One of the hottest description of open source .

  • That turns me 1
  • Why are her boobs on her back :v
  • When the code is so bad, you can't bear to look.
  • @webpackconfig It's because anybody can have a go at it for free. Must get pretty messy.
  • then it was a dude with a wig :3
  • Stahp, you're making Stallman cry.

    Open API + Protocol


    Telegram is not the worst option for secure comms, but their closed source apps and off-by-default homegrown encryption might not be ideal for everyone.

    Nothing is ideal though... Signal and Whatsapp have audited encryption methods, but they leak metadata such as name/phonenumber without your permission. Wire is pretty interesting, but they also expose when communicating with central servers.

    And when the "perfect platform" sees the light of day... you'll spend 5 years trying and failing to get all your friends to migrate... 😫
  • I'm working on a secure messenger app that uses AES encryption and doesn't require registration. You only choose yourself a username. That's it.
    No need to share phone numbers or email addresses or anything.
  • @bittersweet @bettehem Surespot, dude. Go surespot. Im happy user for 3 maybe 4 yrs now...
  • @DubbaThony 9/10: no forward secrecy, and my friends aren't on it.
  • @bittersweet

    First point.. you can rectify the issue a little bit by manually regenerating pkey. But I don't consider this feature as must to consider comms channel "secure".

    For me still way more secure than telegram. Wickr loses by beeing closed source and mentioned leaks. If I need some more secure comms than surespot, pidgin + otr + VM + trusted that other person will have logging turned off

    Last point invalid, lemme quote you
    "And when the "perfect platform" sees the light of day... you'll spend 5 years trying and failing to get all your friends to migrate... 😫"

    I migrated lot of my friends onto surespot.

    Give it a shot, seriously.
  • @DubbaThony My current method:

    1. Don't use any comms. Still have unsafe apps, for people to contact me, but I don't really use them.
    2. Live like hermit (it's surprisingly nice)
    3. People I really care about send me a text/app "3pm coffee OK?"
    4. Verify identify by using biometric data in person ("I think I still recognize your face...")
    5. Drink coffee, talk.

    Pretty secure, unless the coffee place is bugged with microphones.

    Oh and the barista girls are cute, so this protocol works for me.
  • @bittersweet

    Haha good one, I have another strategy:

    If person is important for me, I evaluate if they can install surespot for me (60-70% success rate)
    if success keep active comms there,
    try falling back to XMPP proto + OTR
    if success keep some comms there
    use minimal comms using insecure standard protocol "sms"

    I just change mindset that there is no privacy possible with insecure comms, and these people get very restricted comms becouse Im a lil bit OCD about that stuff...

    If we meet, Im OCD about where we talk what etc too.

    Just idk, and Im not having like dark secrets or shit, I just hate to the core thought that others may want to tap into my comms. If I want something public, I make it public, if I don't, I dont say it unless privacy is assured.

    or unless Im really really drunk lol
  • @DubbaThony

    Talk about groceries using encrypted chat, post dickpics on Twitter. 😁
  • @bittersweet

    I have twitter account. Logged in last 3 years maybe 2 times.

    I have facebook account, fake names etc. Used it... It was I belive 2016 or 2017 to emerg contact someone. Used from VM ofc.

    Devrant is only social media I use.
  • But the server is closed-source.
  • But the server is closed-source.
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