Documentaire diffusé le samedi 23 juillet 2022.
Texte sur le site Arte TV :
"Qu’elle soit religieuse, culturelle ou médicale, la circoncision est souvent réalisée durant l’enfance. Quel regard les hommes concernés portent-ils sur cette intervention lorsqu’ils ne l’ont pas choisie ?
L’ablation du prépuce représente l’opération la plus fréquente chez les garçons du monde entier : un homme sur trois est circoncis. Les raisons qui motivent cet acte, pratiqué généralement durant l’enfance, peuvent être aussi bien religieuses ou culturelles que médicales. En 2007, l’OMS recommandait la circoncision comme mesure de prévention du sida et lançait dans quinze pays d’Afrique une campagne de grande ampleur. Celle-ci ciblait notamment les bébés et les jeunes garçons, avec pour objectif d’atteindre les 27 millions d’adolescents et d’hommes adultes circoncis en 2021. Pourtant, de plus en plus de médecins dénoncent un recours à la chirurgie souvent abusif qui occasionne des séquelles psychologiques et physiologiques.
Sensibiliser les jeunes garçons
En Allemagne, la réalisatrice Insa Onken suit le combat d’un homme ayant porté plainte contre le médecin qui l’a opéré à l’âge de 7 ans. Il invoque le fait qu’aucune autre solution n’a été proposée aux parents, et que les séquelles laissées par cette intervention chirurgicale sur son corps et sa vie intime sont irréversibles. Au Kenya, pays concerné par la campagne de l’OMS, la médecin autrichienne Jutta Reisinger lutte contre la circoncision en sensibilisant les jeunes garçons au respect de l’intégrité de leur corps. Si l’OMS ne recommande plus d’avoir recours systématiquement à une ablation du prépuce, l’habitude est désormais prise dans cette région qui n’avait jamais pratiqué la circoncision auparavant. Le documentaire donne également la parole à de jeunes Kenyans circoncis, qui se rendent dans les familles alentour afin de les alerter."
Circumcision is a vile JEWISH act that MUTILATES White BABIES, as well as promotes paedophilia. CREATIVITY has a declared JIHAD on ANYONE who promotes, practices and/or protects this evil practice!!
Intactivism is a social movement to protect all children from genital mutilation.
Miriam Ezagui inadvertently explains the tenacity of this practice. The ancient genital sacrifice of children crept into modern medicine camouflaged behind stethoscopes. All medical deceit and propaganda cannot change the sacrificial nature of this cruel practice.
Foreskins still hold a great value to the owner as he becomes sexually active or greatly monetarily valuable to the unethical doctor that robs it.
Chris was a courageous voice on the street and in academia for human rights. My deepest condolences to his family and friends, and to the many students who learned so much from him.
Copied from
Male genital mutilation, technically known as radical circumcision, is a heavily censored and manipulated topic.
Brother K: "We will end this cruelty, this scourge, this curse over our land."
"Satanism Infiltrating All Religions with Alcohol, Cannibalism, Child Sacrifice & Circumcision"
"The foreskin is where all the erogenous sensation/nerves are. The glans is non-erogenous; it's protopathic like the eye, i.e. it senses pain and pressure. Circumcision was invented to sexually suppress, just like FGM. And it was adopted by Western doctors to do just that. Histological analysis has proven what I'm saying. I was cut like you unnecessarily in my teens (there was no valid reason for you to have had your foreskin cut off) and it took away all my sensation and gave me ED. Unfortunately, the medical industry is keeping quiet about the brutal reality of circumcision damage. Most circumcised men were mutilated as babies or in prepubescence and so never know their penis is abnormal. Just like most victims of FGM do not see it as sexually damaging. We're all being lied to about this. Male genital mutilation is the biggest human rights abuse in the Western world right now."
Altering Perceptions of the Foreskin:
The Crime Against Our Sons - MeatalStenosis:
"How Awful It Looked. He Couldn't Defend Himself." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"In the case of cutting someone's genitals apart, they can never escape you. The perpetrator has marked them, branded them. It's the ultimate in sexual power and control over. It's the ultimate in dehumanizing a person."
"My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe."
"The real motocross for circumcision is multi layered, but it is an attack on human love. To cause maximum trauma, grief, and catastrophic damage to males and their ability to bond."
"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners."
"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."
"Circumcision destroyed many people. You are very much not alone. The best thing to do is keep talking about it."
"MGM is a form of mind control. When an infant is sexually abused it affects a basic ability to be able to stabilize the nervous system and it can impair the capacity for basic trust. It affects latching behaviors and the ability to take in nourishment. The trauma creates dissociation and fundamental cross hemispheric communication in the brain. When no one helps the infant a freeze response can lead to states of learned helplessness."
"It's the most brutal, cruelest thing that I have ever seen. I can't believe that anyone could bring themselves to do that to an infant."
"I am 82 years old now and I was not circumcised as a child. I remember my mother telling me when I was a child during World war 2 that the Nazis when looking for jewish men, would have them remove their pants to check if they were jews. Our doctor was jewish and he told my mother that the doctors in the U.S. would scare and convince new mothers of all faiths that circumcision was for cleanliness and if not done the child most likely would have many problems getting diseases. He said the real reason they were doing it was fear the Germans would win the war..... but would have no way of telling who was jewish or who was not. Also to make a few extra dollars. He did NOT mutilate us as he was as a child and told my mom how it ruined his sex life and messed him up mentally."
Birth of a New Earth Radio w/ Jeanice Barcelo, October 22, 2022 [Normalized Satanic Ritual Abuse]:
"They lied straight to the mother's face." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"This is a house of cards that is about to come down." [Baby Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
Peaceful Parenting:
Demo Of How Jewish Circumcision Has Changed:
Catholics Against Circumcision:
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child:
Is there a theological explanation for this american aberation? GREAT report by Candace Owens on this theme!
I find it interesting that some people believe that they serve a function of hygiene by amputating protective organs and creating a portal for infection.
Circumcision is a very common medical procedure. Almost 40% of all males are circumcised worldwide, and in Africa and the Middle East, nearly every infant boy goes through it.
However, what does this act mean spiritually? Do males still need to be circumcised?
As always, let's find out.
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Etymology from:
By AHC300 - The World Health Organization report of 14 December 2007. Male circumcision: global trends and determinants of prevalence, safety and acceptability. This report is the result of collaborative work between the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the World Health Organization and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Based on:13. Demographic and health surveys. MEASURE DHS, 2006 (, accessed 21 September 2006).53. Drain PK et al. Male circumcision, religion and infectious diseases: an ecologic analysis of 118 developing countries. BMC Infect Dis, 2006, 6(1):172.54. Williams BG et al. The potential impact of male circumcision on HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS Med, 2006, 3(7):262.55. International religious freedom report for 2004. U.S. Department of State (, accessed 21 September 2006)., CC BY-SA 4.0,
By Moralmonke - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The only appropriate method of circumcision is the method done on a consenting adult.
Jeremiah 4:4 Circumcise yourselves to the Lord, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings.
In Genesis 17:11, the Bible reveals God’s institution of circumcision for Hebrew (not cannaanite) males. Little detail is given here, though it is clearly critical for the descendants of Abraham and involves some sort of excision from the male reproductive organ.
The great majority of modern readers assume that the practice referred to in Genesis 17:11 and in the rest of Scripture must be the same one which is performed today. However, evidence from history, scholarship, and the Bible itself shows otherwise.
The original procedure, “brit milah,” is a one-cut procedure, removing only the actual foreskin (the skin which actually extends beyond the glans). This simple one-cut milah procedure did not remove the high amount of complex and varied tissue removed in modern times. Additional evidence that the procedure was less extreme is apparent in the circumcision reversals mentioned in I Corinthians 7:18a (referring to removing the marks of circumcision by stretching) and the apocryphal book of I Maccabees 1:14-15a.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of the jewish Religion, "brit periah" was added to milah AFTER the time of Christ in order to prevent the very reversal alluded to by Paul and known as epispasm meaning de-circumcision.
The newly created satanic religion invented AFTER Christ's crucifixion changed orlah to PERIAH of the CORONA! It is a satanic blood ritual, it is sexual mutilation! Do the research, please.
Infant circumcision is incompatible with human freedom.
Some takeaways about male circumcision
Is preventive amputation helpful when the penis comes up?
It is importante to address these themes from a holistic and natural perspective because there are a lot of really strident, strange voices in the cultura who fill the vacume.
The devious circumcision industry came up with the theory that his penis should match the father. They didn’t have that theory 100 years ago when American fathers were still intact.
Copied from
Male genital mutilation, technically known as radical circumcision, is a heavily censored and manipulated topic.
Brother K: "We will end this cruelty, this scourge, this curse over our land."
"Satanism Infiltrating All Religions with Alcohol, Cannibalism, Child Sacrifice & Circumcision"
"The foreskin is where all the erogenous sensation/nerves are. The glans is non-erogenous; it's protopathic like the eye, i.e. it senses pain and pressure. Circumcision was invented to sexually suppress, just like FGM. And it was adopted by Western doctors to do just that. Histological analysis has proven what I'm saying. I was cut like you unnecessarily in my teens (there was no valid reason for you to have had your foreskin cut off) and it took away all my sensation and gave me ED. Unfortunately, the medical industry is keeping quiet about the brutal reality of circumcision damage. Most circumcised men were mutilated as babies or in prepubescence and so never know their penis is abnormal. Just like most victims of FGM do not see it as sexually damaging. We're all being lied to about this. Male genital mutilation is the biggest human rights abuse in the Western world right now."
Altering Perceptions of the Foreskin:
The Crime Against Our Sons - MeatalStenosis:
"How Awful It Looked. He Couldn't Defend Himself." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"In the case of cutting someone's genitals apart, they can never escape you. The perpetrator has marked them, branded them. It's the ultimate in sexual power and control over. It's the ultimate in dehumanizing a person."
"My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe."
"The real motocross for circumcision is multi layered, but it is an attack on human love. To cause maximum trauma, grief, and catastrophic damage to males and their ability to bond."
"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners."
"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."
"Circumcision destroyed many people. You are very much not alone. The best thing to do is keep talking about it."
"MGM is a form of mind control. When an infant is sexually abused it affects a basic ability to be able to stabilize the nervous system and it can impair the capacity for basic trust. It affects latching behaviors and the ability to take in nourishment. The trauma creates dissociation and fundamental cross hemispheric communication in the brain. When no one helps the infant a freeze response can lead to states of learned helplessness."
"It's the most brutal, cruelest thing that I have ever seen. I can't believe that anyone could bring themselves to do that to an infant."
"I am 82 years old now and I was not circumcised as a child. I remember my mother telling me when I was a child during World war 2 that the Nazis when looking for jewish men, would have them remove their pants to check if they were jews. Our doctor was jewish and he told my mother that the doctors in the U.S. would scare and convince new mothers of all faiths that circumcision was for cleanliness and if not done the child most likely would have many problems getting diseases. He said the real reason they were doing it was fear the Germans would win the war..... but would have no way of telling who was jewish or who was not. Also to make a few extra dollars. He did NOT mutilate us as he was as a child and told my mom how it ruined his sex life and messed him up mentally."
Birth of a New Earth Radio w/ Jeanice Barcelo, October 22, 2022 [Normalized Satanic Ritual Abuse]:
"They lied straight to the mother's face." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"This is a house of cards that is about to come down." [Baby Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
Peaceful Parenting:
Demo Of How Jewish Circumcision Has Changed:
Catholics Against Circumcision:
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child:
A man forgives his mother for circumcising him.
The triumph of circumcision in the United States was the result of a 100-year propaganda campaign of misinformation, junk science, and old wives tales.
No sane, rational person can disagree with this self-evident truth.
Circumcision is evil! It is an attack on human love
Only the man himself should decide how much of his own penis he'd like to keep.
Metzitzah B'peh (Direct Oral Suctioning). When a baby is circumcised, some ritual Jewish circumcisers (mohelim) do a practice called metzitzah b'peh.
On the march for human rights!
Copied from
Male genital mutilation, technically known as radical circumcision, is a heavily censored and manipulated topic.
Brother K: "We will end this cruelty, this scourge, this curse over our land."
"Satanism Infiltrating All Religions with Alcohol, Cannibalism, Child Sacrifice & Circumcision"
"The foreskin is where all the erogenous sensation/nerves are. The glans is non-erogenous; it's protopathic like the eye, i.e. it senses pain and pressure. Circumcision was invented to sexually suppress, just like FGM. And it was adopted by Western doctors to do just that. Histological analysis has proven what I'm saying. I was cut like you unnecessarily in my teens (there was no valid reason for you to have had your foreskin cut off) and it took away all my sensation and gave me ED. Unfortunately, the medical industry is keeping quiet about the brutal reality of circumcision damage. Most circumcised men were mutilated as babies or in prepubescence and so never know their penis is abnormal. Just like most victims of FGM do not see it as sexually damaging. We're all being lied to about this. Male genital mutilation is the biggest human rights abuse in the Western world right now."
Altering Perceptions of the Foreskin:
The Crime Against Our Sons - MeatalStenosis:
"How Awful It Looked. He Couldn't Defend Himself." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"In the case of cutting someone's genitals apart, they can never escape you. The perpetrator has marked them, branded them. It's the ultimate in sexual power and control over. It's the ultimate in dehumanizing a person."
"My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe."
"The real motocross for circumcision is multi layered, but it is an attack on human love. To cause maximum trauma, grief, and catastrophic damage to males and their ability to bond."
"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners."
"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."
"Circumcision destroyed many people. You are very much not alone. The best thing to do is keep talking about it."
"MGM is a form of mind control. When an infant is sexually abused it affects a basic ability to be able to stabilize the nervous system and it can impair the capacity for basic trust. It affects latching behaviors and the ability to take in nourishment. The trauma creates dissociation and fundamental cross hemispheric communication in the brain. When no one helps the infant a freeze response can lead to states of learned helplessness."
"It's the most brutal, cruelest thing that I have ever seen. I can't believe that anyone could bring themselves to do that to an infant."
"I am 82 years old now and I was not circumcised as a child. I remember my mother telling me when I was a child during World war 2 that the Nazis when looking for jewish men, would have them remove their pants to check if they were jews. Our doctor was jewish and he told my mother that the doctors in the U.S. would scare and convince new mothers of all faiths that circumcision was for cleanliness and if not done the child most likely would have many problems getting diseases. He said the real reason they were doing it was fear the Germans would win the war..... but would have no way of telling who was jewish or who was not. Also to make a few extra dollars. He did NOT mutilate us as he was as a child and told my mom how it ruined his sex life and messed him up mentally."
Birth of a New Earth Radio w/ Jeanice Barcelo, October 22, 2022 [Normalized Satanic Ritual Abuse]:
"They lied straight to the mother's face." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"This is a house of cards that is about to come down." [Baby Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
Peaceful Parenting:
Demo Of How Jewish Circumcision Has Changed:
Catholics Against Circumcision:
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child:
The struggle for freedom in the United States.
Even if they make a crooked cut, they won’t say anything, because they don’t understand anything.
Copied from
Brother K: "We will end this cruelty, this scourge, this curse over our land."
"Satanism Infiltrating All Religions with Alcohol, Cannibalism, Child Sacrifice & Circumcision"
"The foreskin is where all the erogenous sensation/nerves are. The glans is non-erogenous; it's protopathic like the eye, i.e. it senses pain and pressure. Circumcision was invented to sexually suppress, just like FGM. And it was adopted by Western doctors to do just that. Histological analysis has proven what I'm saying. I was cut like you unnecessarily in my teens (there was no valid reason for you to have had your foreskin cut off) and it took away all my sensation and gave me ED. Unfortunately, the medical industry is keeping quiet about the brutal reality of circumcision damage. Most circumcised men were mutilated as babies or in prepubescence and so never know their penis is abnormal. Just like most victims of FGM do not see it as sexually damaging. We're all being lied to about this. Male genital mutilation is the biggest human rights abuse in the Western world right now." lawrence63489
Altering Perceptions of the Foreskin:
The Crime Against Our Sons - MeatalStenosis:
"How Awful It Looked. He Couldn't Defend Himself." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"In the case of cutting someone's genitals apart, they can never escape you. The perpetrator has marked them, branded them. It's the ultimate in sexual power and control over. It's the ultimate in dehumanizing a person."
"My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe."
"The real motocross for circumcision is multi layered, but it is an attack on human love. To cause maximum trauma, grief, and catastrophic damage to males and their ability to bond."
"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners." KrissyKayIndigo
"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."
"Circumcision destroyed many people. You are very much not alone. The best thing to do is keep talking about it." Kurt Ratzlaff
"MGM is a form of mind control. When an infant is sexually abused it affects a basic ability to be able to stabilize the nervous system and it can impair the capacity for basic trust. It affects latching behaviors and the ability to take in nourishment. The trauma creates dissociation and fundamental cross hemispheric communication in the brain. When no one helps the infant a freeze response can lead to states of learned helplessness." headrat
"It's the most brutal, cruelest thing that I have ever seen. I can't believe that anyone could bring themselves to do that to an infant." Joe
"I am 82 years old now and I was not circumcised as a child. I remember my mother telling me when I was a child during World war 2 that the Nazis when looking for jewish men, would have them remove their pants to check if they were jews. Our doctor was jewish and he told my mother that the doctors in the U.S. would scare and convince new mothers of all faiths that circumcision was for cleanliness and if not done the child most likely would have many problems getting diseases. He said the real reason they were doing it was fear the Germans would win the war..... but would have no way of telling who was jewish or who was not. Also to make a few extra dollars. He did NOT mutilate us as he was as a child and told my mom how it ruined his sex life and messed him up mentally."
Birth of a New Earth Radio w/ Jeanice Barcelo, October 22, 2022 [Normalized Satanic Ritual Abuse]:
"They lied straight to the mother's face." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"This is a house of cards that is about to come down." [Baby Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
Peaceful Parenting:
Demo Of How Jewish Circumcision Has Changed:
Catholics Against Circumcision:
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child:
“He’s praying dear Lord get it over with.” I would bet (if he had any clue what they were about to put him through) he’s praying don’t let them hurt me! They try so hard to shut him up with that pacifier while he’s in pain.
These constrain you to be circumcised, only that they suffer not the persecution of Christ's cross.
For neither they that be circumcised keep the law; but they will that ye be circumcised, that they have glory in your flesh [but they will you to be circumcised, that they glory in your flesh].
14 But far be it from me to have glory [Forsooth be it far to me to glory], but in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.
15 For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision is any thing worth, nor prepuce, but a new creature.
16 And whoever follow this rule, peace on them, and mercy, and on Israel of God [peace upon them, and mercy, and upon Israel of God].
17 And hereafter no man be heavy to me; for I bear in my body the tokens of our Lord Jesus Christ. [From henceforth, no man be heavy to me; forsooth I bear in my body the tokens, or wounds, of our Lord Jesus Christ.]
18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen.
We have an obligation to our children and grandchildren to protect them from this, which disguised itself as medicine to survive in the modern age.
Archive video.
American circumcision: a violation hiding in plain sight behind a stethoscope.
Aleph א Mem מ Shin ש
CashApp $rosetato
Circumcision is a barbaric form of child abuse and should be abolished immediately.
Jonathan Friedman discusses circumcision, metzitzah b'peh and how they have impacted his life.
During a Bloodstained Men 3-day demonstration in Atlanta (Feb. 2, Iris, a young mother, speaks out against circumcision and researching to protect the integrity of all children.
Many people who are into extensive body modifications actually understand and value the right to choose precisely how their body is altered. It really is simple once you see it as a permanent, elective body modification. It should be up to the individual.
Foreskins, mohels and circumcisions. History and psychology of jewish penis biters, male genital mutilation, circumcision, bris/brit milah, Metzitzah b'peh, etc.
The hidden curse of infant circumcision. Newborn boys die, and the American medical establishment hides it from parents.
Listen closely to the narration.
Q: Does this practice of ritual circumcision involve what may be defined as bodily mutilation and/or sexual molestation of a child?
Q: If so, how is child mutilation and sexual molestation still tolerated as a socially acceptable practice of religious tradition and behavior, in our scientifically-advanced 21st century?
Q: Does anyone else, including priests, politicians, philosophers, ethicists, legal experts, biologists, academicians et al., think this superstitious practice is barbaric, ethically degenerate, physically torturous, psychologically terrorizing and should be vigorously condemned by every legal code of modern civilization?
"The Bris or Brit Milah is the Covenant Ceremony in which we welcome a baby boy into the Jewish tradition with thanks and blessing. A mohel performs the circumcision and can lead the entire ceremony."
Leave comments below.
Inspired by Nyla Nguyen's video of Dec. 19/22 I added photos to illustrate the subjects she discusses.
Nyla Nguyen's content available:
UGEtube Channel
Odysee Channel
BitChute Channel
Asking a Jew about oral suction, a Jewish tradition in which blood is sucked from the penis of a baby after circumcision.
Ethical parents are raising their children to respect the natural body.
Bloodstained Men were in Atlanta (Feb 2, 2019) talking with people on the streets about the human right to bodily integrity.
Karina took part in the Bloodstained Men demonstration in Atlanta, February 1, 2019.
Day one (Feb 1, 2019) of the Bloodstained Men on a three day demonstration in Atlanta.
While demonstrating with the Bloodstained Men in Atlanta (February 1, 2019) Harry Guiremand spoke with a man who was skeptical about protecting baby boys from being cut.
Copied from
"The foreskin is where all the erogenous sensation/nerves are. The glans is non-erogenous; it's protopathic like the eye, i.e. it senses pain and pressure. Circumcision was invented to sexually suppress, just like FGM. And it was adopted by Western doctors to do just that. Histological analysis has proven what I'm saying. I was cut like you unnecessarily in my teens (there was no valid reason for you to have had your foreskin cut off) and it took away all my sensation and gave me ED. Unfortunately, the medical industry is keeping quiet about the brutal reality of circumcision damage. Most circumcised men were mutilated as babies or in prepubescence and so never know their penis is abnormal. Just like most victims of FGM do not see it as sexually damaging. We're all being lied to about this. Male genital mutilation is the biggest human rights abuse in the Western world right now." lawrence63489
Altering Perceptions of the Foreskin:
The Crime Against Our Sons - MeatalStenosis:
"How Awful It Looked. He Couldn't Defend Himself." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
"In the case of cutting someone's genitals apart, they can never escape you. The perpetrator has marked them, branded them. It's the ultimate in sexual power and control over. It's the ultimate in dehumanizing a person."
"My feelings about the doctor who circumcised me are too violent to describe."
"The real motocross for circumcision is multi layered, but it is an attack on human love. To cause maximum trauma, grief, and catastrophic damage to males and their ability to bond."
"The incentive to mutilate is much more sinister than just money. It's a satanic ritual that creates beta males, and the pain and trauma psychologically damages them for life. It also disconnects men's penises from their hearts, and ruins true intimacy with partners." KrissyKayIndigo
"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."
"Circumcision destroyed many people. You are very much not alone. The best thing to do is keep talking about it." Kurt Ratzlaff
Peaceful Parenting:
Demo Of How Jewish Circumcision Has Changed:
Catholics Against Circumcision:
In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child:
The majority of people in America will never admit that circumcision is wrong, because they're either circumcised and don't want to come to terms that they were violated, they have already circumcised their male infants and don't want to come to terms with the fact that they have wronged their child out of ignorance, or because they simply thought of it as the norm in America.
My accounts ⬇️
ODYSEE -$/invite/@HiddenTruths:c
Ezekiel 33-6
But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
Matthew 10-16 KJV
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves
Matthew 24-24
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Ephesians 6-12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thank you for watching
God bless you everyone.
There were street protests in Tel Aviv in support of the mother. The Israeli supreme court overturned the lower court’s decision, and ruled that the mother did not have to circumcise her son.
...instead of using medical tools.
Once the doctor has ripped the foreskin away from the glans, he clamps the foreskin lengthwise with an instrument, to crush the blood vessels (in order to minimize bleeding) and to create the "crush line" for the initial cut in the baby's foreskin.
An uncircumcised woman speaks out!
In the email to his mother, Alex explained, in great detail, the physical problems he had suffered afterwards. He described experiencing constant stimulation from the head of his penis, which was no longer protected by his foreskin. "These ever-present stimulated sensations from clothing friction are torture within themselves; they have not subsided/normalized from years of exposure," he wrote. "Imagine what would happen to an eyeball if the eyelid was amputated?" "He was in so much pain that it hurt to do normal physical activity," says Lesley. "He was a keen skier and snowboarder so you can imagine the pain he was in."
Infant circumcision relies on the surrender of the entire population without resistance.
89% of the Danish public want to protect people under 18 years old from forced genital cutting.
Why don't pediatricians in America warn parents that infant circumcision is controversial and opposed in the United States and around the world?
The circumcision industry conquered American hospitals with junk science and body-shaming of normal men.
American circumcision is a power trip by brutal pediatricians and OBGYNs. There is no rational reason to take that choice away from a man.
The greed of profit-driven hospitals is the fuel for the cruel sacrifice of newborn boys' genitals in America.
If one feels that a red patch painted on the crotch of pants is graphic, imagine changing a diaper full of real blood after circumcision.
Acts 15:1
“And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.”
King James Version
Routine foreskin amputation is a long outdated and poor procedure not matching ANY standards of today's medical art. Whole educated west outside US knows that. All national boards of pediatricians, urologists and child surgeons strongly reject it as not only useless but risky and damaging nonsense.
Bloodstained Men has protested in over 500 cities since 2012. Only three of the cities have ordered them off the street under threat of arrest -- Tuscaloosa & Mobile, Alabama... and Minot, North Dakota.
An outstanding news report on Bloodstained men in Vancouver, BC, Canada!
It's not okay to hurt babies just because they won't cognitively remember the experience.
Her boys are not circumcised and she is so happy she never put them through that unbearable pain.
Even now, the circumcision industry is looking for the next disease it can claim to cure or prevent.
💉 in the Dark by Candace Owens
Episode #3 : Circumcision Decision (Vitamin K Continued)
source ➡️
I discuss a clip from a recent talk Dave Rubin had with Dennis Prager in which Rubin revealed he had his son cut because he was, paraphrased, unwilling to stop doing something his ancestors had been doing for millennia. Continuing a sadistic cycle was more important to him than what he may have known in his own mind - that this was wrong.
Dennis Prager reacts in a creepy fashion, as creepy as a guy crying tears of joy over the idea of slicing 8-day old boys' foreskins could be.
Towards the end I talk about a bit of good news to counterbalance this depressing video (and it is, to me), and that is the positive results of the counterprotests at Matt Walsh's rally this past Friday, and the fact that MGM is actually a subject that's being brought up after the fact.
The original video on The Rubin Report:
I don't monetize my videos because I don't believe in being beholden to YT and how they could yank my monetization for no good reason at any moment. Instead support me here, $1 would mean very much to me and will help me carry on:
When the hospital belittles you and tries to manipulate you into letting them cut off part of your sons sex organ, see what this man did!
The foreskin represents at least a third of the penile skin and increases sexual pleasure by sliding up and down on the shaft. The presence of the male foreskin is inherently pleasurable in intercourse.
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SRA in the hashtags is for Satanic ritual abuse.
Share any valuable thoughts and insights.
Bill Maher puts on clown act, including crocodile tears of laughter, to promote circumcision and insult normal, intact men, the majority around the world.
Another voice of sanity against the upside-down world of circumcision, where WRONG IS RIGHT, and newborn boys have no human rights.
Meanwhile, in a nation where physicians have ethics, there is no infant circumcision.
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I value the compassion he exhibits for mothers. I tried to state as much recently when I said:
"I've repeatedly heard there is intense pressure in the hospitals to get new mothers to consent. Those mothers are going through so much, and on drugs, and not usually able to resist the authoritative medical pressure."
Also, mothers -- like women, like people -- vary tremendously. I always like to emphasize how much people can and do differ from each other. It's not right or accurate to assume someone is a certain way because of superficial traits you observe about their biology or life.
However, we know all mothers giving birth in hospitals go through a great deal. Our compassion is warranted when they are conned by slick medical staff into having their sons tortured and mutilated.
Here is a quote I've shared before:
"I called my mom to talk about it. My mom told me that if she could do it again, there is "NO WAY" she would do it again. Her statement was very strong and emotional."
Also see: "They lied straight to the mother's face." [Child Sexual Mutilation & Torture]:
Also, Marilyn Milos is a famous regret mother and she's Jewish.
I just finished listening to this by Daniel and I really do value the heartfelt compassion he exhibits here.
Share any valuable thoughts and insights.
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He says the average age of retraction is ten.
I can say that I was in no way trying to retract my penis at 10, and in my case the foreskin definitely was fused to the glans at that age.
That's a good thing because my penis wasn't finished developing. As the rest of the penis grows, the fused foreskin grows with it. They grow together.
I'm not convinced 10 is average unless people have been fussing with things. It doesn't make sense why that would be so.
How would a ten year old even know to check for something like that? At ten you're using your penis for urination and nothing else.
I was taught at my religious school to keep my hands off my penis, and that was good practice.
In my late teens I could retract and I ended up with a long foreskin as God and nature intended.
I didn't know so many have had their intact penises damaged by retraction and cleaning measures until I encountered anecdotes online.
I had a family medical doctor, but she never inspected my penis or tried to do anything like that. It was just left alone. Just a normal, healthy penis that wasn't giving me any issues.
Also, someone mentioned restoring the foreskin. That's impossible, but what you can do is stretch and grow shaft skin to create a natural covering over the glans. It's therapeutic and beneficial for many mutilated men.
If you have an intact penis you'll appreciate why it isn't at all possible to regrow the foreskin after a radical circumcision has amputated it.
However, as I say, many victims benefit from tugging and growing shaft skin.
Daniel says there is this incessant desire to clean little boys' genitals. Why? Even my adult penis doesn't require any cleaning. Every time I urinate it gets flushed with sterile urine, as happens with every other animal. Since I'm not irritating the sensitive tissues and beneficial bacteria with damaging soaps, it takes care of itself. I can rinse inside with water, like rinsing one's eyes, but it's not at all necessary.
Just like girls, boys aren't born needing a doctor to surgically fix their genitals. Show your sons the same respect that you would your daughters.
Not having the best most tactility sensitive part of your genitals skinned off as an infant is a basic human right. I am pretty sure we can all agree the cutting of a part of a female infants genitals is mutilation and is a bad thing, why would skinning the genitals of a male infant be any different?
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The image is from
It features the GOMCO clamp. GOMCO clamp stands for Goldstein Medical Company. Stanford University says, "At present, the Gomco clamp is the most commonly used circumcision device in our nursery."
In the final part, Janice answers a subscriber question regarding MGM and whether it should be regarded as a top men's issue.
I don't monetize my videos because I don't believe in being beholden to YT and how they could yank my monetization for no good reason at any moment. Instead support me here, $1 would mean very much to me and will help me carry on:
That skin is there for a reason. You are born with it.
The police ordered them to move to another location.
This Orthodox Jewish tradition is disgusting.