so fortunate that it's less likely than winning the lottery.

Had your parents had sex just minutes earlier or later, no such person known to be you today would exist. Maybe a very similar one, but not exactly the same.

Every person is second to none. You can consider yourself incredibly lucky for merely being able to experience now. This exact moment.

We never hear from billions of people that were never born, yet your child gets to make the first steps on our planet.

The moment you unnecessarily amputate any body parts, millions of years of evolution that nature put into creating that part for that human being gets put to waste.

If you believe your child will be able to handle a profound physical loss with ease, you are blatantly lying to yourself.

If you allowed your child's genitals to become mutilated, not only have you intruded and manipulated one of his most sophisticated body parts.

You have obliterated the vast majority of his future sexual sensation. A priceless gift full of euphoria and limitless bliss, permanently annihilated and ripped off the only body through which he will ever experience life.

Whether you chose to acknowledge the truth, or keep denying it in blissful ignorance.
No scalpel and no circumcision clamp belongs near the precious body of an infant.

Don't let anyone come near him with a knife.
Because there is no afterlife.

You must always protect his integrity.
Keep him safe, whole and scar-free.

This is his only body.
Don't smear his freedom into Sandra Bullshit's face.
He deserves to be a part
of the foreskin master race.


Video version: 1.1

Video created by:
CircumCrippled TV

Text composed by:
CircumCrippled TV

Music composed by:
Philip Ayers
Wayne Jones

(provided names)
Ani Acopian
Joe Capra
Jimi Drosinos
Tim Johnson

Constructive criticism is solicited.

== Mirrors ==
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MyCpboDEaA
Dailymotion (highest video bit rate): https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7pk05g
BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/EBD97avzZuSe/

Your reward for reading the entire description:
A non-published and unfinished CircumCrippled TV video from February 2019! (Destruction of Dr. Chaya! – the lost episode).
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oqO9klycjw
Take it with a grain of salt, it is not finished.

3 years, 1 month ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/gZQyG9Q4qho

"It's not circumcision that needs to be studied. It's circumcisers." John Erickson

The procedure is in several videos on this channel visible if you change your sensitivity settings to allow NSFL content. I don't like content like that in the standard playlist. It's an extraordinarily sick procedure.

3 years, 2 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/RTHzLUKxXDU

Practical. Functional. Natural. Useful.
Foreskin means limitless beauty.
Foreskin is a masterpiece.
Foreskin is a miracle.

"In R. Isaac's eyes, Christian men were sexual supermen, who could pleasure their women to a degree far beyond the capacities of Jewish men, and who could do so far more often. If virility were to be defined in terms of sexual prowess, Jewish men would fail miserably, because their circumcision has rendered them incapable of pleasuring their women."

"Male circumcision is more sexually damaging than FGM. More tissue is excised, more nerves are lost, more functionality is lost. The foreskin has been PROVEN to be the primary sexual tissue with almost all pleasurable properties because the glans has virtually no fine touch reception, mostly protopathic sensitivity [i.e. pressure]. By a simple process of elimination, we can deduce that the foreskin is the hub of pleasure."

3 years, 3 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/OjkCpEMj9vY

"I'm speechless. But every day, all over the world, boys are strapped down and their genitalia mutilated by butchers. It must stop."

Lawrence Newman writes:

"Forced genital mutilation of males is no different than forced genital mutilation of females. It has been proven via histological analysis that essentially all the erogenous nerves of the penis are located in the ridged band and frenular delta of the foreskin, both of which are cut off. I was circumcised for pseudomedical reasons by the NHS in the UK when I was 14 and it destroyed my sexual pleasure completely. The glans penis is almost non-erogenous in character. It's like the eyeball--covered in crude free nerves that detect pain and pressure. That's all the circumcised man's left with. Unfortunately many people have bought the baseless folk theory that the glans penis and glans clitoris are the primary sexual organs. This is untrue and no histological evidence exists to back this up.

Forced circumcision is the most disgusting, despicable act you could do to someone. It's objectively worse than rape--it is non-consensual but it is also irreversible and damages you for life. I have PTSD/depression over it and have sworn off women because sex is pointless. Imagine how many boys and men commit suicide, get depression/PTSD or end up murdering people due to this horrific crime.

Ban it now. Anyone who supports this human rights abuse is a psychopathic sadist."

He also says, "Women can still orgasm after type 2 FGM. The external genitalia are not needed for orgasm. A woman experiences pleasure during penetrative sex, obviously. A man with no foreskin can't feel pleasure, because all the sexual sensation is in the foreskin. The glans penis of the male is almost sexually insensitive."

"Male circumcision has always been about sexual suppression of males. And circumcised men have lost the most sensitive parts of their penis. Where is your evidence they enjoy sex? Because these men have sex, can get erection ergo they must enjoy it? No, these men have never known what foreskin feels like. I can tell you, having experienced both, that circumcision kills pleasure dead. A woman's glans clitoris is a small part of her sexual apparatus and she can enjoy sex without it via penetrative sex. A man without a foreskin can't enjoy sex because he has no ridge band and frenular delta. The glans penis is virtually sexually insensitive. IGNORANCE."

3 years, 3 months ago

Copied from https://www.bitchute.com/channel/httpswwwbitchutecomzarkezar/

He has some interesting thoughts on other matters as well.

3 years, 3 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/NPQPQ0Uiyto

Jacob Wood says, "thinking about the fact i was mutilated makes me so depressed. i hate what was done to me and not a day goes by that i dont think about it. i feel so violated."

3 years, 7 months ago

Copied from https://youtu.be/btPpk8RCjtI

What you are witnessing in this video is the attempted molestation of this intact infant boy. You are also witnessing a gross abuse of authority against this caring mother.

"My son was seen at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth on April 8, 2019. Dr. C and his charge nurse tried to bully me, gaslighted and harassed me about catheterization of my 8 month old son. My son was having respiratory distress upon arrival, although he was visibly better by the time I started recording due to steroids for his lungs. The doctors wanted to get a urine sample for no known reason. I suspect they assumed he had a UTI because he is intact because they mentioned he is at an increased "risk"."

Intact genitalia is magical and free of maintenance. Before puberty the foreskin is fused to the glans. With erections and normal growth, the foreskin is stimulated to grow with the base of the penis. Severing it prematurely will certainly stunt its growth. The Jew-controlled medical system participates in a variety of abuses against parents and children to encourage male genital mutilation aka radical circumcision. It is a brutal procedure developed by their rabbis.

"In R. Isaac's eyes, Christian men were sexual supermen, who could pleasure their women to a degree far beyond the capacities of Jewish men, and who could do so far more often. If virility were to be defined in terms of sexual prowess, Jewish men would fail miserably, because their circumcision has rendered them incapable of pleasuring their women." Shaye J. D. Cohen, page 156 of Why Aren't Jewish Women Circumcised?: Gender and Covenant in Judaism. 2005.

"After performing "milah", the cutting back of the end of the infant's foreskin, a second step, periah was then performed. Periah consists of tearing and stripping back the remaining inner mucosal lining of the foreskin from the glans and then, by use of a sharp finger nail or implement, removing all of the inner mucosal tissue, including the excising and removal of the frenulum from the underside of the glans. The objective was to insure that no part of the remaining penile skin would rest against the glans corona. If any shreds of the mucosal foreskin tissue remained, or rejoined to the underside of the glans, the child was to be re-circumcised."

CIRCUMCISION: THEN AND NOW http://www.cirp.org/library/history/peron2/

There are many useful articles and comments at http://www.drmomma.org/

3 years, 10 months ago