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Posted by2 days ago
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liquid-skies commented on


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Posted by3 days ago
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Yes! I love it too! Love the man and the sketch!

Thanks so much!

Love it!

Thanks :)

liquid-skies commented on

Just saw this on nyt cooking yt channel! They look SO delicious I’m gonna try to make them soon :))

liquid-skies commented on

When someone figures this out, let me know lol, I have gotten fired so many times because of episodes and missing work, and i cannot for the life of me hold down a job.

liquid-skies commented on
9 points · 6 days ago

So absurd but I loved that book. It gave me a similar feeling to Tender is the Flesh, but even more fucked up. I actually enjoyed the story and thought it was a million times better than the rest of the extreme horror I've read.

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Yeah i actually liked the writing in Cows, obviously its super fucked up and disgusting, but i read through it in one sitting and it held my attention the whole time. It's just such a weird concept though haha

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Posted by12 days ago
Evil Cackle
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Conveys Harry's disastrous vibe pretty conveniently. Great job, especially on the makeup part.

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Thank ya much!

It's not an expression, it's the look

But seriously great cos

Appreciate you, man. Im sorry I didn’t commit to the whole look but I hope I still did the overall vibe justice!

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liquid-skies commented on

Wait does Lamictal make people prone to breakouts??? Is this why my skin is so bad??

For me it definitely it started immediately when I got put on lamictal

It all makes sense now :(

liquid-skies commented on
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it’s meeeee

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Posted by14 days ago
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liquid-skies commented on

Happy thanksgiving, friend! Chinese sounds delish, I hope you enjoy it! What game are you gonna play?

liquid-skies commented on

What a sexy loaf of bread

liquid-skies commented on

They explode

liquid-skies commented on

What’s your budget? I started with a Wacom tablet, but now I much prefer an iPad with the pen that comes with it, and the procreate app.

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Posted by20 days ago
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I love the mood

Thanks! I know spooky season is over but still

Spooky art never is over

This is true

liquid-skies commented on

Stippling is a bitch so good luck to you my friend

liquid-skies commented on
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So I do DBT, mainly because I have BPD, but I also have Bipolar 2 and CPTSD as well, and I find that even thought DBT was made to help people with BPD, it can help other things as well, and maybe provide you with the skills needed to live a stable life that often times is very difficult with Bipolar and PTSD. I am currently learning a lot about grounding, mindfulness, interpersonal relationships, etc, that I think could be really beneficial for things other than BPD! Maybe do a couple searches and see if it's something you'd be interested in and best of luck!

liquid-skies commented on

I like to slice my squash into long strips and then batter them in tempura and deep fry them!

liquid-skies commented on

Thank you for reminding me I need to do way better about eating meals with my Latuda 😅

liquid-skies commented on

I do this when I'm depressed, lol. I've deleted and remade all my social media accounts like 4 times.

liquid-skies commented on

its just another way for men to control women, honestly. its catered to men. it gives men satisfaction. its a patriarchal thing.

liquid-skies commented on


liquid-skies commented on

When I worked in a kitchen and when I was a server, I always wore non slip clogs. I think I got mine from a website specifically for restaurant shoes. They’re not the cutest, but your feet will thank you.

liquid-skies commented on

A nice lady at the grocery store did a double take at me to tell me she thought I was beautiful. It was sweet, it was almost like she was caught off guard, but then said such kind things and I hope wherever she is she is having an amazing day.

liquid-skies commented on

I saw David a couple years ago when I visited Italy with my family, and as an artist myself, I cried, same with the Sistine Chapel. You don’t really grasp the scale until you’re standing in front of it.

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