
Detailed status of lasievef_small NFS@Home currently is sieving the following numbers using the lasievef_small app. When you participate in NFS@Home, work for one or more of these numbers will be assigned to your computer. The parameters defining the number will be downloaded to your computer, and the computed 'relations' needed for the post processing step will be uploaded to the main server. This happens automatically; you don't have to do anything. See the bottom of the page for the meaning of each column.

Now sieving

These numbers are being distributed to the clients right now. You can notice them because the workunits you get starts with these names.

#名前プロジェクト種類BitsQ rangePushed未送出保留中受信日時RelationsEst. Pending RelsPost processing / Comments
1 2_1473pCunninghamSNFS(296)3325-310 M67.57 %9427976183568691,528,55230,461,190
2 11p10_284Homogeneous_CunninghamGNFS(196)3340-235 M1.25 %95525512374,353,350900,935

Total size of result files: 45.72 GB


These numbers are planned, they are currently reviewed or waiting for space on the server disk, and will soon be processed.

#名前プロジェクト種類BitsPost processing / Comments
1 C227_129_124XYYXFSNFS(272)33
2 C203_147_104XYYXFGNFS(203)33

Queued for post processing

These numbers have been successfully sieved, and are waiting for someone to post process them. We're still receiving pending results, but no work is generated because we have sufficient relations.

#名前プロジェクト種類BitsQ rangePushed未送出保留中受信日時RelationsEst. Pending RelsPost processing / Comments

Total size of MANAGED pending files: 0 GB

Post processing

These numbers have been successfully sieved, and are being post processed

#名前プロジェクト種類BitsPost processing / Comments


These numbers have been successfully factored

#名前プロジェクト種類BitsPost processing / Comments
1 C191_M61_k32kostaGNFS(191)32Sean Wellman: p84 * p107
2 Lucas(1510) aim for 360MrelsLucasSNFS(252.46)32Tom Womack: p93 * p112
3 3p2_1578MHomogeneous_CunninghamSNFS(251(quartic))32Jon Becker: p87 * p112
4 C196_3366_2224AliquotGNFS(196)33Mike Curtis: p71 * p125
5 8p3_834LHomogeneous_CunninghamSNFS(251.06 (quartic))32Jon Becker: p64 * p152
6 Lucas(2995) aurifeuillian A, target 360M relsLucasSNFS(250.37)32Tom Womack: p70 * p142
7 C235_131_106XYYXFSNFS(267.34)31Sean Wellman: p110 *p125
8 8p3_834MHomogeneous_CunninghamSNFS(251 (quartic))32Jon Becker: p84 *p137
9 C213_M31_k58kostaSNFS(279.96)33Sean Wellman: p88 * p125
10 Lucas(2250)LucasSNFS (quartic)(250.44)32Serge Batalov: p103 * p122
11 8p3_930MHomogeneous_CunninghamSNFS(224 (octic))31Sergey Batalov: p88 * p100
12 3p2_1758LHomogeneous_CunninghamGNFS(190)31Jon Becker: p65 * p125
13 C201_3366_2226AliquotGNFS(201)33Greg Childers: p84 * p118
14 6p5_1110L_bHomogeneous_CunninghamSNFS(233 (octic))32Jon Becker: p67 * p119
15 C191_4788_12590AliquotGNFS(191)31Sean Wellman: p74 * p117
16 Fibonacci(1409)FibonacciSNFS(294.1)33Sergey Batalov: p64 * p161
17 C202_147_116XYYXFGNFS(202)33Sean Wellman: p71 * p132
18 C201_3366_2233AliquotGNFS(201)33Greg Childers: p74 * p127
19 8m3_341Homogeneous_CunninghamGNFS(193)32Greg Childers: p66 * p127
20 C202_3408_1693AliquotGNFS(202)33Greg Childers: p78 * p125
21 3p2_1890LHomogeneous_CunninghamGNFS(193)32Greg Childers: p62 * p129
22 8p3_326Homogeneous_CunninghamGNFS(193)32Sean Wellman: p68 * p125
23 71111_329Near-repdigitGNFS(208)34Greg Childers: p88 * p120
24 2_2862LCunninghamSNFS(287)32Sergey Batalov: p96 * p187
25 C237_139_126XYYXFSNFS(291)33 Sergey Batalov: p74 * p163
26 C284_135_127XYYXFSNFS(284)33Greg Childers: p131 * p153
27 2_2622LCunninghamSNFS(263 (octic))34Sergey Batalov: p104 * p126
28 C203_145_119XYYXFGNFS(203)33Greg Childers: p92 * p111
29 2_2822MCunninghamGNFS(202)33Greg Childers: p101 * p102
30 6p5_1230LHomogeneous_CunninghamSNFS(255 (octic))34Greg Childers: p97 * p147
31 C255_142_79XYYXFSNFS(273)32Greg Childers: p96 * p159
32 C250_129_118XYYXFSNFS(267)32Greg Childers: p92 * p159
33 2_2694MCunninghamGNFS(204)33Greg Childers: p96 * p108
34 2_1467mCunninghamSNFS(294)33Greg Childers: p96 * p133
35 2_2694LCunninghamGNFS(204)33Greg Childers: p69 * p136
36 C214_139_87XYYXFSNFS(271)32Greg Childers: p76 * p138
37 125642407351_23m1OddPerfectSNFS(266)33Greg Childers: p64 * p176


Name: The name identifying the number (Cnnn=composite, etc, project dependent) - probably the workunits name prefix

Project: The factoring project for which this number is sieved

Type: Factoring algorithm and relative calculation difficulty

Bits: Another measure of difficulty, indicating how much relations are required

Q range: Sieving range, indicating the total number of workunits, each one managing 1k Q values

Pushed: Fraction of the Q range for which workunits have been generated

Unsent: Workunits that have been generated but not sent to anyone yet

Pending: Workunits that have been sent to clients for computation

Received: Workunits that have been processed by clients, and that we have received and accumulated

Relations: Cumulated number of NFS relations in all the received results

Est. Pending Rels: Estimated number of relations in the pending result, calculated from the number of received relations and results

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