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Mersenne number
A Mersenne number is a number of the form
When this number is prime, it is called a Mersenne prime, otherwise it is a composite number.
The number of digits of a Mersenne number
Properties of Mersenne numbers
Mersenne numbers share several properties:
- Mn is a sum of binomial coefficients:
. - If a is a divisor of Mq (q prime) then a has the following properties:
and: . - A theorem from Euler about numbers of the form 1+6k shows that Mq (q prime) is a prime if and only if there exists only one pair
such that: with . More recently, Bas Jansen has studied for d=0 ... 48 and has provided a new (and clearer) proof for case d=3. - Let
be a prime. is also a prime if and only if divides Mq. - Reix has recently found that prime and composite Mersenne numbers Mq (q prime > 3) can be written as:
. Obviously, if there exists only one pair (x,y), then Mq is prime. - Ramanujan has showed that the equation:
has only 3 solutions with q prime: 3, 5, and 7 (and 2 solutions with q composite). - Any mersenne number is a binary repunit (in base 2, they consist of only ones).
- If the exponent n is composite, the Mersenne number must be composite as well.
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Number classes
General numbers |
Special numbers |
Prime numbers |