حرق تاكاهيرو كاراساوا القرآن وأهان محمدًا
Hacked by Takahiro Karasawa (Japanese lawyer) and Aichi Bunkyo University (Japanese university)
〒108-0073 2-2-15, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Mita Tsunamachi Duplex R's301
Steadiness Law Office

TEL:+81 3-6435-8073

愛知文教大学 唐澤貴洋

↑She is チノ(Chino).

ワイ「ち、チノちゃん! おちんちん激しくしないで!」 チノ「うるさいですね……」シコシコシコ

ワイ「あ、あぁ~ッ!」 ドピュドピュドピューッ!



数週間前、念願のラビットハウスに就職したのだが、『女性ばかりの街で若い男を野放しにすると皆レイプされるのでは』 という懸念の声があり、結果、チノちゃんが定期的にワイのオチンチンから精子をシコシコしてくれるようになった。しかしチノちゃんはなんだか ワイのことがキライみたいで、いつもいつも不愛想にオチンチンシコシコして、ちんちんイタイイタイなのだった。






ワイ「チノちゃーん!」 バターンッ!


ワイ「チ、チノちゃーん! ごめんよーッ! チノちゃんは毎日ワイのためにオチンチンしこしこの練習してたのにワイはそんなことも知らずに……ッ!   ハフッ!ハフッ! チノちゃんの湯上りふとももいい匂い!」




ワイ「そ、そんなことないよ! チノちゃんのその気持ちだけでワイは十分オチンチン気持ちいいんだよ! あっ、そ、そうだ! チノちゃんおてて出して!


ワイ「そう! それじゃあ今からオナニーするからね! チノちゃんのやわらかおててにドッピュするからね! ちゃんと受け止めてね!」


ワイ「ウオーッ! チノ! ぷにぷにおててに出すぞ!」ドピュドピュドピューッ!


ワイ「くっ、ふぅ……! す、すっごい濃いのが出たぁーッ!」


ワイ「それはね……チノちゃんの気持ちが、ワイに伝わったからだよ! チノちゃんの他人を思いやる優しさがね!」


ワイ「そう! だから、テクニックなんて、二の次なんだよ! オチンチンしこしこは、上手い人にやってもらうより、好きな人にやってもらうのが一番気持ちいいんだよ!」


ワイ「もちろん!」 その後、ワイは一晩中チノちゃんのおててに射精を続けて次の日の朝は起き上がれないほど疲弊していた。 でもまぁ、その日以来、おちんちん搾りをするときチノちゃんが耳元で「好きです」とつぶやいてくれるようになったので結果オーライ! 終わり

Yi: "Chi, Chino! Don't make your penis so hard!" Chino "It's noisy. ......

Wai "Ah, ah! Dopdopdopdopdop!

Chino "Yes, today's sperming is over. Thank you for your hard work."

Wai "Ugh ...... Oh, thank you very much ......"

A few weeks ago, I got my dream job at Rabbit House, but there was concern that 'if you let young men loose in an all-female town, they will all get raped.' ' and as a result, Chino-chan started to regularly shimmy the sperm out of Wai's cock. However, Chino-chan seemed to She was always so sarcastic, always jerking her cock off, and her cock was always itchy.

Wai "Tohoho......Chino-chan is cute, but her cock is itty bitty. ......Ahhh, can't you somehow make Chino-chan's semen puh-puh gentle and pleasing to the touch? I wonder if I can get her to make my semen puh-puh gently and pleasantly.

It's late at night and the light is leaking from Chino-chan's room.

Chino "yosho ...... yosho ......"

Wai (Chi, Chino-chan is practicing cock-sucking against a penis dildo in her room!)

Chino "Phew ...... I guess this is how it is ....... I have to work harder to make you feel better ......"

Wai "Chino-chan!" BATTAN!

Chino "Hyah!

Wai "Chi, Chino-chan! I'm sorry! Chino-chan was practicing rubbing her penis for me every day, and I didn't even know she was doing that... ......!   Huff! Huff! Chino-chan's thighs smell so good after taking a bath!

Chino "Please don't smell it in the rush!"

Wai "I'm sorry Chino-chan ......!"

The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go to a store and buy a new pair of jeans and a new pair of jeans. That's what I do for a living,....... Besides, I'm not very good at it, and it doesn't make me feel very good.

Yi: "That's not true! That feeling alone is enough for me to feel good about my penis! Oh, that's right! Chino-chan, give me your hand!

Chino "like this?"

Y "Yes! Then I'm going to masturbate now! I'm going to masturbate into your soft hand! Make sure you catch it!

Chino "What, what?

Y "Ooooh! Chino! I'm going to pop it in your soft hand! Dopdopdopdopdopdop!

Chino "Hyah! Bishah!

Wai "Damn! It's so thick!

Chino "It's true ......, but why ......?"

Yi "It's because ...... Chino-chan's feelings were conveyed to me! Chino-chan's kindness and consideration for others!

Chino "My kindness ......"

Wai: "Yes! So, technique is secondary! It feels better to have someone you like do it to you than to have someone who is good at it!

Chino "I like ...... that you like it... ...... Oh, um, can I practice with you a little bit more?"

Yi "Of course!" After that, Yi continued to ejaculate into Chino-chan's hand all night long, and the next morning he was so exhausted that he couldn't get up. But, well, since that day, Chino-chan started murmuring "I love you" in my ear when she squeezed my penis, so the result was all right! The End