UFC veteran Eric Spicely said he was contacted to see if he’d like to participate in the Power Slap League. Not sure what the full pay scale is, but this nugget caught my attention:
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For folks asking if Spicely was specifically invited to the Power Slap League, I followed up with him before posting. He said he was and showed me some evidence for his claims.
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As one of your peers pointed out, he doesn't specify that it's the white power league operated by known domestic abuser Dana White.
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Its not a sport and it’s not a fight too . I’m not even can name this shit!
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"First fight", it's not even a fight, haha. I was thinking last night, what causes enjoyment in combat? It is the unpredictability, which is impossible in slapping. There is only one result every time, repeated again and again. There is no variance at all. This "sport" will die.
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Thats only 14 concussion away from buying a Honda Civic. Take the deal man.
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Thanks for sharing Luke. PowerSlap has caught my attention only in that it is a pure trainwreck. Its a SNL skit playing out in real life. 2K/2K is not surprising as the venture seems to be about exploiting poor people's brains/health for entertainment. Like the porn industry.
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Guaranteed cte for such pay Is a disgrace, the 'sport' is a disgrace, Dana is a disgrace
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Waiting for that mma fan whose always like “4 grand for 2 mins of work sounds pretty good to me”
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All the Dana stans are going to be like "that's pretty good pay for a couple of minutes of work."
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Imo Slap Fighting should be completely voluntary and unpaid. You either do it for the love of the game or not at all
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LOL... still the show & win pay structure.... or maybe the loser gets an extra $2k?
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This whole thing seems like a political statement for Dana. And a test of who is so loyal to him that they’ll support him even when he’s totally wrong. It’s sad seeing Jason Herzog, Forest Griffin, and Conor supporting it.
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If Dana can also somehow write it into the contracts that all participants give up their right to vote forever, I think I’d chalk this venture up as a W.
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