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Pocklington's theorem

提供: Prime-Wiki
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The Pocklington's theorem invented by H. C. Pocklington in 1914, which is a primality test for the number N, states:

Let N1=qkR where q is a prime which does not divide R. If there is an integer a such that an11(modn) and gcd(a(N1)/q1,N)=1, then each prime factor q of N has the form qkr+1.

From the previous theorem it can be deduced a primality test when only a partial factorization of N-1 is known:

Let N=fr+1, where 0<rf+1. The value N is prime if, for every prime divisor p of f, there is an integer x_p such that:


If f < r, Pocklington's theorem does not return a primality proof, but there is still some hope of proving primality. The theorem implies that every factor p of N satisfies


There are several algorithms which can be used to finish the proof, provided f is big enough. If f3>n, Selfridge's test can be used to prove primality. If f10>n3, the Konyagin-Pomerance Test can be used. If f4>n, there is a polynomial-time algorithm, due to Coppersmith and Howgrave-Graham for carrying out a complete search for divisors congruent to 1 modulo f.

Each of these algorithms is more complicated than the last, so it is best to use the simplest one which will work for the value of f you have. For f4<n, there is no known algorithm which enhances Pocklington's theorem.

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