Aspects and Breakdowns
Discussing aspects of spirit lovers, and how these are sometimes revealed in what I term as ‘breakdowns’.
The Lover’s Light
How to summon a spirit lover with a Brand New Summoning Ritual that is designed to be cheap, effective, and to avoid the mess and awkwardness of rituals like The Letter Method.
Early Discussions in Depth: Honesty
Tackling the second, and most important, early discussion to have in any Entity Relationship: Honesty. Second in a three part series.
How to Deal with Doubts
How to deal with doubts you have about your spirit lover. Also includes a whole host of listed experiences, so that everyone knows what to expect!
Why Spirit Lover Readings are Flawed
And why you shouldn’t let random people determine what you think about your spirit lover.
Discussing the often disastrous attempts at breaking things off with an entity lover.
Musing About Spirit Music
Random thoughts about something that happens time to time in experiences, including ones I’ve had. A more informal blogpost.
Tyson’s Sexual Alchemy: Ahead of its Time, or Rightfully Forgotten?
Reviewing Tyson’s Sexual Alchemy, plus an important Public service announcement.
Early Discussions In Depth: Other People
The First of a three part series: looking into the early discussion topics in depth and analyzing the problems and pitfalls than can erupt from ignoring them. This post’s topic is the third discussion: other people.
The Devil’s Advocate
Discussing getting to know your entity and why common assumptions brought on by ideas like races can lead to pitfalls
Discussing the 3 stages of Delusion in the occult and its prominence within cults and our communities.
More Questions
More Questions. You’re getting exactly what you assume that means.
Eden’s Apple
Shining a spotlight on a spirit seller that has proven herself a scammer and thief.
An interview with Tim, who attempted one of the rituals within the book, Liber Lilith.
A discussion about parasites, what makes a parasite, what a parasite does, and how the community uses the term.
The importance of Intention in summoning, interacting, and, in the worst case, ending things.
Pros and Cons
Discussing the upsides and downsides of being in an entity based relationship.
Yukshee, the alleged ‘super succubus’. Are they an actual entity, or simply a marketing gimmmick?
Discussing Divination, Clairvoyant Readings, and Tarot, and how one would get started doing these things.
Lilith and Naamah
Understanding what these archetypes represent and discussing how they’re seen by modern day posters
The thing I always tell you to do but hadn’t written on here about yet… Until now.
Early Discussions
The important topics to broach early on in a relationship.
Question Time
Answering all of YOUR questions.
The Early Stages
What to do after you’ve summoned, to make sure things don’t just fizzle out.
Literalism and Ritualism
A post I wrote a while back. Intended for new occultists especially, it explains why rituals should not be taken literally in many cases.
The Letter Method
A post on the famous letter method, one of the most common rituals for new occultists to get involved with. Here I write the ritual out while explaining some important details as to how it works.
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