0 = Neutronium (Nt)
119 = Newtonium (Nw) (named after Issac Newton)
120 = Rolandium (Rd)
121 = Coloradium (Ci) (named after Colorado state)
122 = Munichium (Mu) (named after Munich (München))
123 = Wisconsium (Ws) (named after Wisconsin state)
124 = Rhodeislandium (Ri) (named after Rhode Island state)
125 = Ghiorsium (Gh) (named after Albert Ghiorso)
126 = Junonium (Jn) (named after Juno (3rd minor planet))
127 = Vltavium (Vt) (named after Vltava (Moldau river))
128 = Vestaeium (Vs) (named after Vesta (4th minor planet))
129 = Yamatonium (Ym) (named after Yamato)
130 = Warszawium (Wz) (named after Warszawa)
131 = Provencium (Pv) (named after Provence)
132 = Rikenium (Rk) (named after Riken)
133 = Becquerium (Bq) (named after Henri Becquerel)
134 = Joliotium (Jl) (named after Frédéric Joliot-Curie)
135 = Kurchatovium (Ku) (named after Igor Kurchatov)
136 = Hahnium (Hn) (named after Otto Hahn)
137 = Feynmanium (Fy) (named after Richard Feynman)
138 = Nishinanium (Ns) (named after Yoshio Nishina)
139 = Comptonium (Ct) (named after Arthur Compton)
140 = Wodanium (Wd) (named after Odin (Wotan), since this element is eka-thorium, and the name of thorium is named after Thor)
141 = Venusium (Vn) (named after Venus (the 2nd planet))
142 = Marsium (Mr) (named after Mars (the 4th planet), since this element is eka-uranium, and the name of uranium is named after Uranus)
143 = Jupiterium (Jp) (named after Jupiter (the 5th planet), since this element is eka-neptunium, and the name of neptunium is named after Neptune)
144 = Saturnium (St) (named after Saturn (the 6th planet), since this element is eka-plutonium, and the name of plutonium is after Pluto)
145 = Asiaium (Ai) (named after Asia, since this element is eka-americium and dvi-europium, and the names of them are after America and Europe)
146 = Rydberium (Ry) (named after Johannes Rydberg)
147 = Berzelium (Bz) (named after Jöns Jakob Berzelius)
148 = Thomsonium (Tn) (named after J. J. Thomson)
149 = Chadwickium (Cw) (named after James Chadwick)
150 = Millikanium (Ml) (named after Robert Andrews Millikan)
151 = Delawarium (Dl) (named after Delaware state)
152 = Texasium (Tx) (named after Texas state)
153 = Cassiopeium (Cp) (since this element is dvi-lutetium, cassiopeium is previous name of lutetium)
154 = Jacinthium (Jc) (named after jacinth, since this element is tri-zirconium, and orange-red transparent variety of zircon used as a gemstone is called jacinth)
155 = Zeusium (Zs) (named after Zeus, since this element is dvi-tantalum, and the name of tantalum is named after Tantalus, also tantalum is eka-niobium, and the name of niobium is named after Niobe, daughter of Tantalus, thus this element is named after Zeus, father of Tantalus)
156 = Scheelium (Sh) (named after Carl Wilhelm Scheele, since this element is eka-tungsten, and scheelium is proposed name of tungsten)
157 = Panormium (Pn) (named after Panormus, since this element is tri-technetium, and panormium is proposed name of technetium)
158 = Sachsenium (Sa) (named after Sachsen, since this element is eka-hassium)
159 = Planckium (Pl) (named after Max Planck, since this element is eka-meitnerium, and Planck is the teacher of Meitner)
160 = Wixhausium (Wx) (named after Wixhausen, since this element is eka-darmstadtium, and GSI team originally also considered naming element 110 wixhausium)
161 = Hertzium (Hz) (named after Heinrich Hertz, since this element is eka-Roentgenium)
162 = Galileinum (Gl) (named after Galileo Galilei, since this element is eka-copernicium)
163 = Daltonium (Dt) (named after John Dalton)
164 = Euxenium (Ex)
165 = Hawkium (Hk) (named after Stephen William Hawking)
166 = Yountvillium (Yv) (named after the city Yountville, since this element is eka-livermorium)
167 = Coulombine (Cb) (named after Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, note that the name “Coulombium” was already used for element 41)
168 = Zeldovichon (Zd) (named after Yakov Zeldovich)
169 = Alkalinium (Ak) (the heaviest alkali metal)
170 = Sievertium (Sv) (named after Rolf Maximilian Sievert)
171 = Newyorkium (Ny) (named after New York state)
172 = Nevadium (Nv) (named after Nevada state)
173 = Kentuckium (Kt) (named after Kentucky state)
174 = Faradium (Fd) (named after Michael Faraday)
175 = Avogadrium (Av) (named after Amedeo Avogadro)
176 = Maxwellium (Mw) (named after James Clerk Maxwell)
177 = Parisium (Ps) (named after Paris)
178 = Berlinium (Bl) (named after Berlin)
179 = Naganium (Ng) (named after Nagano)
180 = Aomorium (Ao) (named after Aomori)
181 = Englandium (Eg) (named after Englang)
182 = Quebecium (Qb) (named after Quebec)
183 = Zurichium (Zu) (named after Zürich)
184 = Neuchatelium (Nc) (named after Neuchatel)
185 = Klitzium (Kl) (named after Klaus von Klitzing)
186 = Josephsonium (Js) (named after Brian David Josephson)
187 = Tokyonium (Tk) (named after Tokyo)
188 = Londonium (Ld) (named after London)
189 = Springfieldium (Sf) (named after Springfield)
190 = Mississippium (Ms) (named after Mississippi)
191 = Vermontium (Vm) (named after Vermont)
192 = Newjersium (Nj) (named after New Jersey)
193 = Alabamium (Ab) (named after Alabama)
194 = Illinoium (Il) (named after Illinois)
195 = Utahium (Ut) (named after Utah)
196 = Floridium (Fo) (named after Florida)
197 = Georgium (Gr) (named after Georgia)
198 = Nebraskium (Nr) (named after Nebraska)
199 = Aconcaguanium (An) (named after Aconcagua)
200 = Everestium (Ev) (named after Mount Everest)
201 = Kilimanjarium (Km) (named after Mount Kilimanjaro)
202 = Maunakeanium (Mk) (named after Mauna Kea)
203 = Aldebaranium (Al) (named after Aldebaran, since this element is tri-lutetium)
204 = Norwegium (Nw) (since this element is tri-hafnium, and norwegium is proposed name for hafnium)
205 = Kronosium (Kn) (named after Kronos, since this element is eka-zeusium and tri-tantalum and quadri-niobium)
206 = Wulfenitium (Wf) (named after wulfenite, since this element is quadri-molybdenum, and molybdate mineral is called wulfenite)
207 = Masurium (Ma) (since this element is quadri-technetium, and masurium is proposed name for technetium)
260 = Keplerium (Kp) (named after Johannes Kepler)
332 =
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8 | Nw | Rd | Ci | Mu | Ws | Ri | Gh | Jn | Vt | Vs | Ym |