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AppOnFly Gaming

Play Your Games Anywhere. Dedicated Gaming Windows Virtual Private Server with Nvidia GeForce RTX.
Ultimate performance

Dedicated hardware delivers unmatched performance to the games you love.

Gaming on All Devices

Windows, Android, Google Chrome or macOS.

AppOnFly VPS

Run Windows Virtual Private Server in any web browser.
Set up in seconds

No downloading. No installing. No waiting.

Trial any software

Keep you computer safe and clean.
Trial any software inside AppOnFly VPS.

Windows apps on Mac

No need to install Parallels or Windows.

AppOnFly for Business

Hosted remote desktop for teams. Professional software for top-flight collaboration with premium support.

AppOnFly Professional Software

Bringing you Windows apps from the cloud faster and easier than ever before.

AppOnFly SQL

Reliable, high performance, cost-effective database solution for business critical apps.
All inclusive database solution

Hardware, software, data center and expert services tuned into perfection.

Cost-effective hosted SQL Server

Dedicated Microsoft SQL virtual private server customized to your workload requirements.

AppOnFly for Software Vendors

Expand your reach with AppOnFly

AppOnFly is a cloud-based remote desktop service that builds your customer base by empowering customers to trial or buy your app instantly, and then pay for it on a monthly basis.

Bringing your Windows desktop apps to your customers from the cloud in 30 seconds

No downloading, no installing, no waiting. Customers will get instant access to your app, whenever and wherever they need it.


AppOnFly’s customer support team is all around the globe, so we’re readily available to point you in the right direction and answer questions. Our offices are at San Francisco, California and Prague, Czech Republic.

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