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HDISD moving to four-day week

Hull-Daisetta ISD Superintendent of schools Tim Bartram announced last week that the district would officially be moving to a four-day-a-week calendar for the 2022-23 school year.

Parents and school employees responded to a survey from February 24 – March 13.

The survey had options of a four-day and five-day-a-week calendar, and the district’s 10-member calendar committee utilized the results in making a recommendation to school trustees.

“After all survey data was collected, disaggregated, and discussed, the calendar committee recommended the (4) day school calendar to the school board at Tuesday night’s school board meeting. After consideration, the school board voted to approve the (4) day school calendar for the 2022-23 school year,” the statement from Bartram read.

According to the survey, of the 299 parent responses, 64.2% were in favor, while 35.8% opted for the five-day week. Results from the employee survey were far more in favor of the four-dayweek, with 96% of the 82 responses supporting the schedule change.

HDISD joins Hardin ISD in the move next school year, as both join Devers and Liberty ISD inmaking that move.

For more information on HDISD, visit their website at