私は次のプロジェクトのために 2.5 インチのストレージを必要としていました。周りを見回すと、2.5 インチの SSD が物理ディスクの価格に近づいているのではないかと思いました。そして近い間、QLC SSDでさえまだはるかに高価です. しかし、eBay では、約 150 ドルで新しい 2 TB SSD を見つけることができました。これは、回転ディスクよりもさらに高価ですが、とにかく試してみるのに十分興味深いものです。それらのパフォーマンスを見てみましょう!
SSD の価格は私が望んでいたほどには下がりませんでしたが、新しくて安価な QLC メモリを使用しても、2 TB の SSD はまだ約 300 ドルです。しかし、そこの Ebay では、InnoDisk 3TG6-P 2TB がわずか 150 ドルから 200 ドルで、これらの SSD と一緒に提供されています。これらの SSD は、実際にはまだ TLC (トリプル レベル セル) SSD であり、理論的には長持ちし、パフォーマンスが向上するため、QLC (クアッド レベル セル) よりも望ましいものです。でも……、きっと何かあるはずですよね?
以下は Innodisk の Web サイトからの簡単なコピーです。仕様に関しては、非常にまともなSSDのように見えます! 確かに、Samsung 860EVO などに匹敵するものではありませんが、特に価格に関しては、非常にまともです!
モデル名 | 2.5” SATA SSD 3TG6-P |
インターフェース | SATA III 6.0 ギガビット/秒 |
フラッシュタイプ | 3D TLC |
タイプ | 2.5インチ |
容量 | 128GB~4TB |
最大。チャネル | 4 |
シーケンシャル R/W (MB/秒、最大) | 530/460 |
最大。消費電力 | 未定 |
温度センサー | よ |
外部 DRAM バッファ | よ |
H/Wライトプロテクト | よ |
AES 暗号化 | よ |
iCell | オプション |
頭いい | よ |
ATA セキュリティ | よ |
DEVSLP モード | Y (最小消費電力 3mW) |
寸法 (幅×長さ×高さ/mm) | 69.8×100.0×6.8(128GB~2TB) 69.8×100.0×9.2(4TB) |
振動 | 20G@7~2000Hz |
ショック | 1500G@0.5ms |
MTBF | >300万時間 |
保管温度 | -55℃~+95℃ |
動作温度 | 標準グレード: 0°C ~ +70°C; 産業グレード: -40°C ~ +85°C |
読み取り速度と書き込み速度は良好に見え、機能は優れているように見えますが、セルの書き込み耐久性などの一部の情報が欠落しています。他にもいくつかの仕様書や文書がありますが、それらはすべて TBD か無意味な数字が含まれています。
おそらく、この SSD もビジネスでの使用を対象としていますが、これがローエンドの OEM 統合向けなのか、ハイエンドのデータセンター向けなのかはわかりません。
さて、こんなものもあるんだから試してみよう!長時間の定常状態テストを実行するための高度なソフトウェアはありませんが、一目でどのように機能するかを確認できる一般的なツールをいくつか知っています! 最新のファームウェアを搭載した Samsung 840EVO 250GB に対してテストします。これは現代の基準では平均的なパフォーマーですが、それでも何かと比較できるのは素晴らしいことです.
左側 = Samsung 840 EVO 250GB
右側 = Innodisk 3TG6-P 2TB
I ran ATTO with it’s largest setting (32GB), especially at this setting it means the test takes very long and this test is probably closest to what comes to writing through caches.
What is immediately apparent is that while the old Samsung 840EVO 250GB starts out faster (mostly in regards to reads), it’s not up to the task and after writing through all of it’s buffers it’s write speeds drastically reduce. The Innodisk 3TG6-P doesn’t seem to utilize such a writing strategy and is able to keep writing to the disk and the same speeds even after hammering it for around 10 minutes.
As mentioned, this is no perfect steady state test but it does show potential failing cache mechanisms. This correlates with that as far as I’ve been able to dig up, the Innodisk 3TG6-P doesn’t use an SLC cache but relies solely on some cache DRAM memory. So basically there is no flash cache part to fill up like with the Samsung EVO series which should make response time more consistent.
One of the earliest benchmarks available for SSDs that would write fully random data, making it in-compressible. A few years ago this would trip up certain SSD controllers which relied on compression to be able to achieve their specifications.
Here we see a win for the Innodisk 3TG6-P. The Samsung 840EVO 250GB just isn’t very good at sustained writes. This was a common thing on older and especially smaller SSDs.
Looking at 4K we see that they are quite close but that with a single stream the old Samsung 840EVO 250GB is still the fastest. With multiple parallel threads the newer controller in the Innodisk 3TG6-P is able to handily beat it though. Access-time is mix between the two.
CrystalDiskMark is very compatible to AS-SSD, let’s have a look!
Left side = Samsung 840 EVO 250GB
Right side = Innodisk 3TG6-P 2TB
Here the old Samsung 840EVO 250GB holds their own, in some benchmarks it’s close but overal the old SSD seems to beat the newer and much bigger Innodisk 3TG6-P 2TB.
That doesn’t mean the Innodisk is bad though, we’ve already seen that it’s capable of holding this performance level while the 840EVO 250GB cannot, it’s also never far behind
Anvil Disk Benchmark
Last in the list of benchmarks is Anvil a benchmark which gives a very good overview of several performance aspects.
And here we see I think the final result and conclusion.
Final Conclusion
These new Innodisk 3TG6-P SSDs are fair value for the money but mostly because you can buy a 2TB variant below the 200$ mark. Performance wise they trade blows with a 250GB SSD that was released in 2013, in some tests able to beat it but generally having to acknowledge their superior to the much older SSD.
But compared to the current generation of QLC SSDs being released, this SSD with TLC memory can certainly hold their own and write wise most likely beat them all.
But I guess I should just end with this, buy this SSD for the capacity, not performance. If you are debating between buying a 2TB HDD or this SSD, this SSD will certainly be the better choice in regards to performance.
Less demanding tasks such as a Steam/Origin/Uplay/Epic game install drive, it will perform excellent! Running as your main SSD or a heavy database for instance, I’d buy one from a better brand such as one of the new Samsung SSDs for instance.
I can’t say anything about longevity yet but I’ve now tested 4 of these and even submitted them to some pretty heavy tests and they handled it like a champ so in that regard, it’s at least not a dud.
Sure, if you are looking high capacity medium/low performance flash storage device, this SSD is currently a good deal.
I have just bought one as storage drive. Seems to have failed with in 10 days of use. Im hoping I can RMA it but I bought on ebay so who knows, I might have just learnt an expensive leason. I will Post back If the drive is repaired or replaced. It seemed very comparable to results here when I first got it .
Oh wow, that doesn’t sound good at all! I have 4 and they’ve been working fine for me since I got them so hopefully it was a one off in your case? Do keep us updated!
Mine lasted a week before it failed, recognised as a disk still but gave a CRC error when trying to initialise the disk in Windows.
Gave up on eBay seller as he refused to accept return but did give me £50 back.
Returned the disk to Innodisk in Taiwan who replaced the drive controller and returned free of charge, I paid for outward post. Drive working again so will see how it goes.