
製品情報 ダンボール
製品情報 包装資材


We acquired ISO9001 in January 2015.
We will continue to put our customers first and focus on maintaining and improving our quality system.





 1988年(平成元年)私が社長に就任した年に、現在の㈱シルパックの前身であります㈱リパックを設立し、シリコーン事業部を立ち上げ、その後 ㈱テクノ・エスアイ、㈱イーパックを設立いたしました。
 2006年(平成18年)1月、太田市新田 市野倉町へ新工場を建設時に、段ボール製造大手の㈱トーモク様が㈱太田ダンボールを設立し、コルゲーターを併設。段ボールシート・ケースが一貫生産できるドッキング工場になっております。




 Message from the President
 Thank you for visiting our website.

 Our grandfather Tokuho Nagai sought a new business in 1937 (Showa 12), and started at Nagai Paperware Store, which manufactures and sells ball boxes. Then, in 1953 (Showa 28), Eitoku Paperware Mfg. Co., Ltd. was established and converted into a corrugated cardboard business. During that time, despite being crushed by various social big waves such as the oil shock and the Lehman shock, we immediately responded to the Needs of our Customers and have earned the Trust of our Customers to this day.

 In 1988 (Heisei 1), in the year when I took office as president, I established Repack Co., Ltd., the predecessor of the current Silpack Co., Ltd., established the Silicone Division, and then Techno SI Co., Ltd. and Epack Co., Ltd.
 In January 2006 (Heisei 18), when a new factory was constructed in Ichinokura-cho, Ota-shi Nitta, Tomoku Co., Ltd (a major cardboard manufacturer) established Ota Danboru Co., Ltd. and installed a corrugater. It is a docking factory where corrugated cardboard sheets and cases can be produced in an integrated manner.
 Quality, Delivery and Cost are our Top Priority, and we are working hard every day with equipment that can handle a wide variety of box types and lots, including the latest machine in printing processing.
 Corrugated cardboard products are indispensable not only for wrapping customers' important products, but also for displaying and protecting their contents. Corrugated cardboard, which is said to be an Excellent Student of Recycling, is a recycling-type, renewable and environmentally friendly packaging material that also contributes to the protection of Forest Resources. It also leads to the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) for the realization of a sustainable society.
 As part of this, Eitoku Co., Ltd. has been working to reduce the burden on the Global Environment by installing large-scale Solar Power Generation ahead of the times since the relocation of the new factory.

 We will always create products and packaging systems that are in harmony with the needs of Society and the Natural Environment, and will continue to make unremitting efforts to improve Living Culture and realize a Sustainable Society.

 In addition, we strive to contribute to the prosperity of the Local Community, create a Rewarding Workplace, and aim to be a Vibrant company through innovative management that responds quickly to changes in the times.

 We hope that you will continue to support Eitoku and Eitoku Silicone Group for many years to come.
 Thank you for your kind and strong support.


Management Philosophy
1. We pursue the highest quality, technology and skills with the customer-first belief.
2. In keeping with the spirit of respect for human beings, we will devote ourselves to creating a vibrant workplace.
3. We will correctly recognize the changes of the times and strive for corporate management of creativity and innovation.


社 名株式会社 永徳
創 立昭和28年4月
代表者永井 正雄
所在地群馬県太田市 新田市野倉町280-11
連絡先TEL : 0276-57-1185(イイハコ)
FAX : 0276-57-1186
e-mail : eitoku@eitoku-group.co.jp

● Company name: Eitoku Co., Ltd.
● Founded :April 1953
● Capital :70 million yen
● Representative: Masao Nagai
● Location: 280-11 Nitta-Ichinokura Town, Ohta City, Gunma Prefecture, 370-0306
● Contact / TEL: 0276-57-1185 (Iihako), FAX: 0276-57-1186
● e-mail: eitoku@eitoku-group.co.jp
● Business description: Manufacture and sale of cardboard cases, Sales of packaging materials and packaging equipment.
● Manufacturing, filling, and packing of Various Silicone Products
● Employees: 80 (Eitoku)+70 (Silicone Group) as of Oct., 2021.

1953年4月 (昭和28年) (有)永徳紙器製作所 設立
1973年10月 (昭和48年) (有)永徳紙器製作所より永徳紙器(株)に社名変更
代表取締役社長に 永井 平二 就任
1989年10月 (平成元年) 永徳紙器(株)より(株)永徳に社名変更
代表取締役社長に 永井 正雄 就任
1996年8月 (平成8年) エートク物流(有)設立
1997年9月 (平成9年) 太田流通団地に土地購入、工場建設
(株)リパックより(株)シルパックに社名変更 工場移転
2000年12月 (平成12年) 太田新田東部工業団地に土地購入、工場建設
2002年9月 (平成14年) 太田西部工業団地に、グループ会社(株)イーパック設立 工場稼働
2005年6月 (平成17年) 太田市 新田市野倉町に、(株)永徳本社・工場の建設に着手
2006年1月 (平成18年) 永徳本社・工場完成(敷地面積19,024㎡、建築面積9,021㎡)
2015年1月(平成27年) ISO9001認証取得
2018年10月(平成30年) 太田西部工業団地にシルパック新工場建設・工場移転完了, 操業開始。
2022年3月(令和4年) FSC® 認証取得

●April 1953 (Showa 28)
Established Eitoku Paperware Mfg. Co., Ltd.

●Oct.1973 (Showa 48)
Company name changed from Eitoku Paperware Mfg. Co., Ltd. to Eitoku Paperware Co., Ltd.
Heiji Nagai appointed as President and Representative Director.

●Oct.1989 (Heisei 1)
Company name changed from Eitoku Paperware Co., Ltd. to Eitoku Co., Ltd.
Masao Nagai appointed as President and Representative Director.
Established Repack Co., Ltd., as a group company.

●Aug.1996 (Heisei 8)
Established Eitoku Logistics Co., Ltd.

●Sep.1997 (Heisei 9)
Purchased land and built a factory in Ohta Distribution Complex Company.
Name changed from Repack Co., Ltd. to Silpack Co., Ltd. Factory relocation.

●Dec. 2000 (Heisei 12)
Purchased land and built a factory in Ohta Nitta Eastern Industrial Park.
Established a group company, Techno SI Co., Ltd.

●Sep.2002 (Heisei 14)
Established group company E-Pack Co., Ltd. in Ohta Seibu Industrial Park, and started factory operation.

●June 2005 (Heisei 17)
Started construction of Eitoku Head Office and Factory in Ichino-kura-cho, Nitta, Ohta-shi.

●Jan.2006 (Heisei 18)
Eitoku Headquarters / Factory completed (Site area 19,024 ㎡, Building area 9,021 ㎡). Operation started from Jan. 5th.

●Jan.2015 (Heisei 27)
Acquired ISO9001 Certification.

●Oct.2018 (Heisei 30)
Silpack New Plant completed in Ohta Seibu Industrial Park and the Operation started. Done Factory Relocation.

●Mar.2022 (Reiwa 4)
Acquired FSC® Certification

・本社所在地:群馬県太田市新田市野倉町280-11       → googleマップで確認する
・テクノ・エスアイ:群馬県太田市新田小金井町320-12 → googleマップで確認する
・シルパック:群馬県太田市西新町14-3        → googleマップで確認する
・イーパック:群馬県太田市西新町14-5        → googleマップで確認する

[Access by Train to Head office factory in Nitta ichinokura-cho ]
・Tobu Isesaki Line: Limited Express Ryomo-Gou. Approximately 20 minutes by taxi from Ohta Station.
・Tobu Isesaki Line: Limited Express Ryomo-Gou. Approximately 5 minutes by taxi from Yabuzuka Station.
株式会社 永徳
株式会社 永徳
〒370-0306 群馬県太田市 新田市野倉町 280-11
TEL:0276-57-1185 / FAX:0276-57-1186

Copyright (c) 2014 EITOKU Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.