. The anime world, should be up in arms after being reduced a token "+ human" in credits. This is a slap in face of lifetime's worth of blood, sweat & tears anime artists spend honing their craft
Man definitely its the 'Labor shortage', and not the inconsistent pay. It would be amazing if they can replace all the human labor from the piece save up on more. 1000s of anime's by 100's of studios every second. Golden age to consume all of it, More is better right guys??
isnt that great, going from underpaying animators to not paying them at all. what next replace the voice actors with tts? scriptwriters with chatgpt?
how much money do these executives need?
guys i think you are forgetting the fact the 2d in this is great ansd its hand drawn by witstudio plus the background were also hand drawn they only composited with AI
Pay your artists and then maybe there wouldn't be a labor shortage. You're a multi-billion dollar company. You can afford it.
Oh wait, your investors are too worried about seeing a line go up to care. It's a shame they don't realize that pure profit isn't everything.
Hey howabout we boost our favourite background artists here! I enjoy Amanda Wong's color usage!
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Amanda Wong
Hi #PortfolioDay! I'm a Chinese-Canadian background artist working on Star Trek: Lower Decks!
Previous projects include Netflix's Carmen Sandiego, Rick and Morty, and My Little Pony: The Movie
http://amandadraw.comhttp://instagram.com/amandawtwong amanda.wt.wong@gmail.com
So instead of fixing the industry work space as a whole, ya'll are finding a way to possibly replace artist to produce shows faster?
Like I get the idea of helping the industry, but imo a better help would be fixing the work space as a whole