You've read Mack White's comic strip "Dead Silence in the Brain." Now hear Mack interviewed on this topic by Jack Blood on show "Deadline Live." Click on the show below to listen ...
Deadline Live / Part 1 / mp3
Deadline Live / Part 2 / mp3
Who Killed John Lennon? (excerpts from the Fenton Bresler book / see below)
Who Killed John Lennon? by Fenton Bresler (BUY at
The Assassination of John Lennon
Who Authorized the Assassination of John Lennon?
Rethinking John Lennon's Assassination
Lennon FBI Files Revealed after 14 Years (Reuters)
Imagine There's No Secrets (AP)
John Lennon's MI5-FBI Files by Jon Weiner (from The Nation)
Review of The Covert War Against Rock by Alex Constantine (see below)
The Covert War Against Rock by Alex Constantine (BUY at
Smoking Gun Archive: Lennon FBI File (Excerpts)
Freedom of Information Act: Lennon FBI File (284 pages / PDF Files)
Brief History of MK-ULTRA
MK-ULTRA (Wikipedia Entry)
MK-ULTRA: CIA Mind Control
MK-ULTRA Documents
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate / Chapter 1 (Excerpt from the John Marks book)
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks (BUY at
Project Mind Kontrol: Did the U.S. Actually Create Programmed Assassins? (Information on MK-ULTRA, Political Assassination, and World Vision)
Interview with John Judge (Part II) (Info on World Vision)
Masters of Deceit by Adam Gorightly (Info on World Vision)
Jonestown, CIA, World Vision, Hinckley, and Bush
Assassination as a Tool of Fascism (John Judge on World Vision and the Lennon Killing)
More Articles on the Bush-Hinckley Connection (Free Republic Forum)
Hinckley-Bush Family Friend
Hinckley: Hit Man for the Shadow Government?
Reagan, Hinckley, and the "Bushy Knoll" Conspiracy
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography Chapter -XVII- The Attempted Coup D'Etat of March 30, 1991

