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2 months ago

FAQ / Support Thread


Q: Why are there no posts? Is the sub dead? :(

A: Posting has always been off to keep the chances of the sub surviving as high as possible. Our main focus is the Wiki, which has grown to include nearly 30k links. It's 100% alive, and gets updated daily. For a discussion sub, check out r/Piracy.

Q: Are the sites here safe to use?

A: Yes, we always scan files and research sites before adding them. We also listen to the community, so if there's something you feel needs to be addressed you're more than welcome to contact us.

Q: How can I contact you?

A: The best way is to join us in Divolt. Here you can submit links, get help or suggest changes to the wiki. My reddit DMs and mod messages are also open.

Q: Can I edit FMHY?

A: Yes! This project is ran by and belongs to the community, so we allow anyone to suggest changes by sending pull requests. Changes will have to be approved by us first, but please don't be shy. We appreciate any improvements, even if they're just small things like better descriptions, fixing errors, reorganizing etc.

Q: How do I view encoded links?

A: You can use a base64 decoder or script / 2. If it won't let you copy on mobile try troddit.

Q: Why is there no NSFW section?

A: There is, its just separate from FMHY. You can find it by joining Divolt, or checking my saidit profile via backups.

Q: Divolt isn't loading, what should I do?

A: If the page won't load, try clearing your cache, a different browser, disabling ublock, using incognito or the desktop / mobile apps. During signup you can use a fake email, but it will only load with real domains like .gmail.

Q: Can I donate?

A: We appreciate that people want to support us, but we never have and never will accept donations. We maintain this project because its fun and we want to help others, not make money.

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and we'll do our best to answer.
98% Upvoted

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level 1

I thank all the peers and people who have been working for this. Apart from the entertainment, this helps a lot of people to study and earn degree to sustain a great livelihood.
Thanks, Always a pirate.

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level 2

Apart from the entertainment, this helps a lot of people to study and earn degree to sustain a great livelihood.

As a redditor whom this description applies on, Thank you snharisa and thanks all of you people who maintain this project.

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level 1

Holy grail of the internet

level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2
· 2 mo. ago · edited 1 mo. ago
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level 1

You are the heroes of this world

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level 1

Thanks you beautiful people.

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level 1

What is the best group/scene for fast installation?

level 2

For games I'd give SteamRip a shot. All their games are pre-installed so you just download a .rar, drag the files to your computer and play. For software a lot of people like FileCR, but you'll need this script to bypass the assistant.

level 1

Is there a section on tools similar to the wiki on r/Piracy? I went through it but I might have missed it. Was specifically looking for stuff related to cracking windows and office. I'm not sure if the resources linked on r/Piracy related to that are up-to-date or safe

level 2

I think the closest thing we have would be our system tools section.

level 1

Thank you very much for all this

Makes it so much easier to get through life and finish university on a budget

level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2
· 2 mo. ago
level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2
· 2 mo. ago · edited 2 mo. ago
level 1

Is there a downloadable version of the wiki in case the sub is taken down? If not, could we get one?

level 2
Op · 2 mo. ago · edited 19 days ago

Yeah the raw markdown can be downloaded from here:

level 1

Do you have suggestions for private trackers and how to access to one? I predominantly use BitTorrent a d search for hashes but I feel like it's time to start getting onto a private tracker but don't know where to begin and/or don't know what to start with since I don't have invited

level 2
Op · 2 mo. ago · edited 2 mo. ago

I'd check out the tracker invite section. There's some sites that can notify you when a private tracker has open signups. Beyond that its just about knowing people who are already on them, and becoming part of the communities that can get you in.

level 1

Very cool

level 1

Everytime I'm scrolling and see the name of this sub it makes me happy. Especially because it's capitalized. Silly, but true. HECK YEAH!

level 1

I absolutely love the ‘Fun sites’ section of the wiki. Easy way to pass the time at work

level 1

Nbats is a great person thank youuu

level 1

This is actually one of the greatest resources in all of the internet. thanks for keeping it updated guys

level 1

Thank you guys very much !

level 1

Make a "SESSION" group and pass the code, no phone number or email required. Also end 2 end encrypted. It will be nice to have a stable place to stay in contact, these revolt, devolt, matrix stuff is painful to setup, and easy to loss track of what's going on.

level 2

Idk, signing up for divolt was like signing up for any other service.

level 1

Love that you guys do this! Helps rookie and veteran pirates alike. Keep up this awesome work!!!

level 1

Doing gods work

level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2

same question

level 1

in the megathread should be nice to see a top pick for each section and a list of websites you should avoid (plus the explaination why you should)

level 1
· 1 mo. ago · edited 9 days ago

In "Spotify Downloaders"

"Legit Downloaders"

^ in the "3" link is a pastebin and it's really dodgy. The 2nd half of the list is all PAID recorder apps so it especially reads like spam. They don't legit DL from Spotify at all - instead they just record from Spotify and/or DL from Youtube. The mention of those sites is a common thing that spammers post in the 'piracy' sub-reddit (in relevant threads, after a few months go by) and when detected it quite rightly gets removed. If you click on their profile it's always classic spam behaviour; even the usernames are very similar. It's probably just one company behind all those apps.

In the 1st half of the list, the author clearly didn't make any attempt or do any research to ensure that the app links they posted legit / actually DL'ed from Spotify. One of the links says "YTPlayer" - right off the bat this is suspect. The very 1st link is "spotify-playlist-downloader" - if you go to the site it says "This app technically gets results from Youtube Music and download them as mp3." - and under "Dependencies / Tools used" it lists Youtube-dl.

edit - Additionally:

The link "Spotify Downloaders" (before the "/ 2 / 3" links) lists nothing but Youtube downloaders. The 1st link/result is SpotiFlyer which doesn't legit DL from Spotify. Many of them (on the 1st page) are upfront about DL'ing from Youtube in the brief description. One of them is even called "Youtify".

There are only very few apps that legit DL from Spotify and you have listed them. However my alarm bells started ringing again when I saw "SPOTYdl" on the end. This is a name that has never legit DL'ed from Spotify. I went to the site in the "SPOTYdl" link - at the bottom of the page it says "In order for SPOTYdl to work, I needed to use spotDL. You can access their github here" - if you click on "here"[spotDL] you get "spotify-downloader - Download your Spotify playlists and songs along with album art and metadata (from YouTube if a match is found)."

Your "2" link has another page of results - the 1st result/link is Youtube-dl. The 2nd result is xManager for Android and it doesn't DL anything - from Spotify or anywhere else. Many off-topic results in the list. There's a 'dead' link to the 'discontinued' zspotify which I mention in the next paragraph. Further down the list is downtify-premium - this broke long ago according to a post in 'piracy' - and it never legit DL'ed from Spotify anyway - it was just a recorder that converted the recording to mp3 which ruins the quality even more; lossy to lossy conversion.

I'm no expert but I remember a comment (not long ago) in the 'piracy' sub that "zspotify" and perhaps also "zspotifyGUI" still work (for that particular user), and I also remember that it's a legit Spotify DL'er (from the thread in 'piracy' when the app was new). Search Github for zspotifyGUI - idk if it still works but it hasn't been updated in 12 months (the whole page is frozen in time from Nov 2021), it's not popular, almost everything in the "Issues" section is by one person - and only 1 post from the dev in "Issues" from 12 months ago, only ever 2 releases & they're both marked 'pre-release', the Windows exe of the 2nd release is not there (?) instead there's just an 'updater' exe available (ok that's fair), and I can't figure out if the app requires the Spotify app to be installed - I know it needs a Spotify account. jsavargas/zspotify looks much more promising - it actually gets updated, "3 days ago" & it has 3 times the number of stars as GUI does. Okay there's my answer - "Spotify song downloader without injecting into the windows client".

I use Win 7 (updated to November 2022 using the Simplix Update Pack - only 2 monthly updates to go before M$ pulls the plug on extended support for Win 7, but updates continue for Windows Embedded POSReady 7 until October 2024) so I can't install python latest version that all these apps require - luckily there's nothing on spotify that I want.

Back to the 1st paragraph - a l l a v s o f t is in the list (ie. that awful pastebin) also - this PAID app is absolute garbage - it is and always has been a Deezer and Youtube DL'er. You can only get 128 kbps mp3s from it, when it DL's from Deezer - this has been the case for the past 14 months when Deezer fixed the loophole on their end. Even worse, the Youtube DL's (of who knows? any random quality) are unsurprisingly converted to mp3 (with a weird bitrate, ie. not even fake 320 kbps) or sometimes wma (in my experience years ago with a cracked version), thus making an already poor quality file sound truly shocking - low volume being a tell-tale sign. Naturally, the app tries to pretend that it DL'ed everything from Spotify. I mean.. yeah.. there are deezer hi-fi arl's 'available' 'around the traps' /shifty eyes/ but you can't put them in the a l l a v s o f t app - which is not a problem (ie. just use deemix).

In the 'piracy' sub, someone (ie. spammers ?) always posts the PAID app s i d i f y - with the implied claim that it legit DL's from Spotify - but no one bothers to do even the tiniest bit of 'research' - even on the official site, in the FAQ, they are honest about the app - it says "Intelligent Mode is a combination of Spotify Record Mode and Youtube Download Mode."

level 2
Op · 1 mo. ago · edited 1 mo. ago

Alright thanks for all the info, I really appreciate the help. I removed the pastebin, "2" link, sidify, and moved "Spotify Downloaders" + SPOTYdl to the youtube downloaders section.

Let me know if I missed anything, and you may know this already but if you ever want to make changes yourself you're more than welcome to edit the wiki.

level 1

Y'all niggaz the real ogs

level 1


level 1

Thank you 🙏

level 1

A lot of subreddits I've seen have continuous posts where nobody answers. This is a good idea.

level 1

thanks a billion for making this project! i dont think id be able to watch certain things without it!

level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 1

You are a big legend o7

level 1

The best!

level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2

Try Tauon Music Box. It is my music player of choice. If your music library is well organized, it does a great job of indexing and presenting it.

level 1
· 2 mo. ago
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· 2 mo. ago
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· 2 mo. ago
level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2
· 2 mo. ago · edited 2 mo. ago
level 1

I feel that projects like this are ethically essential to society. Sure maybe some bad might come of it in the grand scheme of things, but so very much good comes from it. Knowledge and art should be shared freely and this is one of the best resources of the modern age. Thank you many times over for your work and diligence.

level 1

I've been wanting to experiment creating a seedbox. I have an old spare laptop.

Should I run windows 7 and install qbittorrent on it or should I run something else?

I have no experience with linux but I know what a terminal is.

level 2

You don't need Linux experience to use Linux. Install Lubuntu on it.

level 1
· 1 mo. ago · edited 1 mo. ago
level 1

Thank you for the hard work, this sub is incredibly helpful

level 1

great work! How can search thru the megathread?

specifiacally looking for where is mentioned

level 2
Op · 11 days ago · edited 11 days ago

Thanks! You can search the mega with this, or just ctrl+f the raw markdown.

level 1
· 6 days ago · edited 5 days ago

Pretty nice list but I'll admit it was pretty difficult finding Art courses lol. Its just filled with Computer Science and Marketing stuff and the only two websites which both of them I already use has art courses I view from unless im blind as hell

level 2

Yeah I'm sorry I wish I could be more help but I don't think people have sent in many art courses over the years. You could look through the image tools section, or if that doesn't work maybe just try searching for art stuff on the regular educational sites as well.

level 1
· 1 mo. ago
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· 1 mo. ago
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· 27 days ago
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· 27 days ago
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· 22 days ago
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· 22 days ago
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· 22 days ago
level 1

Is there a workaround for novafile? Pretty much all magazine sites link to it.

level 1
· 14 days ago
level 1
· 2 mo. ago
level 2
· 2 mo. ago

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Created Dec 2, 2018



