Welcome to OpenPFGW! updated to PFGW v1.2 Release (January 30, 2005) Before proceeding with this document, please read the LICENSE.pfgw document that should have accompanied this distribution. If such a license was not present, please contact primeform.net at the addresses below. Legalities over. Welcome to OpenPFGW, the next step in the evolution of the PrimeForm primality-testing program. OpenPFGW intends to be in the spirit of "open source" - a spirit that should not be encumbered by legalities. The spirit of "open source" is often lost in the maze of licenses. This document does not include the project documentation. That document (PfgwDoc.txt) should appear elsewhere in the package you have received. this document explains what the OpenPFGW Project is all about, specifically, what you are allowed to do with the package. In other words, this document details what 'restrictions' are enforced by the license. 1) If you received a binary distribution of PrimeForm/GW, then you may use the program as you wish. Should you discover a large prime, then you must credit the program suitably. Should you write an article in a mathematical journal, you must cite primeform.net in your references. Should your discovery or publication bring any financial reward... then that is yours to keep. 2) If you received a source code distribution of PrimeForm/GW, you may build or modify it as you wish. Executables built from source, modified or otherwise, are subject to the same conditions as in 1). You may not call your program "PrimeForm/GW" or any of the other names reserved by the project. There are no restrictions regarding the use of the PrimeForm/GW code in commercial applications. However, be sure to verify such distributions adhere to the terms and conditions of the third-party packages. 3) If you wish to modify, improve, or add to the functionality of the product, you are free to do so. See the accompanying OPENPFGW document for details of such submissions. 4) You may redistribute source or binary versions of the product as you received it, freely and without restriction. You may include it within other distributions provided the files included in the MANIFEST are present and remain unaltered. Have fun! Chris Nash Lexington KY UNITED STATES e-mail: chris_nash@prodigy.net Jim Fougeron jfoug@cox.net