“I Have No Problem With Calling You A Rapist.” – The Word ‘Rape’ Has Lost Its Meaning, Thanks To Modern SJWs Throwing It Around like A Joke

Before a significant chunk of the population got access to the internet, there was a time when the word, ‘rape’, used to mean something. It was looked down upon as being one of the most heinous acts of violence a person could inflict upon a fellow human being, alongside murder and torture.

unfortunately, that isn’t the case anymore.

As if the ever growing epidemic of fake rape accusations wasn’t enough of a cause of concern, the internet became a “safe space” for one of the most hateful group of people on this planet to throw this extremely vile word around, calling a random stranger, ‘rapist’, from the comfort of their couch and without worrying about any kind of consequence. The group I’m referring to is, of course, SJWs, or Social Justice Warriors. And the occasional White Knight.

These folks can be seen in action on some of the most popular subs on the notorious website Reddit, i.e. r/tumblrinaction and r/whiteknighting.

I’ve seen these people get offended on the most ridiculous things (FREAKING water bottles, healthy food or Twitter follow preferences of certain celebs, for starters) and throw the most contemptible insults one can imagine, at the ones they’re arguing with. Nothing is off limits. Not even rape. I have seen people get called rapists and paedophiles for absolutely no reason other than the fact that the ones throwing around these words had run out of insults. I used to feel the utmost pity for these people. Sometimes, I used to just let out a chuckle and scroll down the news feed.

Today, I was called one. And it stung real hard. I’m sure as hell not laughing now.

It began when I posted a screenshot on a Reddit sub called r/IAmVeryBadass. The sub is dedicated to mock those tough keyboard warriors who type out profanities and all kinds of threats, geared towards some stranger that’s probably sitting thousands of miles away. The screenshot featured a guy throwing threats left and right, even going as far as threatening a user to rape his girlfriend. Look for yourself.

I took a screenshot, omitted the usernames, and posted it in the sub. And thus the drama ensued. The top comment branded the man in question as being “a misogynist who would probably rape a women”, and rightfully so. The guy was after all threatening to rape a woman.

A Reddit user named u/dissenter_the_dragon chimed in, and asked the commenter “whether he was referring to the person making a rape threat, or the OP (that’s me), who is a regular poster at r/mgtow and r/mensrights?” Then the user added that they’re going with both!

This user, dissenter_the_dragon, without ever having met me, and without having an ounce of proof against me, indirectly referred to me as being a misogynist as well as a rapist. And they did it in the most casual manner possible, in a humorous tone, like it meant nothing to them.

I remember reading about an incredibly horrible gangrape case around five years ago. That was the first time I realized how low a human being can stoop to, disregarding any consequences to the victim as well as themselves. I began suffering from insomnia, spending countless nights reliving the moment the victim was raped, and how quickly a person’s hopes and aspirations for a bright future got destroyed beyond repair because a group of human scum decided to have their way with the victim. I even used to fantasise and make up scenarios in my mind, where I’m torturing these worthless excuses for human beings, in an abandoned basement. Basically, my mind was fucked up, almost to the point of no return.

But I did.

And I made sure to always do my bit towards this very scathing issue, and make as many people aware of the heinous consequences of rape, as I possibly could.

Imagine my utter disgust, when out of the blue, a random ignorant keyboard warrior (still unsure whether they were an SJW, a white knight, or just a sad lonely human being) brands me as being a possible rapist, just because I associate myself with, and post in men’s rights and MGTOW groups!

The feeling sure as hell wasn’t a pretty one. It stung inside. Another user chimed in and assumed that I was someone who migrated to these groups when r/incel (incel is someone who defines themselves as being unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, and some of them are known for blaming women for their state) was shutdown.

I wasn’t surprised at all. These folks are not known for carrying out a logical argument, without assuming stuff and resorting to childish insults.

I couldn’t just see the accusation thrown at me and not respond. They needed to learn that it WAS NOT OKAY to throw around this extremely vile word without having known the person they were targeting. The user had made a comment down the chain, stating that Men’s rights activists and MGTOWs need to be hugged more by their parents, and that they make sure to always hug their daughter.

The user apparently couldn’t think of anything else but to throw another insult at me, to which I replied as I saw fit. They fired back with using the classic Nazi insult, editing their comment to state that it was of course a metaphor, after I replied that I hated Nazis growing up, and still do BTW.

It’s worth noting here that, THEY STILL HAVEN’T TRIED TO CORRECT ME. We have exchanged a a bunch of comments by this point, but they still haven’t said anything to mean that the rapist reference was a mistake, which means that they are still maintaining the fact that they did indeed see me as a misogynist and a rapist. This becomes important down the line, when they try to retract their statement, stating that they actually referred to me as ONLY a misogynist and not a rapist, when they realized that what they spewed was an incredibly stupid thing to say, and the downvotes had started to pour in.

They also falsely accused me of accusing the man in the screenshot of being a rapist when all I did was just mention what the man himself stated. This usually happens when someone like this user runs out of arguments to make. Feast your eyes upon this travesty.

The comment chain stretched down further, as the user got themselves tangled into their own web of lies. Another user chimed in, who were most probably a backup called in by the dragon in desperation.

The backup didn’t respond beyond these exchanges. But the accuser kept at it, clinging to it and embarrassing themselves further in the process. They even tried to make me go their route, and engage in the hilariously creepy act of stalking someone’s Reddit profile to find some dirt on them.

I responded that that wasn’t something I do, unlike them. There’s a highly upvoted and well received post on the popular subreddit, r/unpopularopinion, demonizing people who stalk someone’s profile in hopes of finding something to use against them in an argument.

Finally, they gave up and just let their true self run wild in the open for everyone to see, blatantly accusing me of actually hurting women. They kept at it for a while before quitting for good.

As the ‘conversation’ came to an end, I realized something.

I had just wasted a good chunk of my day, arguing with someone who had called me one of the most vile things anyone could say to a fellow human being. What if someone calls me a rapist again, someday? There’s no shortage of SJWs and white knights on the web, and they don’t hold anything back while insulting you, if they feel that their safe space has been invaded. This one didn’t eve need their space invaded in the first place! Will I waste more time with trolls like these in the future? The answer is a resounding NO! If the person is awful enough to refer to you as a rapist, based on your activity in subs that are against their ideals, then that person is definitely not worth having a debate with you. You will only end up wasting your time when you decide to feed the troll.

So why this article, if I had decided to not waste my time on people like these anymore? Here’s why.

The word ‘rape’ has lost it’s meaning. Every other day, you’ll read a news stating someone being falsely accused of rape. More often than that, you’ll see ignorant folks throwing around this vile word to insult complete strangers on the internet.

These people are dangerous.

They are someone who could potentially accuse a person of a terrible crime in the future, just to get back at them, like multiple fake accusation cases in the past have taught us. Shaming these people is a necessity, for the sake of a completely innocent person who could be a potential victim of these horrible beings.

The one I encountered was a parent of a little girl. Imagine what kind of despicable teachings these people could pass on to their children? Even the thought of little children being raised up by someone like this person, makes me shudder.

More importantly, instances like this one being out there in the open for everyone to see, is a tiny drop in the large ocean of content that would help people realize that:

  1. Rape is not a joke that can be thrown around as an insult. People have lost lives in horrible manner while being raped and some have survived rapes to live incredibly tough lives because of how society looks down upon rape survivors. It’s the last thing one should joke about.
  2. The ones who joke about it are absolutely vile human beings, and should be systematically named and shamed in the open for everyone to see.

Rape is no joke, and people need to start learning this simple fact, before it’s too late.

Massive edit: I somehow forgot to include the screenshot that formed the title of this dissection. Here it is:

The Gillette Fiasco: Fuckup of the Century

If you somehow still haven’t heard of the Gillette toxic masculinity controversy, or if you’re someone who geuinely strives for gender equality (not the Tumblrised SJW version), please do yourself a favour and read this till the very end.

Imagine being a firefighter who came home one night after saving a bunch of people from dying a horrible death in an apartment fire. 

Or a doctor who came home after spending 6 gruelling hours in the ICU, giving it all to save an almost lost cause.

Or a policeman who came home after preventing potential robberies, murders or rapes, and separating the scum from the civilians. 

Imagine being any of these men, coming home after doing what you do best, switching ON the TV and seeing a money hungry corporate giant telling you how to become a better man! 

The same FREAKING corporation whose parent company, Proctor & Gamble was among the 9 multinationals that were dealing with an oil company with documented CHILD LABOUR AND WORKER SAFETY VIOLATIONS!

Here are some snippets from the trainwreak that is the Gillette commercial:
1. A company head gently lays his hand on an employee’s shoulder, who happens to be a woman, and her face looks as if she has been scarred for life. Remember, now we are living in an age where THIS is termed as sexual harassment. 
2. A bunch of families are having a backyard barbecue. 2 kids start beating the shit out of each other while the men simply watch and say, “Boys will be boys.” In real life, the men would have actually broken up the fight in fear of the children getting severely hurt or something. And where the hell are the mommies? They are nowhere to be found in the whole damn backyard! How warped your mindset must be when you need to make up a scenario to push your agenda?
3. A man is about to approach a women in hopes of beginning a conversation. Just as he is about to begin addressing her, a white knight appears out of the blue, and stops him from talking to her. A man who approaches a woman to engage in a conversation is now considered harassment by the cucks at Gillette! And yeah, they used a black man to portray the white knight. The ones who have witnessed Tumblr at its worst know what Gillette was trying to portray here.

Gillette blatantly ignored the contributions of men in society in its desperate attempt to shame men into oblivion. Scientific discoveries, life saving drugs, codes that run the world, armed forces that protect countries, and much more- all ignored without a shred of remorse, just to berate men into giving up and engage in self loathing. 

And it all makes sense when you look up the past work of the director of this commercial, Kim Gehrig. She has protested against the use of steroid related violence in Australia via a video. The major reasons she gave for the rise of steroids were…. care to guess? Unemployment? Depression? Divorce? Increase in the cost of life in general? Women? Motherhood (single mothers)? Nahhh! Of course not.
The reasons, in this video, are:

1) Fathers that hit their children (boys)

2) boys that are bullies.

The SJWs are having a field day with mocking and ridiculing men who have been offended by this advert, claiming that this uproar is why messages like these are needed to be put out, and stating that the commercial only targets the men who are displaying toxic masculinity, not all men.

Remember that the commercial hasn’t mentioned the term “not all men” in any form throughout its duration. It’s worth noting that Youtube is shamelessly deleting negative comments left and right, proving two hard hitting facts:

1. They can dish out criticism, but aren’t man enough to take some back.

2. These large corporations are pandering to the propaganda pushing SJW crowds who have been vocal with their incredibly sexist slogan of “All men are trash” under the veil of “gender equality”.

Google, the worst of the bunch, will show you propaganda pieces by hate filled feminists, if you search the Gillette commercial on it.

Years ago, there was this commercial that promoted a fit and healthy body. “Are you beach body ready?”, it asked. The shitstorm all across the web over this commercial was a sight to behold. Tumblrinas everywhere protested and demanded for it to be taken down. Finally, they came up with an alternate commercial, replacing the fit women with morbidly obese ones. 

These hypocrites, who got offended by a simple and harmless commercial that promoted a fit body, are bashing men for being upset by a commercial that basically brands them as being rapists.

More than 70% of Gillette’s customer base consists of men. I urge every self respecting man out there. Please boycott this man-hating, sjw infested corporation and every single one of its products. There are tons of alternatives out there that would be happy to serve you, instead of telling you how to be a better man. That’s the last thing you need to hear from a corporate that itself has a shady past, and is guilty of promoting child labour.

Several decades from now, whenever a discussion pops up that highlights the biggest corporate fuckups of all time, people would look down in utter disgust upon Gillette, the company that shot itself in the head in an attempt to appease a minority, and lost a good chunk of its customer base in the process.

“I don’t want to go down on my wife even if she begs me for it.” – Reddit User’s Social Media Experiment Ends Up Exposing Society’s Hypocrisy

A Reddit user (who wished to remain anonymous) decided to conduct a social media experiment on the website’s AmITheAsshole subreddit, after stumbling upon a post that received around 2,000 upvotes and more than 600 comments from the community.

The post, made by a woman, explained how her husband was forcing her to give him a blowjob.

The post immediately began getting responses from disgusted redditors. Almost everyone was in unison in bashing the husband for forcing the woman to do something she clearly didn’t want to. Here are some of the responses. This user stated the obvious and branded the husband as being a terrible person, and rightfully so.

One raging redditor let her know what she thought of her husband for forcing her against her wishes.

A string of responses followed and pretty much everyone had the same thing to say: Her body, her choice. Plus he was being an absolute jerk for making these demands.

Upon reading the responses, the redditor decided to conduct a little experiment and made a similar post on the same subreddit after a couple of days. The post pretty much says the exact same thing that the woman mentioned in her post, with a minor difference: the genders were reversed.

Many regular lurkers noticed what the user was doing, and ridiculed him for conducting this experiment. The post began getting downvoted but not before getting a bunch of eye opening responses. Let’s check them out!

This user rightfully said that the guy isn’t an asshole for not wanting to go down on his wife. But they added that by doing this, he is “depriving his wife of something really special and meaningful and private”!

When the guy responds with how he simply finds it gross, another redditor chimes in and asks him to seek therapy and try to think from her point of view.

One user doesn’t present their opinion on whether the guy is an asshole or not, but they throw in a couple of questions on why the guy doesn’t like going down on his wife. The user ends it with stating that it can be a turn ON for him when she enjoys what he’s doing to her.

This user tries to be neutral but still ends up suggesting that this kind of situation can make the wife feel shitty about herself, and that’s the reason she left the house. Although they try to advise him on how he should try some other positions to pleasure her, other than oral.

Another user hurls insults straight away and calls the guy, ‘a fragile little flower’. When asked how, the user doesn’t respond.

This redditor advises him that he should be “willing to do things that he doesn’t like doing for her”. If he doesn’t, he is a selfish person.

After a while, the moderators locked the thread and deleted every comment on it. The red background on the second post suggests that it has been deleted.

It should be noted that moderators on multiple subreddits on the website have been called out by users in the past, accusing them of censoring posts that don’t coincide with their ideals and preferences.

There was even a post on the subreddit named UnpopularOpinion, bashing Reddit mods for being biased and misusing their authority. The post garnered more than 23k upvotes and is still one of the highest upvoted posts in the sub. Here’s the post if you wish to read it:


The stark difference between the two posts exposes the utter hypocrisy of modern society, and the only thing one can conclude after reading these two posts is that if a man demands favours from his wife forcefully, he is a terrible person and a sorry excuse for a human being.

But if a woman does this to her husband, well, he should stop being selfish and consider looking at the situation from his wife’s perspective.