SARS-CoV-2 evolution, post-Omicron
Cornelius Roemer1, Ryan Hisner2, Nicholas Frohberg2, Hitoshi Sakaguchi3, Federico Gueli4, Thomas P. Peacock5
2. Independent Researcher, USA
→Ryan Hisnerは議論となっているツィートをしている人!
CDC is expanding wastewater testing in multiple states amid rising polio in higher risk areas. Strains of #polio virus can be shed in the stool without symptoms—making wastewater good for monitoring. CDC should expand nationwide.
Worrisome—highly mutated #COVID19 variant with more mutations accrued in just 2 month than 3 years of pandemic evolution. @LongDesertTrain suspects it is likely caused by use of the mutation-risky COVID-drug molnupiravir. FDA repeal? Hope #HisnerVariant is not just the beginning. twitter.com/LongDesertTrai…
これを調べるために、AGILE Candidate Specific Trial(CST)-2(臨床試験番号NCT04746183)の試料を使用した。AGILE CST-2の主要成果は、ヒトにおけるmolnupiravirの薬物安全性と抗ウイルス効果を測定することであった(180人の参加者がプラセボと1対1でランダム化された)。
Approval for molnupiravir (MOV) use should be revoked worldwide. Not only has it proven ineffective, it seems clearly to be creating sequences such as the one below, which in ~2 months acquired 72 mutations, more than its lineage had accumulated in ~3 years of evolution. 1/
just updated its misleading info policy that #COVID19 misinformation will no longer be enforced. The 11k accounts that were suspended under the old policy will soon be restored. Stay folks—do NOT cede the town square to them! https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/company/2020/covid-19…
Sperm levels—So let this sink in guys—the concentration of #COVID-infected men’s sperm is **53% LOWER** than sperm of men who were not COVID infected, even 3 months later. Plus, don’t forget the bonus erectile dysfunction. Maybe now #BringBackMasks?