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Bec Brittain founded her studio in Brooklyn in 2011, designing and producing the critically-acclaimed SHY light.The studio moved to Manhattan in 2016, and to Long Island City in 2019. Bec designs and engineers all her products, which are the expressions of her own ideas, rather than being market-driven. All her designs are made in New York, using a variety of techniques and a network of local fabricators and artisans, and every piece is assembled by hand in the studio under Bec’s supervision. Bec prefers to run a small-scale studio – crossover and cooperation insure that everyone has a role in everything, creating a strong and tight-knit team. For Bec, this hands-on method is equally effective for projects both small and large, and for both production pieces and custom projects. While Bec deliberately chooses not to have a large company, her studio has the expertise and experience to execute projects at many scales, including large, site-specific commissions.

Our team:
Paolo Campos, Studio Director
Rachel Louis, Production Director
Amos Satterlee, COO


13-05 44th Ave
Long Island City, NY  11101
+1 212 220 4008

By Appointment

Mon - Fri, 9am to 5pm

2022 Collection Price List
2022 SHY Special Order and Editions Price Lists & Spec Sheets

Sales inquiries

Press inquiries

General inquiries


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Bec Brittain

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Our Statement of Principles


Annual Profit Share

In addition to periodic auctions/sales to support efforts towards birth justice and ending cash bail, we are committing to an annual contribution towards those same efforts equal to or exceeding 15% of annual profits. We will continue to support National Bail Out and Ancient Song Doulas, and will begin to support Black Mamas Matter and SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective.


Our Team and Hiring

We have deliberately changed the manner in which we publicize job openings to widen the net of applicants for jobs, as we can’t hire a diverse group of people if we aren’t receiving a diverse group of applications.

We do not require any particular schooling for a position, as we firmly believe that learning on the job is just as valid as any academic approach, and often more so.

We endeavor, whenever possible, to pay a living wage as calculated by MIT ( Whenever that is truly not financially feasible (after an honest self audit of where we place worth and value), we commit to offering the position to the candidate at the highest wage we can afford, and brainstorm with them about possibilities of making the position work for everyone.


Our Relationships

As a small studio, we are only as strong as our relationships, and some of our greatest power is in who we decide to work with. We decided at the inception of the studio that keeping trades and craft alive in the USA was one of our main tenants, and as such all of our main workshops are local (within the NY/NJ area).

As we continue to develop as a studio, we have done an audit of our supply chain, and have eliminated any vendors who are publicly racist. We commit to searching for BIPOC owned vendors whenever possible, and anti-racist vendors whenever possible.


Our Internal Relationships

Ensuring we practice what we preach within our studio relationships every day is debatably the most important part of this commitment. As we are only a 4-5 person team, we are hesitant to write unwieldy policies that create more meetings than help and understanding. While we all believe that our internal communication regarding respecting each individual’s quality of life is functioning well, we would like to institute some self-checks. We are working as a group to decide what those will be and will update this document accordingly.


Our Accountability

I, Bec Brittain, have been using “we” throughout this document because I am poignantly aware of how dependent I am on my whole team for this studio to function and create work. However, I would like to take personal accountability for the principles outlined above; I realize that as the leader of the team, if I do not embody these principles to the best of my ability, it impedes my team’s ability to do so. I also realize that responsibility is ultimately with me to create an atmosphere where we can live out these principles.

This document and the efforts in it are a perpetual work in progress. Fundamentally, we are committing to continually seeking a path towards ending White supremacy delusion. We are aware this work is never ending and we will make mistakes along the way. We commit to keeping on going.


North America


1305 Wycliff Avenue 
Dallas TX 75207
+1 805 845 8384 www


2280 Lillie Avenue
Summerland CA 93067
+1 805 845 8384 www

New York

Colony Design
324 Canal Street, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10013
+1 212-334-3808 www


Hollace Cluny
245 Davenport Road, First Floor
Toronto, ON M5R 1K1
+1 416 968 7894 www

New York

405 Broome Street
New York, NY 10013
+1 212 343 2600 www


Salon Design
460 Harrison Ave, Suite C6
Boston, MA 02118
+1 646 413 8117 www

Europe, Russian Federation & Australia


66 Gwynne Street
Cremorne, VIC 3121, Australia
+61 3 9421 2636 www


28 rue Jacob
75006, Paris, France
+33 (01) 43 29 40 05 www

St. Petersburg

Galerie 46
Russia, St. Petersburg
46 Bolshaya Morskaya Str.
+7 812 312 71 41 www


Galerie 46
Russia, Sochi
Nesbrskaya Str. 1A
Shopping Gallery "Grand Marina", 1 floor
+7 862 448 00 20 www


Shadow and Shades
John Paul II Str. 6/1
01042 Kyiv
+380 44 388 2111 www
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The Studio

The Studio

The Studio

The Studio

The Studio

The Studio

The Studio

The Studio

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Custom Work

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Bec Brittain’s studio executes projects at many scales, from customizing existing products to designing one-off, limited-edition pieces and site-specific commissions. These have included everything from a light fixture for a vestibule to a large-scale installation for a corporate headquarters. Please get in touch with any inquiries.

See all our custom work Inquire