A probable-prime which is composite is called a pseudoprime. (At one time all probable primes were called pseudoprimes, but now the terminology has been corrected.) The smallest examples of pseudoprimes for bases 2, 3, 5, and 7 are as follows.341 = 11.31 is a 2-PRP, (Sarrus 1819)It is harder to find examples of composites which are probable primes (or better, strong probable primes) to several bases, but this is always possible [AGP94a].
91 = 7.13 is a 3-PRP,
217 = 7.31 is a 5-PRP and,
25 = 5.5 is a 7-PRP.
Let tn be the least composite that is a strong probable prime for the first n primes. We now know:
t1 = 23 . 89Knowing tn gives an efficient primality test for small numbers: all numbers less than tn which pass SPRP tests fore the first n primes are indeed prime!
t2 = 829 . 1657
t3 = 2251 . 11251
t4 = 151 . 751 . 28351
t5 = 6763 . 10627 . 29947
t6 = 1303 . 16927 . 157543
t7 = 10670053 . 32010157
t8 = 10670053 . 32010157
t9 ≤ 149491 . 747451 . 34233211
t10 ≤ 149491 . 747451 . 34233211
t11 ≤ 149491 . 747451 . 34233211
t12 ≤ 399165290221 . 798330580441
t13 ≤ 1287836182261 . 2575672364521
t14 ≤ 54786377365501 . 109572754731001
t15 ≤ 172157429516701 . 344314859033401
t16 ≤ 531099297693901 . 1062198595387801
t17 ≤ 531099297693901 . 1062198595387801
t18 ≤ 27778299663977101 . 55556599327954201
t19 ≤ 27778299663977101 . 55556599327954201
t20 > 1036
Arnault found a 337 digit number which passed strong PRP tests for each of the 46 primes below 200 [Arnault95].
It is interesting to note that in 1950 Lehmer, using the weaker definition an = a (mod n) for probable/pseudo-prime, discovered 2*73*1103 = 161038 is an even "pseudoprime" base two.
See Also: CarmichaelNumber, PRP, FrobeniusPseudoprime
Related pages (outside of this work)
- AGP94a
- W. R. Alford, A. Granville and C. Pomerance, On the difficulty of finding reliable witnesses. In "Algorithmic Number Theory, First International Symposium, ANTS-I," L. M. Adleman and M. D. Huang editors, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol, 877, Springer-Verlag, 1994. Berlin, pp. 1--16, MR 96d:11136
- Arnault95
- F. Arnault, "Rabin-Miller primality test: composite numbers which pass it," Math. Comp., 64:209 (1995) 355--361. MR 95c:11152
- Jaeschke93
- G. Jaeschke, "On strong pseudoprimes to several bases," Math. Comp., 61 (1993) 915-926. MR 94d:11004
- Pinch2000
- R. Pinch, The pseudoprimes up to 1013. In "Algorithmic number theory (Leiden, 2000)," Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci. Vol, 1838, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000. pp. 459--473, MR 2002g:11177
- Pomerance84
- C. Pomerance, Lecture notes on primality testing and factoring (notes by G. M. Gagola Jr.), Notes Vol, 4, Mathematical Association of America, 1984. pp. 34 pages,
- PSW80
- C. Pomerance, J. L. Selfridge and Wagstaff, Jr., S. S., "The pseudoprimes to 25 · 109," Math. Comp., 35:151 (1980) 1003-1026. MR 82g:10030
- Ribenboim95
- P. Ribenboim, The new book of prime number records, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1995. pp. xxiv+541, ISBN 0-387-94457-5. MR 96k:11112 [An excellent resource for those with some college mathematics. Basically a Guinness Book of World Records for primes with much of the relevant mathematics. The extensive bibliography is seventy-five pages.]
- Zhang2000
- Z. Zhang, "Finding strong pseudoprimes to several bases," Math. Comp., 70:234 (2001) 863--872. MR 2001g:11009 (Abstract available)
- Zhang2005a
- Z. Zhang, "Finding C3-strong pseudoprimes," Math. Comp., 74:250 (2005) 1009--1024 (electronic). MR 2114662
- Zhang2007
- Zhang, Zhenxiang, "Two kinds of strong pseudoprimes up to 1036," Math. Comp., 76:260 (2007) 2095--2107 (electronic). MR2336285
- ZT2003
- Z. Zhang and M. Tang, "Finding strong pseudoprimes to several bases. II," Math. Comp., 72:244 (2003) 2085--2097 (electronic). MR 2004c:11008 (Abstract available)
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