Jean Penné's LLR


A titan, as defined by Samuel Yates, is anyone who has found a titanic prime. This page provides data on those that have found these primes. The data below only reflects on the primes currently on the list. (Many of the terms that are used here are explained on another page.)

Proof-code(s): p132, p136, p146, p153, p182 ... ... g427, p377, CH8, p378, SB12
Active wild codes: ^L\d+
Code prefix:L
E-mail address: (e-mail address unpublished)
Web page:
Username LLR (entry created on 12/27/2002 09:11:16 CDT)
Database id:431 (entry last modified on 10/17/2019 20:20:26 CDT)
Program Does *: special, plus, minus
Active primes:on current list: 4928, rank by number 1
Total primes: number ever on any list: 49666
Production score: for current list 56 (normalized: 99569), total 56.2515, rank by score 2
Largest prime: 10223 · 231172165 + 1 ‏(‎9383761 digits) via code SB12 on 11/6/2016 12:15:13 CDT
Most recent: 122481106131072 + 1 ‏(‎1060120 digits) via code L4704 on 12/26/2022 12:25:34 CDT
Entrance Rank: mean 1787.97 (minimum 7, maximum 78740)
Unprocessed: prime submissions still untested or inprocess: 1.

Descriptive Data: (report abuse)

LLR takes an input file from Paul Jobling's NewPgen, and proves the primality of numbers of the form k.2n± 1 with k < 2n. It implements the Lucas-Lehmer-Riesel and Proth algorithms, using George Woltman's gwnums and assembly code routines for fast multiplications and squarings.

(Get for Windows, or for Intel/Linux, where xx is the version number.)

Surname: LLR (used for alphabetizing and in codes).
Note that the prime search page will not display more than 16,000 primes.
Unverified primes are omitted from counts and lists until verification completed.
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Printed from the PrimePages <> © Chris Caldwell.