Idea to design in an instant, powered by AI
Galileo AI creates delightful, editable UI designs from a simple text description. It empowers you to design faster than ever.
Request early access Trained on thousands of outstanding designs, Galileo AI turns natural language prompts into high-fidelity designs.
Editable in Figma
Generate a complex UI in a flash
Our technology learns from thousands of top user experience designs and builds the UI that meets your needs in lightning speed.
Make your design stand out
Populate your designs with our carefully curated AI-generated illustrations and images to match your vision and style.
Full product copy, in an instant
By leveraging large language models, our AI understands the complex context and fills the end-to-end product copy accurately.
More time for bigger impact
Spend less time on tedious tasks such as creating repetitive UI patterns and making small visual tweaks. Instead, focus your efforts on landing bigger impact: designing creative solutions.
Text Prompt design
“A Profile page for a book-reading app featuring Dan Brown and a list of his books.”
Text Prompt design
“A settings page for users to edit their names, phone numbers and password.”
“I am blown away by the ingenuity and complexity of this machine-learning implementation, the level of fidelity of this engineering challenge is remarkable.”
Aditya Agarwal // Ex-CTO, Dropbox