The Ballad of Whitetail Woods (1200 Sub Song Special)

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Update: 6.30.13 - My thanks to Equestria Daily for MOtD


Hi. I'm not a singer. I don't profess to be good at it. But I was melancholy today. A good friend of mine is "cut off from the world" in so many words. She was originally going to provide this instrumental for me in Ukelele and Bongos, and I'd sing/rap over it... but now... who knows?

No rap here. Just singing. The instrumental is a piano cover of the "Mario Kart Love Song" but with ponified lyrics. It just made sense to do something with Dash/AJ & the Running of the Leaves episode. Maybe if she comes back to the world, I'll take this one down and do a proper song with her.

Until then let this song stand as a vigil.

To my hip-hop supporters, bear with me till the next song. :)


Piano Instrumental:
Mario Kart Love Song:

Update: 6.23.16 11:01pm

She's alright now. I can rest from my vigil. Be happy.