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My Hero Academia Season 6 Episode 11 - Anime Only Discussion Thread

98% Upvoted

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level 1

Holy shit Dabi's voice actor went off this episode, absolutely amazing

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level 2

rent was DUE

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level 2

It was outstanding. I can't wait to hear Jason Liebrecht tackle the scene in a couple weeks.

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level 1

Oh man. Rei's face when she saw the news on TV is heart breaking.

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level 1

Dabi was about to delete everybody with that prominence burn

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level 2

And himself

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level 1

It really felt like Endeavour was going to let Dabi kill him, that man is completely broken, and now I'm guessing his reputation is going to be in tatters even if he survives. Hawks should still be fine as the Best Jeanist murder claim was incorrect.

All I keep thinking while watching the heroes get irreversibly injured is that they really need more healing quirks, or Eri is going to have to actually develop her power quickly. We have Deku's arms, Aizawa without a leg, Hawk's severely burnt back, Bakugo stabbed multiple times - I can't even remember how many working limbs Mirko has left now.

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level 2
· 1 day ago · edited 19 hr. ago

Oh dude imagine that little cute kid. You loved that kid. You really fucking loved that kid - had so many hopes and dreams for that kid and most of all - you really freaking loved that kid so much. Look at that proud dad face he had. Enji was pretty damn content and in peace

...then you find out this villain you dislike is that kid who you thought died which probably fucked you up for years? ............... panic attack - absolutely floored, your brain can't comprehend or compute what's happening in front of your eyes.

Your once lil adorable kid and you can tell from the grin now and the way he's copying your signature move- oh fuck

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level 2

All I keep thinking while watching the heroes get irreversibly injured is that they really need more healing quirks

It's specifically told in the story that healing Quirks like Recovery Girl's are extremelly rare. There's nothing they can do about it.

I can't even remember how many working limbs Mirko has left now.

Two. One arm, one leg.

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level 2

I’ve been saying forever, there’s no way Hori doesn’t use Eri towards the end to bring everyone back. It’s only a question of how far they’ll go

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level 2

Hawks should still be fine as the Best Jeanist murder claim was incorrect.

Hawks killed a defenseless, unarmed man, (quirk means he's always armed, he also has a good excuse to kill him, if he didn't it would have been a sad mans parade) there's no way kids will idolize him.

If people praise his actions, eventually killing villains will be normalize, under the guise that some quirks are simply too powerful and the user should be killed for everyone else's sake. Or something like that

level 2

I think Endeavour's reputation will still be ultimately manageable. Like, most of what Dabi says isn't verifiable and is basically word-against-word. And since one of Dabi's claims (that Hawks killed Best Jeanist) is blatantly incorrect, people should doubt his other claims once Endeavour and his family give their rebuttal.

Of course, that's in an ideal world. For the sake of drama, the above probably won't happen.

level 1

My god, this episode might just be my favorite out of the entire Season.

level 1

Definitely overshadowed by everything else in the episode, but my beloved Mr. Compress finally got a whisper of backstory

level 2

I guess my eyes must have been closed when it happened but… when did he get a backstory? I don’t recall anything happening?

level 2
· 1 day ago · edited 19 hr. ago

I hope we explore more of the league members backstories because atm I only really care for Shiggy, Dabi, Toga.

Like I don’t think anyone really cares for Compress, Spinner or Skeptic as much as they could be caring for them. Because if we get some more backstory and lore about how they ended up where they are and about how they are as people. I think they could easily be even better Villains. (Like more of what we got from the Training Camp)

level 2

With the way they've woven the powers with the personalities with the causes of their personalities, Mr. Compress would be a little exponent in that formula.

level 1
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

So anime onlies, a person name doodle use to do recaps for basically when chapters release so here are the recaps for the episodes they adapted for the anime today.

chapter 288

Chapter 289

Chapter 290

Chapter 291

level 2

Oh my god the fucking selfie he took with Twice’s corpse.

level 2

I was literally waiting for this exact comment, thank you.

level 2

The "It's yours! Your power not his!!!" line has to be one of my favorite parts of these recaps.

level 2

Add Chapter 288. I didn't post that last Saturday because it spoiled Best Jeanist (the scene of him on the plane has been moved forward compared to the manga, so that he's been made to both open and close the episode).

level 2

I miss these!

level 2

You’re a legend for sharing this

level 1

Dabi came with the RECEIPTS! He was not playing around.

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level 2

My favorite character

level 1

Love how Dabi basically destroyed heroes society here by taking the public’s faith out of the number 1 and 2 hero, along with all the causalities the heroes failed to stop.

level 2

But the Hawks accusation is provably false.

level 1

This is so heartbreaking. What a cute kid Toya was.

Endeavour's panic attack. Holy shit how realistic. I felt that heartbreak

Damn ... The Todoroki family can't catch a break.

I really hope somehow Endeavour can hug Toya/Dabi and explain everything iunno

Wonder if this is All for One's doing as well... So fucked up if so...

level 2

A prominence burn hug…

level 2

Its hard to be sympathetic for Endeavour. Dude got the deserved hate.

level 1

Best episode this season!! But ahh sometimes I hate how short anime episodes are, I NEEDED that action to start after all that tension building!

level 1

DABI voice acting was unreal - probably one of the best performances I’ve heard across any show

level 1

Best episode of the season! Probably going to be difficult for Bones to match it, but I'm still excited.

This episode made be feel like Bones had managed to tap into what made S1-3 so engaging for me, and I hope they can keep it up.

level 1

when Spinner said "Anyway," i absolutely lost it. That was so funny

level 2

"Who cares about this shit, my BFF here is extra crispy!"

level 1

Dabi really dancing like everyone in hero society's watching

Thank you Bones, the facial expressions to match stellar performances and as ever gorgeous fire visuals, so good that part of me Dabi got stopped in his Prominence Burn, looked that much cooler hotter in blue.

level 1

Toya in the ED 😭 Incredibly done, great use to bring back the person that vouched for Endeavor on the news. Was pretty sure Toya would end up being Dabi or created from Toya. The thrill in Dabi’s vocals as he was gearing up to use his fathers final move against him. Shoto in tears wailing “do anything!?”, I’m really curious about the mystery of what happened in the forest. Also jeans boy is back!!!!

level 2

Missed the ED on first watch. Rewatching for 20s for extra Toya was worth it. Thanks!

level 2
· 1 day ago

For a second I read that as "Toya has ED." Careful, you might upset the fangirls :p

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level 1

Before I even go through the range of feelings I'm having right now, this episode can be summed up as the following:

Everyone: Shiggy is basically unstoppable. How the fuck does anyone deal with him!?

Dabi: Hold my flames. Take this: my love, my anger, and all of my sorrow.

  • Dabi has literally been sitting on this the entire fucking time and waited until now, when the entire world is watching — in dazzling fear no less — to reveal the son Endeavor thought he killed is standing right before him.

  • On top of that, I'm almost certain he singlehandedly undid every single bit of character development Endeavor went through. Everyone was finally starting to accept some form of familial bond (some far more hesitant than others) but this is almost assuredly going to undo all of that, fuck up Rei all over again. All of the abuse, all of the hospice care, all of it for nothing.

  • Shoto is unbelievably pissed but he's obviously not going to let his feelings surface right now because it'll be the difference between life and death. Literally.

  • Motherfucking Dabi, sorry, Toya was about to do Prominence Burn. Endeavor literally said in the flashback that Toya's firepower was already stronger than his as a child, but he couldn't negate the overheating. If it weren't for Best Jeanist, I'm certain both he and Shoto would be french fried corpses right now.

  • I'm more scared of Dabi than Shiggy right now. How in the fuck do you achieve that!? lmao

  • I'm hyped for next week and finding out what Bakugo's hero name is.

  • Also, nice job with last week's preview bait and switch.

In a season that's been as fire as this, this is somehow the best episode by far for me.

level 1

FYI: When the "Dabi's Dance" chapter (ch 290) came out, the chapter leaks out trended the 2020 US election (Trump vs Biden) on Twitter. lol

level 2

That's actually amazing.

Anime is way better than politics anyway tho.

level 2

Also on the same week, the penultimate episode of Supernatural aired where Cas confirmed his undying gay love to Dean and immediately got sent to hell for it

It was a fun couple days

level 1

And finally the reveal that was spoiled for me... nine times or so? Is public knowledge. Have a happy go fuck yourself, internet.

Still an amazing episode, though.

level 2
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

I'm glad that I was only spoiled of it after I already theorised about it.

Still, at least the rest of the episode made up for it with the fantastic music and visuals.

level 2

I somehow never got spoiled, but it feels like it's been built up for so long that I was expecting an Endeavour connection to be a red herring! They really outdid themselves on the execution of the scene so I'm satisfied.

level 2

I hate that a non MHA fandom wiki spoiled it to me because at the bottom of the page it recommended Toya Todoroki's MHA wiki page.

level 2

Spoilers obviously suck, but the weird thing is I can’t remember a time I didn’t know that reveal. Like looking back it’s always seemed obvious, but maybe I just got spoiled super early on

level 2

I never got fully spoiled. Only really saw winks and nods, so i suspected as much. And to be fair, its not a difficult thing to figure out. But yet it all still got so much out of me.

level 2

For whatever it's worth when this happened in the Manga everyone's reaction was kinda, "Yeah we all kinda figured."

level 2

To be fair, assuming you paid attention to all the previous episodes and seasons, you didn’t need to be spoiled anyways.

I think it has been obvious for a few seasons now, there was just so many hints over and over.

level 2

Was ruined for me too, and in the most dumb way I have ever been spoiled for anything… I was searching for laptop stickers of Shoto on Etsy and typed in todoroki. It was half Dabi, half Shoto facepalm

level 2

Like watching a game of thrones lover trying to discuss the show with a book reader and accidentally letting something slip.

level 2

I REALLY wish I'd have been able to avoid this spoiler. I can't imagine how it must feel for everyone who wasn't spoiled.

Granted it seems a bit more obvious in hindsight but like Dabi himself said, fire quirks are pretty damn common so before I was spoiled I thought it was just similar powers to Endeavor popping up

level 2

I don't remember how I found out. I think it was a bunch of indirect clues people left while trying to dance around it. Not anybody shouting DABI IS ENDEAVOR 'S DEAD SON TOYA!

level 1

hides face but not belt that says his name jeez, I wonder who that could be.

level 1

This FUCKING season bro.

Literally everything the show has ever built to is popping the FUCK OFF THIS SEASON. Oh my god man.

On another note, the preview says that Bakugo’s hero name is gonna be revealed.

level 1

Did Shoto call Endeavor "Dad" for the first time in the anime?

level 2

I think in s4 after the provisional license training arc when shoto was talking with endeavour outside the building he did call him dad there too iirc.

level 1

Toya brought receipts

level 1

Best Jeanist with the clutch!

It was so considerate of Machia to stand perfectly still for Dabi to deliver his monologue.

level 2

Machia won't act without a direct order from Shigaraki, who is currently cosplaying Lewis's buddy Keith from Left 4 Dead.

"One time, the Army bombed my buddy Keith..."

level 2

Man imagine if Jeanist wasn't there. Part of me really Endeavor would've taken that hit right there dead-on.

level 1

Best jeanist couldn't have had better timing lol

Been suspecting something was up with Dabi forever, with him having a fire quirk and all..

Endeavor being shocked is understandable.. im surprised Shoto is as composed as he appears though

and rough seeing the rest of the Todoroki family seeing this announcement on the TV..

level 2

Composed? He's literally in tears.

level 2

It's not okay, he's crying (Literally, Shoto hasn't cried since he was a child) but his dad is beside himself and he has Bakugou and Deku injured by his side while Dabi comes with his best attack in his direction, he won't have any other option They stand up and protect. Also, Dabi revealed that Shoto was abused by Endeavor in front of everyone. Shoto has only recounted the suffering of his mother but never delved into his abuse of others, it must be horrible for him.

level 2

My theory is that Dabi disappeared before Shoto was born, or at the very least before Shoto could remember him.

level 1

THIS EPISODE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD i loved the animation

level 1

WHAT AN EPISODE! I’m a anime only, and wasn’t spoiled about Dabi. But I already knew. I mean it was super obvious for a few seasons now.

Like just so many hints. So I don’t consider it a big reveal. HOWEVER, the scene itself was AMAZING! Just so many emotions!

Then the animation when Dabi is basically doing Endeavor’s main move, that was awesome.

Do have to think Best Jeanist being alive will help them recover from this storyline.

level 2

Manga reader here. Rewatch the scene but go a few seconds before Dabi drops the bomb. They jump from Endeavor to Dabi to Shoto and back to Dabi, focusing on their eyes. That was always the biggest clue and they put it right in your face before he said it.

level 1
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

I love how this is the reason (other than the fact that my favorite voice actors are there) why I watched this anime. When I was searching about BNHA villains 10 months ago (because I didn't know where to start and I already know the plot but it's not enough), I stumbled upon that panel of Dabi about his revelation and I got more curious so I decided to read chapter 290 after knowing enough(?) about BNHA.

When I heard about the release of Season 6 I started watching BNHA and now it's here like wtfff. Maybe I'm being shallow but I just love his revelation so much. It's not like the reveal is unexpected but I'm into how they will present it in the anime. One of the reason is because of how he just stayed at the back until it's finally his turn to do something so fkd up. I'm crying. I feel bad for the others especially for Shoto and Endeavor but it's Dabi's turn for this time. Everything's a mess and I love it. The voice actors did great too. The wait is finally over. Dabi's revelation is pure fire.

level 1

Fun fact, when this chapter’s spoilers came out on Twitter it was trending more than the election, I’m not kidding.

level 2

which election?

level 1

Anyone else get Joker vibes from Dabi?! Good execution on the “official” reveal as well. Overall I think this was one of the better episodes of the season so far.

level 1

Best episode im crying and jumping the ost animation and specially the VOICE ACTOR 😢😢😢 this is the most hype ive been!!!

level 1

Dabi's identity was a very badly kept secret - I'm in fact amazed there was still someone not knowing - but it's the delivery that counts and it delivered, oh yes. The direction, the animation and especially the voicework, not just Dabi but also Shoto's desperate plea to Endeavor to snap out of it (he even calls him "father").

Best Jeanist turning out alive puts a big wrench on Dabi's plan but the bomb has already been dropped.


Ochako: Actions mean consequences and the sanity to face them!

Toga: Every1 5o mean 2 me

Ochako: Let her go Tsu, cringing too much to keep fighting.

[The scene itself was done well though]

level 2

Dabi's identity was a very badly kept secret

Yeah, but that in turn made me happy that Horikoshi stuck to it. There are way too many writers and studios who value surprising the audience with twists over the actual plot that's being told, and at some point I feel he had to have heard that people were predicting what Dabi's true identity was.

I'd far rather have a twist that's obvious because it works well with the story than one that takes me by complete surprise but doesn't make any sense when you stop and think about it even for a second.

level 2

Okay so I have an open question because I'm not too proud to look like a moron for not knowing how hair dye works.

What was in the can? Did Dabi wash the black dye out of his hair, or did he dye white over the black dye?

level 2

Of course shoto's voice was great, it's yuki kaji behind his voice

level 1

Toga is right Ochaco ...those feelings locked away is not the way. Ochaco go fix your belt man.

level 1

This season is insane. Almost every episode has had an iconic moment or reveal.

level 1

Wow. WOW. Holy shit, that was amazing, possibly my favorite episode yet. Though, with this season, I say that every episode haha.

  • Well, I think most of us already knew about Dabis big reveal, I’m glad its out now. Poor Endeavor. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling right now, and he was so broken he was just going to sit there and let Dabi kill him.

  • I’m interested in Mr. Compress. He also has an interesting family? He’s by far my favorite villain, so I cannot wait to learn about that. I got super hype when he touched his mask, I thought we were gonna get a face reveal, but I guess that would be too much for this episode.

  • Dabi airing out all of the Todorokis family dirty laundry was kind of brutal, but understandable. But when he brought Hawks into it, that was too far! I’m holding onto hope that they can try to discredit him though, since he said Hawks killed Best Jeanist. Jeanist can go on the news and show everyone he’s fine, and maybe the heroes won’t lose all trust (or at least Hawks, I love that guy and he doesn’t deserve it).

  • Best Jeanist really came in clutch this episode. I know people have mixed feelings about him, but I honestly really like him. I screamed a little at the intro, and screamed a lot at the end when he saved everyone. An absolute amazing entrance. It looked like he was coughing up blood in next week’s preview, so I hope he doesn’t go too far and he can come out relatively unscathed.

  • I wonder what will happen with the League. It looks like Shiggy may not be able to give Machia orders, so they’ll all just kind of be stuck there? Not quite sure what’s gonna happen with that.

  • I didn’t realize Bakugos hero name hadn’t been announced yet. I already know it, so it must’ve gotten spoiled for me at some point. (I need to rewatch seasons 1-5, I don’t remember them that well, so I kind of assumed it was in there at some point). Kind of bummed about that, but not much you can do.

  • And finally, the ending. With the shots of Toya in there. I really, really love how they add in different scenes in the ED for some episodes. Such a minor detail that I bet a lot of people miss because they just skip the song, but for me it really enhances the quality of the season.

Overall, a 10/10 episode for me, and I cannot wait for next week. Damn, season 6 is just insane.

level 2

I actually went back and watched the ending because of this comment. You're totally right about it being a great touch to the whole feel of the season.

level 2

We’ve seen Mr. Compress’s face in the forest training arc.

level 1

Anyone else kinda annoyed the revealed Jeanist being alive at the start of the episode instead of just waiting?

level 2
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It would've felt very out-of-left-field without setup. Though I guess they could have just established that someone was coming, not who.

EDIT: Spelling error.

level 2
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

I am specifically since the manga didn't show him talking in the helicopter to leave some ambiguity, but the anime decided to show him for some reason...

So odd change in the adaptation to lessen the reveal at the end.

level 2

Did I miss something because I didn't even notice him at the start?

level 2

They had too imo. Because they removed all of the original clues of the return that the Manga had.

level 2

I didn't even realize that's who it was.

level 1

Fantastic episode, dare I say one of the best in the entire anime so far. Dabi's identity wasn't the best kept secret, but the way they revealed it + the BGM and the voice acting really elevated the moment. Great stuff. 9/10.

level 1

they executed this so well, waiting for it was so worth it. best ep of the season hands down, up there with the best out of the whole series imo!!!

level 1

Oh my, Im so happy to see Best Jeanist :') Some hope finally

level 2

Nothing can stop this man! Not a shot to the stomach, a stab to the back, nothing!

level 1
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

This is hands down the best episode of the season so far.

The Dabi twist was something that had been getting more and more obvious over time, so the actual reveal was weirdly enough one of the least memorable bits of the episode.

But what came after was nothing short of FANTASTIC!

Dabi’s plan with Skeptic being to broadcast Endeavour’s sins via satellite to everyone was brilliant. The reactions of everyone, especially Endeavour were captivating. Just pure shock all around. Even the “Look Boy” was watching, which is such a good call back to such a minor character.

The fact that he even went as far as to include Hawk’s killing of Twice is just the icing on the cake, because now it’s not just directed towards the No.1 hero, but the entirety of the Hero Association and the entire structure of hero society. I do wonder if Dabi actually believes Best Jeanist is dead, or if he’s just using Hawk’s lie of killing him to backfire against the Pro Heroes’ image.

I remember all the talk last season about Touya’s hair colour and how “Bones got it wrong”, when as it turns out, Touya’s hair literally turned from red to white with his training with Endeavour. I wonder if this was a result of stress, or if it’s something to do with his quirk, since the flashback shows that his flames were red instead of blue. So perhaps in a similar manner to Shigaraki, his hair changed to white as his quirk evolved and grew more powerful.

One tiny thing I also want to mention is the REALLY weird line Mr Compress has where he says “You have an interesting lineage, too.” So, does this mean that Mr Compress has some interesting family history as well?

To cap it all of, the music and animation of this episode was top notch! The poses and expressions Dabi made as he poured his heart out were gnarly, and the spectacular animation of Dabi literally copying the moves that his own Dad taught him was, as the cool kids say, FIRE 🔥

Can’t wait for what next episode has is store!

(Now I finally get what all the talk about dancing was last week)

level 2

One tiny thing I also want to mention is the REALLY weird line Mr Compress has where he says “You have an interesting lineage, too.” So, does this mean that Mr Compress has some interesting family history as well?

thats what i originally thought too, but i think he was referencing how shigaraki is nana's grandson!!

level 2

The thing about Toya’s hair was in reference to the flashback from Season 2 where they gave him the wrong hair color. They showed him with red hair when it was already white at that point.

level 2

copying the moves that his own Dad taught him

could he have known that as a kid though

also - just the fucking icing on the cake really... If Endeavour wasn't sure it was Toya he is now extremely with the way Dabi is enthusiastically grinning as he yells out the move's name. And probably flashback to cute little Toya....


level 1

Dabi's VA and the music matched perfectly. It was a relatively simple reveal that I'm sure many saw coming so the performance had to be special and boy was it special. Fantastic way to reveal the information and keep it going. The world's reaction after this is going to be really interesting.

level 1

That reveal was incredible between the dancing, the video and the kids reaction and toya going prominence. Wasn’t expecting that at all!

level 1

I got spoiled like a month ago that something is gonna be going on with the missing todoroko family kid and that he migtt become a villain or something. WELL SHIT I DID NOT EXPECT THIS I THOUGHT DABI WAS JUST GONNA REVEAL SOME RANDOM BORING BACKSTORY NOT THIS HOLY SHIT ITS ALL COMING TOGETHER

level 1

Now that was an episode!!!! Voice acting was so on point and the animation too!

level 1

So what’s up with Dabi’s hair? Has he slowly been developing an ice quirk and just didn’t realize it?

level 2
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

i think that it simbolizes his flames being blue and thus more powerful?

level 2

Like why he got a lock of white hair? In the past episodes Endeavor said Toya said he had his mom's complexion...which is why he burned up...that scene with little toya and he burned his wrist...Geten told him front up his body is not made for his quirk.

level 2
· 1 day ago
level 1

That shot of Dabi smiling about to do Prominence Burn, I don't know why, I wanted him to succeed

level 1
· 1 day ago · edited 1 day ago

My girl Nejire !! That pout! And her supermove was so cool!

level 2

I'm so happy she finally got to do something hype worthy!

When she showed up on the battlefield to face Shigaraki I was (silently) cheering like you wouldn't believe.

level 1
· 1 day ago

It's been a long time since I got chills from watching a show or movie, but damn did Dabi get to me. I kinda wish he'd be the main villain instead of Shigaraki, it just feels more fitting at this point.

level 2

I feel the same way

level 1
· 1 day ago · edited 23 hr. ago

Toya ... Toya ...Toya. I know it was hard to avoid spoilers and I'm also glad I was able to piece it together before hand and I actually loved seeing little Toya because it was heartbreaking. Endeavor's memories and him actually admitting he was happy for a time. Dabi cuts those memories cold with his monologue and that made all those moments so heavy...and we see each Todoroki crumbling GOD. The way the reveal was done (LOL the paternity test) Toya was in control of the narrative and it isn't hysterical or anything it was moving. but then LOOKBOY. holy shit to see him and SharkBoy. I mean *lookboy is the spark that changed the narrative for Endeavor but it really hits home just how criminal Endeavor's actions were. LookBoy is everyone's psyche and it is sad. The scenes cut back and forth perfectly for me and for those of us who did figure out Toya justice was done I think the episode was over the top amazing.

Shoto cried out for his dad - not Endeavor. Seeing him cry pushed me over and I wanted to cry with him (I did.)

And then when shit is going wild with flashfire fist wielders.... a. drop. Best Jeanist. YOU ARE SO CLUTCH. KACCHAN.

level 1

So why are Dabi's flames blue?

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I had it spoiled so the only thing I was interested in was the VA performance, and boy did he deliver.

level 2

he popped off like rent was due tomorrow

level 1

Just wondering something... Up until this point, perhaps not including the anger he showed after Hawks killed Twice, I always saw Dabi as a very reserved person who contemplates his feelings on his own and doesn't share much. This Dabi - standing on a 25 meter stage, shouting and dancing - acting all dramatic like Monoma... This was strange to me. Is that the real "Dabi" aka Toya? Was he hiding his true personality up until this point. If so, why did he decide to finally reveal himself - not just his true identity but also his true character?

If that's not the real him but he simply went unhinged, what is the trigger for that, you think? Is it Twice's death or he truly rejoices in the truth coming out.

level 2

When he confronted Endeavor in Kyushu he also showed his unhinged side so I think this kind of maniac personality only comes with certain person

level 2

Perhaps he’s getting gleeful at finally being able to inflict pain back on he who inflicted pain on him.

level 2

i imagine shit talking your dad on national TV is probably a hype moment for him

level 2
· 19 hr. ago · edited 16 hr. ago

As someone often reserved with strangers but holy shit bananas manic with people I know and like and lmao imagine with someone you have a vengeance for probably also cared loved at one point and turnt to hate?

yeah boi I understand Dabi going full gleeful. God the whole - I was afraid you'd die bit felt so heartbreakingly real and vulnerable and manic fucked up like he can't process his emotions same as when poor Jin died. He's grinning widely. He can't cry. Just ... Yeah.

My dude has hypomania/gets hyper adhd Alexithymia probably doesn't know how to express emotions well

level 2

It could be neither. It could just be him putting on a show for dramatic effect.

level 2

He's reserved because he's not revealing his true goal. He's pretending (or at least obscuring his true motives) to be a big stain follower but he's always pursuing his own goals. These goals. This is his passion project--burning down his father's unworthy standing as hero.

level 1

After being spoiled about that reveal way too often and way too heavy with tongue in cheek remarks it was no suprise and I held very little excitement but damn was that reveal satisfying

level 1

One of the best episodes ever

level 1

Man so emotional even the ending theme had Toya in it.

level 1

Amazing episode but how did Dabi die? He died in a fire, I know, but who started the fire?

First of all, and secondly, in what sense Endevour reject Dabi?

level 2

I don't think Dabi actually died. Don't quote me on this but I suspect that maybe he just ran away?

I'm sure we'll get more of his backstory in either the next episode or the following one. At least I hope so.

level 1

i think this anime is now all about endeavor's family :D

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level 2

it's more just that he's made them that hot

level 1
· 18 hr. ago · edited 18 hr. ago

Holy shit, this whole episode was so good. Like Endeavor's life just got totally fucked in a matter of minutes. Like Hawks might be able to get by without his career ending but I can't wait to see what happens when the dust finally settles.

Loved that they added the kid who stuck up for Endeavor. It was a really nice touch to see how heartbroken he was.

Shoto and Dabi's voice actors totally killed it in this one. Like you can really feel Dabi's sanity just snap. If the two of them go at it its gonna be one hell of a fight.

Can we just skip this next week so that I can have the next episode?

level 1

And just like that Dabi became my favorite villain.

level 1

I really thought Ochaco was gonna make the house they were in float when she said she was gonna "apprehend" Toga. Would've made it so Toga couldn't escape but oh well

level 2

The house is attached to the ground. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

level 2

I work in construction.

There's a whole fucking foundation that has to go underneath a house. Cement, iron.

Making the house "float" isn't gonna do shit. That house ain't going nowhere.

level 2

She gonna have to float the whole earth then lmao. The house is still connected to the ground.

level 2

The house is attached the the foundation. The amount of people who expected her to float the house is insane to me… there is no way in hell she can float an entire house yet.

level 2

OMG YES I been saying that for a week, I said that right away last episdoe, I was like ? why would she even enter just make the house float from the outside. And how it ended last week when she touched the ground

level 1

Waiting two years for these chapters to get animated, I feel like floating. Everything was great. The animation, the music, the voice acting. Exactly as I wanted it.

Two years later, these chapters still hurt me as an Endeavor fan. Such devastation laid by Dabi's words. To the Todoroki family, to Endeavor's biggest fan(s) and to the hero society itself. Even if half of it was propaganda.

Anime onlies, I hope you enjoyed it.

level 1

Wait so Best Jeanist is alive?!

level 1

I may be completely off the mark here but didn’t All For One take Best Jeanists Quirk, before the All Might vs All For One fight?

level 2

all for one specifically said best jeanist quirk wouldnt suit shigarakis personality and didnt steal it

level 2

Hori answered this question in the later manga

level 1

Man Dabi got the moves :) the scene when hes I GOT A DNA TEST

Well it was obvious for us the VIEWER for like a year that it was Toya but poor papa endeavor heart got completly broken, I am definitely wondering how Mom will take this, maybe its gonna make her go even more crazy? Maybe she somewhat recovers and gets out of the hospital. Loved the added scene of "natsu" Endeavors biggest fan

Somewhat anticlimactic Yuri Date, Toga just kinda leaves after she indirectly kisses Urakara hmm

I am happy that HADOU got a little action for once, she is supposed to be like the strongest female Student and got his like undefined WAVE POWER Hadouken 10x and gets like 1 minute of fights per season.


level 1

Why are people saying the Dabi reveal was obvious? What other hints were there besides a shared fire quirk, which we only found out this episode was relatively rare.

level 2

Blue Eyes

Fixation with Endeavor

No revealed name

Currently an eldest dead brother missing

shrouded in "mystery"

level 2

He called Shoto by his first name back in the camp attack, he also called Endeavor “Enji Todoroki” at the start of Season 5; no one addressed them by their first names but him.

level 2

Dabi and Toya both having weakness to their own fire was nail to the coffin

level 2

Confirmation bias maybe, since the reveal happened in Manga a while back and is often leaked.

level 2

You say that, but Dabi revealing that their number one hero had a damaged home and abused his whole family (something no one knew, mind you), while also revealing that the second top ranked hero is a murdered himself is a big shake up of an already tumultuous society.

You say that but the MHA world doesn't operate like you do. You know about Twice, you know why the heroes needed to do everything. They don't.

level 2

Literally zero people are saying it’s justified. That’s not the point of giving a villain a backstory. Take your graceless attitude somewhere else.

level 2

Even Dabi himself didn’t say his crimes should be justified dude

level 2

I can see a bit of both ways. Toya isn't asking to be considered as anything but a villian--so in some senses he's just admitting that he's become an insane serial killer and he blames Endeavor's abuse. That's a scandal even if Toya gets arrested and punished.

But yes, anyone with an ounce of common sense is going to give Endeavor the chance to respond.

Unfortunately, in a depiction that hits a little too close to home, it seems that the court of public opinion doesn't have an ounce of common sense to its name.

level 1

I have a question about the last episode, because I just finished it:

How did the AFO help Shigaraki when Endeavor burned Tomura? After all, Tomura already had AFO quirks transplanted, so?

level 2

He unlocked Rivet Stab (those red-black tendrils that look similar to Black Whip) for him which allowed him to fight at a long distance

level 1
· 1 day ago
level 2

At the time, that could easily have been construed as a spoiler that Toya was alive.

level 2

it's that awkward window where you can speculate but since the answer is out there, it's kinda a futile effort. Save that window of speculation for friends who share the same knowledge space as you.

Anime Only is an OK place for it in theory, but if you get it right there are going to be people who think you are intentionally revealing it--even if you insist you're not.

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